Drug and Alcohol Abuse in our Children…
Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Our Children.
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Sizzling Klever 10th Edition www.aaron-ansah-agyeman.com
I saw something horrible a couple of days ago that affected me so badly that I lost the zest for life.
We were in the hospital when a car screeched to a halt outside the main gates. It was a taxi. Two young boys and a girl emerged from the taxi and started screaming, obviously quite distressed. Well, I walked to the main door to find out what was happening.
I saw the taxi driver opening the back door and dragging an obviously unconscious young boy out. The orderlies quickly rushed over with a gurney (a sort of stretcher with wheels).
They put the young man on it and wheeled him toward the main door. I was standing close, so I opened the door and they wheeled him through.
The moment they entered the boy’s eyes opened, and he seemed to look right at me. I could see the frantic look of fear in the depths of those eyes. Not only that, I could see real pain too.
And then, the tears fell down the sides of his eyes.
“I don’t want to die!” he began to scream. “Oh, Lord, forgive me! I don’t want to die! Oh, Mommy, Daddy, I love you!”
Everybody in the reception area of the hospital was stricken into shocked stillness as this boy’s frantic cries echoed through the halls.
Then the unthinkable happened!
He began to spasm violently! His whole body jerked terribly, and then he began to foam in the mouth. The nurses surrounded him, and a doctor emerged from one of the consulting rooms and approached.
The young boy screamed horribly, and jerked violently, and objects began to fall from his shorts pockets. His friends were by then inside the halls of the hospital too, and they were all screaming.
And then the young man became still, and exhaled, and he fell back gently, almost serenely on the gurney.
His hands went limp, and his head turned, and he seemed to stare sightlessly at me.
The doctor, a female, tried her best. Right in front of me, they hit him with defibrillators, but his young heart was no longer beating.
He was gone.
Standing by the glass doors, I wept silently.
Such agony, such a heart-wrenching sight.
They wheeled him away, and I bent to look at the items that had fallen out of his pocket.
I was shocked.
There were some peculiar and oddly-shaped drugs in a small rubber sac, in various colours. There were two rows of condoms and three packs of some alcohol. And a small bottle of some other substance.
There was also a ball of rolled paper, and when I opened it, my heart sank.
It contained two rolls of herbs, and a whitish substance in another rubber sac.
This boy was not more than sixteen years old.
I quickly bunched them up and chased the doctor with it. I barged into her consulting room, and found her standing by the window with her hands on her mouth, weeping silently.
And then I showed her the substances and informed her they fell from the boy’s pocket, and perhaps she could use the information to revive him.
She shook her head sadly.
“He’s gone,” she whispered, agonized. “He’s gone.”
I dropped into a chair, and my heart was in a turmoil.
Well, his parents eventually came around, and by that time the doctors had a little bit more of information.
In the final analysis, I learnt that he was the only child of his parents.
They had been married for almost eight years without a child, but eventually God granted them a son, and they never had any more children.
Why did he die?
Simple, really.
He had been at a party for young teens, and he had crammed his body full of alcohol and drugs.
He had abused alcohol and drugs, and overdosed on them.
They had virtually exploded out his young heart.
A boy of just sixteen years old.
Am I angry? Am I mad? Sad maybe?
Oh, yes!
I am definitely experiencing a myriad of emotions.
Let’s face it, folks…teens nowadays are abusing drugs and alcohol!
Startling Statistics on Drug and Alcohol Abuse:
Various studies indicate the following:
Alcohol and drug abuse is now more intense in the teenage years and young adult stages.
It is severe between the 15 – 24 year old bracket!
Family History:
Most teens who smoke and abuse drugs come from families where either or both parents smoke, or drink.
So if you’re abusing alcohol, or smoking right in front of your kids, know that the first psychological seed has been sown. You will use only mild alcohol like beer, and a mild smoke like tobacco.
Your kid will migrate to raw and mixed alcohol, and smoke marijuana or sniff coke eventually.
A whopping 60% of deaths from accidents, homicides and suicides involve teenagers and young adults who were known to be abusing drugs and alcohol
Physical Aggression:
Incidents of young adults and teenagers involved in physical assaults and rape involved those abusing alcohol and drugs.
Anxiety and Depression:
Our teenagers are now abusing drugs and alcohol to combat anxiety, depression and to be ‘more brave and popular socially’.
A Dark Picture:
Nowadays, I turn on the television and all I see are adverts of pure alcohol being presented as aphrodisiacs! Herbs are being mixed with raw alcohol, and being presented as brews that would increase sexual prowess.
Let’s face it! Although these brews are said to be aimed at adults 18 years and above, how really matured are our eighteen-year-olds?
Fifteen to seventeen year olds are also abusing these products!
Go to our schools! Young teens are now smoking tobacco and marijuana flagrantly, without much shame!
Studies show that young people who experiment with tobacco and alcohol eventually migrate to marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens and inhalants!
Abuse and Dependency
Now, any habit that is not checked eventually escalates into the dangerous realms of abuse and dependency.
When your teenage children take in the alcohols and drugs, it doesn’t stop there in school. Eventually they become dependent on them, and cannot function without them!
Young adults and teens are constantly faced with peer pressure, curiosity, risk-taking impulses and the terrible question: ‘Can I try it, and will it hurt me?’
I remember when we were in secondary school there was this sleek foreign cigarette called Moore or Mores. Some of our friends who were ‘sherwaga’ or sophisticated used to smoke them, and we were under intense pressure to try it.
They eventually migrated to marijuana.
I am talking about sixteen and eighteen years old here.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Personal Experience
One evening we went to a bush.
We were four friends then. Two of us were hardcore marijuana smokers, but there was a friend I will simply call ‘G’ who didn’t smoke, just like me.
The two ‘hard’ friends told us how ‘sweet’ marijuana was and how it ‘changed the whole world.’
G and I were confused.
Should we try?
Eventually he decided to try it…and he did.
Then come and see display.
He suddenly ran out of the bush, laughing and walking as if there was some music in his body. He will walk around jigging and then would stop and look all around him with a huge grin, and then he would ask:
“Ei, Gozy, the world fine na so?”
Well, my ‘guy name’ was Gozy Stone then, and I was beginning to worry about how he was using my name all the time.
Eventually, G took us all around the downcoast of Takoradi the whole afternoon just asking “Ei, Gozy, the world fine na so?”
My two ‘hard’ friends warned me not to touch him or chase him otherwise he would go mad.
And so we followed him…for hours.
He finally sat down, tired, and began to weep that his eyes were missing.
We were then very close to school, and jumped the wall and took him to the dormitory where we gave him a bowl of gari soakings, and he slept for hours.
Perhaps that experience saved me from trying alcohol and drugs, and kept me clean for the rest of my life up till now.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Don’t Lose Your Child!
The girls are doing it too.
It is time to stop this terrible thing tearing up our children.
The worst thing is that you might not see it!
They would act all innocent around you, but they would be doing it.
Some indications of drug and alcohol abuse among teens are:
- Deterioration in family relationships
- Unruly, bad and excessive delinquent behaviour
- Sharp and alarming drop in school performance
- Evident change in groups of friends
The world has changed as we know it.
Gone are the days when our parents wielded the whip and did it as the Bible extolled. I have never been able to hit any of my kids, an error I admit, but I do discipline them in taking away privileges and enforcing timeouts or segregation.
It is time to save our children.
The threat of drug and alcohol abuse is real.
Draw them nearer to you, teach them what the world is all about before they fall to peer pressure.
Teach your growing teen about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.
Let them abstain from these horrible aphrodisiacs.
Above all, please, let’s send them back to the wisdom of the Bible.
As they are growing up, teach them to read and love principles of the Bible. Buy them Biblical literature.
Teach them to make matured and good decisions even when their peers are forcing them to try drugs and alcohol.
Do not let your only child die on a gurney…
Don’t wait until you experience the torture of looking at your child when you’re separated by prison bars because your child is in prison for a crime related to one silly instance of abusing drugs and alcohol!
I don’t think anything can be more painful for a parent than seeing your child dead, in prison or in an institution to recover from alcohol and drug abuse.
Let’s go back to basics.
Let’s seek the face of God…and save our children from Drug and Alcohol Abuse.
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