You’re hurting your wife so badly…
Because you’re cheating on her!
This is the conclusion of our article on cheating husbands.
If you didn’t read the first part, kindly click this link:
There is something we married men have forgotten.
It is The Vow!
Do you remember it?
Those soft words you uttered in church as you gently slipped the ring on your wife’s finger, and she did the same, and the Minister pronounced you man and wife?
Do you remember now?
Now I’m going to tell you something really, really scary about that little Vow…
You invited God as a witness as you VOWED to your wife!
Now that casts a whole new dimension on the whole situation:
God witnessed and accepted your VOW!
You can mess around with anything, but you DON’T want to mess around with something you’ve asked God to be a witness to!
No, no, don’t dare!
If you didn’t know it, now you do!
Man, you’re just asking for some serious trouble!
It is scary, yes, and I want you to understand it for what it is!
Don’t let anyone tell you differently!
Hold on, go and read Judges 11: 30-31.
The story is about a Judge of Israel called Jephthah who VOWED to God that he would sacrifice the first living thing that came to meet him when he returned home from war, if only God would help him win the war.
That was a solid, scary VOW!
God helped him to win the war, and guess what….
Jephthah’s only daughter was the first human being that came out of the gates to meet him…and he had to sacrifice her!
And why did he have to sacrifice her?
Because he made a VOW TO GOD!!
So, whatever your reason for cheating on your wife, I am just telling you to stop on just ONE condition…
God listened to, and remembers your Vow!
I’m not even mentioning the fact that you’re hurting and demeaning your wife!
I will not mention THE FACT that your cheating antics are breaking your wife’s heart, and that she is in deep mortal pain!
No need telling you that you’re slowly driving that divine woman God gave you as a life partner to her grave!
I’m not going to tell you that with every sigh from her lips, every drop of tear tinged with blood from her eyes, every little moan of pain from her soul, you’re slowly but certainly killing her life essence!
BUT I’m telling you that so long as you have that ring on your finger, and it BEARS WITNESS TO the day that you told the whole world, IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD, that you will never cheat on her, you’re incurring God’s wrath by cheating on your wife now!
And that is very scary!
Apart from the ridiculous financial drain you’re incurring by keeping a side-chick (even if you’re Bill Gates-type rich), you don’t want God’s anger on you!
In the end, you might lose that one important aspect of your life: your soul!
I don’t know your reason for cheating.
It all boils down to selfishness, really.
If your wife is not denying you sex, or beating you up, or intending to kill you, then there’s no reason whatsoever to go and sample that illegal embrace of the side-chick!
If that girl can wind in a way that your wife can’t, sit down with your wife and discuss your sexual life!
Tell her what you want, and let her tell you what she wants!
Teach each other to spice things up, so that your cravings can be satisfied by each other!
Give and take, put your cards on the table!
It is better that way, than to betray your Vow!
Cheating on your wife is just like telling God “Hey, old man, see I VOWED to you I’m not gonna do this, but I’m doing it anyway, so do whatever you wanna do!”
Now that is so scary, isn’t?
Believe me, you don’t want to see the long-term effects of saying those things to God!
My brothers, if you’re cheating, remember your wife is hurting…and God is remembering your Vow.
And it gets scarier…
In the old testament, before Jesus came, CHEATING was a criminal component of the Mosaic Law!
And it was punishable by DEATH!
Read this:
Exodus 20:14 :
You shall not commit adultery
Leviticus 20:10
If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife, one who commits adultery with his friend’s wife, the adulterer and the adultress shall surely be put to death!
Hold on, I know what you’re thinking!
You’re saying that side-chick is NOT ANOTHER MAN’S WIFE, or your friend’s wife!
How would you know who she is dating anyway?
But that aside, once YOU’RE MARRIED, you’re committing adultery, and under the OLD COVENANT, that is an offense punishable by death.
That should tell you how SERIOUSLY God takes ADULTERY.
End it.
You see, we men love to justify our cheating ways so nicely.
BUT it doesn’t matter what you think justifies this act.
I know some of you FEEL you love that side-chick.
Maybe you’re saying to yourself that you love her so much that if you lose your wife today you will marry that side-chick you’re having an affair with!
Is it her figure, or the way she moves in bed that is blowing your mind?
Alright, let’s assume that she’s a great companion, and makes you laugh.
We will also throw in the fact that, by some magical degree in her character, she gives you money, and she is less-demanding financially and materially than your wife.
Finally we will also assume that she takes your problems away and makes you feel like superman…
Whatever the reason is, there is no justification for it!
Bad is bad, and sin is sin…and cheating is wrong!
However, remember that some time ago you felt the same way about your wife, and that is why you singled her out and honoured her by making her your life partner.
Her figure pleased you.
Her companionship pleased you.
That’s why you married her!
Even if you were matched, and didn’t really know each other, you have made it till now.
Whatever she is now, you have contributed to it!
So let’s go back to basics!
Talk to your wife!
Start the journey all over again if you must.
Shirk that selfish image!
If your wife has lost her figure because of childbirth and because she felt so unloved and lonely, hit the gym with her, and do the dieting together!
Remember, you may not look so great yourself!
Maybe you don’t even have that glorious six pack!
Even if you do have the physique of a demigod, remember there are other studs out there who’re hotter than you, and your wife could also have reasons to cheat on you!
Yes, your wife could also go out there, find herself a cute little romeo and ride…
But she hasn’t, because when she vowed, she believed, and she has COMMITTED!
So, married men, brothers, stop hurting that woman!
Let us commit!
You can do it!
All you have to do is find that little space, hit your knees on the floor, and ask God to come take over that life, in sincerity, and to help you keep that Vow, and sustain the happiness in your marriage!
Remember, God always cherishes that Vow, and He sure will listen to a contrite heart to change!
Let God be the center of your marriage!
Pray together, and worship together.
Let the righteousness that comes from worshipping God be the foundation stone of your marriage.
Learn to respect your wife, and commit to each other!
Next up, let that side-lady know it is over, done with, ended!
Hurt if you will, but remember the old adage: time heals everything!
You will hurt, yes, but you will heal, and you will survive it!
Turn to your wife, make her the companion you married.
Love your wife again, till eternity!
Stop hurting her!
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