The Legend Of Dayo is served…
Bloody Celebrations
The Author
Stephen Skandy and Sehrikey Zaharks exchanged quick glances, their expressions filled with happiness, and then the butler quickly took the king’s glass and walked away.
“And that was the day they poisoned King Demi with a very horrible poison didn’t have any antidote,” the spirit of Jhon Moziz said with great pain.
Temidayo was without his body, but seeing the man who was said to be his father so much betrayed by Temitayo Anubi, a boy whom the kind-hearted king had taken and loved as his own son, really filled Temi’s heart with a fury and pain he had not expected.
He knew that if he had been in his body, he would have cried.
[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”WARNING”]Exlusive Content to Do not copy or share on any other site. Do not share on any WhatsApp, Facebook or Social Media page. ONLY SHARE THE LINKS TO THE STORY[/stextbox]Once again there was a brief period of light-headedness and dizziness, then the sharp, dark darkness, and then suddenly Temidayo found himself looking down at a bright day in the Dayo Empire.
It was Dayo Day…and the celebrations were on!
Temi found a great fear gripping him as he watched.
It was supposed to be a joyous day, but he knew this was the day a great calamity befell his family, and because of that he barely saw any of the beautiful things that were going on.
The people of Dayo were happy!
The Dayo Square was crammed with people!
It was more than a carnival.
The citizens were dressed in beautiful clothes and wearing happy masks. Some had painted their faces and bodies in bright colours. There was a great cacophony of sound as music, instruments and voices clashed, trying to outdo each other in the highest notes of sound.
There were horse-riding challenges, dancing competitions, swordsmanship displays, bow and arrow challenges, and a host of other amazing activities. Incredibly, there were even magicians trying to outdo each other by performing awesome and sometimes horrific feats.
And there was the Royal Stand.
It was in the middle of Dayo Square, a magnificent platform-like edifice that was beautiful to behold.
On it were thrones and other beautiful seats. King Demi sat on the huge throne. On his left was his mother, the old Queen mother, and on his right was his beautiful wife, Kelly Philip.
His daughter, Princess Uvbi Akenzua, was sitting on his father’s laps, her face filled with happiness as she watched the incredible displays going on.
Behind them were Royal Elders, King-makers, and Wisemen.
Commander Prosper Freeman was standing at the far right end of the platform, whilst Stephen Skandy was on the left.
At the end of the platform stood a stoic figure in black: the Grand Oracle Jhon Moziz.
Sitting next to the old queen mother was Temitayo Anubi, his face inscrutable.
Just in front of the platform was a huge circular rock, and growing out of its surface, incredibly, was a small olive three with many green leaves.
“Is that the Rock of Redemption you keep talking about?” Temi asked.
“Yes,” the voice of Jhon Moziz replied, and there was pain in that voice. “It was put there by the Creator. The olive tree is the spirit of the Dayo Empire. The Oracles say that if it dries out, and the last leaf falls, the Dayo Empire will cease to exist, and darkness and strife will come over the rest of the world.”
A group of fire-eaters and stilt dancers were performing just beyond the Rock of Redemption.
Princess Uvbi Akenzua got down from her father’s laps and started dancing on the platform with happiness.
Her mother laughed happily and looked at her husband.
“Your princess is really enjoying herself!” Kelly said happily.
“Indeed, she is, and she should!” King Demi said, and then he began to laugh. He coughed suddenly, and then he took out a white handkerchief and covered his mouth with it.
When he took the handkerchief away from his mouth, he stared at it with sudden concern on his handsome face.
There were droplets of blood in the white handkerchief!
Kelly glanced sharply at her husband.
“My Lord!” she cried with sudden alarm. “My love! What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
King Demi smiled and pushed the handkerchief into his pocket.
“Ah, I began to feel weak and feverish this dawn,” he said. “A little bit of headache too.”
“Then, please, let me call the physician!” Kelly said with fear. “He must attend to you immediately.”
The king reached over and touched her cheek lovingly.
“Ah, you worry too much, my lovely queen,” he said tenderly. “Yes, of course. But first I will get through this day, and then I’ll submit myself to the Medicine Man. Nothing will stop me from gracing this great day of our ancestors.”
The festivities continued, but the king’s condition got worse by the minute. He continued to cough out more blood, and soon his handkerchief was absolutely filled with blood.
Temi watched with mounting horror as Temitayo Anubi and Stephen Skandy exchanged excited glances.
“This was the time the horrible poison reached its peak inside the gentle king,” the spirit of Jhon Moziz said with great pain.
Obviously, reliving the events that had happened was causing the Grand Oracle of Dayo more horrific pain.
“Oh, these betrayers are horrible!” Temi whispered, and his young heart was bursting with pain and fury.
The old queen mother suddenly saw the blood specks around her son’s lips, and she got to her feet with sudden alarm.
“Demi!” she said, horrified. “What’s going on, my dear son?”
“He’s not well!” Kelly Philip cried with tears in her eyes. “I’ve told him to get the physician, but he just wouldn’t listen to me!”
King Demi’s eyes were glazed now, and his face was screwed up with increasing pain.
“There’s some heat in my stomach!” King Demi said weakly. “There’s something wrong. Where’s Jhon Moziz? Get him!”
Jhon Moziz was already moving fast toward the king, and that was when Temi saw a strange white spectral form that looked like a cloud hovering in the air toward the platform where King Demi was sitting.
Jhon Moziz put a hand on the king’s forehead and shut his eyes, and then his face went slack with acute fear and sudden horror.
“Somebody poisoned the King!” Jhon Moziz said, aghast, and that was when the white cloud suddenly seemed to change into the figure of a man, and deep inside that cloud a horrible face began to emerge…
It was the face of Leke Olugbade Bally!
“It is that evil man!” Temi shouted, aghast and horrified.
“Yes, but he was invisible to everybody then,” the voice of Jhon Moziz said sadly. “He had very dark powers because he came from the underworld. I didn’t even see him that day, because he was invisible to me too!”
“Oh no, oh no, no!” Prince Temi cried with a heart filled with pain.
He watched, horrified, as the white cloud that was Leke Bally suddenly slammed into King Demi, and disappeared into him!
“Leke Olugbade Bally just entered the king!” Prince Temi screamed.
“Yes, he did,” Jhon Moziz said sadly. “And from that very moment, he began to control the king, and whatever happened from then was done by that vile Leke Bally who had possessed the body of the poisoned king!”
“But how could evil possess a king chosen by the Creator?” Prince Temi asked with mounting fury. “You were supposed to protect him! You were supposed to protect my father! But you let him down, Jhon Moziz!”
“Yes, I was supposed to protect him!” Jhon Moziz shouted, losing control for the very first time. “But that day the king was weakened by the poison, and so Leke Bally was able to possess him easily! I couldn’t help because that vile thing had more powers than mine! He was too powerful, and I was so unprepared for his onslaught!”
Temi watched with horror as the terror unfolded before his eyes!
King Demi’s eyes opened, and his eyes were completely white! He had no pupils, but of course no one else could see that!
The soul of King Demi had been taken over completely by the wicked Leke Olugbade Bally!
King Demi let out a mighty roar and brandished the DayoSword as blood suddenly burst out of his lips.
“The King is possessed by an evil spirit!” Temitayo Anubi screamed suddenly so that everybody heard him. “He sold his soul to the devil and accused my father falsely of being evil, helped by his evil Grand Oracle Jhon Moziz!”
“That’s a lie!” Commander Prosper Freeman screamed. “You accuse the king falsely and I’ll have your head!”
Prosper Freeman had drawn his sword, and was pointing it at Temitayo, but Stephen Skandy quicky drew his own sword and shielded Temitayo Anubi from Prosper Freeman.
“If the king is not possessed, why is he pointing the Royal DayoSword at his own mother?” Stephen Skandy asked, his voice filled with contempt.
All eyes turned to stare at the king.
Yes, indeed, horror of horrors…the king was pointing the Royal DayoSword at his own mother’s throat!
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