I am Akoto Adjei Alexander, a Christian. A product of Abetifi Presbyterian Senior High School, Abetifi-Kwahu. I am in my late 20’s and the last born of the boys my parent brought to earth. I am a fiction/scriptwriter who loves to write about nature and the realities of life. Furthermore, I do a little of Graphics Design, I do MC’ing of events somethings, a Motivational Speaker and a Relationship Talk Expert.
Twum Boafo: Woooow this is a nice place you have here.
Matron: Thank you Kwame, for accepting to move in with me. I will show you around soon but first let me introduce you to the maid I live with. Maud please come here.
Maud: Good evening madam and welcome home.
Matron: Don’t be silly my friend, am I the only person you see in the hall?
Maud: I am sorry madam, good evening sir and madam, you are welcome.
Twum Boafo: Good evening my dear. How are you doing?
Maud: I am very well sir, thank you for asking.
Matron: Serve us with what you cooked, the man you see here is Mr Twum Boafo and with him is his daughter Lovia, a gentleman who is his son will also join us later. They are going to stay with us and I want you to accord them with the maximum respect you accord me. We will be waiting for you at the dining table. Please let us go to the dining table, Lovia you and my son will engage in a video call later this evening so that you exchange contacts and take it from there. I believe you will make us proud?
Lovia: With the help of God, I know I will discharge my duties assigned to me diligently.
Matron: I love the answer you gave me, this gives me the impression that you will go far with anything my son brings on board so far as it is business related but I must warn you. If you are going to deal with my son you need to be extra careful. He is hard working but equally a man so try not to add pleasure to work because it might not go as you expected. He flirts around but still holds his wife in high esteem.
Lovia: Thanks for the motherly advice, I will always have this statement at the back of my mind.
Matron: That is okay by me but hey Kwame why are you quiet and it looks like you are absent minded.
Twum Boafo: My dear I am truly absent minded because my superman is not here with us. I wonder what food he has been served with and how his evening is going in that palace.
Matron : Kwame you worry too much, have you forgotten how determined and focused that young man is? He is poised up for the agenda ahead of him so please worry less and just remember him in prayers as I will also do to support him. As he said, he will win the contest hands down by bringing back to the house a token of the price he wins. Just relax, I have faith in that young man.
Fast Forward:
The president hears some negative news back in the country so he suspends some of the countries he is suppose to visit and returns to Ghana. As he got to his office the next day and was briefed on some issues that has taken place, he got so angry and invited the finance minister to his office.
Finance Minister: Good morning your Excellency, I heard you suspended your tour and flew back into the country last night?
President R. Mensah: Yes that is very true, honourable Frederick Asare, you know I had reposed in you a very big responsibility which you were discharging diligently until I got this call which made me to suspend what I was doing to fly back to this country. We drew a great budget for this year together and monies were allocated to all the ministries for a better running of the country’s economy. Why in God’s name did you go to the parliament house to ridicule my government when you went to read the budget review?
Finance Minister: I am a bit lost your Excellency, you know that I don’t do anything on my own as a finance minister. Sir I report to the chairman of the finance committee who happens to be the vice president and he gives his approval before I take any action.
President R. Mensah: So you mean James went through this portfolio and gave his concern for you to continue with this rubbish I have before me? Why on earth would you invest that huge sum of money into the importation of school uniforms for only seniors in the junior and senior high schools? Does it make sense to you Mr Frederick Asare?
Finance Minister: It doesn’t make sense to me sir but I only followed a direct order that was given to me by the vice president sir.
President R. Mensah: We as a government have not eradicated school under trees, classrooms without chairs, the piloting of the school feeding program has not had a stable balance and you people felt it necessary to import school uniforms for just a set of people in the country. Who does that and what stupid reason moltivated this foolish move from you guys?
Finance Minister: Sir I believe the vice president and the minister for education will be the best people to answer this question. I only gave clearance to the order the vice president gave to me.
President R. Mensah: If I get to find out that you had a hand in this useless and needless act, I will be so disappointed in you and who is the supplier I am seeing here?
Finance Minister: Sir I think the vice president’s wife owns that company.
President R. Mensah: So I travelled for a few days and you people decided to create, loot and share right? When you leave my office, the first thing I want you to do is to call the second lady and terminate that useless contract you people awarded her with and I don’t care if she has placed the order from the textiles factory already. Please get out of my office and have a good day.
Finance Minister: Thank you sir and a productive day sir (walks out of the office)
President R. Mensah: (makes a phone call) Pearl call the minister for education to come to my office right now. Attach emergence to the words you channel to him and get back to me, I am not looking forward to receiving any guest or visitor today. I have a lot on my desk to go through so make the call and get back to me.
Pearl: Okay sir, I will get back to you the moment I get in touch with him. (ends the call)
Back at Mansokrom
Lovia: I am going to miss you daddy and aunt Adwoa, I will be in touch with Nino and give you feedback as to whatever happens. Also I want to seize this opportunity to say a very big thank you for all the very good things you have been doing for my family. I pray for God’s infinite blessings over your life and may happiness never loose its way to your house.
Matron: Amen my dear, I also pray that God should protect and guide your path all the days of your life in Jesus’ mighty name. Do well to be checking up on us often.
Lovia: I will do that aunt Adwoa. Dad please don’t stress yourself now because everything will be fine. Mum can go to hell for all I care because so far as I am concerned, she is history to me.
Twum Boafo: Thank you my daughter, I think your bus is ready to move so hurry up and join before the other passengers start to shout at you. I pray for God to convey you on his eagle wings back to Accra.
Lovia: Please take good care of yourself for me daddy and may God be with you and aunt Adwoa. (hugs both people)
Back at the City:
Kelvin: Gifty do you realise I am so bored with you?
Gifty: See who is talking here, you that was caught with a woman who is old enough to be your mother and you are there making up stories to get on my nerves. Was that woman the said project you were going to do oversees?
Kelvin: What were you also doing there with that MP who is equally your father’s age mate? I left you in this house and I was expecting to come and meet you where I left you. I can now confirm why people say nurses are infidels.
Gifty: Yes we like it but we are not gigolos like you handsome guys. I went through hell to secure a decent job for you but because of your lazy attitude towards work, you resigned so that you will go after women who are older than you. I am disappointed in myself to have given my heart to you in the first place.
Kelvin: I am also embarrassed for having you as my girlfriend, I was so blind to have read in between the lines in the first place. When you started giving me attitude and excuses, I was supposed to have seen that, someone was cultivating his crops on my land.
Gifty: Did you say your land? Have you married on brought any drink to my family to ask for my hand in marriage? Everything I was doing was for the sake of the two of us, I was tagging along with that oldman just for him to fix you somewhere in the government sector as he also helped me with my permanent posting but because you couldn’t control that lizard in between your legs, you went out for an older woman. You know what, I am so done with you. It is over between us and don’t you ever in your life try to call or search for me when I leave this place. (starts packing her things into her bag)
Kelvin: (sees a video of what went on at the hotel on a whatsapp platform) Baby please don’t go, see this video of us at the hotel. Please don’t go and let’s fight this social media battle together. Baby honestly you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I have just realised without you in my life I am nothing and with you in my life, I am something. I am very sorry for what I did my Queen.
Gifty: (falling for the words of her guy) Kelvin I am also very sorry for not being honest to you, I only wanted the best for both of us and I promise never to repeat that attitude again.
Kelvin: (hugs and plants a kiss on Gifty) Apology accepted my love, I hope that oldman didn’t misuse my machine over there in the hotel?
Gifty: He used only a little and was about to use the greater part as we were walking back into the hotel room.
Kelvin: Well I was also about to give the old woman something sweet and powerful inside there so if you wouldn’t mind, we can give ourselves a treat this sunny morning.
Gifty: I was about to say same honey, let’s please take a shower and then move down to business and hit the ground hard.
Back at the Presidency:
Pearl: Your Excellency the minister is around, should I let him in?
President R. Mensah: Pearl do you love your job?
Pearl: Yes please.
President R. Mensah: I told you to call the minister and get back to me, you didn’t do that and now you are calling me to inform me that he is in. All the same let him in and get us coffee. (ends call)
Pearl: Honourable please be said you can see him in his office now.
Education Minister: Thank you very much my dear.
The Nortey’s
Hon. Nii Nortey: Becky so ain’t you going to apologise to me for what you did to me?
Mrs Nortey: Why should I apologise when both of us were caught in the same act. You were with a young girl and I was a young man so why are you making it look like I did something that has never taken place on the surface of this earth.
Hon. Nii Nortey: Becky we are in a man’s world, even in the bible, when that woman was caught in that adulterous manner and brought before Jesus Christ, did you hear that the man was also brought there? Even in the society now, if it happens that I cheat on you and impregnate another girl or woman, society will forgive me if I compensate you and take good care of you. But should you do same and get pregnant, no one will ever forgive you in this world until you die.
Mrs Nortey: Oh so you want to use that old story against me huh? You think that scenario you just gave can be used as a leverage to make me feel bad erh, my dear until you apologise first, I won’t be remorseful on what happened last two nights.
Hon. Nii Nortey: If you won’t be remorseful, let me bring something to your notice. First what happened at the hotel has gone viral and lastly that boy who has been banging you for God knows how long, happens to be that son of yours whom you abandoned to come after me.
Mrs Nortey: Nii Nortey you are lying, how did you know who that youngman is? You think you can say this just for me to feel bad huh?
Hon. Nii Nortey: If you think I am lying, invite that youngman over and examine or interrogate him, you will confirm what I am saying. You will see the birth mark on his left shoulder and the cut he got at the back of his left eye from the fall the day I came to your end.
Mrs Nortey: You want me to invite him over so that you let your boys aprehend him huh? I will rather meet that youngman somewhere rather than inviting him over to this place.
The President’s Office:
Education Minister: Good day your Excellency and welcome back to the country.
President R. Mensah: Thank you Copson, I won’t take much of your time because I have a lot on my table. Sir I know your track record which made me to appoint you as my education minister; you know how bad the education system is in this country so why did you petition the government to change the school uniforms of only the final year students of the junior and senior high school?
Education Minister: Sir you won’t believe how I opposed this move when the vice president brought it up. I tried to make him see reasons why he shouldn’t implement that law but he didn’t pay heed to my advice.
President R. Mensah: Mr Copson, you mean you never had a hand in this new uniform thing?
Education Minister: Exactly so your Excellency.
President R. Mensah: Very well then, hold on let me invite the vice president in. Before you step out from this office we will all know whether this new uniform order will hold or not. (invites the veep via phone call)
Hon. Asantewaa: (runs to the president office) Your Excellency please check this video that my niece sent to me from Germany.
President R. Mensah: (watches the video carefully) Wooooow!!! So when did this also happen? I left this country for just 3days only to return and I look like a stranger from another planet. If there are any sanctions, I know the disciplinary committee of the parliament will deal with this video. I won’t waste my precious time on matters like this knowing very well that there are a lot of things for me to do. It is good you are here yourself so take a seat.
Vice Prez. J. Bugri: (enters the president’s office) Good day sir, you called me over. I have been in a meeting with the senior security officers and the minister of interior since 9am, that is why I haven’t been able to welcome you.
President R. Mensah: That is okay, well James as I came back, I realised that some policies had been implemented and clearance had already been given which I find hard to digest. James why did you approve of the official uniform for seniors in junior and senior high schools?
Vice Prez. J. Bugri: Your Excellency, that decision was taken so that some employment avenues will be created in the country. First when the materials for the uniform arrives at the port, clearing it will generate money at the port. Secondly when the materials are cleared, it will create job opportunities for people who will come in as relators. Thirdly the cargo transport operators will also get goods to convey to the other parts of the country. Also this loading boys and head potters (kayayoo) will also get some form of job and lastly for tailors and dressmakers, they will also get something to sew as the uniforms will be worn nationwide.
President R. Mensah: What difference will that make James? The education system in the country right from the basic level to the senior high school level has been made free and uniforms are been supplied to the students so why do you think parents will subscribe to that idea of them buying materials to sow for their wards? If I may ask, who owns the supplying company called Big Mama Commercial Suppiles and Merchandise?
Vice Prez. J. Bugri: It is my wife’s company your Excellency.
President R. Mensah: Was there any tender biding offer or you just awarded the contract to her?
Vice Prez. J. Bugri: Because of the time frame, the contract was awarded to her company directly because her company was in the position to supply any quantity we quote.
President R. Mensah: James do you realise my led government is not a family and friends government? Are you aware that, there are thousands of schools still under trees in this country? Of what essence will a final year student wear new uniform and sit under trees to learn? Our opposition opponents have been looking for loop holes in our government to campaign and propagate cheap propaganda and all my party members do is to give them that avenue to operate.
We haven’t gotten enough financial clearance for this graduate nurses to absorb them into the system and you abuse power and order the finance minister to factor in this unnecessary reform into the midyear budget review. Honestly, James I am very disappointed in you with the decision you took and this very moment, I am cancelling that contract you awarded to your wife’s company.
I don’t care if she has made the order and it has been shipped already, I promised Ghanaians to protect the government’s purse and not to lavish the government money on unnecessary things. I am done here, find a way of breaking this unfortunate news to your wife. Have a blissful day.
Vice Prez. J. Bugri: (feeling angry and bad) I have heard you your Excellency, I will convey the message to the second lady. I will take me leave now. (walks to the door and bangs it behind him)
President R. Mensah: Can you imagine this madam Asantewaa? Our future leaders in some areas are sitting under trees to learn and you implement this kind of law to burden some parents. What improvement will this new uniforms bring to the table at the end of the day. Whiles some of us are trying so hard to fulfil the campaign promises we gave to Ghanaians, some people in the party are also doing their best for us to lose power just for a term in government.
Hon. Asantewaa: Please calm down your Excellency, things like this always happens in governance.
Education Minister: Your Excellency, now that you have been able to solve this problem, I believe my services will no longer be needed here so with permission, I will like to take my leave.
President R. Mensah: Not so fast honourable, this year, I wouldn’t like the West African Examination Council to only release the results of the final year students but also I want them to send all the answer sheets back to the schools so that the students and teachers will get to know if what was on the result slip matches with the marks they got. Some brilliant students get fake results based on some typo errors or mistakes made at the data room and because those students or parents can’t afford remarking, their dreams to climb high in education crashes. I hope you understood me?
Education Minister: I understood you perfectly sir, your point is transparent and I will meet with the stakeholders of the various education boards. Whatever we will come out with, I will file a report to you on that. Have a great day sir and madam. (walks out)
President R. Mensah: You too honourable.
Hon. Asantewaa: That was a very good point sir, we need to pass that examinations favour the fool period. My last born result was changed and given to another person who bears the same name with my daughter and when we went in for remarking, we paid 1500 cedis for each paper. Later they realised my daughter was not treated properly and the apologised for the mistake they did.
President R. Mensah: You see, so if not for the fact that you could afford remarking, your daughter would have suffered for someone’s unpardonable mistake. I would have sued them if I were to be in your shoes madam Asantewaa. Some old methods we are using must be abolished if we want to go forward in this country because you can’t be repeating the same thing and want different results. Sometimes we just have to be headstrong just for us to attain our goals.
Hon. Asantewaa: I have heard you sir, I will be in my office accessing and evaluating the performance of some staff here in the presidency.
At Mansokrom Chief Palace:
Chief Priest: Young men of Mansokrom, I salute everyone of you. I want to congratulate everyone of you for going through the cleansing process successfully. Tomorrow being a sacred day for the gods and spirits of this land, you will go through the last initiation process then on Wednesday dawn you guys will set off to get the fawn before this year’s festival commence. I will leave the rest for Nana to say to you guys but I will say here to your faces that I am very proud of each and everyone of you.
Our gods that I am a mouthpiece to said I should let everyone here know that, no harm will come to any of you and there will be no casualties in your quest to get the fawn so learn to be your brother’s keeper when you get deep into the bush. A repellant which will drive away any repetile or harmful animal will be given to you to smear on your body during your stay in the bush. May the good gods of this land and our forefathers be with each and everyone of you.
Nana IV: My gallant children and grandchildren, I am very happy for this very day and I must also commend you for your bravery. I know some of you might be afraid to go into the bush but as the chief priest has assured, nothing will happen to any of you so please clear any spirit of doubt in your head and go out there feeling proud and boastful. Tomorrow the elders and linguist will walk you through the route you guys will use and also the spot you are likely to come across in the bush. Whatever happens, I want to let you know that, you are warriors and your names will be a song that will be sang from generation to generation unborn. Remember this very important one, together we stand, divided we fall. May our forefathers and our great gods guide you and be with you all. Enjoy your stay in the palace. Thank you.
Back at the City:
On Phone:
Cindy: Eeeeiiiii girlfriend so are you not done sucking your mother’s breast? You told me you will not spend a night at your parent end but you did, have you forgotten there is an interview for you to attend?
Lovia: (plays smart) My dear I am almost home but I was called earlier this morning that the interview has been postponed to next week so I have more time to prepare myself.
Cindy: Oh okay, I was thinking you were still enjoying your parent meal, I can’t wait to see you because I miss you like something and before I forget the landlord has started making advances towards me again ooo.
Lovia: Babe please becareful on how you deal with this man, because you know the wife have us in her bad books so don’t do anything that will trigger her anger.
Cindy: My dear I have laid my eyes on the ground like a rattle snake hidden in the dessert. You can’t believe he wanted to come and sleep in our room as he got to know you were out of town so I told him that if he wants my attention again, he should issue for me first a receipt of 3years rent before we can talk about anything or do anything.
Lovia: Babe becareful because you know that cunning old man and his son can’t be trusted for even a minute. You can’t tell the plans they might be having under their sleeves.
Cindy: Don’t worry my dear, before they think, I have thought already. I am ready for them at any given time, if they want it cold I will give it to them and if they want it hot also, they shall have it. I have prepared your favourite meal so hurry up and get your ass here before the food goes cold.
At the Presidency:
On Phone:
Pearl: Your Excellency, please the chairman for African Union is on the line, should I put him through?
President R. Mensah: Oh yes connect him right away.
Pearl: Okay sir (puts the chairman through)
A.U Chairman: Good day your Excellency, I hope you are fine and I am calling at the right time?
President R. Mensah: I am very fine by the special grace of God chairman and your timing is perfect. I just finished a meeting in my office and was about to leave the office to the house.
A.U Chairman: Oh then I am a very fortunate man, I won’t take much of your time then, I will go straight to my point of calling right away. Your Excellency, as the peace ambassador for the African Union, we have observed and picked up some intelligence on some political disputes that is rising rapidly in Còte D’Ivoire and the African Union peace committee would like you to go and have a peace talk with the military government so that they can relinquish the seat of government or better still handover power to the president who was voted into power by the people.
President R. Mensah: Chairman I myself I have a 2day meeting with the Sierre Leone president from Wednesday to Friday so the moment I finish, I will do a stopover with my delegation in Còte D’Ivoire and talk with General Fizzar Giwah to step down and handover power immediately to Alhaji Inusah Iddirisu or else I will send troops from my country to their country and capture him after which I will hand him over to the World Criminial Court for prosecution.
A.U Chairman: Thank you so much Mr President, I knew I could always count on you. The African Union Peace Council Delegation from Addis Ababa will also be waiting for you at the Félix-Houphouët-Boigny Airport to go and have that very important meeting over there. I won’t take much of you time then, my regards to your beautiful wife and the little brilliant daughter of yours.
President R. Mensah: Okay chairman, your message will be communicated to them and also please send my good will to your family and the entire council. Bye for now (ends call and walks out of his office)
Hon. Asantewaa: (meets the president in the corridor) I was coming over to your office sir.
President R. Mensah: Is anything the matter madam Asantewaa?
Hon. Asantewaa: Not really sir, I just saw this passing out invitation from the Fire Service which will take place On Thursday and you are the special guest of honour for the occasion.
President R. Mensah: Ah when was it brought and why am I now been informed on that? I will even be in Sierre Leone on that particular day.
Hon. Asantewaa: Oooops!!!! I just saw it on the mayor’s tray on my desk, so should I inform the vice president to represent you?
President R. Mensah: He will also be in the North-East region with the Interior Minister to commision a new ultra modern police regional headquarters. As it stands you are next in command so you will have to stay behind and represent me. Tomorrow I will sit with Danny to draft my speech you will deliver on my behalf. The water can helicopter and fire engines trucks I promised them will be in next week for me to handover to them so let the chief fire man know that I haven’t forgotten about them.
Hon. Asantewaa: But sir we were supposed to travel together for this bilateral talks you will be having in Sierra Leone. You know I am very good when it comes to translation of the French to English or vice versa.
President R. Mensah: I understand perfectly madam, in your absence I will employ the services of the air force lady who was added to my team last month. You have to rest a bit also because there are a lot things ahead of us. I have to go pack my things for the herculean task ahead of me, I will see you tomorrow God willing.
Later in the Day:
Vice President Residency:
Second Lady: You are very welcome sweetheart. You look very tired, please come take a seat as I serve you water.
Vice Prez. J. Bugri: My dear I am not tired but rather angry, you can’t imagine the nonsense I encountered today at the office?
Second Lady: Why did any media house publish a false story about you?
Vice Prez. J. Bugri: That would have even been better my love. Can you imagine that foolish boy terminated the contract that was awarded to you?
Second Lady: No !!! that can’t be possible, today I spent virtually the whole day making calls as to people who will be retailers when the materials gets to the country. Also the company I placed the order from, called me this afternoon to inform me that they have shipped the first batch of the consignment so he can’t terminate the contract just like that. How do I pay the loan I took from the bank?
Vice Prez. J. Bugri: But sweetheart, you never told me you were going for a loan to supply this materials?
Second Lady: I didn’t want to bother you with any financial issues as you had done enough for me to win that contract. Also I wanted to pay the supplier every amount involved before they do the shipping so I went in for the loan.
Vice Prez. J. Bugri: Sweetheart you should have still informed me first, so how much did you take from the bank?
Second Lady: I took six hundred and eighty six thousand Ghana cedis from them.
Vice Prez. J. Bugri: Ah Nancy so where do you expect me to raise this preposterous amount of money from? Why didn’t you seek for my concern first before you took such a dangerous step? Do you want my name to also come out as one of the people who have single handedly collapsed a bank? Nancy I am not happy at all with the decision you took. All the same I blame Reedolf Mensah for all of this, how do we pay such an amount of money in a short time?
Second Lady: Please go and talk with him so he changes his mind because if this deal doesn’t hold, I am doomed. I invested all my life saving into it and if the deal crushes, my life will be meaningless. (goes on her knees)
Vice Prez. J. Bugri: I doubt if that foolish arrogant boy will listen to me, he is one person who hardly reconsiders his decision when he spits it out. I can’t imagine myself going to him and going on my knees to beg that small boy to consider his decision. You know I am an egocentric person and I don’t see myself begging a boy I can father.
Second Lady: I beg of you to do me this favour my love, my life depends on this contract and if it backfires as it is looking now, I might end up dying.
Vice Prez. J. Bugri: Nancy it seems you don’t get me, no matter how hungry the lion is, he will never eat grass. That is the kind of man you have as a husband. All the same I will figure out something so don’t worry. Please get me something to eat, I will be travelling to the North-East region to commision some projects, by the time I am back, things will change for our good.
Back at Mansokrom:
Matron: Maud please take this and get me family size pizza from the new mall, I want meat type.
Maud: What if they don’t have meat madam?
Matron: They always have meat available, when you get there, call me if what I want is not available. I will know which option to go in for, pick a taxi right infront of the flat because I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.
Maud: Okay madam, I will be back soon. (walks out)
Matron: Oh you are awake sleeping handsome.
Twum Boafo: Yes my dear, I needed that nap badly. I feel rejuvenated after sleeping and I am feeling like an 18years boy.
Matron: Oh really? Well I have some good news for you, I spoke with my son a while ago and he said, Lovia brought up an idea which has swept him off his feet so he is coming to Ghana next month so that they start working on the said project. He further said he has bought an office complex online in the middle of the capital city and also will need an experienced accountant to handle his finances. Guess what? I recommended you and he didn’t object to it.
Twum Boafo: Awwww Adwoa, what could I have done without you? How do I pay you back with all the good things you have been blessing me with?
Matron: Mmmm how about proposing to me and make me your wife?
Twum Boafo: Adwoa I am not your class so how do I summon the courage to do that? Mind you, there is a small line between love and like. I wouldn’t overstep my boundary and start thinking or saying things that would destroy the beautiful relationship we are enjoying together.
Matron: Oh so you want me to rather propose to you huh? You know that is not a big deal for someone who have spent much of my youthful life abroad. Since we got closer, I have been waiting for you to say something to me but you have been playing gentle so today I am taking the bull by its horn to propose to you rather.
Twum Boafo: Adwoa the truth is, I fell in love with you the very day I set my eyes on you. That was the very reason why I took that decision by helping you back at school, again I didn’t want to take advantage of the fact that I helped you so you must go out with me.
Matron: Well now that we have both registered our feelings for each other can you please give me a romantic hug for me to feel loved once again. Now we will have to spend much time together and visit nice places together.
Twum Boafo: Your wish is my humble command my dear. I promise to make you happy and do you right for the rest of my life.
Matron: I love what you just said, can you please come to my room with me? I have something to show you in there.
At President Residence:
President R. Mensah: Hello is anyone home?
Beverlyn: Hello daddy !! Daddy!! Daddy!! You are home early today.
President R. Mensah: Yes my pretty little angel, I came to spend time with you and also help you do your homework.
Beverlyn: Yeeeeeeiiiiii mummy did you hear that? Aunty Akos please where is my school bag? (runs to get her school bag)
First Lady: (drops her phone) You are welcome my king, how was your day?
President R. Mensah: Demanding as usual my Queen, I came home early today because I want to spend time with my sweet girls but before I forget this, I will be travelling to Sierre Leone the day after tomorrow to engage the president in some bilateral talks then I will make a stopover in Còte D’Ivoire to have a talk with General Giwah concerning the military dictatorship that is going on in his country.
First Lady: But do you have to involve yourself in this issue? Don’t you think that issue should be addressed by the AU heads?
President R. Mensah: My Queen have you forgotten I am the peace ambassador for African Union? Don’t worry my dear because I am not going alone, a delegation from Addis Ababa will join me there.
First Lady: If you say so I have heard you but please try not to make enemies outside this country. Also the second lady called for me to plead with you so that you can please revoke the decision your took today.
President R. Mensah: I have heard you my love, I will think about that.
Fast Forward:
President R. Mensah: My little angel today I am personally driving you to school without any security personnels following us to your school.
Beverlyn: Daddy I don’t want to go to school today.
President R. Mensah: Oh but why my darling? Today that I want to give you presidential ride, you want to refuse my offer. Please let us go before you are late for school.
Beverlyn: I don’t want to go to school daddy, please leave me.
First Lady: Don’t be silly young lady, don’t ever speak to your dad like that again or I will spank you. Now hurry up and eat your breakfast.
President R. Mensah: Take it easy on her sweetheart, I think she just doesn’t like the idea of me driving her to school. I believe she has fallen in love with the convoy that takes her to school everyday.
Beverlyn: I don’t want to go to school today.
President R. Mensah: Don’t do that my future astronaut, whatever it is, we will talk about it when you come back in the evening. Now let us get going before you are late for school, by the time you are back, I will get you chocolate and your favourite ice cream.
Later in the day, the security Officers went to Beverlyn’s school to pick her up but she was nowhere to be found because someone had come for her.
Who do you think came for Beverlyn and where did the person take her?
Now that Twum Boafo and the Matron have told each other their feelings, what next?
Is it wrong for a woman/lady or female to propose to a male or guy?
Will the children of the Matron and Twum Boafo accept this relationship about to start?
Did the president do the right thing by cancelling the project the vice president implemented and was he not too harsh on the vice president?
Was it good for the president to meddle or poke his nose into another country’s political issue?
Let me get your views on the just ended episode. It is getting hotter and much hotter. Stay glued to your screens for more fire.
Watch out for:
🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂”WHAT IF” 🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂
Dropping 🔜
To be continued…………………………………………………………………………………………………………#Yeb3toaso
✍🏾An Akoto Alexander Imagination✍🏾
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Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption . Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption. Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption . Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption. Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Corruption. Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption . Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption. Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei.
Guest Writer: Alexander Akoto Adjei :: CORRUPTION :: EPISODE 40
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