The Halo Breed
The Author
Two days after King Daniel Baffour Koduah met the spirit of his father, he had a visitor.
It was Mavis Tease.
She was a member of the disbanded House of Representatives.
The Supreme Leader of Densua, old Badu Arkoh, had passed peacefully a year earlier, and Mavis was now considered the leader of the Reps, although they were no longer a force in the great land of Densua.
She had begged some of the old members to accompany her to see the king, but none of them was brave enough to face the king.
The Chief Warrior, Kobby Obeng, came out of the king’s conference room and shut the heavy door gently behind him, and then his eyes fell on Mavis Tease.
Kobby Obeng looked far older and wan than Mavis remembered him, and this shocked her greatly but she tried to keep her surprise from her face. The warrior had left his hair long and had also grown a beard, so maybe it was the mass of grey that gave him the aged look.
Kobby nodded at Mavis and began to walk down the corridor, but he checked his progress and walked slowly towards the elderly, distinguished woman who, even though she was way past her prime, still managed to look sophisticated and elegantly poised.
“Good day, Madam,” he said as he removed his hat. “You seek a conference with His Majesty?”
Mavis nodded.
“I do, indeed, if he will have one with me,” she said softly but her eyes remained hard as she looked at the commander of the warriors. “Can I see him now?”
Before Kobby could reply, the huge door opened and the king stepped out. He was dressed in a long, flowing golden gown with fluffy sandals adorning his feet.
Mavis saw immediately that the man was deeply troubled. She had not seen the king in a while, about five years if her memory served her well, and she saw that he had lost a bit of weight, and his eyes looked sunken and worried. He glowered at her with obvious displeasure when he saw her.
“Ah, so you’re the one seeking to see me,” he growled.
Mavis Tease got to her feet and looked at him defiantly.
“Indeed, I do seek your attention, Your Majesty,” she said. “Perhaps, you would wish to see me in private?”
“I do not wish to see you, or your ilk, because I know there is only one thing you seek to say!” the king said in a harsh voice. “What else do you have to say, except remind me that it is fifteen years since my reign and I need some bloody golden elemental totem to close the gates of Hades below the tenements of the palace? Go on, tickle my funny bone! Tell me that is not why you’re here!”
“Your surmise is correct, Your Majesty!” Mavis said in a gentle voice. “But I’m not here to antagonize you, or to seek in any way to incur your ire. I’m here simply because I live in this great city of ours, and I’m not dead yet, and I want to make sure everyone living here is safe, including you and your family!”
“Do not patronize me, you damn witch!” the king screamed and raised his hand as if to slap Mavis across the face, but he heard the quick hiss of disproval from Kobby Obeng, and then he dropped his hand.
“It is quite unfortunate if you see it that way, my Lord,” she said sternly and took a step towards him. “What do you think this is, Your Majesty? The SLOD warned you, and yet you seem not to have garnered any concern from it! Do you know what will happen if the gates are not tightened up?”
“You tell me, you witch!” the king growled. “How the hell am I supposed to know?”
“Because you’re the king!” Mavis said sharply, finally losing her cool. “The first thing every king learns is the importance of having the GET, my Lord, and knowing its significance! That is the most important thing! Densua is the gateway, my Lord! Our city stands between evil and the rest of the world! The Scrolls speaks of an Armageddon if that gate beneath the palace is breached! It speaks of untold horrors, and that is why every king has a duty to lock down the gates!”
“And that is why you evil-minded nincompoops shouldn’t have entrusted that to the king alone!” King Baffour exploded. “That Golden Elemental Totem should have been under lock and key, easily accessible by any king!”
“The safest place for it had always been where it had been kept!” Mavis said furiously. “Always ready with the king! We lost it because…”
She saw the glint in the king’s eye and felt the warning hand Kobby Obeng laid on her arm, and slowly her voice trailed off.
“You better watch your mouth, lady,” the king said coldly. “You’re a word away from getting your head chopped off! We don’t have the totem, so obviously, we can’t do anything about the gates! Unless you have an alternate solution for this conundrum!”
Mavis felt the terror seizing her throat and clamping down hard on her intestines! This was her worst nightmare! The age of horror was going to dawn, and this inept and wicked man parading as the king of Densua was not even the least fazed about the imminent danger the whole town was facing!
She took a deep breath, held it, closed her eyes, and exhaled slowly.
Mavis then opened her eyes and looked at the king.
“My Lord, if your father gave the GET to Gus Kukah before he died, then it means the GET is still with Gus Kukah,” she said in an unsteady voice. “It also means that Gus Kukah is still out there, somewhere inside the Pale Lands, and he must be found as early as possible. Finally, you have to let the people of Densua know what could happen so that people would be alert!”
The king’s hand shot out suddenly and he gripped the old lady’s neck and began to squeeze. Mavis held the king’s hand and tried to pry it loose from her neck. The king’s furious and wicked eyes bored relentlessly into her.
“The people are not going to be spooked, do you hear me?” he rasped with deadly wrath. “No one is going to put them in panic mode. If this thing spreads, even to one single person, I would have your head cut off, do you understand?”
He pushed her away from him fiercely.
Mavis held her throat in both hands and gagged. She coughed horribly as she felt the fiery pangs of agony tearing through her gullet.
Kobby Obeng sighed deeply, and his eyes were shaded as he tried to keep his anger in check. The king spun on him suddenly.
“Kobby, are you still filled with love for this great town of ours?” he asked coldly.
Kobby Obeng scowled; he knew what was coming, and he did not like it one bit.
“I am true, Your Majesty,” he said calmly.
“Take a group of warriors, as many as you would need, and search the Pale Lands,” the king directed grimly. “If that bastard is in there, find him, and get the goddamed GET by any means necessary!”
Kobby fought to keep the sudden fear and desperation from his face and heart.
“It shall be done, my Lord,” he said and bowed.
“And get this ugly witch out of my sight!” the king grated and waved a dismissing hand at Mavis, who was still coughing.
‘The Halo Breed, Armageddon, ‘The Halo Breed, Armageddon, ‘The Halo Breed, Armageddon, ‘The Halo Breed, Armageddon, ‘The Halo Breed, Armageddon, ‘The Halo Breed, Armageddon, ‘The Halo Breed, Armageddon.
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