The Halo Breed…
Sena Kukah slipped his axe into its holding scabbard at his back and slowly emerged from the trees.
Kobby noticed that the rings of fire around his irises still burned, but with a gradual decline in intensity. The diamond glint seemed to merge with the fires in his eyes for a moment, giving his eyes a most beautiful sight.
He continued to walk briskly into the forest, and Kobby fell in behind him as they trudged through the evil forest.
They moved rapidly through the forest until they came to a sort of junction in the path. There was a patch of green grass in front of them, and beyond that were the two paths that led further into the forest.
On their right was a clear, beautiful path through less forest and with sunlight streaming through the branches of the trees. Standing to one side of the path was a very beautiful woman wearing a long, white, flowing gown that seemed transparent and outlined her amazing figure.
On the left was a very dark path through a forest that was heavy and ominous. A hazy, cloud-like substance covered the entrance to the path. Standing to one side was a hideous creature. It was a horrible gargoyle, its limbs monstrous and ugly. What made it even more terrible to look at was the fact that its head was not attached to its body. Its head was lying between its spread legs such that its neck ended on nothing!
When they appeared, the thing’s hands picked up its head from the floor and held it out as if presenting it to them. The cries of little children could be heard within the darkness.
Kobby Obeng, once a hardened warrior, was now afraid as he stared at this evil entity that looked disdainfully at him.
“You need to reach Densua fast,” the beautiful woman said. “Come my way, choose my Gateway to your destiny, Sena of the Halos.”
“You can choose my Gateway,” said the monster on the left.
Sena did not hesitate; he began to walk towards the darkness where that monster was holding his head.
“My Prince!” Kobby cried with horror. “Surely, you can’t choose darkness over light, or ugly over beautiful! We need to go through there, with that woman!”
Sena looked at him coldly.
“I’ve never – and I will never – trust her species!” he said and walked into the darkness. “You can go with her if you want!”
“You chose death!” the woman cried spitefully and the beautiful skin on her face seemed to dissolve to reveal the most monstrous demonic face Kobby had ever seen! It was just for a moment, in her rage, when her face revealed a rotting, pus-filled demonic face with three bulging eyes, a forked tongue, and scaly eyes like a python’s.
With a shudder of fear Kobby rushed into the darkness after Sena.
He found it ironic that a seasoned warrior like him should be so freaked out by the horrors of the Pale Lands when Sena, just an eighteen-year-old boy, was just walking through as if going to his bedroom. But then again, Kobby was sure what this boy might have gone through in his eighteen years wouldn’t be something even he could go through.
They walked through the darkness and now they could only see the head of the monster moving along ahead of them, a little further up the darkness, its wicked eyes glaring at them constantly. The cries of little children became louder, and Kobby could have sworn he sensed some nasty things walking behind him and trying to touch him with creepy fingers.
Goosebumps broke out on his skin, and he found himself crowding into Sena, who stopped briefly and pushed him back in the darkness.
“Stop stepping on my ankles, sir!” he said coldly.
“Sorry, my son,” Kobby said in a frantic voice. “This dark hell gives me the creeps!”
They continued to move along and soon came upon a grave on their left. It was white, and there was a pale, ghostly figure of a young girl sitting on the gravestone with her back to them.
She was weeping pathetically, and as Kobby watched her with a wary eye and a somewhat sympathetic heart, the girl spun around to face him! Her eyes and nose were all black hollows in her face, and her mouth had huge, fang-like teeth which she bared at Kobby in a horrible hiss, then he saw a huge, black, anaconda shooting out of her mouth and settling savagely on him!
Kobby screamed as the wriggling python sang its fangs over his head and wrapped its body around him, and then proceeded to swallow him!
The terror made him leap forward with a horrible wail, wrapping his arms around Sena’s shoulders in a frenzy as he felt his head disappearing into the anaconda’s mouth as it squirmed in a savage, frenetic fashion to swallow him!
“Control yourself!” Sena cried as he caught hold of Kobby and threw him off his body.
Kobby lay on the ground thrashing and screaming as the powerful body of the anaconda crushed his bones and swallowed him up to his shoulders! It was the most horrific experience Kobby Obeng had ever experienced, and he thrashed wildly and screamed.
“Help me, Sena! It is swallowing me!”
And then he heard Sena’s calm voice.
“What’s swallowing you, sir?”
“Are you blind? The anaconda! The snake!” Kobby screamed.
“What snake?” Sena asked, his voice puzzled. “There’s no snake, sir. You’re lying on the ground and screaming. Wake up, please. Seems you even urinated on yourself.”
Kobby Obeng froze, and then he opened his eyes slowly.
He was no longer surrounded by darkness. He was indeed lying on beautiful green grass and was in daylight, just that the sky was very red and the air musty with an unpleasant odour.
They were out of the Pale Lands, and he was lying on the ground behind Gus Kukah’s house!
There was no anaconda, and he was not being swallowed.
“Oh, oh, spirits, oh spirits, thank you, thank you!” he murmured and jumped to his feet as he continued to tremble with the horror.
“There was no anaconda?” he asked, his heart still yammering rather loudly in his own ears.
“And I guess you didn’t see the grave too,” he said in a rush.
“No,” Sena said calmly.
“Whatever you thought you saw was made real by the powers of the Pale Lands, warrior,” said another voice, and they looked up to see the Sage of the Spirits, Prosper Freeman, hovering in the air above them. “It works on your fears, and your innermost terrors, warrior. Sena’s mind is fortified with his time in the Underworld, and because he is fearless, he beheld no evil.”
Kobby Obeng took a deep, shuddering breath, and then he looked shame-faced at the Sage.
“I guess you’re right,” he said softly. “I was really terrified in there!”
“So, this is where my father used to live,” Sena said softly as he began to walk towards the front of the house.
“Yes, my Prince,” Kobby said sadly. “In here, he was betrayed in the worst way possible by two people he trusted most… his best friend, and the woman he loved. This is the venue of my deepest shame!”
“You should be ashamed of yourself,” Sena said.
“I am; indeed, I am so very ashamed of myself,” Kobby said in a bitter voice.
Suddenly, there were the harsh, terrified screams of a woman from the front of the house, and Sena’s steps quickened as he came around the house and looked up the slopes.
He saw them!
That beautiful, winged, woman in white he had encountered in the Underworld! The one who had held the Sword of Hades and tried to kill him with those horrible Hadesians!
She was running down the slopes, but she kept falling and rolling! She got to her feet and flew into the air, but the Hadesians caught her and smashed her to the ground!
Her eyes were horrified as they reared above her with hideous looks of malice, their lips open to crush her skull. She was struggling furiously in their grasp, and then she fell again with a flutter of wings as some of her white feathers came off and floated with almost majestic grace towards the ground.
Once again she screamed and fled down the slops towards them in anguish.
“That’s Princess Grace Klubi!” Kobby shouted with sudden horror. “Help her, my Prince, please help her!”
Sena stopped walking and looked up at Grace as the Hadesians floated down for her once more and grasped her with cruel arms.
“They can kill her,” Sena said and turned towards the porch of the house and proceeded to mount the steps.
“Help me!” Grace screamed with horror; her face filled with terror. “Please, please, help me!”
“Surely, you can’t be so callous, my prince!” Kobby shouted at Sena’s back. “Please, help her! You’re a warrior, and it is your responsibility to help a damsel in distress.”
“She can die,” Sena said without pausing. “She’s a witch.”
Seeing that Sena had no urge to help the princess, Kobby drew his sword, yelled and raced up the hill towards the Hadesians and the seemingly distressed princess.
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