Will Our Love End?
“Hey,” I greeted nervously.
“Hey,” they said back.
“Baby girl, I missed you. Is your angel taking so much of your time that you cannot hang with me now?” Maame said playfully, grinning.
“Obolo, you have gained weight papa. Madam, what do you eat eh?”
She laughed hysterically. Ignoring my question.
The others and I exchanged pleasantries and we ordered food.
As we began to eat, Anita started.
“So, how is the father of your child?”
“She’s Aria,” I corrected her but she went on.
“I wonder how he takes care of you two. I mean someone who repairs fridge doesn’t have that kind of a stable financial life.”
I almost choked on my food.
“Why don’t you mind your business? You’re not a child anymore o, madam.”
Maame came to my rescue. The two guys, Josh and David were awkwardly silent. They had known Kwame even though he was a senior.
And her talking about him like that got me enraged but then going through therapy in the last few months had made me calmer than before. I forced a smile.
“Anita, we are fine. He doesn’t need your concern.”
“Is that so?” This girl knew how to tempt me.
Back at Uni, I heard rumours of Anita hitting on Kwame who never really paid any attention to her. I’m beginning to think it was true.
“You guys were quite intense. Having sex in the club and all.”
My face heated up. The lunatic beside Anita had joined in the mouth fight.
“Are you seeing that for the first time?” Maame asked Jessica.
Thank God for this girl. It’s not that I didn’t have the balls to talk o, I was fuming with anger that the words were unable to come out.
“Oh, c’mon we are reminiscing old memories. I’m not attacking her please,” she chuckled, knowing very well what she was doing.
“Ladies, we will take leave of you now. Actually, something urgent came up.”
Nevertheless, we have enjoyed your company.”
The guys got up to leave. My mind was occupied to even see them existing.
I don’t blame them. They didn’t want to listen to us fight which is totally understandable.
“So sad they’ve left. They should have heard more about you and Kwame’s affair. An interesting affair to be told,” she giggled.
These were my age mates. Behaving like their first year of uni or even worse. Like senior high school girls.
This was sickening.
“Yes, we f**ked. He was soooo good. Are you okay now?”
They looked defeated.
“Maame, I have had enough. I will take my leave of you.”
“Hw3, let’s go together.
They can be here alone. After all, I came with no one”
She followed me out of the restaurant to the car park.
“Aww, I will miss you girl. It’s a blessing I saw you today. Let’s keep in touch, yeah?”
She hugged me tightly before letting go.
“Take care,” I said.
She got in her car and off she went.
I got in mine and headed toward Kwame’s place.
I entered his room to see his sister playing with Ari.
We didn’t get along much after Ari came into the picture.
“Where’s Kwame?”
Kwame came out from another room when he heard my voice.
“Mum, Daddy bought me this.”
Aria shows me her hand full of candies
“Yummy, Ari.”
She smiled.
“You’re okay with it right?” Kwame asked me.
“It’s fine.”
“So, when are you going to let Ari live with my brother for some time? I’m asking cus my brother seems not bordered but I am.” Serwa, his sister, asked me.
Kwame’s face was clouded. I didn’t know what he was thinking or how he was feeling.
“It’s not me to decide,” I told her.
“Sika. My brother loves this child. Seeing her a bit more would help his sanity. Already, he’s dealing with you emotionally. Seeing his child once, a week is bad enough.”
“Dealing with me emotionally? What do you mean?”
“Serwa, it’s enough. I want to be alone with her, please.”
Serwa walked out glaring at me.
“What’s she talking about?”
“Kwame. Look at me. Is everything okay?”
“Sika, please. I’m fine.”
I didn’t seem the least convinced plus I was being drawn to him. One step at a time. I got close to him but he backed away.”
What is wrong with me? I thought he still wanted me but I was wrong.
He picked up our daughter and cuddled her. I guess we will not be more than what we have between us now. I was hurt but I will be putting him in a worse position if I did what I wanted to do.
Going home was hard already. If it were in my power, I would leave Aria with him. It would have been so much better but mum will not allow it.
Someone might judge me for making my mum take such a decision but let’s not forget, sometimes, parents are right. She’s so young and fragile and in a neighbourhood like that is a risk I didn’t want to take. Kwame knew that. That’s why he never demanded that of me. I’m going to make a decision. Kwame will be allowed to see Aria any time he wanted in my parent’s house and if my mum is against it, I will have to hire some place for Ari and me to live. There, she will be able to see her dad any time she wanted.
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