Narrow Escape
I am Akoto Adjei Alexander, a Christian. A product of Abetifi Presbyterian Senior High School, Abetifi-Kwahu. I am in my late 20’s and the last born of the boys my parent brought to earth. I am a fiction/scriptwriter who loves to write about nature and the realities of life. Furthermore, I do a little of Graphics Design, I do MC’ing of events somethings, a Motivational Speaker and a Relationship Talk Expert.
Kofi Ansah: Welcome back my cherished listeners and viewers watching and listening to me across all social media handles. Captain so that coup d’ètat plot that was been planned by your senior rank officers, did it ever take effect?
Captain Adjei: Kofi yes their plot took effect and they overthrew the sitting president from power.
Thankfully the president was out of the country so his life was spared if not I believe those hungry soliders would have executed him also without any remorse.
Kofi Ansah: Captain please where exactly was the president that faithful day?
Captain Adjei: The president had travelled outside the country for an AU summit in Ethiopia capital Addis Ababa and that was where they put into effect their diabolic plan. That same day, the then CDS whom I had an issue with because of his son was murdered in cold blood in his house together with some other senior rank officers who they knew could oppose their action. We were in the cell when an announcement came through from our box radio that a coup d’ètat had been staged in the country and a lot of senior citizens had been murdered either in their homes, cars or offices.
Kofi Ansah: Oh so the signal you got was not a hoax or a prank from the mystery caller?
Captain Adjei: Kofi it wasn’t, I believed in that information from the very day the news got to me and the confirmation came in when my former boss was murdered in his office and they staged it for us to believe that he committed suicide.
Kofi Ansah: So how did you feel when you heard the then CDS was dead?
Captain Adjei: I felt so bad that I couldn’t do anything to stop his death or even notify him about that. Maybe if I didn’t get involve in the confrontation that led to the demise of his only son, I could have work hand in hand with him to unravel the puzzle that was ahead of us.
Kofi Ansah: So do you remember some of the senior citizens who were eliminated by the soliders?
Captain Adjei: I think I remember a few of them but first let me say this, to all gone souls may their souls keep resting in peace as most of them died with unfilled dreams. I remember the then minister of finance was brought to the shooting range together with the minister of youth and sports, minister for roads and transport, minister for agriculture, minister for housing, minister for tourism, minister for trade, minister of interior and the defence minister were all helplessly executed the same day as people stood to watch what was going. Later that night some judges from the Supreme Court were also not left out in the mass killing. Even some rich people in the society were not left out with beatings and confiscation of their properties and hard ended money. Some married women were striped naked and they were forcefully raped by some idiots who were in a camouflage uniform in broad day light, if the lady or woman who is being rapped proved stubborn, she is striped naked in public and the soliders will lash the lady at her private part till she bleeds uncontrollably. Most Makola and Kaneshie merchant and wholesale women lost their possessions as this military officers took charge of the country. They labelled this market women whom most of them sold flour, rice and sugar as corrupt, greedy and thieves for having all those sacks of rice, flour or sugar. Later the new leader or coup d’ètat president addressed the nation at the studios of GBC and he made it known to citizens how his tenure of leadership was going to be from that day on. They took away the freedom of the citizens of this country, most journalist were killed or chased out of the country and if today was to be that time back then, like by now soliders would have been dispatched here to pick the two of us to the barracks or guardroom. Some senior rank officers like General Kennedy Osei, Real Admiral Albert Adu-Akyeah, Admiral Dennis Asemani, Vice Admiral Quarshigah, Lieutenant General Samuel Nii Adjei, Major General Frank Sarpong, Major General Eunice Ashong, Brigadier Akyaa Dansowaa, Brigadier Hellena Gah, Colonel Aziz Damba, Colonel Amissah-Mensah, Colonel Esi Haizel, Colonel Aisha Yaaba, Major Ivan Danso and Major Esther Kpingbi were all burnt alive at the shooting range and these senior rank officers namely General Attipoe, General Abubakar, General F. K. Abban and Lieutenant General Doris Tetteh were brought to the shooting range and tied to the shooting pole, they were executed without any prayer session for them, I do remember the journalist who gave the live report that day from the shooting range made some assertions that…….
Kofi Ansah: What assertions plsease?
Captain: (wiped tears in his eyes) He said those senior rank officers were executed like fowls for christmas because their death was rushed and they were not even given the privileges the other people that had been eliminated already had. General Attipoe took close to 26 bullets before he gave his last breath.
Kofi Ansah: Why 26 bullets only for that General? Was he known for any corrupt activities?
Captain Adjei: Kofi, the General Attipoe I knew was too genuine to engage himself in any sheddy deals that will mild his hard earned name and legacy he built over years. Well from the angle I stand as a service man, I can only say he was shot that amount of bullets because he was refusing to die as the others died instantly.
Kofi Ansah: So was Colonel Amedekah Bugah given a higher rank after he assisted his seniors to stage a coup d’ètat in the country?
Captain Adjei: I don’t know what he did exactly but I heard whiles in prison that he was dragged behind an armoured car on the streets till he passed away inside Gonja barracks.
Kofi Ansah: Then his death was a very tragic one. So please let us know how you finally came out of prison?
Captain Adjei: Well as I said earlier on, my jail sentence changed because of the new order the Prime Minister Busia brought into existence during his tenure of office. In the early 2000’s when President J. A. Kuffour came into office, may God continue to bless that man, he set up a committee called “RECONCILIATION COUNCIL” which was spearheaded by some prominent, opinion leaders and affluent people in the society, they revisited some cases and bad trials that some Ghanaians had been subjected to. Fortunately for me, my case was called and they sat on my case and the judges felt I was not treated fairly with the sentence that I was slapped with, the life imprisonment sentence I was serving was reduced in the year 2008 to 12years hence my freedom now. I came out from the Nsawam Prisons just last week and I don’t know how you got the information for you invite me into your studio today.
Kofi Ansah: Well my producer’s late father happened to be one of the judges who sat on your last trial, he was monitoring everything about you so when you came out of the prison, he notified me for us to do this interview only if you were interested in it and you also didn’t turn our request down.
Captain Adjei: I am glad you contacted me to tell my story to the world for the very first time after all this years.
Kofi Ansah: Captain we are about to draw the curtains of this great interview down but let me please go back to the issue of your wife and brother, as you came out have you heard from them or seen any of them with your own eyes?
Captain Adjei: For my brother I have seen him once and he even couldn’t come close to me because he feared I could take his life from him when he comes close. For my wife, I was told she run mad as a man she placed her hopes in after some years of my conviction duped and jilted her of everything she owned. She managed to get some documents of some properties I made secretly before going to jail and sold them to continue living that extravagant lifestyle she was living, she resigned from her job a year after I went to jail all because the job was not giving her the liberty to have fun as she pleased. Unfortunately for her, the same day I walked out from prison, a septic tanker failed break and knocked her down as she tried to cross the Darkuma-Nyamekye highway.
Kofi Ansah: Ah so your wife was that mad woman who was knocked down by that sceptic tanker and her body was badly damaged just last week?
Captain Adjei: Precisely so my brother.
Kofi Ansah: Woooow there is no hiding place for the wicked one indeed. Captain Kwame Adjei please tell me and the world listening to this live interview, do you hold any malice or grudges against your younger brother?
Captain Adjei: (bows his head and wipes tears from his eyes before talking) You see this bible in my hand, this is the same bible that the police officer who escorted me to the prison that day gave to me as a gift and christmas present. I started reading it deeply the day I narrowly escaped death and from that day, every bad intention I had towards my brother and wife were wiped off my mind. I also took into consideration what that oldman told me the day I escaped death. I have genuinely forgiven my wife that if not for death and she came back to me to ask for forgiveness, I would have forgiven her and accepted her back into my life as my wife again because the truth was we never officially divorced each other. For my brother if he is listening to me right now, I want him to know he is still my junior brother and I can’t replace him with a doll or statue, I bear him no grudges and I habour no malice in my heart against him. Jesus Christ said in the bible that we should forgive those who wrong us seventy seven times seven times and the old adage says “to err is human but to forgive is divine”. Yaw Adjei anywhere you are right now, I am sitting on live radio to invite you over to the house, I am glad I came back home to meet our beloved mother still alive even though she is very sick and not that strong as she used to be, she has been mentioning your name in her sleep always and she needs you back badly. I and everyone in that house is missing you dearly and without you in the house, the house is not complete to be called a home. Mum can’t wait to see your face once again and hey, the love for you as a senior brother is and will forever remain deep and intact, come home Yaw Adjei.
Kofi Ansah: Wooooow what a large heart this gallant man has, trust me I don’t know what I would have done if I were to be in his shoes. Indeed to err is human but to forgive is divine, Yaw Adjei wherever you are, I believe you are listening to us right now and you heard the genuine words that came out from the mouth of your elder brother. He said he misses you and your presence is needed back home as your sick mother keeps calling your name. Your sins has been forgiven like how the prodigal son in the bible was forgiven. Before I sign out from this place today, I will read a few comments and messages that has flooded the YouTube channel and Facebook page before I open the phone lines for two or three calls. Now this message is from Gideon Akoto from the United States of America and he says, Captain for all you have gone through, I know God has a purpose for you in this life that is why he kept and preserved your life till date. I am going to buy you a new 4matic Benz so you ride in it and forget about every negative thing you passed through. He has left behind his personal contact details and address. Leslie Ransford from the UAE also says, I will like to host you in my home inside Dudai for the next two weeks if you don’t mind sir. I will take care of all your travelling expenses and everything that will make your journey exciting. Hahahaha Captain before I read this message please how old are you if you don’t mind?
Captin Adjei: I will be 58years old God willing tomorrow.
Kofi Ansah: Oh woooow then happy birthday in advance sir. Well I asked you that question because of the message I am about to read out to you and the message is from a woman called Amma Bawuah, she resides in Kumasi Pankrono estate and she says she has been a widow for the past 20 years. She will also be 52years of age tomorrow and she is taking this opportunity to propose marriage to you personally if you don’t mind, attached to the message are her pictures and contact details. She said she is willing to sponsor your wedding if you are interested and your wedding will be the first of its kind in this country where posters and announcements concerning your wedding will be announced on the radio and television just like how funerals are done. We are pressed with time so let me open the phone lines for two or three calls so that I can draw the curtains of today’s programme down. Hello please if you can hear me, tell us your name and where you are calling from.
Caller: My name is Michael Ananti and I am calling from the office of the President. Captain Adjei, please how are you doing?
Captain Adjei: I am very fine my brother.
Caller: We thank God for your life, Captain his Excellency the President will like to meet you tomorrow morning by 10am for a very important meeting in his office at the Jubilee House.
Kofi Ansah: Sir please did you say his Excellency the President wants to see Captain Kwame Adjei tomorrow in his office at the Jubilee House?
Caller: Exactly so my brother, Mr president has been listening to your programme since you started the interview, he just sent me a message to get in touch with you before the programme ends. I would like to drop my number behind so he gets in touch with me when the programme is over.
Kofi Ansah: Please hold on as my producer speaks to you off air. Hmmmmm indeed we truly serve a living God. Hello who is on the line?
Caller 2: My name is Adjoa Nyamekye and I am calling from Pokuase. I want to tell the man that, God has a purpose for his life so he shouldn’t worry himself at all, I know God will restore whatever he lost in the past. Joseph wouldnt be a king if his brothers did not sale him into slavery. I am a fashion designer and I want to be his stylist for the next 6months. Please my number is 0202029435, he should contact me after this programme.
Kofi Ansah: He will definitely call you and God richly bless you madam Nyamekye, please hold on as my producer speaks to you off air. Hello you are my last caller, please tell me your name and where you are calling from?
Caller 3: My name is Yaw Adjei and Captain Adjei is my elder brother.
Kofi Ansah: Is that the same Yaw Adjei that Captain spoke about?
Caller 3: Yes please.
Kofi Ansah: Yaw Adjei your brother is all ears talk to him.
Captain Adjei: Yaw how are you doing?
Yaw Adjei: I have never been fine ever since that ugly encounter that day and my conscience has been battling me every night when I try to sleep.
Captain Adjei: Yaw I bear you no grudges, let everything that happened stay in the past. Let us look at the brighter side of life as our mother needs to see you and I in a very good relationship even before she joins our ancestors. Where are you?
Caller 3: I am driving around Cantoment.
Kofi Ansah: Aaah then it means you are very close to the studio.
Captain Adjei: Drive to this place right now, I want you to drive me home this evening. I can’t wait to embrace you once again my little brother.
Yaw Adjei: I will be there in 10minutes time. (call end)
Kofi Ansah: What an emotional way to end the show tonight. Indeed all that starts well ends well, you will bear me witness that tonight’s interview has been the most successful, informed, educative and passionate encounter ever since I started hosting this show. I thank all my sponsors, my harworking crew and my fabulous producer who made this interview happen. To all Ghanaians, foreign listeners and viewers watching across all social media handles, I appreciate your following. If not for today I never knew the first gentleman of the land also follows this show. Thank you very much Captain Kwame Adjei for honoring our invitation and gracing this evening program. I sign off with one of your favourite songs “Asem Papa Mati”.
Mmmm Captain my producer just brought this message to me, a very big security company based in the Netherlands wants your services as a Security Analyst, they are willing to pay you any amount you charge and have left their address and details here in case you want to get in touch with them if you are interested in their offer.
Here is where I path ways with you tonight till I come your way again with another wonderful studio guest. Please when you say a prayer say one for me and mother Ghana. God bless you and our homeland Ghana. Good night.
The End
Thanks for your keen following as always. I love the comments that came in and your suggestions and criticism has been well noted.
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✍🏾An Akoto Adjei Alexander Imagination 💯✍🏾
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