A ChrisEffe Thriller
When the sleek sedan came to a stop, it was around one o’clock in the morning.
They had come to a large dusty field, and it looked really secluded because it was surrounded by trees and vegetation, and there was no sign of houses nearby. The two thugs, Twum and Abdul, got out of the car and approached the trunk. Abdul was holding a powerful flashlight whilst Twum had a gun in his hand.
Steve Hollison got out of the car slowly, and he was holding a pair of strange-looking gloves. Twum stayed a bit back with the gun levelled at the trunk as Abdul opened it, directing the flashlight in the trunk carefully.
Chris Bawa was lying on his back, and he was fully conscious now. His eyes blazed with fury as he squinted into the glare of the flashlight.
“Get outta there, worm!” Abdul growled, reached in and grabbed Chris’ upper arm. He pulled and dragged Chris out of the car and pushed him down heavily. Chris struck the ground hard and promptly turned on his back.
Abdul was still holding the flashlight on him as Steve appeared around the car.
“Hello, Chris,” Steve said coldly in a deadly voice. “We meet again. Remember me? I’m the guy you humiliated…hit me in the gut and made me vomit in front of Effe, a girl I love very much!”
Steve suddenly stamped on Chris’ belly hard with his right foot, and then he kicked Chris’ head. Chris grunted with pain as he tasted blood in his mouth. A contusion quickly formed on his left temple where Steve had kicked him.
Steve then held the gloves he was holding under the glare of the flashlight so that Chris would see what they were.
These were metal-studded spiked gloves!
The knuckles were studded with sharp, pointed metals that would cause a lot of damage if smashed into the face or any part of the body.
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“Chris, I get what I always set my eyes on, boy,” Steve said grimly as he began to push his right hand into one of the gloves. “I want Effe, and I’m going to have her. The first thing you must know is that I’m very rich and very powerful, and you cannot make any charge stick on me. I can kill you now and get you out of the way, but out of respect for the love Effe has for you, I’ll not kill you.”
He pushed his other hand into the other spiked glove.
“The way I see it, you have been giving the Kedems a rather torrid time,” Steve continued as he bent over Chris’ prone body. “Well, they’re family to me now, and nobody gives my family trouble. I’m going to hurt you, Chris, and hurt you bad. I’m going to bash your handsome face to pieces with these nice gloves, and by the time you’re healed up, you’ll look so ugly that no plastic surgeon would be able to heal you. That will be a warning to you to stay away from Effe, and from the land. Do I make myself clear?”
Chris smiled up at Steve then.
It was not a very nice smile.
Steve scowled darkly.
This was not the first time he had done this, and always, by this time, his victim would be filled with pure terror and would be weeping pathetically or begging for mercy.
He wanted so much to see Chris begging for mercy with terror on his face, but instead, there was just a defiant look of scorn on the handsome face of the guy.
And that was one more thing that was driving Steve mad…that face!
He had not really known Chris was such an incredibly handsome man!
His physique and handsome features were as fierce as they were charismatic, and there was no doubt in Steve’s mind that this was a man many women fought over, and wanted to own. Steve was not aware that the competition was not going to be as easy as he had thought, judging by the way he had seen Effe kissing the man and not wanting to leave his arms.
Steve smiled grimly to himself.
“I’m going to turn your face into a Halloween mask, buddy!” he said cruelly as he held up his fists with the metals jutting out menacingly. “When I’m through with you that face would look so hideous that your own father wouldn’t be able to look at it without having nightmares! And the good thing is that you can never make a charge stick on me. I’m too powerful to be touched by the law, and my alibi would be airtight, buddy!”
Again Chris smiled darkly at him, sending Steve’s fury escalating.
“Hold him up, boys!” he said furiously.
Twum pushed the gun into his waistband and then he and Abdul grabbed Chris by the arms and leveraged him up.
Steve flexed his shoulders and stepped forward, and then he unleashed two powerful punches into Chris’ abdomen! Chris grunted with pain as the metal spikes dug into his hard belly, gripping and tearing the skin to shreds as Steve pulled his hands back.
Chris’ eyes became filled with terrible wrath as he felt the blood pouring down his stomach.
“There’re some few things you must know first,” Chris said softly, and his voice was so deadly that for a moment it froze his three tormentors.
Steve chuckled and slowly relaxed.
“Yeah?” he said coldly. “And what are those things?”
Chris smiled cruelly.
“The first is that I’m an expert in a form of martial arts called GojuFist,” he said coldly. “Basically, apart from learning how to defend myself, I also picked up a few tricks along the way. When I woke up inside the trunk of the car and realized I was handcuffed, I found my sunglasses still tucked down the front of my shirt, luckily, so I managed to break off the stems. Do you know you can open handcuffs with the stem of spectacles? Actually, I’m not handcuffed now. I opened it a long time ago and waited to get the three of you close together, like how you are now.”
Steve’s face was filled with incomprehension at first, but Twum understood what Chris had just said and he immediately stepped back and tried to claw the pistol from his waistband.
“Oh, shit, shit, shit!” Twum cried as Chris Bawa dropped the handcuffs on the ground and his right foot left the floor and smashed into Twum’s knee. The thug screamed loudly as he drew the gun out of his waistband and pointed, but Chris grabbed his hand and spun him into a dazed Abdul, and then he turned Twum’s arm up toward the shoulder blade and dislocated the man’s shoulder with a vicious snap.
Twum screamed with fresh pain as Chris smashed a fist into his jaw, breaking it, and the gangster fell to the ground like a broken doll.
Abdul shouted with a mixture of shock and fear at how Chris had smashed up his buddy in the blink of an eye. He had never seen anyone move so fast and with such deadly precision. He lunged at Chris, his hands bent like claws, aiming for Chris’ eyes.
Chris side-stepped fluidly and chopped the huge man across the throat with the rigid edge of a hand, almost crushing the windpipe of the thug. Abdul gagged and fell to his knees, grabbing his throat and making choking noises.
Chris Bawa smashed a fist into his face, and the man collapsed like a sack of tomatoes and with a crushed nose as blood poured out of his nostrils, and then Chris’ foot came down hard on his thigh.
Abdul yowled with such heart-breaking pain that Steve flinched and took a dazed step backward!
“Jesus!” Steve whispered with terror. “Oh, shit!”
Chris had moved so fast and been so devastating that within the beat of a heart, both Twum and Abdul were rendered absolutely defenseless on the dusty ground, and Steve found himself looking into the dead face of Chris Bawa as he took a step toward him.
Steve, now trembling with terror, held up his hands with surrender, his face sick with the sudden shock he was going through.
“And what did you say you were going to do to me again?” Chris asked coldly.
“Please, man, please!” Steve gasped out, taking frantic steps backward as fear crippled his whole body. “Please, don’t hurt me, man, I beg of you.”
“You’re such a coward, aren’t you?” Chris said, his voice cruel.
“Please, please, don’t hurt me, please,” Steve muttered, unable to raise his eyes to look at Chris.
“Got my phone?” Chris asked coldly.
Steve, trembling badly, nodded, his face still terrified.
“Yes, yes, on the backseat, please,” he stammered. “Don’t hurt me, please, I beg of you, don’t hurt me!”
Steve didn’t see the slap coming.
Chris slapped him so hard that he crashed to the ground and blood spurted immediately down his nose. Steve moaned with pain as his vision blacked out for a second, and he tasted blood and dust in his mouth.
Chris reached down, grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up. He slammed Steve sickeningly against the side of the car, and then he drew back his fist to smash the man’s face to a pulp.
“No, no, please, please, don’t hurt me, please forgive me!” Steve wept pathetically and fell to his knees in front of Chris. He reached out to grab Chris’ thighs, but Chris stepped back and slapped Steve again, so viciously that for a span of time as Steve crashed to the ground he could not hear anything, just an alarming high-toned pitch!
Momentarily, the slap had rendered him deaf!
“You’re just a sissy!” Chris said softly. “Real men don’t beg, buddy. They’ll rather get the shit beaten out of them than behave like a sissy!”
He opened the back door of the car and saw his phone lying on the backseat. He picked it up and then looked at the front part of the car. The key was still inside the ignition.
Chris got behind the wheel and started the engine.
Steve held up his hands, his face filled with horror.
“No, no, man, don’t leave us here!” he wailed with fear. “We’re a long way from the main road, Chris! I beg you! If you leave us here…these men would die, man, please!”
“The exercise will do you good, buddy,” Chris said coldly as he set the GPS location app on his phone to directions to his house.
He drove away and left the three murderers on the field.
His whole body was suffused with the power of the rage blasting through him. He didn’t know how Steve had managed to track him down, and he shuddered at what the man would have done to him if he had been a less experienced man!
Why was this wicked man in their lives?
Effe, Effe, Effe!
Why had she brought this twist to their lives? What had she told this fool of a guy to make him so confident that he could easily take her away from him?
Chris drove blindly, and then he realized that they had brought him to a really remote place! Again, he shuddered at the prospect of what they would have done to him.
But his was a kind dispensation, normally, and as the rage slowly died down, he realized that indeed, the men he had left behind had no chance of making it.
Steve would have a swollen face from the slaps, but he could walk the distance, at least, to the roadside and get a lift. But Twum and Abdul had no chance of making it because of the extensive destruction Chris had bestowed on them.
Chris sighed, and he slowly eased his foot off the accelerator pedal and cruised to a stop. He breathed hard, and then he sighed heavily and executed a U-turn.
He drove back to the field, and true to his suspicions, he met Steve stumbling blindly up the path. The man had left his two cohorts behind!
Chris’ jaw tightened as he drove past the man and then came to a stop beside the two men still on the ground.
Twum was still out cold, but Abdul was grabbing his shattered thigh, his huge face filled with sweat from his agony.
“Oh, thank you, man, thank you!” he groaned with feeble relief as Chris helped him up into the back of the car.
Chris then dragged Twum into the car too.
Next, he picked up the gun on the ground, ejected the bullet clip, and put them in his pocket.
He got into the car again and executed a U-turn, and then the headlights of the car caught Steve Hollison in the glare as he stood shakily. He had come back when he saw the car.
Steve opened the passenger door and got in.
“You son-of-a-bitch!” Abdul grated out terribly from the back. “You left us! You fucking left us!”
Steve said nothing.
“He’s just a fucking sissy, that’s all!” Chris said disdainfully.
Steve’s head dropped, and suddenly he did a weird thing: his shoulders shook as he began to weep pathetically!
This was the second time this bastard Chris had disgraced him so badly!
Steve’s heart was filled with bitter gall now, and his whole body was poisoned with his humiliation and impotent rage!
This bastard had made him vomit, and now he had made him weep!
That was something Steve would never forgive, and he would take his revenge!
He knew that the only thing that would assuage his anger and humiliation would be the ultimate revenge! He was going to take the one thing Chris cherished the most, the one thing that would hurt this handsome bastard the most!
Yes, come what may, Steve was going to take Effe away from this bastard!
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