The Halo Breed…
The Author
Sena could not believe that he was about to be married within the netherworld to a rock-like, giant, stinking, ugly creature.
There were several instances where he baulked and almost ended it, but somehow that strong premonition made him resolute, and he watched the unfolding spectacle with detached curiosity.
Tatita wanted a new doorway, so Sena went to the spot next to Hangit’s new doorway and broke through another doorway.
It was bigger than all the rest, and more beautiful. Tatita wanted the marriage to be held here. Most of the indigenes entered the dome as the strange ritual began.
Sena had to take off his clothes, be immersed in a liquid that felt oily and stuck to his body. Then one of the strange cloth-materials was used to wrap his lower abdomen. When he emerged in the dome, Tatita also had the same shiny oil-like substance on her body, and a material covering her massive middle body.
He stood in the hall and was tied to Tatita by a black material, face to face.
It was the most difficult situation Sena had ever been in because she stank so horribly! It was as if the stench had doubled after her bath in the oil.
Most in the crowd had screwed-up expressions on their faces and kept covering their noses.
Hangit, in charge of the ceremony, performed it quickly.
“The ring, the ring!” he said desperately. “Who has the ring?”
Only Blindi kept a straight face, and even smiled when he stepped forward with a strange green ring in his hand that glittered like a pure gem.
“Here!” he said proudly. “Our mother’s ring! Use this!”
And so, in a blur, Sena took the ring and wedded the terrible Tatita.
When it was done, there was joyous shouting, and Sena perceived genuine celebration in the vociferous shouts of the crowd. Finally, amidst shouting, laughing and loud hoots, the creatures left the dome, and it was Sena and Tatita all alone.
She took his hand and pulled him towards the gigantic bed-like structure in the middle of the dome. It was the first time Sena had experienced extreme disgust and displeasure in the company of a woman taking him to bed, but he forced himself to keep a straight face.
He took a deep shuddering breath as she unwound the material from around her. Thankfully, the weather was changing rapidly, and the dome was becoming darker by the second.
But the stench remained, and increased!
It had become a putrid blast of such fiendish nature that Sena’s eyes watered as he fought hard to hold on to the vomit that curled his stomach. He wondered why Tatita got uglier and more stinky by the minute. She was so huge now that Sena could barely hold her, and her mouth had become so huge that he was scared she could fit his whole head into her mouth.
He wondered darkly if this was going to be his fate, if he was ever going to see the beautiful fair-skinned Grace of the Skits again, or the dark-skinned amazing beauty of Kharisa. Was this how he was going to be crucified?
Sena kept it all bottled up as the dome turned dark, and he felt her hot hands around him in the darkness.
The bed was soft but firm, and it undulated pleasantly, seeming to hold them in its close embrace. There was one moment of real terror when Sena realized that he was so disgusted by Tatita that no arousal had been transferred to his loins, and he was cold and flaccid down there like an abandoned hearth.
She was all over him, covering him with her hard body, her stench filling his nostrils as she squirmed and moved impatiently on top of him. He felt her groping at his loins, and taking him in her huge hand. But she was gentle as she began to rub him against something soft and dry.
The moment they made contact, she began to wail and shake in a manner that terrified Sena. She was a cauldron of violence as she thrashed wildly on the bed, her loud voice rising in a bellow that reverberated off the hollow walls and hurt Sena’s ears.
“Tatita!” he shouted weakly beneath her. “Are you okay? Are you alright? What is happening to you?”
Her hands gripped his shoulders as she screamed and shook him, and he almost began to hit her when it dawned on him that her screaming was tinged with a note of relief, and that although her tears felt like a downpour of rain on his face, there was a measure of happiness in that hoarse voice above him.
Suddenly, he heard a great rumbling sound as the whole dome shook violently, as if in an earthquake, and he tried to sit up.
“We’re under attack again, Tatita!” he shouted.
He struggled, appalled that he was becoming weaker and weaker and extremely tired by the second.
Sena made a last frantic effort to get off the bed, but things skewed suddenly and horribly, and the darkness slowly stole over him.
Sena Kukah did not know how long he was unconscious.
He opened his eyes slowly.
He was lying on a glorious golden bed, the sheet extremely white and fine, so soft and beautiful. The Halo Breed turned on his back slowly and surveyed his surroundings. The room was illuminated by soft sunlight, casting rays on things in the bedroom that he had never seen before.
It was a woman’s room, of that he was sure.
There was a glass-like enclosure far at the foot of the bed that contained dresses for a woman.
White towels, glistening floor, a golden dressing-table.
Everything spoke of sheer luxury, and he was amazed.
One moment he had been in bed with a repulsive creature about to rape him, and the next moment he was lying on the most beautiful bed he had ever seen in the most beautiful room he had ever entered.
He saw a species of birds with white and golden feathers sitting on the windowsill and chirping melodious tones that amazed him greatly.
“Goodness me!” he whispered in awe. “What happened? Where am I?”
A glass door on his left swished open silently, then she seemed to glide out.
Sena looked at her in wonder!
She was the loveliest entity he had ever seen!
She was adorned in an all-white dress with gold trimmings at the side. Her lovely feet were bare, and her eyes – so white and green, like gems – fixed on his face.
This was an ethereal being!
Her posture, her lovely, clear skin, her amazing curvature, and the proud head spoke of royalty. Her eyes were, however, extremely cold as she walked towards the bed.
Then he noticed the green ring on her finger!
Same ring!
The one Blindi had handed over and claimed it belonged to their mother!
Sena sat up suddenly with a cry of shock.
“Tatita?” he asked hoarsely.
The green-eyed beauty only looked at him with disdain!
The Halo Breed, Hell in Hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades
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