Bad Girls Don’t Love
The Author
The alcohol in Rashid’s system had hit an all-time high by the time Kwabena Sintim helped him out of the car and into the apartment room of Elaine Boateng.
Rashid was singing, talking gibberish and mentioning Rakia a lot.
“Can I get a little hot water?” Sintim asked the beautiful woman with him, barely able to keep his eyes off Elaine’s beautiful breasts outlined by her wet clothes. “I want to help him take a bath.”
“Sure, let me draw the bath,” Elaine replied.
She quickly put on the heater in the bathroom and a few minutes later, she drew a warm bath, then left for the bedroom to change her clothes because she had noticed Sintim’s amorous glances.
She took down a brand-new male dressing gown she had bought but never had the opportunity to give anyone to use, and sent it to the bathroom. Sintim had managed to take off Rashid’s wet clothes, and had him in the bath where Rashid was singing a weird song about a girl named Rakia in a pleasant, baritone voice.
“Help him put this on,” she said, and left for the kitchen to warm some soup for Rashid.
She was rubbing her hair with a large towel when a little knock came on the kitchen door, and she hurried to the living room.
“He’s asleep,” Sintim said with a sad smile. “What happened to him? I don’t believe he’s used to alcohol.”
Elaine sighed.
“He’s going through a difficult period, I guess,” she replied, and Sintim shook his head sadly.
“Such a good man. A kind-hearted gentleman, a man I respect so much. It is the good people that evil people always prey on,” he said, and Elaine was angered by the sudden pang of guilt his words evoked. “Alright, I need to go home, but I’ll pass through in the morning if you don’t mind, and check on him.”
She forced out a smile.
“Thank you, Kwabena. You’re a very good man too.”
“He saved my son’s life, so I owe him my life,” he said passionately.
She saw him to the door, and waited for him to descend, then she closed the door, locked it, and immediately went to the guest room, but Sintim had not taken Rashid to the guest room.
Elaine breathed deeply when she went to her bedroom and found him in bed, sleeping peacefully in the bathrobe.
She was once again struck by how handsome he was. Cool, calm, handsome, the only man who had ever rejected her advances. She watched him for a moment with a slight scowl on her beautiful face, then she left the room abruptly and went to the kitchen to drink a bowl of hot soup with fish and tender duck meat.
She returned to the bathroom and gathered Rashid’s wet clothes and took them to the washing machine. Elaine washed and dried them under the strong light in the storeroom, then she went to the bathroom to take a warm bath.
It was raining again, and suddenly she felt drained and needed to sleep.
She decided to sleep in the guest room. She wanted to give him some food, though, wondering if he had eaten. Drinking that much alcohol on an empty stomach could cause harm, she knew.
She served a bowl of soup on a tray and took it to the bedroom. She put it on a low table, went to the bed, sat beside him, switched on the light, and began to shake him gently.
“Wake up and drink some soup, Rashid,” she said insistently.
Finally, his eyes opened and he looked at her with the most beautiful look on his face. Elaine stared at him, confused, and gasped when he lifted his right hand and put it gently on her left cheek, and ran a thumb gently on her temple.
“Rak, oh Rak!” he whispered tenderly. “I missed you so much. Why did you make me miss you like this?”
Elaine gasped and tried to move out of reach, but his hand dropped to her waist and his arm curled around her.
“Rashid,” she whispered tightly. “Snap out of it! This is Elaine, remember?”
He suddenly drew her on the bed beside him even as she struggled, and he reared up and looked down at her beautiful face.
“I love you, Rakia,” he whispered tenderly. “I always will, my darling.”
Elaine was stricken into momentary silence as his hand cupped her face again, and descended to her neck.
“You’re so beautiful, darling,” he whispered as his hand moved under the V-neck of her robe and gently curled around her beautiful left breast. When his thumb gently flicked her nipple, she gasped and looked at him desperately.
“Don’t do this, Rashid,” she whispered. “I’m not Rakia! I don’t know who she is, but I know you are now with Aku, remember? And I’m Elaine! Ella Silk, the one you hate! Remember?”
“I remember, my love,” he whispered. “And I remember how we were going to name our children, the R Family. Oh, Rakia, don’t ever leave me again!”
His head descended, and his lips gently sought hers.
Elaine never kissed her clients!
It was a rule she had set firmly, and followed stringently. No man had ever kissed her without her fighting it, even when she was younger. But Rashid’s lips were gentle, so sweet, so amazing in a way she had never experienced, and though she tried to fight it, she sighed and relaxed on the bed.
His tongue curled around hers, and she moaned as her hand went around his neck, and she shared a full, unrated kiss with a man for the first time. She expected her body to freeze up as it always did, her mind to leave the act and just be a robot experimenting without feelings as she always did, but to her horror, she could not turn off her emotions now.
His tongue moved down her throat and to her earlobes, and she shivered as a low sigh escaped her lips.
What was happening to her? Why wasn’t her body shutting down? Why wasn’t she feeling the usual revulsion she felt in situations like this? Oh, dear Lord, where was the hatred she felt every time a man’s hands touched her?
She tried to push him away, but his lips found one of her nipples, and Elaine gasped as the desire roared in her veins in a way she had never experienced. He kissed one nipple and gently caressed the other. His hand undid the sash of her robe, and pushed it aside gently as his hand moved across her flat belly and slid across her silky thighs.
“Rashid!” she whispered before her hands slid across his head, neck and gently caressed his back. His hands moved across her hips, and she reached desperately for the sash of his gown, wanting to feel his body too. She drew it aside and ran her hands across his hard chest and ripped belly.
“Oh, Rak!” he moaned, and when he reared up, she pushed the robe off his shoulders, and he took it off.
She wound her arms around his neck and drew him down, then she clamped her lips to his and kissed him deeply, passionately, her hands moving across his hard back.
Elaine felt his hand coming up her inner thighs, and for a minute she froze. She was never wet, never, not ever!
Daddy, don’t do it! Daddy, I beg you, don’t do this to me! You’re hurting me, daddy! You’re killing my soul! I beg you with God, daddy! Mommy! Where are you? Save me, mommy! No, daddy, daddyyyyy! Don’t put it in me…
She had never been wet because of the trauma!
She hated men, she had to use the lubricant, otherwise the pain would be so severe that it would leave painful tearing in her core!
It is painful, daddy! You’re killing me, pleaaaase! I’m your daughter! I’m your only daughter! Why, why, why? Oh God, let me die!
Elaine gasped!
Rashid’s hand was on her… and she was oozing with wetness!
How? Why? What is happening?
Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love . Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love. Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read
Donate-To-Read: Paid Story:: BAD GIRLS DON’T LOVE :: EPISODE 14
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