Wrong Start
by Daisy Yawson
“Sir…madam has asked me to tell you that she’s leaving for class.”
Ibrahim had gotten into his boxers and was about putting on trousers when Adisa barged in unannounced.
The bulge in his boxers had her hooked for a minute. Ibrahim on the other hand had no idea what his appearance was doing to her. Or you could say what his appearance did to women. Trying had to avert her eyes, she looked around instead.
Ibrahim checked his watch and nodded.
“Mhh…Where is she now?”
“Outside..on the compound.”
“Has she taken anything?”
“Yes, sir. I prepared breakfast for her.”
“Kindly go and check if she’s still there. I can drop her off somewhere close to her school…I have some time left.”
She went back and came back to inform him again.
“Sir. she’s gone.”
He looked up at her.
“Mmh.. alright thanks.”
Yesterday, he’d fallen asleep with his head on the pillow whiles stroking her tummy which she enjoyed very much. He very much wanted to sleep next to her but dismissed that thought since he had no feelings for her. But thought it might have been because he was starting to warm up to the fact that, she was his wife.
He prepared himself a simple dish before going to the firm. Everyone at his workplace had greeted him with a Mr attached to his name. Somehow he liked it. Being a bachelor for a while changed his perspective of things. Seeing now that being married was quite an honour, he wanted in his own way, to appreciate it except, he could not force himself to love another woman. The marriage was only an agreement and was soon to end with both of them, going their separate ways.
“Congratulations on your wedding, sir,” a lady said as soon as he reached his part of the building.
He flashed her a smile, thanked her, and proceeded to his office. One of the biggest in the firm. As a manager, he received lots of people including gifts on occasions like his birthday and during public holidays but what he saw in his office that morning was beyond any gift he had ever received since he started work at the Unity Cooperate Construction firm.
He briefly checked through some of them as he had a tight schedule.
‘From your loving brother. Have a happy life.’ It read on a very big present. He frowned as soon as he saw it was from his younger brother. Throwing the gift into the pile of other presents, he sat in his armed chair and began work.
After working intensely for 5 whole hours, he received a call from Mimi which kind of surprised him. He’d told her to ask Adisa for everything she needed and not bother him but it seemed she hadn’t heard it well and needed a reminder.
Sighing, he fixed his tie and picked up the call.
“What is this?” his voice was cold as usual.
Mimi had no idea how to tell him as she was embarrassed about the issue.
“Mimi, speak up, I’m very busy with work.”
Swallowing hard, she went on.
“Some teachers in my new school have a problem with me wearing…” Hesitating, he urged her on.
“Go on..”
“They think I shouldn’t be wearing a ring, especially on my middle finger.”
He signed again and cleared his throat. Removing the ring was not an option even though for him, he never cared. Still, he preferred she wore it.
Checking the time for the umpteenth time, he promised to be at her school which calmed her nerves a little. Although he never bothered to ask where she got the phone to make the call.
“Finish up the rest,” he told his personal secretary and took his leave.
Soon, he was in her school. A small but well-furnished school with few classes. Perfect for a mother to be. People won’t be talking when she got pregnant.
A teacher recognized him and came to him. Directing him into the principal’s office, she left for her business. It was a private school.
“I got a call from Mimi this afternoon. She was complaining about having got into trouble for having a ring on, am I right?”
“Yes, please. But may I know who you are to her. I’m sorry but I know her parents since they’ve been here before and so I would like to know what you are to her then we talk about it.”
The elderly woman of about 50 told him. He didn’t have a clue what her deal was but he had to come clean if he had to make sure they stopped any form of harassment that could be directed to her for wearing a ring in class. It was expected from any private school for students to abide by the rules which governed the school. He could only blame himself for getting married when he could be a happy bachelor.
“She’s my wife.”
Surprised, she asked for a confirmation which he gave her. She apologized for the trouble but advised she took it off when she came to school for fear of it getting missing.
“Some students feel the need to borrow what others have and use it. I will advise, she wears it anywhere else apart from school.”
“Alright.. thank you, madam.”
“You’re welcome, sir. I will have a teacher call her.”
They got out unto the school compound waiting for Mimi. Ibrahim could see her approaching them with a female teacher in tow. Mimi had on a short jeans shirt and a tank top, which revealed a bit of her fair skin to the public. Something he knew was his. He shouldn’t be feeling upset about the way she was dressed but it got to him. Clenching his fist into a ball, he regretted not seeing her off before she left the house.
“Good evening, Principal,” Mimi courtesied.
“Evening dear. Mr Mensa is here for you.” Saying that only for her teacher’s ears.
After having left school, they drove home in silence. Painful silence. Mimi relaxed in her seat. A bit of flesh, revealing for him to see.
Shifting uncomfortably in his seat, Mimi asked if he was okay. He nodded but in truth, his dick throbbed in his trousers that it hurt. No woman had turned him on as she did. He was sure Eyram wouldn’t compete. The innocent girl gazed outside the glass window. While Ibrahim was trying his best to drive them home safely, Mimi was thinking about her birthday which was due next week. Way back, when she was still living with her parents, she would have celebrated it with her friends and family. Sometimes she wondered if her parents sold her off after she learned from her aunty the amount of money Ibrahim had to pay just to have her.
Soon, they reached home with both of them still in the car.
“Mmh,” she looked at him.
“Can you not wear clothes like this when going to school?”
Looking at what she wore, she knew it had something to do with how a part of her was exposed nevertheless, it wasn’t a problem for the teachers. Most of the girls her age wore clothes of that type and so she was a bit confused he had a problem with it.
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? I think it’s fine to me.”
“I will come to you tonight.” Managing to change the subject, he took a step toward the building.
“Wait!” she held unto his sleeve to prevent him from walking away.
His glare didn’t stop her from letting go.
“At what time will I see you.” Letting her know will be better for she had to at least finish up and take her bath so she could wait for him. Homework had to be done plus, she had to take the drugs prescribed by the doctor. In the meantime, she wanted to know when he would come to her.
“7:00. I understand that you go for class…and don’t worry, I’m not doing it for my pleasure. You know what I mean.”
Engaging her in sexual activities was bad already even though they had said vows. It just did not sit right with him. He’d asked himself what her parents were thinking when they married their daughter off to a stranger. But another voice whispered in his head. ″Relax she will soon turn 17.
As if hearing his train of thought, she replied.
“It’s fine…I actually do not mind what happens between us and besides, I will turn 17 next week.“
Chuckling, she walked past him with him gazing at her behind. His sexual urges have nothing to do with her. He reasoned that what happened in the car happened was a result of missing Eyram so much. Eyram was everything to him and no girl or woman could surpass that.
After hours of going about his duties, he dashed into a spare bathroom to take his bath. Cleaning himself up and making note of things to surprise his son and Eyram in his head, he got out of the bath satisfied. Those two were his joy and kept them at heart. Missing them every day and waiting for the day they will come back to Ghana.
The girl in the room next to her had finished taking her bath.
She changed into a straight white nightie and sat at the edge of the bed to wait for Ibrahim.
There was a knock at her door which was pushed open.
Clasping her palms together out of nervousness, she stared intensely at the person who had just entered.
“I suppose you’re ready,” the towel he had wrapped around his lower body could not hide the bulge underneath it.
Looking away from him, she took off the dress gently and laid on the bed, ready to be explored.
His steps were sharp and long towards her but he stopped abruptly. Her chest heaved in expectation while she got up from the bed and walked towards him.
“Please don’t stop. As much as I don’t want this, I want us to get it done with. I’m ready for this.”
As weird as it sounded, she had a point. To take her tonight and maybe…Just maybe, God will grant him a son so he wouldn’t go through this process again. That thought increased his actions. She looked so fragile in his eyes and decided to go against his promise and be gentle with her.
Picking her up from the tiled floor, he dropped her gently on the bed. Taking his time to get her ready for him, he sank into her tight fold and she cried out his name. Moaning, she held his body tight against her as they moved in unison. One with body and soul. As it should be.
45 minutes after sex, she looked at the body of the man who sat with his back facing her.
“Go to sleep. I won’t share a bed with you,” he got up and sternly told her.
“And I will be sending you to school tomorrow. Oh, and Happy Birthday in advance.” Before walking out.
She covered herself up with the blanket. As sweaty as she was, it didn’t compel her to wash that masculine intoxicating scent off her body. Sleeping under the covers, she said a long prayer to the Lord, hoping He would listen and make her pregnant.
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