Day 27 of 45 Days
45 Days
© Aaron Ansah-Agyeman
Elaine cannot stop crying.
She is devastated. She is with Doctor Anaman and her friends. The shocked doctor has just finished explaining to her how she had ended up giving birth to Dr. Rupert Henderson’s son.
“I’m sorry, Elaine,” Doctor Anaman says kindly. “I’m very sorry. That’s how it happened.”
Elaine cannot speak, and she cannot stop crying. Dr. Anaman sighs deeply and for a moment he considers sedating her again to calm her down, but he decides it will be best to let her cry. Sheena tries to hold and console her, but Elaine pushes her away.
“Please, Elly! Be strong! Please!” a tearful Rebecca says.
But Elaine just can’t stop.
The door opens and a nurse comes. She is pushing a cot; Elaine’s newborn is lying in the cot. At the sight of the baby, Elaine screams shrilly and gets off the bed.
She runs to a corner of the ward, sits on the floor and cowers with fear and rage, and then she screams insanely.
“Send him away! I don’t want to see him! Take him a… awayyyyyyyy!”
They try to calm her, but suddenly she picks up a flask on a low table and hurls it at the cot.
“Jesus! Calm down, Elaine!” Doctor Anaman says with shock.
“Take him awayyyyyyyy! I will kill him! Take him awaaaayyyyyy!”
Luckily the flask misses the cot and crashes into the door, and hot water pours out of it.
Doctor Anaman gestures frantically to the nurse.
“Take him out!”
The nurse wheels the baby out of the ward. The door opens again and Steve enters. Elaine flies at him, hands raised, and she begins to scratch at his face as she continues to scream.
“Steve! bastard!! you made me carry that beast in me!! bastaaaaaaard! you were cheating on me with that woman! bastaaaaaard!”
Her fingers have opened a couple of deep cuts on Steve’s face. Her friends drag her back. She takes off her wedding ring and throws it at Steve.
“Elaine, dammit!” Steve swears.
“Get out steve!! I don’t ever want to see you again. Ouuuuuuutttt!”
Luckily, Dr. Anaman injects her then, and a few seconds later she goes limp and they put her on the bed.
Steve is evidently depressed and in shock when he speaks to the doctor.
“Jesus, Gabby! What’s wrong with her?”
Doctor Anaman looks at Steve with sudden intense dislike.
“Are you asking me? You’re also a damn Doctor, Steve! She’s suffering from postpartum psychosis! You see the harm your undisciplined penis has caused?”
“Postpartum psychosis? Oh, Lord! No!”
“Please, what’s this postpartu thing?” Sheena asks in a trembling voice.
“She is temporarily insane,” Doctor Anaman explains. “She needs to be taken to our psychiatric section.”
Doctor Anaman walks out in a blast of fury.
Rupert Henderson enters the living room.
Barbara gets up and approaches him. She is wearing a very short pair of blue jeans and a halter top. She looks sexy and very beautiful indeed. She stands up and approaches him. She makes a mock face at him and puts her arms around his neck and kisses him gently.
“You still have that lost-boy look you had yesterday, sweetheart. What’s ailing you?”
Rupert drops his attaché case into a couch and walks to the bar to pour himself a drink. They are showing Cheaters on the television, and he smiles sadly as he picks up the remote and lowers the volume.
“Elaine gave birth yesterday, Barbs. A very handsome little boy. And it turns out he is my son,”
Barbara stops suddenly, and her face goes very cold with a sudden explosion of jealousy. She speaks through furious lips.
“I don’t understand, Rupe. What do you mean by he is your son?”
Rupert sits down slowly and takes a sip of his drink.
“Actually, it shocked all of us yesterday. The boy is white and bears a striking resemblance to me. Steve was furious, and yesterday we had to take an express DNA test, and it showed that I’m the child’s biological father.”
Barbara’s hands turn into claws at her sides. She stares at her husband with unrestrained hatred.
“You impregnated Elaine, that slut?”
Rupert waves his drink at her and then drains the glass.
“Oh, nothing as dramatic as that! You remember that time, ten months or so ago, when you came to the office and we had a quickie? You were so damn horny, I remember, and we were so into it. And you wanted more but I had to step into a meeting. Well, guess what happened! It seems Steve came into my office and had sex with you, a few minutes after I left you.”
Barbara’s face drains with blood. She begins to tremble. She swoons and almost crashes to the ground. Rupert looks at her without pity. She takes tottering steps forward and falls on her knees. She tries to speak, and tears just fill her eyes.
She speaks in a choked voice.
“Oh… Rupe…”
Rupert’s voice is now filled with pain.
“So, this is what happened. Steve is not circumcised, right?”
Her lips tremble, and she shakes her head numbly.
“Well, some of my sperms got trapped under Steve’s foreskin when he made love to you because he’s not circumcised. Now when he left you, he went and had sex with Elaine, and my sperms, trapped in his foreskin after he made love to you, fertilized Elaine’s eggs, and she got pregnant. Ha, Steve thought he was the father, the sterile son-of-a-bitch! Now that is crazy, isn’t it? In the end, you succeeded in giving me a son, after all, Barbs.”
Rupert is in so much pain, and he is squeezing the glass so hard that it breaks, and the shards cut his palm, and blood begins to flow, but he doesn’t appear to feel it.
Barbara is crying uncontrollably now. Her whole face is a picture of wretchedness, a reflection of bitter remorse.
Barbara speaks bitterly, remorsefully.
“Oh, my darling! I’m so sorry! Never meant to hurt you! Please forgive me, darling! I’ve called it off! I broke off with him, my love! It began in a moment of insanity! I’m sorry, darling! It was nothing! Just nothing! It is you I love!”
“Stop lying! A hotel? The love bed hotel, right? You were his whore! God damn you, Barbs!” he screams with pain.
She tries to hold on to him.
“I’m so sorry! Please forgive me, Rupe. Oh, I’m so terribly sorry! I broke it off!”
Rupert pushes her away from him and enters the guest room. He locks it behind him, and although she cries and hammers on it for a long time, he pays no heed to her. He notices the blood trickling from his hand for the first time, and as he walks towards the bathroom door to get it cleaned, his legs begin to tremble, and when he enters the bathroom he falls to his knees and begins to weep in a heartbroken manner.
Jonathan Afful and Steve Hollison enter the living room.
They are both very drunk. Steve’s parents are huddled on the couch. His mother gets up, and there are dried tear trails on her face. She tries to touch her son, but he moves away from her hand.
“Stevie! Oh, my boy…” she begins in a despaired voice.
“No, Mama, no!” he says bitterly. “You and Dad, you wanted your heir, your grandchild… and now see what happened? Your damn meddling nose robbed me of the love of my life!”
His father gets up angrily.
“Hey, boy! Watch how you speak to your mother!”
Afful laughs drunkenly.
“But it’s true! You guys messed up his life pretty good! Now you have your heir… a white boy! How are you going to explain that to your friends and family?”
The Captain shakes his head.
“We’ve all wronged Effe! Getting drunk will not fix it. If you have any sense left in your heads, boys, you would both go and beg those sisters to take you back.”
And with that, he storms out of the room.
Iris looks at her shattered son with tears in her eyes.
“I ruined your life, Stevie, my son! And I’m very sorry! It was wrong of me, sorry!”
“Technically, you didn’t ruin his life, Mama,” Jonathan said with a snicker. “He was already slugging Elaine way before you came on the scene. It was only when she got pregnant that you sensibly asked him to do the right thing and stay with her. How were you to know he was carrying some white man’s schilazoo under his damn foreskin? The way I see it, he dug his own grave, and lost Effe, just like I dug my own grave and lost Eyram. But what I don’t understand is why this fool has remained uncircumcised for all these years! Fucking idiot! Royal blood my ass! Now, look at all the trouble that extra skin on his damn dick has gotten him!”
Steve tries to speak, but then he slowly shakes his head as tears fill his eyes.
“Oh, Effe, Effe, Effe! My love! My true love! I’m so sorry! Please forgive me!”
Jonathan Afful laughs stridently, but Iris Hollison takes her son’s hands and speaks gently.
“I’m sorry, my son!” Iris says softly. “Don’t worry, I’ll make it right! I’ll go to Effe and beg her!”
Steve takes his hands from her and goes to stand at the window. His lips tremble as silent tears fall down his cheeks.
“I had it all! A good job, a very talented beautiful wife! Life was so good, so full of bliss! She was an angel behind me, shielding me from the pains of the world! And what did I do? For want of a child, I hurt her, cheated on her with her own cousin! I hurt her, humiliated her, and killed her soul! For what?? I divorced her and married Elaine. For what? I was carrying a bastard man’s juice in my stupid foreskin! A royal man? Jon is right … look at all the trouble that damn foreskin got me! Damn, I’m getting circumcised tomorrow!! And now I’ve lost Effe and put Elaine in a damn mental institution! For what, Mama? For what?”
Jonathan Afful goes and stands beside his friend.
He lifts a bottle of scotch to his lips and drinks long, then gives the bottle to Steve, who also takes a pull.
Iris Hollison puts a trembling hand to her lips as she sees the pain of her son.
“We’re two fools, my paddy,” Afful says, his voice a slur. “We thought we were invisible, that we’ve permanently conquered the hearts of those twins, but it turned out they’re way stronger than we thought. Me, I’ve gone damn impotent. Now, if Eyram asks me to lick her toes, I’ll obey! But I’ve lost her trust, I’ve lost her love… and I’ve lost her body! And do you know something funny? She took my damn dick along! I can’t get a fucking erection!”
The two friends begin to laugh loudly at that, but suddenly Afful sits down and begins to weep bitterly. Steve sits beside him and says nothing, but when he raises his head Iris sees tortured tears pouring down her son’s face too. She goes to sit down beside him, and then puts her arm around his shoulders and draws him close.
“It’s a difficult time, my dear love. But it’s not over yet. You and Effe divorced just a few days ago. She might still be hurting, but this is the time to pursue her again, and make her see how sorry you are.”
“There’s another man in her life, Mama!” he says bitterly.
Iris shakes her son hard.
“A taxi driver, son! You’re the Administrator of the best hospital in Africa! You were her first love, her husband, the man who broke her virginity! You have ties over her that no man has, and which certainly wouldn’t be easy for an illiterate taxi driver to cut! Have your drink, go to sleep, and tomorrow you’re going to pursue Effe as you’ve never done before. You can have her back, son! I’m very sure of that.
Nothing is impossible under this planet.”
“Really, Mama? You believe that?”
“I know that, son.”
“Hogwash! Fucking hogwash!” Jonathan says as he laughs. “He’s lost her forever! That taxi bastard gave it to her like a toff! She ain’t coming back for you, my paddy! She’s gone for good.”
“Shut up, Jonathan!” Iris lashes at him.
Jonathan falls silent.
Steve wipes tears from his eyes.
“I believe you, Mama.”
“You should, my dearest son. You’re going to have the love of your life back. Don’t you worry!”
She leaves the two drunken friends and picks up her phone.
She leaves the living room and goes out to the back porch, and then she dials a number. Ivy answers and her voice is filled with ice.
“I’ve been expecting your call.”
Iris speaks in a remorseful voice.
“I was wrong, Ivy. But I’m a mother, and I did for my son what you would’ve done in my stead. But I admit I was wrong. For that, I apologize to you. Being a mother, I also know you wouldn’t let your daughter marry that wretch of a taxi driver. My son is available, and only your daughter can heal him now. It seems we both have a common goal.”
“You’re a real cold bitch, Iris. You’ve always been. If it had been any other man apart from that Chris Bawa, I would’ve let my daughter go and let your son rot in hell. He doesn’t deserve Effe!”
“I know, Ivy. I know. I’m more to be blamed, forgive me. As I said, I’m truly sorry. But here we are, and it’s that taxi driver. We have a common enemy. The old adage is a fact in this instance: the enemy of my enemy is my friend!”
Ivy Kedem is silent for a while. When she speaks her voice is serious and ice-cold
“If Effe and Steve come together, there’ll be the same problem. Effe still might not be able to give you grandchildren.”
“I know. I know. After the shock of what happened with Elaine, I guess we wouldn’t mind so much if they adopt. I’ve spoken to the Commander. We’ll support them to adopt. I’m being serious and honest with you, Ivy.”
“Alright. Talk. I’m listening. What do you have in mind?”