Kuukuwaa scrambled out of bed and rushed outside and ran towards the sound of the scream. It was coming from the wounded man’s room.
She entered and found him shaking his head wildly in bed with his head thrown back, and making terrifying noises deep in his throat.
There was a lot of sweat on his face, and Kuukuwaa pulled the cover cloth from around him and saw that his body was covered with sweat. His teeth were set tightly and he was speaking through his clenched teeth.
“No, no, no! Nooo! Don’t do it! Please, please, don’t do it! Don’t do this to me!”
Kuukuwaa dropped to her knees and held him tightly as she whispered into his ears.
“Shhh, shhh, shhh! It’s okay! You’re safe! You’re okay! I’m here, nothing bad will happen to you!”
Her gentle sweet voice penetrated the horror of the wounded man’s nightmare, and he fell silent, shaking his head feebly a few times, and then he stopped.
Suddenly, Kuukuwa felt his arms coming up and holding her tightly.
She was pressed against his sweating frame, and she felt him trembling slightly, still making small moaning sounds in his throat.
After a while, he became quiet and soon his breathing stabilized as they came in gentle heaps. Then, his arms dropped from around her, and she gently eased him back unto the bed.
She opened one of the two windows that were netted to keep mosquitoes out, to let air stream in.
With a worried look on her lovely brow, she looked down at him for a while, and then she left the room quietly and went back to her room failing to realize that her father was standing in the shadows of his bedroom door looking thoughtfully at her with a slightly worried frown on his aged brow.
Kuukuwaa fell asleep eventually, but she still seemed to feel those strong arms around her.
A man’s arms.
It was quite the first time in her life that any man had held her so close.
Kuukuwa was a trained teacher, and she was posted to the Densua Dc Basic Schools after her training.
Thus, she got up early every morning to sweep the compound and prepared breakfast for the family before leaving for school.
Luckily, the following day was a Saturday, and so after washing the clothes of the family at dawn, she swept the compound and prepared corn porridge for the family, checking on her patient constantly.
She was in the kitchen serving breakfast for her father when the flap opened and her stepmother came in.
Obaapa Basiwaa was obese, and she had always been kind to Kuukuwaa.
She stood with a draped cloth around her and was chewing a long stick which she uses to clean her teeth quite vigorously.
Then, she looked at Kuukuwaa with a fleshy face and smiled.
“Good morning, my daughter!”
“Good morning, Mama. How’re you doing today?”
“The gods have been kind, my dear. Heard you throughout the night. That new patient is a feisty one, yes?”
Kuukuwaa smiled and put three kose she had fried herself with coconut oil into an earthenware bowl and placed it on a tray.
“Yes, he kept screaming throughout the night. Probably having nightmares of the accident that landed him here.”
The flap opened and her brother came in, yawning.
“Tweaaa, what nightmares? He’s probably either demon-possessed or crazy!” Kobby said.
As the women giggled, he reached out to take one kose from his father’s bowl but Kuukuwaa pushed his hand away.
“Stop it, Kobby. Your food is already served in the dining room.”
Kobby yawned again and went out.
Kuukuwaa carried her father’s breakfast out of the kitchen and saw him emerging from the patient’s room and he followed her to the dining room. It was big and had a huge oak table with a clean sheet over it. There were six high-backed wooden chairs around it.
Kobby was already seated and eating noisily causing his father to look at him with disgust.
“You eat like a pig, boy. And why wouldn’t you? You’re going to kill yourself eventually if you don’t stop drinking.”
Kobby ignored his father.
Opanyin Amoah sat down, washed his hands and drew the tray towards him. Then, Obaapa Basiwaa entered with her own tray, sat down, and reached for a spoon.
Kuukuwaa turned to leave the room.
Kobby looked at her as he bit into a kose. “Ha! Not eating, are you, dear sister? Going to check on your lunatic boyfriend again, no doubt,” he said in a muffled voice, almost choking on the food in his mouth.
His father had just finished putting lots of peanuts into his porridge and was pouring a bit of honey into it when those words came out of his son’s mouth.
“And now what will make you say a silly thing like that? Have you been eating snake meat again with that Oga Biduuki?”
They all laughed.
Oga Biduuki was an expatriate from one of the African countries. He had lived in Densua for several years and was known for his great appetite for snake meat. The young men who killed snakes in the bush always sold them to Oga Biduuki. The old man was Kobby’s friend, and he usually visited him.
Kuukuwaa left the dining area and entered the patient’s room.
His eyes were closed and he was breathing gently. She checked his forehead with her palm and breathed with relief when she found that his body was cool and that the fever had gone down.
Grateful, she left him and entered the kitchen and shortly returned to the wounded man’s room with some warm water and a clean towel.
Gently, she took off the cloth covering him and saw that her father had now put a loose pair of shorts on the young man.
Kuukuwaa cleaned the man gently and carefully, and then she pushed the towel into his shorts and cleaned between his thighs. Suddenly she gave a cry of horror when she saw that the man’s sexual organ was erect and pushing through the fabric of the shorts.
Quickly, she jumped up and looked at his face, and was baffled to realize that he was still asleep. She looked at that bulge in the shorts and back to the man’s face, and then she sighed shyly and gave a nervous giggle. And then Kobby’s voice startled her from the doorway.
“I told you! That guy is an ashawo malafaka through and through!”
She turned round to look at her brother, and both of them burst into laughter.
It continued like that for almost a week. The patient seemed to have fallen into a coma of sorts, much to Kuukuwaa’s chagrin. He had stopped screaming but his fever seemed to be going up causing him to tremble in the afternoons and making him speak gibberish, but his wounds, thankfully, began to heal as her father attended to him with a passion she had not seen before.
Then a breakthrough happened.
It was a Friday. Kuukuwaa had come back from work and had prepared supper for the family. After serving her family, she had taken a bath and watched her father change the dressing on the man’s wound, covering it with clean strips of white sheets.
Kukuwa returned to the stranger’s room a while later with warm water to clean him for the night. It was quite dark now, so she lit the lanterns and cleaned him slowly with a worried face. For almost a week now, he had become weaker, and even his breathing seemed to have slowed down.
She cleaned between his thighs, lingering and taking her time, her face burning furiously with both a strange sensation and the shame of taking advantage of him like that, quite convinced that she might be very furious if any man did the same to her if she was in a coma.
Truth was, she had never seen an adult’s male organ ever in her life. She was scared of it. She had seen those of the little boys in school, and mostly those of the boys who walk around the village naked but she had never come close to any adult male’s organ before, simply because she was scared by the tales she heard about boys from her friends, and her brother.
She was also quite disgusted by the thought of being kissed…yuck…with all that saliva shooting into her mouth. And the thought of a man pushing his hard pole into her little hole was quite disturbing and gross but somehow, seeing this man lying so still, so sick, so lame, so helpless, she just quite did not fear him or his pole.
The fact was, she was used to seeing the desire in the eyes of males, and hearing them tell her what they want to do with her but with this man, she did not even see his eyes but felt something calming about him.
Glancing furtively at the door, Kuukuwaa slowly put the wet towel aside and slowly, slowly, slowly pushed her hand into his shorts, inching ever so slowly towards the juncture of his thighs.
She gasped when she touched him and felt the over-grown hair down there, and just held him. He was soft and flabby, and she wrapped her hand around it. She held it for a spell more and then she was shocked into immobility!
Dear gods, she was holding a man’s gun in her hand!
She gasped, and quickly let it go, withdrew her hand, and then she sat panting, her eyes on his face, and that was when she noticed that his eyelids were twitching.
She huffed, and then he opened his eyes slowly.
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