Born Bad…
A ChrisEffe Thriller
There is a party going on.
The house where all the merrymaking is taking place is located in one of the exclusive private residences of Takoradi.
It is a huge beautiful white house, replete with some of the modern perks that makes a home both physically appealing and emotionally comfortable.
The S-shaped swimming pool is filled with young people having fun, whilst the lovely garden is taken up by more elderly people.
There is a huge white banner decorated with gold trimmings at the entrance. It depicts the portrait picture of a very beautiful young woman. She is dressed in an elegant white dress and fetching earrings and necklace, with modest makeup. Her eyes are huge with dancing lights in them, and on her lips is the loveliest smile in the world, depicting a confident attitude and natural beauty. Above her head are the words:
Below the portrait are the words:
A sleek Lexus turns into the driveway. It approaches the gates, and the security men open the gates. The driver drives through and parks behind one of the cars. He gets out of the Lexus.
He is a dark-skinned, lithe man, darkly handsome and wearing a well-cut black suit with a white shirt. He is medium-built, and he is smiling widely as he walks round the car and heads for the garden behind the house where all the merry-making is.
There are a lot of people around. Some of the young are swimming in the pool. Some are sitting around the tables, eating and conversing. Some have formed little groups.
The man pauses briefly and looks around.
A beautiful girl sees him from where she is sitting with her parents, and she stands up with a happy look on her face.
The man looks at her, and as usual, he feels his heart thumping at the sight of her.
He cannot believe how one woman can be so beautiful.
She is of medium height, but she is so shapely, curved to perfection. Her skin glows a natural fair, her oval face framed by her long natural hair which is pulled up on her head in a bun. Her large, clear lovely eyes are given more allure by her long lashes and beautiful eyebrows.
Her nose is small and well-shaped, her lips full, luscious and indescribably lovely. As she moves forward to meet him, with a mischievous smile on her lips, he admires her simple white dress that stops at the knee, and he watches her lovely legs for a moment before returning his gaze to her face.
She is Effe Kedem.
And he is Jonathan Afful.
They have known each other since childhood. Their families have been friends for a long time. Jonathan is the only child of his parents, whilst Effe is also the only child of her parents.
There has been an understanding between the two families that Effe and Jon would eventually get married.
It had not been surprising that the two of them had grown up liking each other, and both of them had chosen a medical profession at the University. Jonathan had completed two years before Effe, and he is currently a surgeon at the EDEN HOSPITAL in a lovely town called Densua.
Effe has just completed, and Jonathan has arranged for her to do her Housemanship at the Eden Hospital as a trainee Paediatrician.
Effe stops in front of Jon and smiles up at him.
“You’re late, handsome! You missed all the fun!”
Jonathan Afful smiles and sweeps her into his arms despite her mock cries of protest. He kisses her on the right cheek and looks fondly into her eyes.
“Sorry, love. Had to rush to Accra to close off a deal for the hospital. I’m so excited, love. Can’t wait to have you all to myself in Densua.”
Effe chuckles and moves out of the circle of her arms.
“Mister, I’ve told you this body is out of bounds to you until the day you carry me off to the altar. So, don’t go entertaining any ideas.”
Afful laughs and begins to walk with her, draping his arm around her waist.
“Young lady, I give you just one year of Housemanship, and then we’re going straight to the altar. I can’t wait longer than that!”
Effe titters.
They have reached the little circle that includes her parents and some relatives. Her father, grey-haired, is the handsome Ken Kedem. Her mother is beautiful and elegant even in age, and she is Ivy Kedem.
Ken Kedem speaks.
“Oh, Jon! How’re you? Heard you had to rush to Accra.”
Jonathan is laughing as he responds.
“Yes, my dear father-in-law. Something came up, but nothing was going to stop me from attending my darlings Going Away Party!”
“Always in-law, in-law, Jonathan! We’re tired!” Ivy Kedem says with laughter. “In-law is not by mouth. Go ahead and marry my daughter and give me the pleasure of holding my grandchildren!”
Ken Kedem is laughing as he speaks.
“I support that assertion one hundred and three per cent, dear.”
They all laugh as Jonathan sits down and accepts a plate of yam and kontomire stew from Effe. They are soon joined by Afful’s parents, Lois and Abeiku Afful.
Lois is a huge woman, almost obese, whilst her husband is tall and thin, a former army commander.
Lois Afful is a High Court Judge.
Abeiku Afful speaks.
“So, when are you two leaving for this village? Why do you want to be in that village anyway? There are other good hospitals here in the city, and you can just marry this weekend and settle down here!”
Lois speaks.
“Come on, Abeiku, dear. That Eden Hospital is doing a whole lot of good down there. It is serving a huge community and the President of the nation even commended them.”
“Hogwash! A village is a village!”
Jonathan chuckles and pushes a piece of yam into his mouth. “Densua is not a village, Pop. The hospital serves three major regions of Ghana, and the workload there is so pressing. I’ve never felt more fulfilled as a doctor. I know Effe is going to like it in Densua.”
Effe smiles beautifully.
“Of course, I will, with you right there by my side.”
Abeiku scowls.
“Hogwash. A village is a village!”
They all laugh. Effe and Jon exchange secret smiles.
It is evident they like each other a lot!
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