PART 2">
This is how to turn your relationship into marriage… EUNICE ANSAH-AGYEMAN HOW TO TURN YOUR RELATIONSHIP INTO MARRIAGE PART 2 [avatar] The Author Welcome back to Part 2 of our discourse on turning your relationship into a marriage. If you missed the first part, you can read it by clicking the link below: How To Turn Your Relationship...
PART 1">
This is how to turn your relationship into marriage… EUNICE ANSAH-AGYEMAN HOW TO TURN YOUR RELATIONSHIP INTO MARRIAGE PART 1 [avatar] The Author I saw a tweet recently on a friend’s status which went something like this: In 2019 there is no dumping me if you date me! I’m too old for that kind of sh*t. If your love...
So you’re dating, and suddenly this issue comes up: Sex me if you love me! Sleep with me to prove that you’re really mine! Have you heard these words before? You probably have, yeah, somewhere along the line when you thought you were in love! See, it used to be one of the most devastating lines for boys! However,...