The Affair intensifies….
Henrik walked into the restaurant thirty minutes late. Melisa was already seated with a few drinks before her. She smiled when she saw him walking towards her. Henrik greeted and took the seat facing her.
“Just like that? Don’t be boring Henrik. You should know how to greet a lady properly. A peck here and there won’t hurt you, would it?” Melisa said pointing to her left and right cheeks.
Henrik smiled sarcastically and obliged.
“That’s better. Thanks, my love. Now that you are here, I think we can order. I am famished.”
Melisa signaled for the waiter and poured herself a drink and one for Henrik. She offered the glass to Henrik who thanked her and set it down on the table. Henrik asked the waiter for a bottle of water when he finished taking their order.
“Can we talk about whatever was the reason you drew me here. I’m kind of in a hurry. I promised to pick up Chelsca from school today.” Henrik said.
“How sweet. You are a gentleman. Well since you are in a hurry I’ll be snappy about it. Looks like it won’t be only Chelsca you would be picking from school in the next few years to come.” Melisa said cunningly.
“What’s that supposed to mean? I’m not aware Kiara-Joy is expecting. But that aside, what has that got to do with you? Why are you telling me that?” Henrik asked, confused.
“Well, at least you got one gist correct. It’s about a new baby, yes but Kiara-Joy is not the mother of that baby. I am! Isn’t that wonderful?”
Henrik couldn’t believe his ears. Was Melisa telling him she was pregnant? God, why was his world crumpling around his feet? Having an affair was bad enough but now a baby was going to be caught up in the middle of it all. Whew, what was he going to do?
Melisa was still married, at least from what she had told him. He thought about the legal implications and the effects all that would have on his marriage, his career and his reputation. He shuddered when he thought of his wife’s reaction to all of this and hoped Melisa was just calling his bluff.
“Melisa, you don’t have to joke with things like that. We spent a night together. I can understand you want to hold on to me but lying is not the way to go. You can’t lie about things like that. You almost gave me a heart attack. Why are you doing this?”
“Do you think I’m enjoying this? Do you know what I stand to lose with all this? Here I am, married but pregnant for someone’s husband. Don’t you think I know how complicated this all seems? I’ve spent sleepless nights thinking of a way out that would be fair to you, the baby and me. Does my husband have to go through this stress of his wife being impregnated by another man?”
Her eyes were now cold and calculating.
“Does your wife deserve the stress and emotional turmoil that such news brings? Can this baby be denied his civic right to life? Do you and I deserve the chaos that this scandal would bring? I’ve done a lot of thinking and soul searching just to find an amicable solution to this problem. I contacted you because I have not found any workable solution to this mess. “
“What mess have you gotten me into Melisa? I thought you were smart. How come you didn’t take any precautions. Or was that a plan to trap me?” Henrik said, disillusioned.
“I can understand your frustrations with the current situation but do not insult me. You and I are to be blamed for our carelessness. I didn’t force anything on you. Even if I did, you had a choice. You could have just walked away and nobody was going to kill you if you did. You made a choice so you should be man enough to embrace the consequences.”
She frowned a little.
“You think playing blame games will solve it. I wouldn’t even call it a mess. What if it’s God’s plan for you and me to be together. I have been married without a child for a while now. Then a chance meeting with you and one night this happens? Isn’t that too much of a coincidence? If this is how God wants to bless me, who am I to say no?”
“Look Melisa,” Henrik cut in, “I don’t want to sound rude but we have to analyze this critically. I don’t think having the baby is an option for us. Think of the scandal this is going to generate. Do we have to lose everything we have worked so hard for in life over a night of carelessness? If we were single, this wouldn’t be much of a problem.”
He continued…
“But that is not the case, I think. If it is true you are expecting, then cruel as it may sound, termination of that pregnancy is our only practical and amicable option. That way we save a scandal that would pull both of us down and the stress that child would have to go through because of the circumstances surrounding his or her birth.”
She had a sardonic look on her face as she listened to him.
“You are a lawyer; I need not spell out the implications if this gets to the public. Your husband can decide to make our lives a living hell for this, you know. I stand to lose everything… my family, my reputation and even my freedom if I’m convicted. Let’s be reasonable here, dear,” Henrik tried to convince Melisa.
“That would be over my dead body. This baby stays and that’s final. I am not having an abortion!”
For the very first time in his life, Henrik felt outraged. Outraged for bringing such calamity upon himself. But that wouldn’t solve anything. He felt he had no skill or expertise to deal with the situation that lay before them. He looked at the food he ordered for a while and didn’t know what to do with it.
Not surprisingly, he had completely lost his appetite.
Melisa was making things even more difficult. He could empathize with her though. She had hoped for a child all these years and when she got around it and finally got pregnant the circumstances surrounding the conception makes it almost impossible for her to even be happy about it.
Henrik scolded himself for not walking away from her that night. All these would have been avoided. He had given in to a weakness and his selfish ego and now he had to pay a high price for it. There should be a way out. There should be a solution to this problem that would settle the scores. The stakes were too high on this one.
He asked that they ate and thought about an amicable option later. Henrik had suddenly lost his appetite for food but Melisa insisted he took a bite or watch her eat and escort her out of the restaurant before he left. He pecked at the food because it finally tasted like sawdust. He poured himself a tot-full glass of whiskey and gulped it all down at once.
Henrik liked the burning sensation he felt in his throat when he did that. Somehow, he felt he had to punish himself for what had happened. He barely listened to Melisa as she talked about her work and what she would like to do when the baby arrived and what name she would like to call him or her.
Henrik felt really lost.
He escorted her out to her car and waited for her to pull out of the restaurant before he went to his car.
To Be Continued…
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