The Last Kiss Episode 16 is on…
It is morning.
Alicia walks gracefully into her office and turns on the lights, the AC, her laptop and waits for it to boot.
She is however, a little worried.
Curtis had called her first thing in the morning to check on her and to remind her to take her medications. He also gave a round down of his itinerary for the day and promised to speak to her as soon as he was done.
Somehow, she is disappointed Curtis did not mention that Cynthia was on the flight with her and she is not sure why he is keeping it a big secret.
Forcibly, she brushes the whole Cynthia saga aside and goes about her morning routine without interruptions.
Just as she is ready to step out to see her Director about a report he requested, a call comes through.
She picks the call.
The caller hesitates for a while.
“Hello,” Alicia repeats.
“Hello baby doll.” Cynthia replies.
“Who is this please?” Alicia asks.
“Stop playing dumb, you pretender. You know who exactly I am. I should be married to Curtis not you. Curtis and I still love each other and we spent a most romantic time together last night. Anyway, I’ve sent you some pictures.
Take a look and let me know what you think. He really opened up about his feelings and fears about your HIV status and if you have any dignity left, you will leave the house before he gets back. I know he is with you out of pity. He doesn’t want to be seen as an uncaring person that’s why he is still staying with you. We are back together and this time nothing will separate us.”
“Are you that desperate? If he is so much in love with you, why is he with me? He left you a long time ago and I know he will not stoop that low with you. He is not the monster you are making him to be. Curtis is a perfect gentleman and you can’t accept the fact that he married me not you. You think lying will get you anywhere? Think again, my dear.
Your lies have no power over me. I will not let you come between us. You are history and never will you make the headlines again as far as Curtis is concerned. Get that through your senseless head and stop wasting my precious time. A little advice, never settle for less. Settling for less gets you less than you settled for so if I were you, I will accept my losses and move on. Curtis married me so that nonsense about still being in love with you does not wash with me. Get a life, will you?”
Alicia cuts the call before Cynthia can say anything further.
She is a little worried because she has hoped Omar was lying when he said Cynthia was on the same plane as Curtis and the two had planned the trip together.
Hurriedly, she flips through her WhatsApp messages and sees pictures of Curtis and Cynthia having breakfast together.
What bothers her most is the fact that Curtis seem to be enjoying himself.
He looks totally at ease and comfortable in Cynthia’s presence and that’s stabs her heart with a force of a volcano.
The fact that Cynthia knows about her condition added salt to her injury.
She did not understand why Curtis should be discussing their business with his ex or Omar had told Cynthia about her condition.
Either way, tears form in Alicia’s eyes when it dawns on her that the two may still have feelings for each other.
Alicia has heard the tales of the long-standing relationship between Curtis and Cynthia. They had been separated a lot of times but always found their way back to each other, at least until she met Curtis.
She has no reason to believe Curtis has cheated on her with anyone, let alone Cynthia but seeing them together unsettles her greatly.
And Cynthia knowing intimate details about their marriage is really breaking down Alicia’s security.
She contemplates calling Curtis to confront him but decides against it since he will be in a meeting according to his itinerary. She will wait till he gets back; that’s the most prudent thing to do.
Alicia takes in a deep breath and rubs her eyes, trying to shake the blues away but she is stressed suddenly.
Some things are not adding up but she will have to wait and see.
Alicia’s eyes fall on her screen saver which happens to be one of her favourite pictures on their honeymoon.
They were really happy together.
The smile on their faces say it all.
She admits she’s not smiled like that ever since the dreadful news about her diagnosis reached her.
Alicia logs into her mail and is about replying to the first email when the intercom in her office buzzes.
It is their dependable Executive Secretary, Dorcas Somuah.
“Good morning, Mrs. Owusu-Mensah, there’s someone here to see you. She says your husband sent her and wouldn’t give me a name.”
“Okay, Dorky. Kindly put her in the visitor’s lounge, will be there shortly.”
Alicia walks into the visitors lounge to see her mother-in-law modestly dressed, seated comfortably.
One look at her and Alicia knew she is deeply troubled.
Alicia greets and takes the seat facing her.
“Sorry for showing up like this. First of all, let me render my unqualified apologies for the way I reacted to your news and the way I’ve handled matters up until now. I want you to know that I have nothing against you. I’m just a mother who is very worried about her son. I know Curtis adores you and would not do anything to hurt you and I believe that’s why he is still with you.
I know he is scared but he will fight it so you don’t see his despair. I’m here to plead with your good conscience to leave him if you ever loved him. It is the best act of love you can show him. I’m really pleading with you to stop this fear and anguish we feel because you are still with our son. Can you tell me you don’t worry about him getting infected?”
Alicia looks at the woman she considers a mother sitting across from her and asking her to rip her heart out to save her conscience and allay her fears.
It is not like she blames her much. She has come to accept that there is nothing like a mother’s love for her child.
“Mom, I know you mean well but it’s my duty to do whatever will make Curtis happy. I love your son more than you can ever imagine and trust me when I tell you that I get scared too. His welfare is my ultimate goal and I know his life will be shattered if I leave him. So, I will also plead with you to give me a chance to make him happy even if I have only a day to live.
I will do all that is possible to ensure he is not disadvantaged in any way by staying with me. If you don’t mind, I have a meeting in a couple of hours and I’m not done with my presentation yet.”
Alicia sees that there is no point in arguing or trying to convince the woman before her. The only thing she can do is listen to her.
She listens to her pleas for a while and gets to her feet slowly.
Her mother-in-law gets to her feet too.
“Do give it a thought, Alicia. I’m sick with worry for my son. Please do the right thing by leaving him.”
“I will think about it with your son. If he wants me to leave, though it will break my heart because I love him so very much, I will do it. All you can do for us is remember us in your prayers. Send my love to Daddy when you get home. I really have to get those documents ready for my meeting. Thanks for stopping by.”
Reluctantly, Alicia sees her mother-in-law to her car and goes back to her office.
She buries all her energies in her work just to keep her mind from straying.
A ding on her phone makes her pick it from across the table.
Curtis has sent her a picture of his handsome self with a sad face captioned “Missing you, my Princess.”
He has added the text, “Will give anything just to see your face. Can I video call you now?”
Alicia thinks about it for a second. She will really love to speak to him and see him but she is not sure she can do that without bringing the issue with Cynthia up. Maybe if she tries hard enough she can do it.
She puts in a video call but knowing Curtis, he did not pick it. He has asked to call and he will want to be the one who calls.
His call comes through seconds after hers.
“Hello my beautiful Princess. Happy to see your face. You always have a way of making me happy even just by seeing you. I love you more each day.”
“Love you more, Curt my Angel. Good to see you too. Miss you loads!”
“I don’t have a lot of time, came out for a ten-minute coffee break. There’s something I must tell you but I want you to see me when I say it. Cynthia is here. I don’t know how it happened but we were on the same flight and surprisingly, she is in the same hotel as me. I want you to know that you are the only woman for me. Honey, I will never do anything to hurt you. I have my suspicions but will deal with that when I get back to Accra. Don’t lose trust in me please, nothing will happen between us even if we are in the same room. Please trust me.”
Alicia is quiet.
She is debating with herself. Should she tell him about Cynthia’s call and the pictures? That will only ruin Curtis’ day. She knows he is working and something like that will make him very angry and possibly distract him.
“I do trust you Curt, just be careful around her. It’s her I don’t trust.”
“I am, dear. You don’t have to worry your pretty head over her. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Got to go. Will call you in the evening, can’t wait to be back in your arms. Now give me that smile that makes my head spin.”
Alicia smiles and bids him well.
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