The Last Kiss Episode 15 is running…
Several weeks later, Curtis is standing in the mirror in their room knotting his tie.
He is immaculately dressed in a wine suit and a cream shirt.
He’s flying to Tamale for their groups thirteenth Annual General Meeting.
Weeks have passed since the sit up with his friends.
Firmly, he has refused to pick their calls or answer their messages.
Cynthia has left him a voice message every day after their encounter. Curtis had deleted them without listening to them. He sees no point whatsoever to connect with her.
But he does not blame her.
It is his best friends who betrayed him.
He has looked for a reason for his friend’s action and the only one he has settled on was their desire to break up his marriage at all cost.
That hurts him so much.
He would have given his life for his friends any time but the way things went, he knows better now.
He is now sure his friends don’t deserve his loyalty because they simply do not care for his feelings.
His initial reaction was to tell Alicia what happened but he reasoned that it will only complicate things between them so he kept quiet.
Alicia is lying on the bed looking at her husband, lover and friend with pride.
She admits she loves him more than life itself.
She’s amazed that all that goodness in a man is indeed hers for keeps and counts herself the luckiest of all women.
[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”WARNING”]Exlusive Content to Do not copy or share on any other site. Do not share on any WhatsApp, Facebook or Social Media page. ONLY SHARE THE LINKS TO THE STORY[/stextbox]She gets up from the bed and walks to stand behind him and wraps her hands around him, kissing his neck area.
Curtis turns around and kisses her briefly on the lips.
“Still hungry for me?” he asks.
“Sort of. I can’t seem to get enough of you. But I will take a rain cheque on that. I don’t want you to miss your flight.”
“I want you with me all the time, Alicia. How can I convince you to come with me?”
“You know I love being around you too but I have a few ends to tie before our board’s meeting with the president. The preparatory meeting is just a day away and I still have work in progress. We’ve been through this, hun, don’t let me feel bad. You know I will miss you more.”
“Hmmm. What can I say, I will miss you too much.”
“Just carry me in your heart. When you get back, I want us to consider expanding this family. I want to have your children, our children.”
“That is the best thing I’ve heard all week. That will be nice. Are you sure you will not be in any danger?”
“Nope. I’ve been reading around it. We can have kids who are not HIV infected. Plus, I will be safe. Just the normal pregnancy wahala to deal with.”
“Ok, my love. We will give it a try. I’ll be away for a few nights. Will be back for the weekend. We’ll have the whole weekend to talk more about this. Now, come here and let me load up some sweet kisses for the road. I’m really going to miss it every second of the time I will be away.”
Curtis pulls her close and kisses her as if that is their last.
The kiss is so intense they both don’t want it to end.
Curtis manages to break off with a herculean effort and hugs Alicia tightly.
He promises to stay connected.
Alicia and Curtis leave for the airport.
Curtis’ phone rings consistently.
He looks at the screen and refuses to pick up.
After countless rings Alicia enquires why he is not picking his calls.
“It’s Kobby. I’m not interested in speaking to him.”
“Why? Is he not your favourite buddy on the planet?”
“I’m really angry at him. They betrayed me big time the last time I met them at the bar.”
“Why, give him a chance, we all mistakes at one point or the other.”
Curtis looks over at Alicia and smiles wanly.
If only she knows what his friends did, he is sure Alicia will not be encouraging him to patch things up with his friend.
They arrive at the airport shortly afterwards.
Curtis gets down and opens the car door as usual for the only Princess in his life’s fairy tale.
He draws Alicia into a bear hug and kisses her briefly.
“You know I hate leaving you, don’t you? I’ll worry about you all the time.”
“Oh, my Angel, I will worry about you too. I know it’s not a pleasure trip but it’s necessary. I’ll be here waiting for you. I’m going to blow you to space with some naughtiness when you get back. Love you loads. Have a safe flight.”
“Thanks, my love. Will miss you.”
“Will miss you more, Curt!”
Alicia waits for him to check in and eventually his flight takes off.
She feels sad all of a sudden as the aeroplane disappears into the clouds.
This sad feeling always assail her when they part for one reason or the other.
Alicia hurries to her car, opens her door quickly and gets in. For some reason, she always feels defenseless when Curtis is out of sight.
She drives home with mixed feelings, missing Curtis already and feeling she let him down when he asked her to accompany him.
She turns on the radio and steps on the accelerator, blocking out the negative thoughts that are filling her mind.
A while later, she turns into the drive way of their plush home to see Curtis’ friend waiting.
He has parked his sleek BMW just a few meters from their gate and is standing at the rear bumper fidgeting with his phone as usual.
Alicia is not sure why he is there.
She rolls down her windows when she is close enough.
“You just missed Curtis,” she said, trying to be friendly.
She has never liked Omar for the simple reason that he had tried to separate them a couple of times in the past.
He had even gone as far as professing his love for her and telling her Curtis and Cynthia were soul mates and no matter what happened they would always find their way back to each other.
“Yea, I know he travelled. I’m sure he conveniently left out the part that he is flying with Cynthia. He’s been seeing her secretly for some time now. Do the right thing, Alicia. Leave the poor chap alone to enjoy a normal love life instead of staying married to him when you can infect him with that deadly disease you have. How long do you think a guy will handle situations like this when his sex life is defined by condoms? We like to be spontaneous about these things, you know. Wise up, Alicia. Leave him if you ever loved him.”
Alicia is not surprised one bit.
She is not sure why Omar always wants to put Curtis down in her eyes.
“Omar, Omar, Omar! You never cease to amaze me. Why is it so important to you that I leave Curtis, huh? Don’t feed me that horseshit that you care. Why do you envy Curtis so much?”
“Curtis is like a brother to me and his well-being is of paramount importance to me. Believe it or not, I do care.”
“Please spare me your fake sentiments. Curtis and I will decide what happens in our lives. You have no business being here so just leave, alright? Curtis will never betray me like you are suggesting. If the two of them are on the same plane as we speak I’m sure your evil self will have a hand in it. I trust my man and I know nothing will happen between Cynthia and him even if they sleep in the same bed naked. And you want to know why? Curtis is a real gentleman with good principles and amazing self control, something you can never be. I wish Curtis will see you for who you really are. I’m going into the house, don’t try to follow me or I’ll call the police.”
“Did he tell you he almost killed himself when he caught Cynthia in bed with another man? Why do you think he would rather take his life than live knowing someone else had slept with the love of his life?”
“I know what you are trying to do Omar. I don’t really give a damb what Curtis did or did not do in the past. He didn’t kill himself after all so I’m sure that should answer your question. Get a life and stop meddling in other people’s business. Curtis loves me and that is enough for me.”
“Continue living in a fool’s paradise, Alicia. Did he tell you about his baby with Cynthia? “
Alicia is taken aback.
“What baby? I don’t have to listen to any more of your lies. Get lost!”
“Well, you should ask him if you care to know. You see he never told you about the baby. Just leave him to have a normal life with Cynthia.”
“The baby that never made it out of her mother alive? I know Cynthia was pregnant at one point and she didn’t want the baby. She aborted it if you care to know. What shows that baby was even Curtis’? Stop your drivel, I don’t have time for your attention-seeking tantrums.”
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