The Last Kiss is now served…
Alicia and Curtis are sitting in the visitor’s chair in Dr. Ray Annan’s Consulting Room. Curtis has called him that morning when he couldn’t sleep over Alicia’s weakness and a slight rise in her body temperature. She has been sleeping at the least opportunity and he is very worried.
The doctor looks at them and smiles.
He is perusing the lab results and he is thrilled.
“Well, Alicia, when was the last time you flowed?”
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Alicia turns to look at Curtis in confusion. She honestly did not remember. So much has happened in the past few months she has lost track of time. She tries so hard to remember but to no avail.
“I honestly can’t remember, sorry!”
Curtis takes her hand and squeezes it. He is aware Alicia is feeling abashed especially since she is the type who kept a close eye on events affecting her.
“That’s okay, Alicia. It’s normal to forget some things. Anyway, according to this report, the two of you are going to be parents.”
Curtis is the first to react. “Parents?”
“Yes, Curtis, you are going to be a father.” Dr. Annan reiterates.
Alicia has tears in her eyes but not because she is sad or anything like that. She has not, in her wildest dreams, imagined this will ever happen especially after her diagnosis. She is so happy she feels she is bursting with all the joy in her heart.
Curtis pulls her close and rubs her back with his hand.
“What you are saying is, Alicia is pregnant? Can she handle that? Is it not going to complicate things for her?” Curtis asks when Alicia calms down.
“Having a baby will not pose any undue danger to Alicia. She will have to work with a team of experts to monitor her as she goes along. Research and new breakthroughs in the management and treatment of HIV have brought to light new options for persons living with the disease. A multidisciplinary antenatal team will look after you during your pregnancy, Alicia.
This is a team of medical and other professionals with a mix of skills and experience. You will still be monitored by your HIV clinic, and I, an obstetrician, will monitor your pregnancy and childbirth. You will also see a specialist midwife for general pregnancy guides and preparation towards labour and care after the baby is born. And, you will see a paediatrician for your baby’s care after the baby is born.
These processes and consultations are routine and would ensure that you deliver an HIV Free baby. It’s very important that you feel comfortable with, and confident in the healthcare team looking after you during pregnancy and when your baby is born so don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any issues with any of the team members.”
“What will the pregnancy monitoring entail?” Alicia asks.
“You will continue with the normal HIV routine checks. We will monitor your BP, glucose levels and other tests that are carried out during pregnancy. There will be ultrasounds screening and any other processes or procedures that will be beneficial and help reduce the risk of passing on the virus to the unborn baby. We’ll have to work hard at making sure that opportunistic infections are out of the picture, you don’t get any sexually transmitted infections and most importantly ensure your viral load is not high.”
“How sure can we be that the baby will not be infected with the virus?” Alicia presses.
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“I’ll say it again that you need to work closely with your team of experts and follow their direction to the letter. To reduce the risk of passing on the virus to your baby you need to keep your viral load to the very minimum so that when you test for HIV, the virus will not even be detected. You can only achieve that when you continue taking your medications and follow all instructions handed you. The midwife will elaborate on the do’s and don’ts during pregnancy at the antenatal classes so do make a point to attend together, if possible.”
“What options will we have for delivery so mother and child will be safe?” Curtis chips in.
“There are only two options available to every pregnant woman on earth as far as childbirth is concerned. You can either have a vaginal birth or a caesarean section. The choice is yours, Alicia, with the exception that in your case, you can have the vaginal birth on condition that your viral load is undetectable.
Your viral load will be monitored throughout the pregnancy and I’m sure your care givers can advise when the time comes which delivery option will be best. You can however plan to have a vaginal birth by sticking to the treatment working for you to keep your viral load undetectable. But I must add that there can be other factors which are not HIV related that can lead to a C-section during delivery.
I wouldn’t want to bore you with the details but let’s take it one step at a time. Alicia is only six weeks pregnant and science is making things a lot easier for all of us, who knows, maybe a cure to HIV would have been found by the time she is due.”
The doctor gives Alicia a prescription for some routine drugs and the two leave with lot of questions and thoughts running through their minds.
Curtis for one is worried. He is not sure Alicia is completely safe but he has to take the doctor’s word for it. He seems to be a cool guy and knows what he is doing.
On another score, he is worried he might end up unfairly in jail and miss out on all the fun and most especially be around his wife. That thought unsettles him greatly. Cynthia is pushing all the buttons to ensure he is convicted for something he did not do. He is sure she has a hand in the disappearance of the security guard who was on duty at the hotel the night of the incident. He was nowhere to be found when they went looking to serve him the summons to appear and testify in the case. The feedback is that the man has resigned at short notice and all attempts to locate him has proved futile.
“Are you alright Curt?” Alicia asks when they get to the car.
“Yea, I am. Just a little worried, my dearest. What if I’m convicted? I don’t want you to be without me especially now and I’m not sure I can handle being without you. It really scares me.”
“You don’t have to worry too much. The truth always has a way of coming out, let’s just believe things will work out. Let’s wait and see.”
The drive home is uneventful and Curtis surprises Alicia by cooking dinner and setting the table.
The two catch up on local and foreign news. They watch a movie and then turn in for the night.
Alicia is out cold a few minutes later whiles Curtis keeps tossing. The trial is really getting to him now. He has thought of going to talk to Cynthia and get her to tell the truth or withdraw the case totally if it was possible. He makes a mental note to talk to Jude Albert about it.
On second thought, he pulls out his phone, logs into his WhatsApp and look for Jude Albert.
Hey pal, sleeping behind the buttocksky yet?
No, not really. Was going over some files for another case. Was about turning in, though.
Was thinking, is it possible to devise a plan to get Cynthia to confess. I’m thinking of setting up a meeting with her on the pretext that I still love her. I can get a confession on tape then all this will be behind us.
Thought about that too but it can backfire. I’m sure she’ll be very careful dealing with you because of the audio and pictures we submitted. She’s a smart girl and I’m sure her lawyer would have warned her about meeting you privately. They can use this same meeting to do us in and things will be very messy.
What if I can convince her I’m ready to sleep with her on condition that she withdraws the case. It can buy us some time.
What’s going on, mehn, you sound desperate?
I am desperate JudAlby. I just found out Alicia is pregnant. I’m not going to jail for something I didn’t do, there sure should be a way to get something to nail this once and for all.
Hey, you did it. The waist exercise was not in vain after all. Congrats, bro! You don’t have to worry about the case. I will get you off. I have a strategy, it should work. So far, things don’t look that dull. I’m sure the jury is doubting Cynthia’s assertions as we speak. Give it time. All will be well.
Hmmm. If you say so. I just wish this fiasco will be crossed from my list permanently.
It will be, paddy. Take it cool. Next sitting your friend Omar and the Security Man are going to testify. We finally managed to get hold of the security man. He was hiding out in his village. His wife finally gave him up when I told her she will go to jail if she didn’t help us locate him.
Omar, I don’t trust but I guess he can’t lie under oath. Don’t you people have something to deduce if a person is lying?
Yes, we do. It will be my last option so don’t worry. There are people who can beat it so I’m not too enthused about bringing it up at this stage. The report will be final and there will be nothing we can do about it.
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Well, I guess I just have to wait and see.
Guudnyt, pal. Chill okay?
Gudnyt, see you tomorrow.
Curtis meets Jude Albert in the car park of the ultra-modern court house. Jude realizes Curtis is still anxious about how the case will go. He has a gut feeling things will not go as planned that particular day. He is dead scared Cynthia will win the case with her lies, and he and his family – especially Alicia and the unborn baby – will suffer for nothing.
Jude Albert pats him on the shoulder as they wait for the lift to touch down for them and take them to the fifth floor. Curtis smiles weakly and wishes Alicia is with him to calm his nerves.
He was forced by the court appearance to leave her in the hospital that morning.
He has accompanied Alicia to the hospital because she could not keep anything inside her stomach. Everything she eats or drinks comes out after a few minutes.
Doctor Ray Annan has detained her for further observation. Curtis wishes he is right by her side instead of wasting his precious time in court for a lie.
They arrive at the court house just in time to see Cynthia and her Lawyer take a seat with smug smiles on their faces.
Curtis sees Omar seated together with the security man he had asked to escort Cynthia out of his room that day. In the back seat is Kobby and his brother Isaac, Curtis’ brother, who has been with him every step of the way.
The courtroom is packed to capacity that day for some unknown reason. He is aware there are other cases scheduled for that day but he is somehow intimidated by the number of people in the courtroom.
Everything goes fast from then on. The Jury takes their places and the Judge takes her seat. Omar Iddrisu is called to the witness stand.
The bailiff turns his attention on him.
Will you swear by the Bible or the Qu’ran.
The Bible, please.
The Bailiff hands him the Bible and speaks.
“Repeat after me…I solemnly swear by the Holy Bible that everything I say here today shall be the truth, and nothing but the truth. So help me God.”
Omar repeats the words and takes the stand.
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