The Legend of Dayo is on…
Jhon Moziz Takes Charge
It was a very sombre dinner that evening.
The strange things that had happened at the riverside had travelled all over the small village by the time Neji, her brother and Temi came home that late afternoon.
Segun Osuolale had even started the long walk to the riverside to look for them after some neighbours came into the store and told him with fantastic detail how the strange boy in town had been dragged into the river and later came up, suspended over the river, and how his Uche Joseph had almost strangled his own sister to death.
Segun had met them when they were almost home, and when he had seen how vulnerable his children looked, he had become very afraid indeed.
He restrained himself from asking them for clarifications until they got home. Even then, Segun bid his time until dinner was almost over, and then he broached the subject.
“This thing that happened down by the riverside,” he began cautiously. “Mind telling us what happened?”
Grace Opurum, nibbling at her food, cast worried looks first at her daughter and the handsome stranger. They were sitting side by side, as usual.
She noticed how her son’s face had suddenly gone dark with guilt.
“Uche, heard you tried to strangle your sister,” Grace said, her own voice filled with suppressed horror. “What on earth happened?”
[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”WARNING”]Exlusive Content to Do not copy or share on any other site. Do not share on any WhatsApp, Facebook or Social Media page. ONLY SHARE THE LINKS TO THE STORY[/stextbox]Uche Joseph dropped his spoon and threw up his hands.
“I don’t know, Mama!” he said with great trepidation. “I don’t remember anything! I found myself lying on the floor, and people telling me I tried to strangle my dearest sister!”
“That’s indeed quite strange,” Segun Osuolale said. “I know for a fact how protective you are of your sister, and I don’t believe you attacked her out of your own free mind. Something sinister might’ve influenced you, something far beyond your control.”
“Thank you, Papa,” Uche said in a tiny voice, and then he began to weep silently. “I’m so sorry! I don’t know what might have happened. I just don’t understand it all! What came over me? I’m so scared, Papa! What if it happens again? What if I try to harm her, or one of you, again?”
“Actually, that spirit spoke to us,” Neji Helen said softly. “Don’t fret yourself so much, my dear brother. It was through no fault of yours.”
“Jhon Moziz?” Grace Opurum asked with a voice tinged with fear.
Neji nodded.
“Yes, Mama,” Neji said, and her voice was unsteady. “According to him, the attack was carried out by a bad man in the Dayo Empire called Leke Olugbade Bally. He wanted to kill Temi.”
There was a stunned silence in the room.
Temidayo was looking absolutely unhappy, and then he smiled gratefully but sadly when Neji Helen reached out and covered his hand with one of hers.
“I’m sorry that, because of me, your daughter was attacked today,” Temi said quietly. “I promise I’ll find a way out to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
Segun Osuolale and Grace Opurum exchanged worried looks.
“Well, Temi of Dayo, I know this is not your fault,” Segun said carefully and licked his lips. “However, this Jhon Moziz fella wants you out of our land, and back in this mysterious Dayo. Don’t you think you should consider going before something regrettable happens?”
“Baba!” Neji cried in alarm, and Grace Opurum held up a hand toward her daughter.
“Neji, I taught you better than interrupting your father when he’s speaking,” she said, a little sharply. “It is true that many wonderful things have happened to us since Temi came into our home, but now things are getting scary! Why don’t you allow him to go and fix whatever he needs to fix in Dayo, and then come back for you if the feeling you both share is strong enough?”
“It is strong enough, Ma,” Temi said, his voice strong and firm. “I don’t want to leave Neji for fear that I might not be able to return. It is by her side I want to be. I promise to have a final conversation with the spirit of Jhon Moziz, and find a way out of this.”
Once again Segun and his wife exchanged troubled glances, and then he looked at Temi with a worried face.
“Please do, Temi,” he said carefully. “This has now become a matter of life and death. We love you, and we’re glad you and Neji seem to have found something special to hold on to. But we’re scared, not only for our lives but for hers as well. So let’s find a solution to this crisis quickly.”
“Yes, sir, I will,” Temi said, and squeezed Neji’s hand. “I surely will, that I promise.”
The atmosphere was a bit lighter as they continued to eat their dinner.
It was night, and it was time to sleep.
Neji Helen, dressed in a green silky dress that stopped some way above her knees, revealing the lower parts of her creamy thighs, knotted a cloth around her middle to cover up to her knees, and then she went down the corridor toward Temi’s room.
She knocked, and the door opened immediately.
He was wearing only a pair of dark shorts, looking very handsome and regal in the light from the lantern. His face was set, his brow slightly furrowed. She looked at the sleek lines of his powerful body, the soft hairs on his body, thicker on his chest and belly, and felt the desire stealing steadily through her body again.
Her breathing came quicker as she raised startled eyes to his face.
“Temi,” she whispered hoarsely.
“I’ve been waiting impatiently for you, Neji,” he said tightly.
“For what?” she asked, breathlessly, and he scowled with confusion.
“I don’t know,” he whispered, taking a step toward her. “I just feel…Neji, I feel lightheaded, and my heart beats in a funny way. There’s a bubble of sorts within me, and I…I feel something needs to happen between us, but I don’t know what! And this thing…”
“What thing, Temi?” she asked as he came nearer her.
“This,” he whispered, and then took her hand and placed it on the hard bulge in his shorts, powerful and throbbing. “It keeps getting hard the more I think of you. Is that okay?”
Neji Helen gasped, feeling the shiver going through her body, and her knees weakening as a powerful surge of desire swept through her.
She took a step back and shook her head weakly.
“Temi, I came to say goodnight,” she whispered hoarsely. “I pray nothing bad happens to you. What happened by the riverside has really scared me.”
“We’ll be fine, Neji,” he said gently.
She looked down for a moment.
“And I don’t want to lose you,” she whispered.
“You won’t, Neji,” he said in a firm voice. “I want to stay with you. So that we do this marriage thing, and the kissing thing too, and all other things that will make this bulge stop vexing me so.”
And suddenly he swept her into his arms, and without hesitation, his lips dropped on theirs.
Neji gasped and tried to push him back, but his lips excited her. She had never been close like this to any man, never felt the force of such a sweet kiss.
For a moment she was lost as she kissed him back fiercely, feeling the fire licking through her, consuming her as his tongue filled her, and she thrust back into him.
Her arms were like steel bands around his neck, her body crying for release against his hard frame.
His hands cupped her breasts, moulded down her body, and slipped round to cup the beautiful soft mounds of her derriere, drawing her closer still against the raging bulge in his shorts.
She knew that a moment longer of this sweetness would drive all inhibitions from her, and with a cry she pushed away and out of his arms, and saw the tight desire on his face, the passion raging through him.
“Neji Helen, my love…don’t go!” he groaned.
“I must, Temi my love, before we do something silly!” she cried in anguish, the power of her passion bringing tears to her eyes. “Sleep well, my love. Until the next dawn.”
She turned and fled blindly from him.
Temi collapsed against the wall, sweating and filled with passion, breathing hard with an unfulfilled desire for this girl he had fallen so helplessly in love with.
He turned into the room and shut the door, and when he looked up he saw the shrouded spirit of Jhon Moziz hovering over the bed.
“You!” Temi of Dayo said angrily. “I want a word with you! I’m not going to Dayo with you!”
“Yes, you are!” Jhon Moziz said with fiery anger. “I’ve had enough of you, my Prince!”
“I’m not your prince!” Temi shouted. “I don’t care what’s going on over there! I’m remaining here with Neji! You can leave and take that Leke Bally with you, do you hear me?”
In a flash, the spirit of Jhon Moziz moved and collided with Prince Temi, who felt a sharp pain in his head, and a moment later he found himself being borne swiftly upward as if he were flying!
He looked down and saw to his horror that his body had crumpled into a heap on the floor of the room.
He had left his body!
Jhon Moziz had taken him out of his body, horror of horrors!
“What are you doing to me, you imbecile?” Prince Temi shouted angrily, his voice filled with fear. “Why is my body lying on the floor?”
“Because I have taken your soul out of your body!” Jhon Moziz screamed. “You leave me no choice! I’m going to show you what you don’t want to see!”
“Leave me alone, leave me alone you bastard!” Temi shouted. “I don’t want to see anything! I just want to stay with Neji Helen!”
“She’s not meant for you!” Jhon Moziz shouted. “There are many virgins in Dayo, pliant and well-versed in the copulative arts if you want them!”
“I don’t want them!” Temi screamed. “I don’t want any virgins! I want Neji, you bastard!”
“You’ll see what I want you to see whether you like it or not, you spoilt little brat!” Jhon Moziz said furiously.
“I hate you!” Temi shouted. “Oh, I hate you with every little drop of blood in me!”
“I don’t give two talons what you feel for me, my prince!” Jhon Moziz shot back. “But come with me you will! And see what I will show you, of your history, of your destiny! I will show you that the least of your problems is the slit of the fleshy hole between the thighs of the Earthly Maiden!”
And he continued to take the soul of Temi higher and higher into the night sky until Temi could not see the town below him anymore, only the stars around him, and then he felt himself being dragged through the air toward an unknown destination!
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