The Legend Of Dayo is here again…
A Deadly Pact And A Shocking Taboo
“Leke Olugbadey Bally is a demon!” Jhon Moziz said. “He wants to ruin the world! He consumes the souls of people, and that makes him immortal! You see, he used to roam the earth, gathering souls and immortalizing himself, but the Creator closed all the portals that opens to earth, and now Leke Bally can’t go to the world anymore! He is old now, and might die soon if he doesn’t get souls to consume, and so he wants access to the souls of the people in the world! He is the one who corrupted Igwe Peter Pedro, and made him believe he could be king of the whole world!”
“Oh, dear!” Temi said hoarsely. “So if this Leke Bally convinces the king to go out and be king of the world, then Leke Bally would have access to the souls of people in the world?”
“Yes, my Lord, and that had been his agenda all along!” said Jhon Moziz.
“Leke Olugbade Bally is trapped in Dayo, but he wants access to the world! Only me, the Grand Oracle, can go out of the portal of Dayo to the Earth! But the Royal DayoSword also opens that portal! Remember King Pedro Igwe Peter burnt down sixty towns and villages! The souls from that made Leke Olugbade Bally very strong, and all he needs now is a few more souls, and then even the powers of the Creator would not be able to hold him in check! But he needs the power of the DayoSword to open the portal to the world!”
“And that Royal DayoSword is in the possession of King Demi?” Temi asked softly.
[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”WARNING”]Exlusive Content to Do not copy or share on any other site. Do not share on any WhatsApp, Facebook or Social Media page. ONLY SHARE THE LINKS TO THE STORY[/stextbox]“It was, my Lord,” Jhon Moziz said sadly. “But remember that all that I have shown you happened many years ago! What you’re watching now happened when Temitayo Anubi was just ten years old, and his father was imprisoned in the White Lands. Temitayo was approached by Leke Olugbade Bally in the forest that night, but alas, I didn’t know about it!”
“So, Temitayo is my cousin,” Prince Temidayo says carefully. “His father was Peter Igwe Pedro, and you say I’m the son of King Demi. So, what I am seeing right now is a secret meeting between Temitayo Anubi and Leke Bally, which happened on the night that my father, King Demi, used the DayoSword to open the doors of the White Lands that trapped Peter Pedro inside.”
“Yes, my Lord,” Jhon Moziz answered. “You see, Leke Olugbade Bally wanted the power of the Royal DayoSword to open the portal to the rest of the world, but that sword was now in the hands of King Demi, who was pure of heart and above reproach. Leke Bally knew he could never turn King Demi against the Creator, and so he used the unsuspecting Temitayo who was grieving for his father! Leke Bally promised to bring back the boy’s father, and Temitayo foolishly believed that vile monster!”
“And so, what happened?” Temi asked softly, and his voice shook with fear.
“Come, my Lord!” Jhon Moziz said. “Let me show you something else!”
There was that rush of light-headedness again, followed by a brief blast of dizziness, and then everything went dark for Temidayo.
Slowly there was light again, and Temi suddenly found himself looking into the most beautiful room he had ever seen.
It was a huge domed hall with an upper terrace. A short flight of stairs covered with red velvet led to a most wonderful golden throne, behind which were smaller chairs.
The hall was lighted magnificently with beautiful lights from wonderful chandeliers. The floor was made with beautiful polished tiles and wonderful rugs. To one side of the hall was a band playing a slow sweet song.
The hall was filled with smartly-dressed people chatting excitingly.
Temi had never seen such an assemble of people looking so happy and prosperous.
“What is going on here?” Temi asked as he watched. “Are they going to crown the king again?”
“No,” Jhon Moziz said. “I’ve brought you several years ahead to the time King Demi chose his queen.”
Temi watched the wonderful scene with bated breath.
King Demi was seated on the throne, dressed in resplendent clothes, his crown shining gloriously on his head, and the Royal DayoSword in its scabbard at his waist.
Behind him were the royal elders, kingmakers, magicians and the king’s aged mother. Sitting on a stool just behind the throne was the young Temitayo Anubi, the son of Peter Igwe Pedro.
The same boy who had given his father a knife during the fight with King Demi! The same boy who had met that evil monster, Leke Olugbade Bally in the forest.
“Temitayo Anubi, the young boy that made the pact with Leke Olugbade Bally…he was still in the palace on the night my father chose his bride?” Temi asked with surprise.
“Yes,” the voice of Jhon Moziz said. “Your father, King Demi, was a kind-hearted man. He knew Temitayo gave Peter Pedro a knife to kill him, but King Demi took Temitayo on as his only nephew, and he treated Temitayo like a young brother!”
“But Temitayo Anubi made a pact with Leke Olugbade Bally!” Temi cried, horrified. “That means they took an evil plan! Why then did my father allow Temitayo to come near him?”
“We didn’t know then!” Jhon Moziz cried, agitated. “The chain that Leke Bally put around Temitayo’s neck was a bad spiritual chain that made me unable to read the hatred in Temitayo’s heart! We didn’t know then that Temitayo had formed an evil pact with Leke Bally!”
“Oh, dear!” Temi said, returning his eyes to the proceedings in the room.
Standing resolutely in one corner of the dais was the black-clad figure of Jhon Moziz as he watched the proceedings through narrow eyes.
“I can see you standing over there that night,” Temi said with a giggle. “Are you always in black clothing?”
“That was my official robe, Prince Temi,” the voice of Jhon Moziz said.
Temi continued to gaze at the ceremony.
Resting on a golden stool near the king’s left leg was a smaller crown glittering with diamonds and emeralds.
“The woman on whose head the king will put the crown will be the new queen of Dayo,” the voice of Jhon Moziz explained. “In Dayo, the king always chooses his queen from one of two privileged clans, the Igbo and Yoruba Clans. Those two clans traditionally provide queens for Dayo. The two women that were presented that year were Juliet Udeh Onyinye from the Igbo Clan, and Umma Ghameesa from the Yoruba Clan. They are the ones sitting over there!”
Temi looked.
The two young ladies were sitting on silver thrones on a glass platform at the far end of the hall, dressed in glorious dark and gold evening gowns, their designs matching in every way. But their dresses were as far as they came to looking the same.
Whereas Umma Ghameesa was dark in complexion and a bit heavily built, Juliet Udeh Onyinye was fair complexioned and curvy. She was a bright sight in the room, lovely and breath-taking.
There was no doubt that many of the young bachelors in the room had eyes only for Juliet, and wouldn’t have hesitated even a second to make her theirs if they had been in the position of the young king.
“The fair one,” Temi whispered with bated breath. “Is she the one the king chose? If you say I’m a prince of this Empire, son of this King Demi…then, is she my mother?”
“Stop wondering!” the voice of Jhon Moziz said sharply. “Pay attention, my Lord! I’m showing you these pieces of our history for a reason!”
Before Temi could say anything there was a mighty roar in the auditorium, and he looked on dazedly as King Demi stood up and picked up the beautiful crown, and then he began to descend the stairs.
The crowd quickly parted, and the king had a clear walk to the other end of the hall where the two young women were waiting.
For some reason, Temi was feeling very apprehensive.
He didn’t like the look on Juliet Udeh Onyinye’s face at all.
She was so beautiful, and at first he had wished her to be his mother, but looking at her, he saw the pride on her face, and the disdainful looks she was casting the other girl, Umma Ghameesa.
She was very sure of herself, and her eyes looked a bit cruel, and this made Temi a bit uneasy.
King Demi, however, was not looking at Juliet. His gaze was fixed on Umma Ghameesa, who was suddenly looking very uncomfortable.
She cast furtive glances at Juliet, and her look was filled with fear.
It was evident that Umma Ghameesa was dreading what was coming.
“I’m confused,” Temi said suddenly. “It seems to me that this lady, Umma Ghameesa, isn’t expressing her happiness that the king seemed to be interested in her! Why?”
“Pay attention, my Lord!” Jhon Moziz replied sharply. “Please, I will answer all your questions once you return to your body! Right now we don’t have much time! You must remain focused!”
Temi watched with keen eyes now.
It was evident that King Demi was not going to choose Juliet because he was walking toward Umma Ghameesa!
Juliet Udeh Onyinye’s face was twisted now, filled with bitterness and a hatred so pure that it made Temi gasp.
Just as the king was about to mount the steps toward Umma Ghameesa, she suddenly got to her feet with a cry of alarm and fell flat on her face on the podium as tears of anguish fell down her face in torrents.
“No, My Lord, My Master, please, forgive me! Forgive me, my King, and have mercy on the insolence of a poor maid! Please, choose the other because…I can’t marry you!” Umma Ghameesa cried out loudly, making the king pause.
The band stopped playing immediately, and there was a silence so thick in the hall that a pin dropping might have sounded like a bomb going off.
King Demi stopped and looked at Umma Ghameesa with surprise written all over his face as the lady wept so bitterly on the podium.
It was quite evident that King Demi was stunned!
This was unheard of, that a girl would reject the King of Dayo!
It was so shocking that even the king could not move for several moments.
“You can’t marry me?” King Demi asked, absolutely shocked.
Umma Ghameesa, weeping bitterly, crawled down the steps, the actions obviously very hard, but she did make it, and then she grabbed the king’s right leg and pressed her face against his knee, her tears now almost hysterical.
“I beg of you, my Lord, have mercy on me! Please, choose the girl from the Igbo Clan…she’s prettier, and more fitting to be the queen of Dayo!”
The whole auditorium was hushed.
Umma Ghameesa had just shocked every living soul in the auditorium by doing the unthinkable, the inconceivable!
It was the greatest taboo the Dayo Empire had ever witnessed!
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