The Legend Of Dayo is rolling…
The White Lands
Facing the people was a great wall that seemed to reach far into the sky! It was a white wall, made from solid concrete and metal, thick and absolutely impenetrable!
There was a red rectangular shape on the wall, resembling a door, and in its middle was a hole.
“Beyond this wall lies the White Lands,” the spirit of Jhon Moziz told Temi. “People whose crimes are considered too heinous to let them live in Dayo are sent to the White Lands. The Royal DayoSword is the only key that can open the door of the White Lands.”
[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”WARNING”]Exlusive Content to Do not copy or share on any other site. Do not share on any WhatsApp, Facebook or Social Media page. ONLY SHARE THE LINKS TO THE STORY[/stextbox]“So, people that are sent to the White Lands never come back to Dayo?” Temi asked quaveringly.
“The White Lands separate the living from the dead, Temi,” Jhon Moziz said quietly. “Only the most hardened of hearts are sent there. People who go there don’t come back.”
“Oh, that is so sad,” Temi whispered quaveringly.
“It is, my Lord, but remember, if men like Peter Igwe Pedro are left alone, the world as we all know it will cease to exist. But, as you will soon see, Igwe PP is the least of our problems!”
Temi watched, sick to his stomach, as a weeping King Demi was instructed by Jhon Moziz to put the Royal DayoSword into the hole in the doorway.
Prince Demi shoved the sword into the hole and turned it anticlockwise three times, and the huge red part of the concrete wall swung open.
Thick steam emerged from within so that those outside could not see what was happening inside the White Lands.
Igwe Peter Pedro was screaming and struggling as a group of warriors pushed him toward the open door of the White Lands.
Suddenly, a strange figure emerged from the door.
It was shrouded in a white robe, covering it completely. Across its head was a hood, and three white eyes peeked from within the folds of the hood. It was holding a long staff in its hands, at the tip of which was a sparkling bulb of light. He pointed it at Igwe PP, and the bolt of light enveloped the former king of Dayo completely.
Igwe PP became still as the strange figure turned toward the doorway and dragged the man inside.
The great door swung shut immediately.
King Demi took hold of the hilt of the DayoSword and dragged it out. He was still crying heartbreakingly for his senior brother. The Elders held the new king, and embraced him warmly, trying to calm him down.
The people turned and slowly left the forest.
Temi waited for the scene to change.
“Are you not going to show me something else?” he asked, still sad by what he had witnessed.
“Wait a moment,” said Jhon Moziz. “There’s something I want you to see, something I didn’t see the day this thing happened! If the Creator had allowed me to see this, I would have been able to help King Demi better!”
Temi didn’t know what the Grand Oracle was talking about, but suddenly he saw a thin figure emerging from the trees and running toward the wall of the White Lands!
It was the boy!
The one who had given a knife to his father to kill Prince Demi in the fight!
“Goodness me!” Temi whispered with sudden fright. “It is him! It is Temitayo Anubi, son of Igwe Peter Pedro!”
“Yes, it is indeed that rat!” Jhon Moziz said bitterly.
The little boy ran to the wall and pressed his face against it, pummelling it feebly with his closed fists. He was weeping and calling for his father, and after a moment he turned his back, and slowly sat down on the ground in front of the wall.
And then a terrible thing happened!
Another figure emerged slowly from the trees!
This was the figure of a man, but he was not walking; he was gliding across the ground, hovering a few inches off the ground so that it was evident that he was gliding on air!
This man was wearing grey clothes. There was a trilby hat on his head, and a cane with a curved handle on his arm. His green eyes were fixed on the bowed head of the grieving boy.
When Temitayo Anubi saw the man he jumped to his feet as if to run away, but the strange man looked at the boy and smiled, and then he took a chain from his pocket.
The chain had a wonderful green locket that seemed to glitter, and he promptly slipped it around the boy’s neck.
“Who’s that man?” Temi asked hollowly.
“That is the vile Leke Olugbade Bally!” Jhon Moziz said savagely.
“Isn’t he the evil one that formed a pact with Igwe Pedro to burn down the villages?” Temi asked in an unsteady voice. “The one that promised to make Igwe Peter the king over all the earth?”
“Yes, he is the one,” Jhon Moziz said. “A most vile demon, a horrible worker of the most atrocious evil powers! That is the one who plunged Dayo into darkness, as you will soon see, my Lord.”
And as Temi watched from above, and saw Temitayo Anubi with Leke Olugbade Bally deep in the trees, his young heart knew real and crippling fear!
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