The Legend Of Dayo is on…
The Senseless Passion Of Young Love
The Author
Neji Helen was awakened by the storm.
She lay in bed and listened to the howling wind and the rain hammering deafeningly on the roof, and she knew that something was very wrong that night!
The sky had been clear and filled with stars before she retired to bed, with the sweetness of the love she had discovered with Temi shielding her. There had not been any indication of even a drizzle, let alone a horrible storm.
But it was happening…a terrible, violent storm that was as violent as it was malevolent.
Thunder exploded in the sky, and suddenly the room was thrown into sharp relief by a horribly bright lightning!
She screeched, and turned her face to the wall, dragging her cloth around her…and then it hit her with the force of a deranged bull!
This was no ordinary storm!
Of course, this horrible storm could only be because of Temi, her Temi, her prince from Dayo!
Neji bounded off the bed and raced toward the door, her heart beating with sudden trepidation! She found herself on the landing, and now the storm was worse than she had imagined in her room.
It was making a deafening, crippling din, coupled with the horrible thunder and lightning that hurt ears hurt tremendously, and filled her with fear.
She hesitated for a moment when she saw that her parents’ door was ajar, and the strong wind was banging it back repeatedly against the wall, causing quite a racket!
Gblam, gblam, gblam, gblam…
She approached the door carefully, her fear rapidly upgrading to sheer terror.
This wasn’t at all like her father!
[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”WARNING”]Exlusive Content to Do not copy or share on any other site. Do not share on any WhatsApp, Facebook or Social Media page. ONLY SHARE THE LINKS TO THE STORY[/stextbox]Segun Osuolale was a very light sleeper who always seemed to be walking around during the night, taking care of his family. It was amazing then that the door was being hurled around so loudly and he hadn’t done anything about it!
She tiptoed to the door and peeked into their room.
That was when she had her second shock!
The lantern was turned low, but she could see clearly that her parents were in bed, lying in the spoon position, and Segun Osuolale’s arm was lying across Grace Opurum’s waist, and they were deeply asleep.
For one horrible moment she became frantically scared, thinking something was happening to her parents. She rushed into their room, but before she could touch them her father belched loudly and farted, and then he made a contented clucking sound in his throat…but he didn’t wake up.
Neji saw that her mother was also breathing evenly!
Nothing was wrong with them, no.
They were just deeply asleep!
This was not normal at all!
Neji Helen quickly left the room, drawing the door shut, and then she hurried to Uche Joseph’s door and opened it a crack.
Her brother was lying on his back in his shorts, and he was snoring loudly with obvious contentment!
Her heart thudded with unease and a terrible sense of doom.
This was not normal, no, not in the least!
This definitely had something to do with the boy she loved so much!
Neji Helen shut the door, and then she raced downstairs and to the corridor that led to his room. She saw the light around his door, again, and fear clutched her heart.
“Temi!” she whispered tightly. “Oh, Temi!”
She rushed forward blindly and threw open his door, and then she came to a sudden halt when she saw him.
He was standing in the middle of the room with just a piece of black cloth tied around his waist, and a strange-looking beautiful necklace around his neck.
The lanterns in the room had been turned up high, and as she looked at him, at his handsome face and incredibly masculine frame, she knew that this was no ordinary night.
Somehow, he looked regal this night, so composed, such a force to be reckoned with, and she knew that something awful was about to happen.
As she stepped into the room, she tried to remain calm, but her heart was beating too fast for her to remain composed, and her fear was a constricting band across her throat.
She stood close to him.
“Temi,” she whispered unsteadily. “You’re leaving, aren’t you?”
“I had a trip with the Grand Oracle, Neji, my love,” he said in an unsteady voice. “Horrible things happened in Dayo, and they could have far-reaching and terrible consequences for the rest of the world. I have to go to Dayo.”
Tears came to Neji’s eyes much against her will, and slowly trickled down her face.
“And you couldn’t wait for me, Temi?” she asked sadly. “You were leaving without saying goodbye to me?”
He lifted his right hand and put it against her cheek, and caressed her gently, running his hand across her lips, the expression on his face tender and filled with love.
“I couldn’t leave without you, Neji, my love,” he said tenderly. “I told the Grand Oracle so. He said the portal to Dayo was going to open today, and after that it would take another eighteen years before it opened again, so I have to leave tonight. But I told him I wasn’t leaving without saying goodbye to you. He told me the portal should not be disturbed, and that we should leave things as they are. The opening of the portal would cause everybody to sleep, but if our love was real, it would wake you up and bring you, and so I’ve been waiting anxiously for you, my love.”
“I see, so that was why all the members of my family are sleeping so soundly! So, the storm will open the portal that will send you to Dayo?” Neji Helen asked as her tears fell faster, and her heart hurt her terribly, and she wondered if she would be able to survive such horrible pain.
“Yes, my love,” he said gently, stepping close and slipping his arms around her. “My mother has been imprisoned in deep dungeons under the surface of the earth, and my only sister is imprisoned in a tower high above the surface of the earth. My father was disgraced and murdered, and so was my grandmother. I have no option than to go and help my family.”
“Then take me with you, Temi, my love,” Neji Helen groaned as she wound her arms around him and squeezed him tightly. “Please, my love, don’t leave me here!”
She saw the agony on Temi’s handsome face, and the extent of his torture.
Before he could speak, a voice spoke behind her.
It was the voice of Jhon Moziz.
“Alas, he cannot take you along, my dear earthling maiden,” he said.
Neji Helen turned and looked at the black-clad apparition hanging in the air behind her, and she scowled at him with sheer pain.
“I’m beginning to hate you, Jhon Moziz!” she cried with feeling. “Why can’t he take me along?”
“Because, alas, the portal will admit only cizitens from Dayo,” he said sadly. “No earthling can go through that portal. If you try to enter, you will surely die.”
“I’ll come back for you, Neji, my love,” Temi said earnestly as he squeezed her tightly. “When I’ve finished what I’m going to do, no matter how long it takes, I’ll come back for you, Neji, my love. And we’ll get married, and you’ll teach me the things that the married people do.”
“Oh, Temi!” Neji groaned painfully as she put her arms around his neck again. “How I love you! How I’m going to miss you, my love! I’ll be waiting for you, only for you! Please, come back quickly to me!”
He held her tightly, and then she turned and looked at the spirit of Jhon Moziz.
“How long do we have before the portal opens?” she demanded.
“Maiden of the Earth, damn it to Walewale!” he said sharply. “Do not make this any harder!”
“How long do we have, Grand Oracle?” Temi asked tightly. “You would answer the lady truthfully because she is my love!”
The spirit of Jhon Moziz bristled almost belligerently, and then he blew a strange cool air of fury around the room.
“Not more than half of an hour now, my Lord!” he said tightly.
“Give us some privacy then,” Neji Helen said softly.
“Certainly, I will not!” Jhon Moziz said tautly, almost screaming. “You mustn’t do what you want to do, Earthling Maiden, descendant of the first sinner Eve! Certainly, as I be the Grand Oracle of Dayo, I will not allow you to climb aboard his royal rod with your Earthly hole of deception!”
“Privacy, Grand Oracle, please!” Temidayo said sharply.
Jhon Moziz seemed to growl with fury, and then he smashed out of the room, causing the door to slam shut violently and shake the storeroom to its very foundations.
Neji Helen and Prince Temidayo of Dayo reached out blindly for each other without hesitation.
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