The Author
Geena then did a most awful thing!
As she was moaning and groaning with lust and desire, with my unwilling and complaining tongue doing the licky-licky on her damn clitty, that witch of a woman suddenly pushed my head away and did the most disgusting, horrible and absolutely unacceptable thing in the world…
Dearest Lord!
She turned, put her chest on the pillows with her disgusting, wrinkled, and violent behind facing me. She reached behind her with both hands and spread those hideous folds of expired flesh.
“Come, PD-Dog, licky-licky annulus!” she slurred with passion. “Go on, dog, lick my puckered hole!”
I was stunned with horror. I was actually paralyzed with sheer terror!
“What?” I whispered, sure that I had not heard well.
“Lick my anus, you bastard!” she screeched, and that was when I knew that Chewer would definitely chew me up bit by bit because there was just no way I was going to lick that dreadful place!
I took a good look at that discoloured, blasted hole she was holding exposed and a shudder slammed through me, and the bile rose up in my throat forcefully, and it was all I could do to prevent myself from blasting a bellyful of vomit on her damn virgin anulus!
No, I couldn’t do that!
There was simply no way my lips were going near that!
“Go on, PD-Dog!” she hissed, getting furious and wiggling her catastrophic butt and opening that sickening hole wider. “Stick it in there! Put your tongue in there, doggy! Licky-licky annulus! Licky-licky the damn annulus, you stupid dog!”
Well, tears came to my eyes as I shook my head numbly, and my lips, covered with smeared black lipstick, trembled.
“No, no, please, I can’t lick that!” I whispered.
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And then Chewer suddenly reminded me who was boss right there!
“Wroooraw, wroooooooorawrawraw!” that crazed beast went.
“Licky-licky the anulus, dog!” Geena screamed. “Now, or Chewer will kill you!”
“Please, Geena, I’ll do anything!” I whispered with fear and terror. “I will even try to get an erection and make love to you, but please, I can’t put my mouth there, please, I can’t! Just can’t lick that bullshit!”
“Licky-licky the anulus!” she screamed maniacally. “Now! Licky-licky anulus!”
“I can’t licky-licky anulus, Geena!” I implored pitifully. “No, no, walayi talayi, I certainly will not lick your anus, kai! I craze? Do you want me to fall sick? Do you want me to die? I won’t licky-licky any anulus, apuu!”
“Chewer!” Geena screamed shrilly, her voice maddened. “On the bed, Chewer! Get him!”
“Wroooooraaaaaaw!” Chewer growled, and then that dog sank its head down and leapt toward me!
It was a mad cacophony of frantic action just then!
Chewer lunged for my neck, and I screamed and dove off the bed, crashing heavily to the ground. The dog roared with fury and leapt off the bed, its gaping jaws opened wide, its killer teeth coming for my face.
I screamed and held up my arms across my throat and face, and that dog sank its jaws fiercely into my right forearm!
I let out a mighty scream of pain as the beast shook its head, tearing flesh off my arm, but it didn’t let my arm go! It was still embedded in its jaws!
And just as I thought I was indeed going to be chewed to my bones, the bedroom burst open…and then the most dreadful character I had ever seen came into the room!
It was a man wearing a long black robe and boots. He had a motorbike helmet on his head, and he was holding something that looked like a rifle as he advanced into the room.
Geena screamed and grabbed a sheet to cover her nakedness as she stared at this apparition with horror. The person in the helmet barely glanced at Geena as he advanced on the crazed dog.
Chewer growled and let my arm go, and then it rushed at this new man, who raised his rifle-like thing and fired. A sizzling bluish energy-like thing shot from the muzzle of the weapon and smashed into Chewer in mid-air.
“Weeeeeeee, weeeeeeee, weeeeeeeeee!” the dog whined with pain as it crashed to the floor, and began to jerk horribly and spasmodically as the painful electrical current sizzled through its body!
Yes, the man was holding what was obviously a type of Taser, in rifle form, shooting blue electrical currents! He stepped forward and shot another burst of electrical energy into the dog zaaaaaaapiw!
“Weeeeeeeeweeeeee!!” Chewer whined pathetically.
“Chewer!” Geena screamed frantically with distress as tears fell down her face in torrents. “No, you bastard, leave Chewer alone! Oh, Chewer, come to Mama!”
This new man obviously hated this dog even more than I did, because he shot another round of electrical surge into the poor animal.
Chewer jerked spasmodically now, unable to make another sound, and then it went absolutely still.
My arm was dripping blood as I struggled to my knees and pulled a sheet off the bed to wind around my arm, and there was a huge, fool-like grin on my face as I wept, laughed and shouted at the same time.
“Chewer licky-lickied the shocker!” I shouted hysterically, pathetically, as the reaction of the harrowing experience I had gone through hit me. “Geena, Chewer licky-licky! Oh, Chewer, licky-licky!!”
Geena was absolutely still, looking every bit her age as she looked at the apparition in the robe and helmet with an absolutely petrified expression.
The man slowly removed his helmet.
He was an elderly man, yes, an elderly widower.
This was Mr. Seth, the friend Mr. Sintim had spoken about.
This was the widower who had had a bad experience with Geena and fled from the city!
“Setho!” Geena whispered, her old face now filled with real terror as she looked at the murderous face of Mr. Seth. “Please, Setho, don’t do this, please! I beg of you, please! I’m an old woman, Setho…”
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And Mr. Seth simply zapped her with that thing!
The bluish electrical surge shot out of the Taser rifle.
It hit Geena, and she fell back on the bed, twitching spasmodically, her head vibrating and thick foam coming out of her mouth, her old limbs moving at incredible speed as if she were being fried alive in some hot zomi oil.
Mr. Seth was a man filled with hatred, because the expression on his face was not normal. He was smiling an all-fangs sort of smile, as if he had just received the best Christmas gift from Jesus Christ himself.
Even as Geena vibrated and thrashed on the bed frantically, Mr. Seth did a goddawful thing…
He zapped her again.
I could actually see Geena’s hair singeing, and I could smell its tangy, awful scent too as she gurgled horribly and thrashed with a most horrible new frenzy!
“Herh, Mr. Seth, you craze?” I muttered weakly. “Do you want to kill licky-licky? Woy3 aboa wate!! That is enough! Stop zaaaaapiwing her! She’ll die!”
I guess, at that moment in time, with the cloth around my arm getting redder by the minute with my own blood from my Chewer-chewed arm, I was slipping into some kind of hysteria at the licky-licky horror I had just lived through.
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