The Author
Whatever was in that gun was too powerful, and I knew that if the old man zapped her again, the lady would die.
The old man’s face was filled with deadly vengeance, and he raised his rifle again.
“No, sir, please!” I shouted and bumped into him, sending both of us crashing to the floor.
He was a wiry old man, though. He slammed an elbow into my belly and got to his feet, once again aiming his rifle at Geena.
“You’ll kill her!” I screamed with great fear from the floor. “Please, sir, you’ll kill her if you do that again!”
He looked down at me with murderous eyes, and then he looked at the twitching figure of the old woman on the bed. His jaw tightened, and for a moment I was scared he was really going to do it again.
“Sir, please, don’t do it!” I said imploringly. “She’s not worth it!”
“Of course she’s worth it!” came another voice from the doorway, and I turned my head dazedly and watched as old Mr. Sintim came into the room.
“Mr. Sintim!” I whispered, aghast, as I watched the hatred on his face. “You too?”
“Yes, me too, son,” he said sadly as he walked up to the dog and kicked it hard. “She did it to me, and to Seth, and to God knows how many other men around. Me and Seth, we wanted revenge, and so whilst Seth kept out of sight, I monitored this damn bitch at the club, waiting for her to pick up another victim!”
He was standing by the bed now as Geena looked at him with fresh horror on her face.
Without warning, Mr. Sintim leaned down and slapped the old woman across the face shraaaaaap!
“Mr. Sintim!” I cried, horrified, as I rushed at him and pushed him back!
Geena, still paralyzed of sorts, was bleeding from the nose.
“Good gracious, sir, control yourself!” I shouted with compassion.
“Control myself?” Mr. Sintim asked harshly. “You don’t know what you were in for! She would have kept you for three days! After forcing you to lick her fucking anal passage, she would have put you on the floor and…and…and…”
His voice petered off!
He was that horrified, and he couldn’t continue.
“And what?” I asked, fascinated.
“Shit on your face,” Mr. Seth said softly, and I turned to him with horror.
“Shit on my face?” I asked, horrified. “Like real shit? Faeces?”
“Do you know any different kind of shit, you bastard?” Mr. Seth asked coldly, and I turned stunned eyes on that dreadful Geena.
Goodness, gracious!
She had forced these men to lick her damn ‘licky-licky annulus’ and then really crapped on their faces?
She was evil!
No wonder these two wanted to kill her!
I watched, dazed, as both of them walked to the side of the bed and stood looking down at her.
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“Now, listen carefully, you witch-bitch!” Mr. Sintim said softly. “You’re lucky this young lad is here. We would have killed you for sure. But we’ve reported you to the police, who have been monitoring you, and have your confession of that old murder. Do you remember? The man whose balls you sliced off and left to die? You’re going to prison, you damn bitch, and you’ll die there for your hideous sins!”
Geena was petrified!
She was suddenly the wizened pathetic old lady she was, and I felt very sorry for her. She nodded as tears of anguish fell down her face, obviously terrified of what the future held for her.
Mr. Seth suddenly raised the Taser rifle and pointed it at her, and that poor woman’s bowels just went loose with fear, and she defecated rather sickeningly all over the bed, the scent so putrefying and violent that the three of us turned away from her with disgust.
I rushed to the bathroom to clear lipstick and eye-liners from my face and then flew into my clothes.
By the time I peeked into the room again, it was filled with huge policemen who were taking out all the tapes from the recording machines…and preparing to deal with that Geena and her mad dog.
So, that is it.
Another good reason why I finally stopped the life of a player and settled down with one girl.
Even now, so many years later, I still hear those words somewhere in my mind:
“Chew, Chewer!”
Well, we might meet again, and I will definitely give you another reason why I, the great Pele-Dona, the greatest of all players, finally became un-played.
You can take it, or leave it. But if you continue playing, well, I wish you luck, buddy. Chances are, you would eventually meet your Geena, do your little ‘licky-licky’ and get crapped in the face in the process!
Well, bye-bye for now!
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