Married Cheaters…
I am Akoto Adjei Alexander, a Christian. A product of Abetifi Presbyterian Senior High School, Abetifi-Kwahu. I am in my late 20’s and the last born of the boys my parent brought to earth. I am a fiction/scriptwriter who loves to write about nature and the realities of life. I do a little of Graphics Design, I do MC’ing of events somethings, a Motivational Speaker and a Relationship Talk Expert.
As my phone rang I was wondering who might be calling me by this ungodly hour after I had been deprived of exercising my legal and marital rights as a husband, I tossed to the side of the bed to take the phone from the drawer close to the bed. Queenstar intensified her prayer, as I checked the number that was calling me, I realised it was a local number, I mean the number was a France number meaning the caller was also in town but what baffled me was the fact that I hadn’t given my number out to anyone or even informed any of my friends or associates that I was in Paris or anything, since I didn’t want to bother Queenstar as she was vehemently praying I stood up and opened the sliding door that led to the balcony.
Me: Hello please who is on the line was what I first said when I got to the balcony.
Caller: Hello Mr handsome, how are you doing?
Me: An very well and how about you?
Caller: Am not fine Mr handsome that is the reason why am calling you!!!
Me: Who am I talking with, please?
Caller: Don’t give me the impression that you have shortly forgotten about me so soon?
Me: Excuse me please your time of the call is obviously wrong so I will please entreat you to go straight to the point for calling or we adjourn this conversation to another time, please.
Caller: Mr Ani-Agyei what has come over you?
Me: It will do me a great service if you could please just introduce yourself so I know what to do next
Caller: Okay this is Gina Otis your girlfriend.
Me: Hehehehe what a small world you mean Gina Otis my ex-girlfriend?
I didn’t say anything but she continued talking;
Gina: Don’t call me your ex-girlfriend because we didn’t officially break up you know, we just stopped communicating we each other as I travelled to go and further my education outside the country.
Me: So you taught I didn’t deserve to be informed of your travelling or educational career? Were you expecting me to sit and wait for you till God knows when? Gina please it’s late and I have a lot of things to do tomorrow so if you don’t mind let’s continue this conversation later tomorrow.
Gina: Well if you say so I have heard you but mind you am aware you are in Paris and I know where to find you if you try to avoid me, I don’t have remind you that I don’t have a waiting spirit and you know we the Akyem’s we take everything that belongs to us with force. As you sleep ponder over what I have just told you my forever handsome Prince, sleep well and don’t forget to dream about me.
She cuts the call after uttering those words to me, what impunity, you think you can eat your cake and have it back right!!! I came back to see my Queen peacefully asleep like a baby, I came to lie by her side to see if I could get a visa to dream land but the more I tried the harder it was for me to sleep, I tossed on the bed for close to 45minutes but still the value was the same so I decided to hire the services of a lawyer to aid me to journey smoothly to the land of dreams, I tip toed to the bar and took the strongest whisky on the shelf but before doing anything I took a critical look at Queenstar to check if she was truly asleep first before I proceeded with my unfinished business, as I realised the coast was clear I opened the bottle and started gulping the content of the bottle into my mouth and before I brought the bottle down, half of the content was gone, in a short while my eyes started rolling and I saw things in the room going round about, now going back to the bed was the most toughest task I could ever perform but mind you.
“if the royal doesn’t stand to fight the battle the slave flees”, I supported my movement back to the bed with the help of the couches in the room and when finally I got to the bed I fell heavily on it like a log of wood that had been chopped down by a chainsaw operator and in a matter of second I was on the highway to dream land driving on a tough speed. The next thing I heard was my name been mentioned and series of taps on my arms, I opened my eyes faintly and my lady was awake already, wake up lazy bone its past 8 am and the driver will be here soon, she made way to the bathroom and I tried following her but I nearly fell down because the alcohol was still in my system and I think I had developed hangover from the whisky. Usually the best way to treat hangover was to rekindle the alcohol inside you by taking in whatever you took the previous day or night but I didn’t want Queenstar to know what I took before sleeping, I went to the first aid kit and luckily for me I got an orange flavoured liver salt which I took immediately, Queenstar came from the bathroom to see me seated on the bed and she was surprised I was still sitting there not making any progressive move knowing what we had ahead of us in the day, I told her I was experiencing a serious migraine and I needed some painkillers or aspirin to knock off the pains I was feeling. She phoned the front desk to request for some pain killers plus our breakfast in our room, after the call she told me to freshen up and by the time I was done, our breakfast plus the painkiller might be in, I obeyed her suggestion and did as requested of me, I freshen up quickly and came to the room a bit relieved. Someone knocked at the door and Queenstar decided to see who was at the door but I told her not to worry because I will do that, as I opened the door the biggest surprise of my life hit me………….
As I opened the door to my utmost surprise the person was no one but my mysterious lady standing behind the door with a serving tray in her hands smiling, are you going to usher me in or you will continue to keep me standing here all day long. Honey who is at the door? I didn’t say anything but rather ushered my mysterious lady in, as Queenstar saw her she screamed with joy and rushed into the arms of my mysterious lady to give her a very long lasting embrace as they shared pleasantries whiles I stood there dumbfounded, in my head I was like the f**k is going on here, I watched them as they continued to enjoy their reunion or whatever they will call it. I went to where she placed the serving tray and opened all the covered bowls and plates, in front of me was fruit salad, rice pudding, hot water and bags of tea leaf, toasted eggs, bread, Horlicks, milk, sugar, fruit juice and the painkiller. I served myself and took a seat in a chair close to the bed, I was amazed because it seems this 2ladies had forgotten that there was in their midst a whole full grown handsome man with them, I hurriedly took my breakfast and took my medicine to calm down my headache. It was when I stood up to pick something from the wardrobe before Queenstar resumed her sanity before doing an official introduction between the two of us. Darling here is Rhodaline my sweet and crazy younger sister and Rhodaline this is my King and the only thing in the world that I won’t share in this world with any other woman, not even you!!!! By then I had a glass of juice in my hands and I had sipped some amount of it into my mouth but with what she said I spat it out which almost spoilt the dress of Rhodaline “my mysterious lady and sister-in-law”, I had started sweating so badly now with the kind of revelation taking place, as I extended my hands to shake hands with Rhodaline she refused and rather came to hug me. Eeeeeeeiiiiiii big sis I so much envy you oooo so how did you catch this big fish in this large ocean, I don’t mind been a reserve goalkeeper in your camp at all, don’t be silly Rhodaline now let go of my king before I cast you to the pit of hell, am protecting my thing jealously like the way mother hen protects her chicks. Queenstar separated both of us and asked if I had eaten my breakfast, I smiled and nodded my head, so it’s true when 2women meet they can talk to the extent that even the food on the fire can burn that no one can eat and if it is water the person is boiling the whole content will dry up without even realising it, she went to the place where her sister dropped the serving tray and served herself and that was when I confronted Rhodaline as to what the 2 of them were up to, she looked at me as if she didn’t hear what question I asked her, well whatever this 2ladies were up to I was equally going to match the bumper to bumper, boot for boot and tooth for tooth, after all “its a man that swallows a bitter pill”, Queenstar came over to where we stood and she said ain’t you people going to take your seats? That was when I came to my senses and took a seat but Queenstar realised I wasn’t comfortable and my mood had changed a bit but she didn’t ask me what was wrong with me in front of her younger sister, the telephone in the room rang and I answered, after the call I notified Queenstar that the driver was in so she should hurry up and get dressed since we all know how long it took our beautiful ladies to make-up before they came out for the world to see them. I went through my things and got for myself a white polo shirt and my black jeans then went to the bathroom to dress up as I came out I wore my black Nike sneaker and
told Queenstar that I was taking the lead down to the grand floor so that the driver will know that we are ready for the little tour for the day but before I got to the door I heard Rhodaline asking for me to wait for her so she goes with me to the grand floor. I was a bit happy because at least I could get a little time with Rhodaline so I could interrogate her because everything happening to me looked weird and I couldn’t think far neither was I thinking madness, as we left the room and made way to the elevator I asked Rhodaline what type of game she and her sister were up to? She looked at me for a while and answered that she didn’t know of any game I was talking about and if it was a joke I should cut it because it wasn’t funny to her, I asked if she was serious on her question and she said yes. I asked so Rhodaline who is Queenstar to you in a very serious but curious manner? She replied, she is my elder sister, same mother and father, why this question? If she is your blood sister then why are you trying to seduce your sister’s husband then, knowing that he also can’t resist you and your charms…………………………
A lot is at stake here, stay tuned
As I asked Rhodaline that question she was a bit dumbfounded and I saw pain and bitterness in her eyes, her temperament changed all of a sudden and I knew there was something down her sleeves which was eating her up even though she pretended as if all was well. Do you want to talk about it? I have the listening ears for anything bothering you know, if you aren’t okay too with the idea we can pretend this discussion never took place, she nodded her head which gave me the impression that she needed someone to talk to very badly, silence is a serious killer which has taken the precious lives of many good and prominent people away from this land called earth. We got to the main hall of the hotel and saw the driver standing and waiting for us, I shook hands with him and told him to wait a little since my wife is now making up and of course he understood me perfectly. I and Rhodaline took a seat at one corner of the main hall, ordered for some fruit juice then I told Rhodaline to tell me everything bothering her, it was really difficult for her from the start because she didn’t know where to start from and when she gathered courage to speak, tears rolled down her chick, I took some tissue papers that was on the table we sat behind and handed it over to her, I encouraged her to cry herself out since after crying she was going to feel comfortable once again, after waiting for what seem like hours, she was okay and started even cracking jokes for both of us to laugh. She said back during their adolescent age when Queenstar and her were growing up there was this handsome guy leaving next to their house with his family, the guy was older than Queenstar and I but I had some form of aura anytime I set eyes on the guy, the guy also looked at me anytime we met and always smiled at me but never said a word to each order. I remember one time when I was passing by his house and my sandals git spoilt, by then this guy was also passing by with his bicycle, he stopped and offered me help by giving me his slippers to wait for him, he took my sandals and rushed to a shoemaker down the street to get my sandals fixed for me and footed the bill, that was the first time I had the chance to speak with him and honestly that was the most happiest day of my life, we became friends that very moment and we both sneaked out at odd hours to meet and have fun. We became fond of each other that there was no single day we never met, on my 15th birthday it fell on a Sunday and we planned to go out when my entire family went to church, when church service was on going I would come out from the church and meet him at a junction close to the church then we rush to where ever he wanted to take me, he took me to the Dansoman beach since we didn’t have much time to spend together, there he proposed love to me and since I couldn’t resist him because he was the guy after my heart and anytime I saw him, he bursted my bubbles, I was so excited but also afraid because someone might take him away from me. I told him I would accept his proposal on a single condition and that was engaging ourselves in a “BLOOD COVENANT”, he didn’t like the idea but I told him that was the only thing he could do to convince me that truly he needed and wanted me in his life for good. He had no choice at his disposal so he bought into my idea and I removed one of my ear rings and cut my thumb with it and equally did same for him, when our blood came out we joined our fingers together and receited some words together that should any of us go against the promise we made or should any of us cheat against each other may that person die a mysterious death. After that we licked the blood we had joined together and rushed home, I took him to my house since that place was empty without anyone in our house and had sex with him for the very first time of me life, I gave my pride and virginity to him on a silver platter without him even asking for it because I didn’t want him to even take a second look at any lady apart from me and me alone, mind you we have jealousy running through our family especially from the maternal side of the family so we never ever wanted competition or any form of sharing galore, that day we had sex on 3 different locations which was the living room, my bedroom and finally the bathroom before I run back to join the other family members in the church, as I got there……….
As I rushed back to the church the church choir had matched out of the church auditorium meaning if I delayed for even a minute I would have gotten myself into serious trouble; I don’t know if you have ever gotten into trouble after you had broken bounds to catch fun, I call it “pleasure before pain”, Queenstar suspected my movement when I left the church but I lied to her to cover my trace, she wanted to know where I went because as I left her side at church auditorium, she claimed she combed the whole church but didn’t see any sign of me, I told her I went to play at the play ground of the school complex, our church had a school which was also on the same compound of the church; she wanted to quiz me and get information from me but I was ahead of her in my game so anything she said I had a counter answer for her. Luckily our mum came in so Queenstar had to draw the curtains down on that chapter and I got relieved at long last, the secret affair continued between I and my guy for a very long time till I got to my final year in senior high school, by then Queenstar had also gained admission at the university, she came home one day unexpected and by then my guy had written to me and added some pictures of his to it, carelessly I dropped the envelope and its content on my bed to rush and shower after school because I was by then menstruating, Queenstar came to my room unannounced and went through my things, as I came back from the bathroom she was holding the letter in her hands whiles displaying the pictures of the guy on the bed, in the letter the guy had revealed everything I had done with him and on the occasions that we did those things and how he had missed those quality times we shared together. Now that everything had been brought to the limelight I didn’t have anything to hide away from Queenstar so I confessed to her in a very professional way, but I didn’t add the blood covenant thing to it and I believe that was the worse mistake I ever did, since Queenstar and the guy were in the same university I pleaded with her to watch over him for me since I and the guy could only chat through exchange of letters because in our house you are only permitted to use a cell phone after your senior high school level, she agreed to watch over my guy for me and convey any information she got about his activities on campus and everything that went on. I was so happy my sister decided to do that policing job for me, after some time my sister started feeding me with negative things about my guy and how he had joined bad company and how he had turned into a womanizer within a twinkle of an eye, it seemed everyday I got the chance to speak with Queenstar she had something new and ugly to say about my prince charming, honestly it affected my studies but as I was about to rap up with my senior high school education, I pushed everything behind me and focused on my studies so I could pass with flying colours, I went through the exams successfully and on one occasion my mum was supposed to visit Queenstar and deliver some items to her but she had something important doing that same day so I volunteered to render that service for her, to me I wanted to surprise my guy, although I didn’t believe fully what Queenstar had been feeding me with, I got my swag on and left to the university campus to satisfy my curious mind, first I went to Queenstar’s hostel to deliver her items but her roommate told me she had gone to visit her boyfriend at his hostel. I was shocked with what her roommate told me because Queenstar never told me she had been hooked up or gotten herself engaged even though it hasn’t been long since I asked her that question. Well I knew my sister to be self centered and selfish most at times but with this one I was a bit perplexed about the revelation, I told myself I will get to the bottom of that puzzle at the right time, I asked for direction to my guys hostel and I was told it was a bit far from where I was so I boarded a taxi to his place and I asked at the entrance of the hostel of my guy whether the driver had brought me to the right place because he wasnt sure of himself, luckily I was at the right place and was directed to his room by the guy I met outside the hostel, as I got there, the music in his room was so loud that I knocked for several minutes without any answer from him, one of his hostel mates passed by and told me to enter since my guy might even be asleep because he likes to sleep with loud music on, that was true because even in the house he used to play music so loud that my mum even hated him for that. As I entered I nearly collapsed with what I saw inside his room, my guy was busily f*king the hell out of another lady and what pained me most was that he was giving my favourite sex position style to that lady, they were both drenched with sweat and what nearly seized my breathe was the fact that the lady was no one but my own blood sister Queenstar. I screamed her name out so she would know I had seen and caught her in the greedy act she was enjoying, I left the room with tears in my eyes and with a heavy heart, wow if anyone would stab me in the dark I wasn’t expecting it to be my own blood sister but look at who did that, so she saying negative things about my guy all this while, she was having a reason and a master plan for that, indeed it was true that “fear women and save your life”; I came back home to nurture my wounds and broken heart all alone, I dare not raise alarm to anyone in the house because if I did hell was going to be let loss on us. Two sisters could not fight over one p**s so I decided to let posterity be the best jugde in this case, by then my dad wanted me to further my education abroad and I wasn’t giving him my mind because I didn’t want to go far away from my guy but with this pain and revelation I went to him to fast track the process since I was now very much interested in the offer, he was surprised and asked why I had suddenly shown too much interest in travelling but I told him I just want to experience life and the education curriculum outside Africa. Some few weeks before I travelled outside the country something weird and strange happened
Can you guess what that was?
To be continued…………………………………………………………………………………..#Yeb3toaso
📄An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
🌐 All rights reserved worldwide 🌍®
Some fews weeks for me to travel outside the country I was in my room one rainy evening watching movie on my laptop when my phone started ringing as I checked it was my guy’s number calling, I ignored the call for about 12times before I answered to tell him my piece of mind but as I started throwing words in the air the caller told me this was not my guy calling but rather his hostel mate. I cooled down and asked him the reason why he was me calling but first warned him that if he knew he was going to talk about reconciliation between the two of us he should gently cut the call because I was going to behave rudely towards him, he told me his reason for calling was between life and death, I laughed and asked him that “what concerns the fish if the bush is on fire?”, he pleaded with me to first listen to him but I cut the call on him and switched my phone to flight mood because I didn’t want to hear anything concerning him. I went to the kitchen to get water in the fridge and on my way I met Queenstar coming out from the kitchen, she called me but I didn’t even turn myself not to talk about responding to her mentioning my name, I never spoke to her after I caught her screwing my guy, I proceeded to the kitchen and took the water from the fridge, I poured some into a glass and as I made an attempt to drink from the glass, there was a very heavy thunder strike which made me drop the glass on the floor, there was an instant blackout and all I could here was dogs barking from near and afar. I felt empty and lonely all of a sudden and I didn’t know why, with the help of the flash light on my phone I swept the broken pieces of the glass and threw it into the trashcan in the kitchen but after doing so I realised I was bleeding, I checked virtually every part of my body but I didn’t see any cut on my body, I felt my palms being wet and as I checked with the phone light my thumb and exact place that I cut during the blood convenant was the place I was bleeding from. That was so strange because that hand or finger had not come in contact with the broken glass so I was wondering why it was bleeding, I mobbed the floor, washed my hands and left to my room to treat the fresh wound, I slept off later and around midnight I had a dream where I saw myself been chased by my guy at the beach and pleading with me to forgive him for his infidelity against me, he was begging and shouted after me but I didn’t bother to stop or listen to him. The next thing I heard behind me was Rhodaline please save me!!! Please save me, I turned and I saw some monster with 3heads from the sea been commanded by a mermaid(maame water) to drag my guy into the sea, I stood there and watched as my guy was dragged deep into the sea until I saw no trace of him again, I jumped from my bed sweating badly even though the weather was very cold after it rained heavily. I took my phone and took it off from the flight mood and immediately some text messages started coming through, it came from my guy’s line, I opened the first one and had this message;
The second message was;
I immediately tried calling back but the line was off and at that very moment I heard noise coming from the direction of my guy’s house, I strained my ears and I could hear people mourning and screaming out the name of my guy, was the contents of the messages I read very true? Was I dreaming or was I witnessing a stage drama? I came out of my room only to meet my parents and my siblings seated in the living room with everyone in a solemn mood, I asked my mum what was going on but she started crying, my dad was the one who spoke and he said in a plain voice that the young energetic handsome son of our next door neighbour is the dead. I collapsed immediately as my dad made that statement, my dad ordered my mum to quickly get water from the kitchen so he could sprinkle on my face for me to revive before I was sent to the hospital. No one in the house knew what was wrong with me except Queenstar and she there not open her mouth because if she does………
As the water was sprinkled on my face, it revived me and I came back to normal but my mum was scared so she pleaded with my dad to send me to the nearest hospital for medical examining and proper care, since a neighbour had just lost a promising and vibrant son my dad didn’t hesitate to what my mum said and immediately compromised and requested Queenstar to get his car key, they rushed me to the hospital for me to be checked and treated if that was possible. I was hospitalised for close to a week because when I was examined it was confirmed that my blood pressure had gone up and I had been hit with psychological trauma so I needed a psychologist to psyche me for me to come back to normal once again. Fortunately for us my aunt was a practicing clinical psychologist so she volunteered to render that service to me freely, I was discharged and brought home some days later, my aunt psyched me for days for me to come back to my normal self but my condition became on and off because this minute I looked okay then in the next minute I looked worse, hmmmmmm the day that my deceased guy’s corpse was brought from the morgue my entire world looked as if it was caving in on me, I had refused to eat for days neither was I bathing and I locked myself in my room for days, everyone in the house was worried with my condition, several men of God and native doctors were invited over to come remedy my situation but they ended up squandering the monies of my parents, I wanted to travel outside the country badly but it seems my parents were not certain and afraid that could rather be a wrong choice for me to leave their sight. That faithful Saturday that my guy’s body was sent to the cemetary I nearly stabbed myself so I could also join my love in the land of death, Queenstar was at the cemetary when my mum called her to rush to the house to come and also plead with me so I refrain from commiting suicide. As Rhodaline continued with her story my mind went back to how I first saw Queenstar, oh okay that guy in question was my tight buddy and course mate, so as Queenstar rushed from the cemetary that day she did so because she wanted to save Rhodaline from commiting suicide, meaning all the hostility I got from Queenstar was because of this confession Rhodaline was revealing to me………. wow nothing can ever be hidden away from the sun!!!!! Helloooooooo Mr Ani-Agyei are you alright? Rhodaline tapped me as she saw that my mind was far away from her, I gave a faint smile and nodded, I pleaded with her to continue her story. Queenstar rushed home and came to kneel before me and started confessing to everyone what she had done to me, everyone was very disappointed with her but it was already late to apportion blames on anyone, the harm had already been done and the best thing to do now was for them to persuade me from stabbing myself, my mum had to threaten me with her life before I considered not to go ahead with my suicide mission but at the end I succeeded in letting everyone know what my blood sister has done to me. My aunt immediately told me dad to speed up the process for me to leave the country since it would do me a lot of good, the following day my ticket and everything I needed for my journey was acquired and I left the shore of Africa, I travelled to the United Kingdom where I continued my tertiary education and obtained my masters degree in Marketing and Business Administration, it shocked my entire family when they saw me at your wedding because I didn’t inform anyone that I will attend your wedding and moreover I never spoke with Queenstar all throughout my stay in the United Kingdom. My mission now is to also wreck the marriage of you guys so please be aware of that because I warn before I attack my victims, as she made this comments she stood up and made way to the exit of the hotel, I sat down on my seat shaking with what I had just heard because if anyone apart from Rhodaline had told me this story I wouldn’t have believed it and to me Queenstar looked so angelic for this devilish act but hey who was I to judge in the first place because I also had skeletons hanging in my cupboard. Shortly after Rhodaline left my side Queenstar stepped out from the elevator looking fantabulously hot, she beamed with beauty and everyone in the hotel main hall couldn’t take their eyes off her, she came to where I sat and took my glass of wine, drunk some before asking me where her sister was? I told her she had a call from someone I suspect to be her business partner so she left but told me she will join us later………….
If you knew what was coming from the sky you will find a cave and hide under it
To be continued…………………………………………………………………………………….#Yeb3toaso
📄An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
🌐All rights reserved worldwide 🌍®
We proceeded to the gate and saw the driver standing next to his car, I admired the car and wished I owned one of it, I said to myself I will save enough money and get this machine as my 30th birthday package for myself. The driver opened the door and we took our respective seats then he drove us to the beautiful tourist sites France had on display for her visitors, you can’t visit Paris and not visit the almighty Eiffel Tower, that was the first place he took us as we took pictures and enjoyed the beautiful view of the place. Queenstar gave her phone to me to take some shots of her as we climbed to the top of the tower, by then I had seen someone trailing us but since the place was an open place for everyone I kept calm with my observation, as I was taking shots of my Sweetheart someone came to stand behind me and said;
“Hello handsome I told you my eyes were very much fixed on you and that we are not done with our relationship affair, you know am very jealous and I don’t like to share my sweet p***s with any other bitch, you see some guys are standing next to your so called wife, I can signal them to push your wife to the ground and no one will see what happened. This is my first warning to you, don’t take it as a threat but rather take it as an advice, next time its not going to be words but rather action, I trust you remember what am capable of doing”.
She left my back and Queenstar came close to me to ask what the person who stood behind me wanted, I told her we were in an open place and that anyone can stand anywhere he or she wanted so far as you don’t step on someone’s toes, I admonished her to overlook anything and that we should enjoy our tour, from Eiffel Tower we left to Arc de Triomphe, then later to Notre Dame de Paris, from that place we called it a day and came back to our hotel to rest since we had more places to go the following day. I called the number Gina called me with to tell her my peace of mind but as I called the number the call was answered by a man and he told me that the place I had called was the morgue and that if I wanted to bring any corpse there, the place was filled up, what nonsense a lady called me yesterday evening with this number and today you telling me that the number is the office line of a morgue, the man was angry with my statement and dropped the call on me, I came out of our room and decended to the front desk to ask for the telecom diary of Paris from the person at the front desk, I gave the number Gina called me with to her and as she went through the diary she confirmed that, that number was the office line for the morgue at the capital hospital, I got frightened with this discovery but kept my fear silently to myself, that night I didn’t eat anything and went to bed with an empty stomach. All I did was to ponder over the threat Gina gave me and how she got the morgue telephone to call me with, was she now working there or was she a ghost? Strange things had started taking place in my life and I needed any elderly person to help me with advice because if care was not taken I will commit a blunder which will not go well for me and the person I was going to deal with. Again I hired the services of the whisky on the shelf and it helped me to sleep like a fool, I woke up late in the day but Queenstar was not in the room and I checked everywhere to see her but yet still there was no trace of her, I quickly washed down and dressed up and went to the front desk to enquire of my wife and I was told she had gone to the pool side to swim but was with the company of another person, I asked myself who the person could be because if it was Rhodaline I would have gotten the signal long time ago so who could the person be? I wanted to go to the pool side but as I took some steps that led to the pool side one of the front desk workers called me back, sir I want to tell you something but please promise me you won’t get mad or behave aggressively towards the information I give you, for me I hate people who gossip and am not a gossip also. I edged her to continue since I didn’t want anyone to keep me in suspense because it was one thing I hated, she told me that she saw my wife seated at the pool side with a man and they were so very much into each other that it had even drawn attention of the others who were at the pool side to applaud them. I fumed with rage and dashed out to meet and deal with the bastard who had the audacity and tenacity to invite my wife to the pool side even though I was the owner of her heart and body, few meters to where Queenstar and that “bastard” sat my phone rang and this time it was a private number that was been displayed on my phone screen, I answered the call and the caller was Gina Otis. She continued her threats and told me my wife is going to be her very best friend in no time and in that process she will start with her evil mission, I took to my heels and upon getting to the pool side I was hit with one big surprise
Guess what surprise I met at the pool side?
I got to the place Queenstar was seated and to my utmost surprise she was sitting next to know one but Gina Otis and they were happily conversing in a friendly manner, as Queenstar saw me she signalled me to join them immediately and as I got there she happily introduced me to the person she was chatting with(little did she know the lady next to her was a parasite who was about to feast on her marriage). Girlfriend meet my Hero, my Handsome King, my Adam and the man who has succeeded in stealing my heart from my body and Honey please meet Jennifer Aba Amos, she is one of my cherished clients who am nurturing her account and shares for a better growth. I said to myself in my head what? Gina has now changed her name to Jennifer Aba Amos and she is already a friend to my wife, I need to act fast before this get out of hand, Gina(Jennifer Aba Amos) stretched her hands to give me a handshake and because I didn’t want to raise any alarm I reciprocated and we gave each other a handshake, my wife had to separate our hands before we left each others hand, she stood up to get a drink for me at the bar close to the pool side and in her absence I spoke with Gina in a very aggressive way. “Gina or whatever you call yourself now if you try anything funny or stupid with my wife or family I will not hesitate to end your miserable life and feed your body to the vultures of Akyem land, you equally know my capabilities and you know I don’t also give empty promises”, Mr Ani-Agyei what I know now is that you have gone so soft and cold and I forsee you are no longer the monster you use to be at the senior high school and university, your wife has really tamed you to be the person I want you to be for my suicide mission, need I forget your wife has told me a lot about you and foolishly for her she didn’t know it was a trap that I had lured her into, she was so blind to the extent that she even told me about your bedmatics and am surprised you still love your “DOGGY STYLE” even though more sex positions have been introduced now into the system and I have one killer style I have reserved for you that if I give it to you, you will follow me like a male dog who has seen a new female dog in his vicinity. Don’t forget you use to tell me that I was the best sex machine you had ever encountered and interestingly I have upgraded my system so what I might do to you now, will be far far better that anything you will ever taste on this earth. I still love you and your p***s and you know what drives me crazy about it, the way it bends to the left when it erects, it hits my G spot and it drives me nuts, the way you gave it to me no man can ever give it to me and the way I also respond and give it to you not even your wife can ever do half of it, in my very head what Gina was saying was very true but to me she was a past thing that didn’t deserve to be brought back to the present or future, I know how deceptive she could be sometimes and with her she could even lead a Roman father to bed with her sexy moves, she was the type who always get what she wanted and she always had a way of getting her required results but for me this time I was going to make her a loser for the very first time in her life so far as I was concerned. Queenstar came back with a cocktail drink for me but I didn’t want to spend even a minute with Gina(Jennifer Aba Amos) so I told Queenstar there was something very urgent that came up and we needed to talk about it but she pleaded with me to give her a little time since she was explaining some business opportunities to her friend over here and that she will join me soon in the bedroom, as I stood up Gina(Jennifer Aba Amos) quickly made a statement which will draw my attention, Queenstar you husband is fresh as an oil paint and if I were you I won’t let any lady even speak with him for even a second, I will keep and hold him like my purse, handsome men like his type are very rare in town now so if you don’t mind you can borrow him to me for just 2hours, Jennifer(Gina) you are crazy me borrow my husband to you? That will be over my living body, the 2ladies bursted out in a loud laughter as I left their presence, as I got to the door to our room I noticed something strange from the way I left the place to the front desk………
I got to the door of the room I left some minutes back and to my utmost surprise the door was opened a bit, the card that was used to open the door was in my hand and if you haven’t or didn’t lock the door you can’t take the card off the door so I was astonished with what I was seeing, could it be that someone might had either tempered with the door or someone had broken into the room with a master card. I opened the door with force only to meet Rhodaline naked and lying on the bed, she signalled me to come closer to her and have a bite of what I was seeing, truth be told what my eyes were seeing was appealing and I don’t know how many men could resist this sophisticated and succulent body that was just some inches away from, hmmmm I was now in a dilemma like the man who was on the tree and saw a poisonous snake approaching his direction, meanwhile on the ground also stood a hungry lion waiting patiently to have a feast should the man drop down to the ground and to the river that was close to the tree also laid in it was honourable mr crocodile waiting majestically for me to lower myself into his territory so he could have a party with the man’s body. Should I go in after what my flesh was yearning for or should I flee like how Joseph did from Potiphar’s wife?
My good people I need your immediate advice on my current predicament!!!
Many things flashed through my head at the very moment and I was to respond to the task ahead of me in a matter of seconds, I took some steps in front and I head my conscience fighting each other because one was telling me to proceed and satisfy myself sexually whiles the other one was judging me already even though I had not even done what was been required of me, if am to snap a picture of Rhodaline to you with my eyes, your mouth should be left opened for sometime because Rhodaline had not been cheated by her maker at all, she had the heavy machinery both from back and front and this two things always drove me nuts, she was more than Peace Hyde and Adjoa Sarpong both of Ghone tv if you knew the names of people I have mentioned, I wouldn’t mind signing my death sentence if someone with that thing stood in front of me.
Another question that came to mind was what if Queenstar walks in right now, what would she say or think about me and moreover Rhodaline had already aligned to me her mission or purpose of coming closer to me, eeeeeeiiiiiiii sometimes the spirit wishes to do somethings but the body remains weak and there is nothing one can do, well am an Akuapem young man and a proud Sunday born, a man doesn’t stand in the water before he runs back for protection, “what can come can come, what can happen can happen, what can do can do”, I said this to myself and went forward. I saw Rhodaline giving me a devilish smile and postures knowing very well that I was coming to give her what she was craving for from me the very first time she set sight on me, I went to her and held her by the arms, looked deep into her eyes and kissed her forehead but after that the words that came out from my mouth up till now surprises me because for the very first time in my life I chose good over evil. I said to her, Rhodaline you are one of the most prettiest, hottest, sexiest, smartest and the sincerest person I have known on this earth, two wrongs never makes a right and on this earth the best revenge we can give to people who have wronged or harmed us is to forgive and let go of things that comes our way, in as much as I want to taste what lies in between your legs, I want us to for once overcome the demands of the flesh and move on in life, mind you someone died because of ignorance and weakness of the flesh and in Africa and Ghana especially its a taboo to have a sexual affair with you partners blood relation when the 2people are still together and alive, honestly you are much sexier than your sister in everything the eye can bear witness with but please as Jesus even pleaded on the cross to God that if possible may his death pass him by, I will also plead that let this temptation pass us by. I picked her dress up and asked her to dress up since her sister could walk into the room any moment from now, Rhodaline felt bad and ashamed but the way I spoke to her made her proud of me and she gave me a sincere hug and thanked me for talking sense into her mind, she promised to abort the negative ideas she came to me with and treat me like her elder brother and that of her elder sister’s husband. She went to the bathroom to dress up and in her absences I was surprised with what I just did because a Squirrel never reject palm fruits but today it has done so not because he was satisfied but because he had to prove a point. Rhodaline came back shortly from the bathroom well dressed and as if by magic her sister Queenstar came to the room with Gina Otis(Jennifer Aba Amos) following her, we were both shocked because if we two decided to chase after our fleshy demands I don’t know what might happen in the room now that Queenstar had showed up with the company of a wolf in a sheep’s cloth. You can imagine the form of relief that came upon me and how proud I was of myself, I went to the bar in the room and brought an Irish cream drink for us to enjoy as one big happy family, as we were enjoying our drink a call came through to the telephone in the room and as I answered it, I was told the tour driver was in so we had to prepare so we continue with our expedition in Paris. Gina(Jennifer Aba Amos) told us she would have loved to go on the tour with us but she had some business appointment to catch up so she can’t join us with the tour so she took leave of us but told us she will be back soon, there was something baffling my mind and I was going to get to the root of it at all cost
What was baffling my mind now was the fact that if Queenstar my wife claimed she knew Gina Otis(Jennifer Aba Amos) then why didn’t she recognise her the day she came to stand behind me at the Eiffel Towers, there was a lot for me to unravel personally but I had to do things with a tailored measure, Rhodaline offered to go with us and I saw that as a normal thing so we all came out from the room and joined the driver so we could go for our tour. He drove us first to Disneyland Paris then from there we moved to Louvre Pyramind and afterwards we left to Grand Palais, as we got to that place I excused myself to use the washroom, as I got there a text message came to my phone from Gina Otis;
“I told you not to underestimate my powers, moves and what I can do, now I have invaded your defence and I will destroy things at my own pace so enjoy your marriage whiles it last”.
This message sent a cold chill down my ribs, I believe you are wondering why I didn’t immediately inform Queenstar of who Gina Otis(Jennifer Aba Amos)was. As I had stated earlier on if there was anything I could do, I had to use a tailored measure, I left the washroom and joined my wife and her sister Rhodaline happily gesturing, for once I was pleased with what my eyes were witnessing because I knew I had brought peace between the 2 two sisters. The driver prompted us that he could still take us to one more place before the sun went down and we felt it was a great idea since we had nothing to do back at the hotel so we seconded his idea and we took off to the place. A little history about the place he sent us was that a French sculptor by name Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi designed and completed the work in July 1884, the work you might be wondering was none other but the twin sister of the Lady Liberty(statue), it was 37feet 9inches tall and was located in the middle court of Seine near the Grenell bridge, as the brief history was been given to us I had a call so I excused myself again, guess who the caller was? If you were thinking it was Gina Otis(Jennifer Aba Amos) then you are very wrong because the caller was my gateman Atongo.
“Massa I swear walahi the money you take leave me, my girlfriend don chop all, eh talk me say I give am bele wey eh eno want comot the piki so the money you take leave me I take am bribe am so she go allow make we do the abortion, boss I swear plus your wife I get 13pikis already for my hometown plus 3wives so I nor want make I born any piki again wey they girl sef she say she nor go make I marry am. You nor say I swear wahali what I see for the bathroom the day you do madam dondoo I nor talk plus anyone except my foolish girlfriend so she make I tell you say if you nor send me money now now she go come tell madam what I talk am for here”, the line went off, I think he was out of airtime. Can you imagine Atongo now also wanted to blackmail me with what he saw me do with Rhodaline inside the washroom the day of my wedding? I smiled and told myself I know what to do, as I came back to where I left Queenstar and Rhodaline they were no where to be found, I tried asking the people around to find out the whereabout of the 2ladies but it seems none of the people around could speak English and I couldn’t also speak French so it looked like communicating with a deaf person or been fed with the aroma of your best food but not getting the real food to eat, none of us could understand each other. As I was wondering about looking for my ladies my phone started ringing, I brought the phone out and it was Queenstar calling, as I answered the call I didn’t like the sound of the caller and I was scared with the content of the call
Can you try guessing what message that was given to me by the caller? I doubt you will have your answer right but you will get to know the real deal soon in the upcoming episode
To be continued………………………………………………………………………………….#Yeb3toaso
📄An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
🌐 All rights reserved worldwide 🌍®
Watch Out for:
💰💸🏡🚘 VANITY 🚘🏡💸💰
What shall a man profit if he gains the whole world and loses his life.
Rated 🔞years & above
Episode 39
By now I believe most of you were anticipating a kidnap from Gina Otis(Jennifer Aba Amos) or Rhodaline or even people she had hired to do that mission, well I say you are very wrong. As the call came and I saw it was Queenstar’s line I happily answered the call but was greeted with a worrisome voice of Rhodaline crying and trying to speak at the same time, I told her to come down and speak to me since if she spoke and cried at the same time I might not get the news she was trying to convey over to me, the statement I made brought calmness to Rhodaline, as she was relaxed I pleaded with her to speak to me now, she told me that Queenstar had fallen and twisted her left leg. This news didn’t equally go well for me since I didn’t know what led to her leg twisting, I tried quizzing her further to let me know how she twisted her leg but she was not in the right frame of mind so I asked her of their current location and she told me they were at the Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu receiving treatment so I told her I will join them soon, as I rushed to the roadside I tried stopping most of the taxi cabs that was passing by but none of them stopped, I stood there worried a bit and from no where a black Benz van drove to where I stood and some tough looking guys came down from the van and bundled me into the van while the people standing by looked at us unconcerned. As I was bundled into the van I was blindfolded so I didn’t know where I was been taken to, I tried asking questions but that rather triggered anger in the guys so one of them took a tape under the seat in the van and tapped my mouth so I could be silent till they took me to my delivery point. I heard one of them speaking on phone but it was French so I couldn’t decode the message he was passing on to the one he called, in about 45minutes drive time I felt the speed of the car had reduced and some few minutes later the van parked and I was brought out of the car by this guys and they matched me to a room, since they had not handcuffed or tied my hands I put my hand in my pocket and tired to make a call to any number my hand could touch on the phone. As I tried doing that one of the guys pushed me and I fell down on something like a bed, I tried to stand and resist what was been done to me but one of the guy hit me with something and I fell down on what I suspected to be a bed again, I tired to stand up again with my hand in my left pocket still pressing on the phone and again the person hit me on the head but this time much stronger than what he first did, in the process I brought my hand out of the pocket together with my phone and fell on the bed, but before I fell, I heard a feminine voice screaming at the one who attacked me in French, the voice wasn’t familiar to me though. I passed out with that heavy blow and I don’t know how long I passed out but what brought me back to normal was when I felt something warm on my p**s, I realised someone was giving me a serious blow job and my hands and legs had been tied down to the bed by then so there wasn’t much I could do by then but rather lie down and enjoy what was been done to me even though I wasn’t that much in agreement to what was been done to me. The person gave me the blow job for quite a time before climbing and sit on my erected p*s and started riding me like a cowgirl on the back of a stallion horse, she rode me with top speed facing me from the front for close to 5minutes before she stood up and changed her position. Later she turned her back at me whiles she continued her naughty cowgirl riding, as I laid down the thought of my wife came to mind and I felt pity for my wife and that of myself, now that I had decided to turn a new chapter as a married man see the evil that had befell me, I was at this time also feeling serious headache due to the knocks I received from the kidnappers who had adapted me against my wish. I prayed I could ejaculate quick but it seems my hormones were indirectly enjoying the ride so they didn’t want to respond to my wish and I felt terrible, along the line the power in my p*s came down and the lady on me stood up and again started another blow job exercise on me to bring power back into my sex organ, she did that for long but yet still the needed strength and energy was not coming back into my p*s, she tried for several minutes but my youngman wouldn’t just oblige to her sexual demands, she screamed in anger and slammed my p**s to my thighs and stood up, I was left alone for sometime still in the blindfold with my mouth tapped
Who could be the person behind the kidnap?
I laid on the bed wondering who the kidnapper was whiles my head was banging like there was jams taking place there, for about 25minutes my mind went back on my wife and her sister and for a second it stroke me as to why none of them hadn’t called back to ask or checked why I hadn’t shown up or called to find out how they were fairing. As I continued with my trip to wonderland I felt the hands of the lady on my p**s and she started sucking and licking my youngman like an ice cream in a tube, the power in it wasn’t stable as she kept sucking and licking it so she now used her breast to support her motive, she started stroking my p*s with her breast and this gave me an idea to figure out if truly Gina Otis was the brain behind this kidnap. But what I realised was this lady in front of me had bigger breast than the Gina I knew and that made me doubt if she was the person I was suspecting, as she continued her exploits power eventually found its way back to my manhood and she wasted no time but rose to sit on my erected p**s and started riding me like a horse who had been injected with overdose of tramadol syrup but another thing I realised was that the Gina I knew was a screamer when it came to sex, I mean she was the type who would scream all manner of response anytime something was in between her legs but this very lady has been mute from the very moment all this thing started. This two things gave me any indebt idea per the calculations I did with my mind as I had been blindfolded, Gina Otis was not my kidnapper, after about 20 to 25minutes I ejaculated powerfully into her as she did her riding on top of me, she stood up and cleaned me with a wipe and I presume she left the room, some few minutes later the guys who came to bundle me to this place came back and untied me from the ropes they had tied me down with and helped me to dress up again. After dressing me up they took me back to van that conveyed us here, I released my phone was still in the room where I go sexually abuse by a lady or ladies I knew nothing about them, I took the tape from my lips and was acknowledged with a big slap, I begged them to get my phone for me since I was having a lot of important files on it, one of them got down from the van and went in search of the phone for me, he came back some few minutes later with it an handed it over to me. The van moved but they tapped my lips again and in some few minutes later the speed of the car came down and later stopped, again the mishandled and threw me to the ground from the van, I laid there for sometime to confirm that the hoodlums or tags had left before I took off the blindfold, as the place was quite without any movement I took the blindfold from my face and that of the tape on my lips, I brought my phone out of my pocket to use the map on the phone to navigate my way back to the hotel my wife and I were lodging. The screen was broken and because of that it was left for me to find my way by myself back to the hotel and as I checked my current location I had been dropped at a recreational park but I wasn’t seeing anyone around, I raised my head and I saw the hotel building just some few meters away from where I stood, I smiled at myself and made way back to the hotel, truth be told I was very much exhausted by the ordeal I passed through from my kidnapper, after what looked like a million miles I got to the hotel and thankfully one of the front desk staffers came to my aid to help me back to my room, as he helped me back to my door and knocked at the door Rhodaline came to open the door and when she saw how much of a mess I looked, she quickly held me and ushered me into the room. Queenstar by then was not in the room, I wanted to question Rhodaline about her whereabout but she told me I needed to be attended to first before anything came up, she pleaded with me to take a shower first and when am back she will give me first aid treatment, I showered and as I came back she handed over to me some painkillers and a fruit juice to relax me, she brought a first aid box and started cleaning the bruises on my body and also applied an ointment on my swollen forehead before asking me what happened to me? Honestly I hadn’t plan any answer should such question be thrown at me but I got something nice to tell her that made her feel pity for me at the end of the day, as I was getting to the concluding part of my story there was a knock on the door so she stood up and went to check on the person knocking at the door, as she checked it was Queenstar but as she entered the room and saw me she frowned her face as she walked to where I was seated with the help of a walking stick. As she came closer to me she again changed her deminar as she saw how bad I was looking but the was something strange I noticed in the room
Episode 41
The one strange thing I noticed was that even though Queenstar was allegedly injured she wasn’t looking like someone in pains, she asked me why I didn’t bother to come to the hospital to check up on her as her sister informed me of her injury. I told her that I was knocked down by a hit and run driver as I stood by the roadside to pick a taxi to the hospital she had been sent to, I brought my phone out and as both of them saw the screen, Rhodaline especially felt much pity for me and what I had passed through, she even suggested I was taken to the hospital for me to be examined if there was any internal injuries I had developed. I lied to her that I was very much okay and also took that opportunity to ask Queenstar where she went since she was supposed to be in bed by then, she told me she went to the massaging room of the hotel to get her twisted leg massaged but what surprised me was the reason behind Rhodaline staying behind in the room for her alone to go, Queenstar told me that she wanted to be alone that time and that Rhodaline also told her she was tired and wanted to rest a bit. Our vacation to France had not been of much success so I told Queenstar that we needed to cancel our vacation and head back to Ghana so that we find a very effective native treatment for her leg, she wasn’t happy about my suggestion but she had little option on that. That evening we parked our luggage and made a call to the airline we came to Paris with for reservation back home to our mother land, the following morning the airline called back to inform us that our reservation had been approved and that our flight was scheduled for the evening. Eventually the time came and we travelled safely to Ghana to continue our union, as we came back my best friend at the office had been teasing me in a way that I seem not to understand but he had refuse to tell me anything anytime I ask him what is the reason for the accolades he’s been hailing me with. I decided not to fix my broken screen now and placed the phone in my drawer and got myself a new phone
Fast forward;
Six months later.
Good morning honey, am getting late for a board meeting so I will see you later in the evening, okay bae but have you prepared my breakfast for me?
Honey why are you sometimes so wicked, I told you am almost late for a board meeting and you are asking me for your breakfast, can’t you go to the kitchen and prepare something for yourself? Do I have to always be the one to be going to the kitchen and prepare meals that we eat in this house? For you information I need a maid in this house to help me with the chores of this house, with this harsh statements she walked out on me and left for work, I was left dumbfounded because since we came back from Paris about six months ago our marriage has not been a rosy one and I wasn’t happy at all with the way things were going on in my marriage life, I can count the number of times I have had sex with my wife since we got married because my wife always came back from work complaining of fatigue and even eating home made food was once or twice in a week, she virtually didn’t have time to clean the house not to talk about washing of my clothes or bedsheets, almost everything washable in the house had to be sent to the laundry for it to be done for me. One night I called Queenstar so we talk seriously about our marriage because the way things were going it was affecting my life both at work and my personality, I had received 3 quarry letters within a month concerning my performance from the general manager of the company and he had even threatened to report me to my dad because for some months now all my records were not tallying with the actual figures the account section provided.
Was marriage supposed to be endured or enjoyed!!!!!
Episode 42
I spent our talking time trying to explain things deeply for Queenstar to feel what I having been passing through and the vacuum she is leaving in my heart and life, moreover it was too early to be involving third parties into our union. She gave me a comprehensive analysis on her new role that had been assigned to her now that she had been promoted and how stressful plus demanding that her job was, I understood her but at the end of the day what she was supposed to place behind her mind was that she is a woman and a legally married one of course, my worry was that if she couldn’t take much care of me then what will become of our children when they start coming to the world. Before we ended our discussion I brought the issue of sex up since sex took about 75% of marriage life, the only excuse she could give was that sex was a mutual thing between 2people and it required 100% attention from both parties, she aligned to me again how tired she gets at work and coming back home to engage herself in romance leading to sex was a no go area for her, I then brought up the idea that if that was going to be the problem then I was ready to pay her twice her salary for her to stay in the house as a house wife for me because I wanted to always come to the house and be welcomed by my beautiful wife, she bluntly refused my offer and told me her job was her passion and she wasn’t ever read to resign just to become a housewife. She stressed emphatically on the fact that even if I paid her 10times her salary she won’t oblige to my request and for sex, she was going to draw a timetable for us to follow, can you just imagine my wife now telling me this rubbish that she was going to draw a timetable plan for us to follow when the issue of sex pops up. I watched her like a clown on the stage performing, she further went on to tell me that she had a very busy appointment ahead of her in the day so she wanted to go back to sleep and least she forgets she had made arrangement for a house help to move in into our house by the end of the month. Wow so now it had gotten to the point where my wife takes constructive decisions without my opinion and I only get to be informed after the idea or decision has already been implemented, hmmmmmmmm I was now getting a wrong impression about marriage especially when the lady or woman is highly educated because they always want to rock shoulders with their men, it was also too early to start doing reports to parents or pastors so I resulted to the “adapt or perish” tactics just for peace and harmony to reign in my house, by then Queenstar had already slept off and I was left in my thinking mood which concerned only me. I tried very hard to sleep but before then a lot of negative thoughts were running through my head ranging from the immigration officer, Gina Otis, some ladies in my office and even possibly Rhodaline who I taught was a restricted person I shouldn’t even try to trade any illicit business with, I forced myself and eventually I was stolen to dreamland but along the line I had a terrible nightmare that got me awoken sweating badly and in the dream I saw a guy chasing me with a dagger that I had stolen something precious from him but looking at me status in life, I had everything a man needed in his life in abundance so what was this guy talking about, as he continued to chase me I met my dad and that of Queenstar’s dad so I went to them for them to help me escape from the guy who was wrongly chasing after me and accusing me forcefully. My dad intervened and ask the guy what his anger was all about and he told them that I have stolen something precious of his, the 2 elderly people asked him in a chorus manner as to what exactly he might by saying something precious but he couldn’t utter a word in a form of explanation. From no where Queenstar showed up and as he saw Queenstar he pointed at her that this was what I had stolen from him and that if I didn’t stay away from her, he would kill me like a fowl, Queenstar left me and stood behind the the guy, I tried to fight him and take my wife back but he pounced on me and before he could stab me, my eyes opened and I was very surprised and scared with the very dream I had, I turned my attention to Queenstar but she was by then sleeping peacefully like a baby whiles the dream was took me to a thinking school, that night I didn’t sleep till day light came, as usual my beautiful wife failed to put food on the table so I went to work with empty stomach, gradually I was getting use to the orientation my wife was taking me through even though it wasn’t easy for me. The day’s work went on progressively and before I closed from work the immigrant officer called to find out how I was doing but she realised I wasn’t happy, she took personal interest in my welfare and told me to pass by her house if there was anything bothering me and needed audience from someone, she could assist me to do that, I fell in love with her suggestion so I asked her to text me her house address and give a little direction in the message so I could find my way easily to her apartment
Episode 43
In some few minutes after I had the phone conversation with the lady immigration officer, she sent me a text message with the address and location of her house, I smiled because I knew the area very well, I cleared everything I had to do on my desk for the day and called my secretary to terminate any appointments I had left for the day because I had something important I had to attend to, I left my work place and headed to the lady immigration officer’s place of abode but on the way going it came to mind that it wouldn’t be gentleman of me to visit her place empty handed so I passed by a mart of a filling station and bought some grocery and drinks both alcoholic and non alcoholic because I didn’t know her preference yet and I wanted to also take her by surprise so I didn’t bother calling her to know what exactly she would love me to purchase on her behalf. I paid and came to sit in my car but before I moved I felt it was not necessary to go with my car because per her direction she leaves at a place where the road is a bit bad and also you couldn’t drive to her house easily so I decided to rather board a taxi to her place and also avoid the opportunity for people to track my movement. I picked a taxi straight to her end and as I got there she was so much happy to see me after that mind blowing encounter with me at the airport washroom, she was even happier with the groceries and drinks I bought because she said that was her favourite drinks both the alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks plus also she was out of groceries and was planning to get some the following day, she had also prepared jollof rice and she served me before anything followed, as I tasted the food it was extremely delicious that I even had to ask for more, she could tell from the way my mouth was appreciating the food that its been long I tasted homemade food. After I ate to my satisfaction I gave up and she cleared the table before she gave me her undivided attention for me to voice out what was weighing me down in my life and marriage, they say you shouldn’t tell people your problems but this lady immigration officer had won my trust that I was willing to tell her anything and everything that was going on in my life without prejudice, honestly I spoke my heart out to her and she really felt pity for me as to what I was passing through in my early marriage life, she gave a big breathe out and shook her head and said in pidgin “this world wanna wanna no get; getty getty no want”, I understood her statement but kept quite on it, she told me not to worry and that she could volunteer herself to be my comforter. As she said those words, I asked for clarity of her statement to make sure what I was thinking was not wrong, she rephrased her sentence and told me that she wasn’t going to jump in and savage my marriage by taking advantage of what was going on but rather she was going to be my mistress who was going to see to it that I didn’t lack anything in my life and that she was going to feed me with both natural and artificial foods a man will need in his life, she promised to walk out of my life the moment things took a positive dimension in my marriage. I looked at her surprised and asked her if she meant what she was saying, she nodded her head and told me she was very much willing to be my bedmate and even brought her purse out to hand over the money I sent to her mobile money wallet the day she caught me in the washroom masturbating, she told me that she wasn’t chasing after my wealth or anything but the only thing she wanted from me was to see me very happy on this earth, I asked myself if we still had such people who were selfless like this on earth? Well I had just met one and I also promised that I will do everything I could just to also make sure she never lacked anything materially, I told her to keep the money and use it to prepare food for me anytime I passed by her place since she was going to see me much often. She debated with me at length but at the end of the day she had to give up since that was the only way she saw will make me happy, like play like joke we ended up having 2 rounds of hot sex in her room which brought me back to my normal self once again, indeed sex was a real therapy that released the mind from great stress, the joy I looked for in my life had found its way back to my heart not from my wife but rather from my new found mistress. For the record I asked her of her name officially and she told me that she was Julie Armah-Abaitey, I nodded my head and I left her place to the house but on my way going to my house I told the taxi driver to turn and send me back to where I boarded the taxi, I went back to the arms of Julie who was ever willing to host me with much joy and pleasure, I sent a text message to Queenstar immediately to inform her that there was going to be a board meeting with the trustees of the company and it was going to travel late into the night so she shouldn’t expect me in the house that evening. I was expecting she would reply my message or even call back but that never happened, I realised my absence wasn’t even going to create a problem to Queenstar so I channelled all my attention to Julie and my gosh my first night with Julie was something I will always wish for because she f**ked the living hell out of me that I even pleaded with her to have mercy over my poor soul, I said I wanted sex but really I had met my match who overpowered me. She considered me and left me to sleep around 3am and for once I slept as if a spell had been cast on me, around 10am, I woke up back to life to be welcomed with breakfast in bed, after breakfast Julie gave me another mind blowing sex that I had to run away from her apartment because if I didn’t take caution she would drain every drop of water in me, I left her place very fulfilled and promised her to show up soon. I hired a taxi to the filling station where I parked my car and drove back home only to meet a shocker of my life…….
To my married ladies, men are very fragile so you learn how to keep them in your chest or you loss them to other single ladies. Mind you women are 3times the population of men so use your tongue to count you teeth. A little advice to you though
Episode 44
As I got back home before entering the house, Atongo confronted me to ask me how far I had gone with his request,
“Massa I salute you, how ona body, abeg oooo make you no vess for me, I swear walahi the money I talk you say I need you for take give me now now because my foolish woman the atadwe seller wey edey the junction talk me say she go come here today today and she no want any story that go make am vess or else she go waka come tell madam what you dey do for en back”, I smiled and asked him Atongo are you trying to blackmail me?
“Aaaa massa how come say I go send you black mail for your mail inside, you no say I no sabi how them dey take use this computer sef“,
I asked him again if he was aware I could relief him of his duties and hire a new gateman? “Massa you go kill me with big big grammar for this house inside oooo, what be relief me of my duties for this house, I no sabi the meaning of that abeg me you break am down give me”,
I spoke to him in a very polite but straightforward manner and I told him that if he raised this issue up again I will sack him from this house and no one can do anything about it not even my wife, I left him in a very shocked way but then I told him to bring the lady who was feeding him with such nonsense but if she insists on doing the abortion I will take them to my personal doctor so he conducts a clean and healthy abortion for her. He was at least happy and I proceeded to the main house, as I entered the living room, I saw a great transformation in the living hall as the place sparkled with brightness, I was shocked as I also saw my food well covered on the dining table, for once there was joy in heart in my own house because it seemed my almighty Queenstar had realised her marriage was been dragged on rocky grounds and because of that she had decided to revert and know her position as a wife to me. Because I had taken in something from Julie’s place I wanted to freshen up first before I came to enjoy the food that had been kept for me, I climbed the stairs to my room and everywhere in the house was really glowing and I was very satisfied with what I was seeing, this was the kind of house I wanted to live in and not the opposite one. Who ever coached Queenstar to have a change of mind or attitude towards her marriage had really done the job Napoleon couldn’t do with the French army, if this wasn’t a nine days wonder thing then I was not going to look at any lady again or even try to keep any mistress for myself, I knew very well that one woman was enough for me but sometimes so conditions makes you do and choose some options you never taught of doing or selecting, I will ask you this question for you to answer me later and the question is:
“Why would a man spend his hard earned money on an expensive wedding on his wife and later cheat on her in the marriage?”.
Another question is:
“Will a man ever marry someone he considers as his enemy?”.
Lets continue as I was some few steps away from my room I heard a sound coming from my room which made me to stand and listen to the voice for sometime, I felt very jealous with the sound I was hearing and by now I know you are assuming and predicting that Queenstar was in there with his lover or sex partner, hence the reason for the massive cleaning and sparkling of the house. Well you are very wrong because as I entered the room I saw a total stranger who was in the bedroom changing the bedsheets and curtains, she didn’t notice my presence until I cleared my throat before she felt my presence in the room, she quickly greeted me in the humble way that our sisters from the rural areas do, I responded whiles smiling and asked her of her name, she replied Sandra Ameyaw please, I asked her of her madam and she told me she had left to work but she said I should inform you that she will be back very soon. Honesty I had fallen in love with her voice that she was using to sing and I meant her voice alone, I know you very much and probably what you were thinking!!!!!!
To be continued………………………………………………………………………………….#Yeb3toaso
📄 An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
🌐 All rights reserved worldwide 🌍®
Episode 45
I told her to excuse me for a while because I wanted to freshen up and also take a nap, she pleaded with me to finish laying the bed but I told her not to worry and that she could do that later when I came out of the room, she obeyed my instructions and left the room. I went to the bathroom and that place was also looking very bright and clean, it seems this lady has been working herself out all day without resting and she did all this with passion and a clean heart, for a while I stood in the bathroom asking God why some people with a pure heart and hardworking spirit come to the world and find it difficult to even feed themselves with 3square meals, it wasn’t that most of them were lazy but just that as much as they tried and work themselves out the money just chose not to come their way, I felt pity for such people but who was I to question God, whatever I was enjoying was just by the grace and mercies of Him the most high God. I snapped out of it and took my shower and came to take my nap, because Julie didn’t make me sleep much, I overslept and it took a knock on my door before I woke up, I checked on the clock on the wall and it was almost 2pm, as I went to check it was the househelp and she came to ask me if she should bring the food to me in the bedroom or I will come down and take it, I gave a big sight and said to myself that for the first time in my house, food was been used to chase me, I told her that I will come down and take it so she could come and continue with the work she was doing in my room, I took my phone and went straight down, I got to the dining table and as I opened the bowl I marvelled and my mouth started watering. As I was about to do justice to the meal someone spoke behind me to please wait, I turned and it was Sandra. She pleaded with me for her to go and warm the food a bit before I ate because the food had been served long time ago and by now it would have been cold, hmmmm look at how someone had taken my personal welfare like world cup qualification tournament and my wife wasn’t even concerned about me not for a second, I gave her the permission to do so and wished for my wife to do even quarter of what this househelp was doing, she brought the bowl back and I don’t know if she went to add extra aroma to the stew because the whole room was covered with the smell of the stew, I doubted if the taste of the food was going to be pleasant like the way it smelled, the food was banku and okro stew, I scooped the first blow into my mouth and my eyes opened wide and hurriedly I added more blows of the banku and okro stew into my mouth, Queenstar was a good cook though but the one who prepared this meal had acquitted herself with distinction, I turned and asked her who prepared the food and with fear she replied in a trembling voice that she was the one who did, she wasn’t sure if I liked the food or possibly if she had added too much pepper or salt but I later commended her for a very good job done and that she should keep the good work up and that am very much impressed with her good work in my house so far. I managed to eat 2balls of banku without even realising it, it only dawned on me when the banku in the plate got finished, for the first time I saw that my appetite had risen not even with the help of any alcoholic content, I washed my hands and went to the living room to watch a football match, in no time Queenstar walked in and came to give me hug and she started screaming out the name of Sandra for her to report to her presence, Sandra rushed out and the way Queenstar spoke to her in fact I didn’t like it but I decided not to defend Sandra standing infront of us. Queenstar ordered her to bring her food to her at the living room, I watched her throw orders around and I felt bad for myself, a full grown married woman now giving orders to her fellow lady to do the work she was supposed to do, Sandra rushed to the kitchen and in less than 5minutes she came back with Queenstar’s food on a serving tray, later she brought a bowl filled with water for her to wash her hands with it, as Queenstar tasted the food she started screaming the name of Sandra out loud, I asked what the problem was and she said there was too much pepper in the food, honestly I was very much surprised with Queenstar because that was the same food I ate and everything was in moderation, as Sandra showed up Queenstar started raining insults on her claiming she wanted to kill her with pepper, I didn’t want to talk but I had to involve myself in it since matters was getting out of hand. I ordered Sandra to go back to what she was doing, Queenstar was not happy I ordered Sandra Ameyaw out of her sight and wanted to raise concerns on the fact that she was the person who brought her to the house so she wanted me to be mute on issues when she was reprimanding her, I told her boldly that even though she was the one who brought her to the house it was also “MY” house she was been housed and I wouldn’t sit and watch her treat the lady like a piece of trash under my roof not even for a day…………
Can you just imagine the concumbility Queenstar was displaying, you have refused to perform your duties as wife and you have brought someone to assist you do that, do you have to arrogantly abuse her simply because you see fault with her work?
To be continued……………………………………………………………………………………#Yeb3toaso
📄 An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
🌐 All rights reserved worldwide 🌍®
Rated 🔞years & above
Episode 46
Out of anger with what Queenstar did I left the room and went to sit under the summer hut I had done in the corner of the house, I felt really bad for what I witnessed because my wife never displayed that attitude to me all the time we were dating or courting, was it that she hid her true identity from me and now that she believes and knows she has a cemented place in my life, she is now exposing her real self to me. This was not the very lady I saw and fell in love with because am now seeing a total changed I know my rights woman in my life whose attitude was becoming unbearable to my life, if am to say I am no longer enjoying my marriage but rather enduring it, you simply have to understand me because even my parents will tell you am not the type who likes complaining about certain things so if I went forward to complain to them then they will feel very disappointed with Queenstar and that was what I was very much avoiding, I will give her time to see if she will change but if she doesn’t do so with time I surely know what I will do. The name of Julie came to mind and I decided to call her so she comforts me a bit since she was now my joy and comforter, the moment I picked my phone her call came through, wow were the two of us thinking in the same direction or it was just our spirit that was in a flirting mood so we couldn’t just take each other out of mind? I answered her call and as usual she greeted me joyfully with her croaky and horsey voice, I smiled and responded back with excitement, she was calling to find out how I was doing since she hadn’t heard from me again as I left her place, I told her I was fine but I missed her, she told me to immediately come over if I don’t mind and that she was standing by the roadside looking for a taxi to board home from the market place, I asked her where her car was and she told me she sold her car some months ago just to raise money for her father’s surgery, I asked further questions and she told me she was the only child of her parents and they were now very old so she had a lot of sacrifices to do so they could live in comfort before God finally invited them to the bosom of Abraham, such a selfless person, I asked her where exactly she was and she told me the market she was, I told her to wait for me because I was coming over to pick her home. Now that my wife is making my house to look like a battle field I had no option to stay there and witness some things that will rather provoke me, I went back to the room and picked the keys of the G-Wagon Mamba my dad bought for me as a wedding present and told Queenstar I was meeting a client and that I will be away for a while and even with that I saw Sandra kneeling infront of her and giving her feet some sort of massage, how disgusting it was to me and how happy I was going to meet Julie, I drove on a tough speed and in less than 30minutes I got to the market, called her and directed her to where I had parked the car and in no time she showed up looking very tired and beautiful as well. She gave me a kiss and thanked me for showing up because she was finding it difficult to get a taxi that will take her home, all the drivers she stopped refused to go her direction because the road to her place was in a very bad state and she also had a lot of things with her that even if the car dropped her at the junction of her area, conveying the goods home will equally be a problem for her, as we were enjoying ourselves together someone called me with an unfamiliar number and since I was driving I asked Julie to answer and put the phone on loudspeaker so I talk with the caller, guess who the caller was? It was Gina Otis (Jennifer Ana Amos) and she immediately started with her mind games and threats, Julie watched me quitely as Gina sprew out the nonsense she was good at, unfortunately my phone went off because the battery went low, gosh I forgot to charge it when I got home and Julie was very quiet after the call, I told her there was a lot to talk about so lets get to her place first since that was the important thing to do………
Interesting times ahead, am now charging and getting to the asphalt road, fasten your belts for me because the speed is going to be massive!!!!!!
To be continued…………………………………………………………………………………..#Yeb3toaso
Episode 47
Because of the nature and strength of my car I was able to drive Julie to her house and parked in her compound, I helped her to convey the things into her kitchen and even further helped arrange some of the things into her kitchen cabinet, after doing so she helped me charge my phone and she told me to go ahead with what I said we have to talk about, I told her everything about Gina Otis(Jennifer Aba Amos) and she listened to me carefully without asking any questions till I was done speaking, later I told her about the kidnap also that took place in Paris and she brusted out with a loud laughter as I told her what exactly the kidnapper did to me, what amused her most was that fact that I got raped by her fellow woman and as she saw I didn’t find it amusing she stopped and apologised to me for laughing at me, I understood her tough because I don’t know how many people who will believe it if men came out to tell the world how many times some of us a were abused sexually, mind you men also go throw trauma with sexual abuse and assaults but we just don’t come out to complain because we know the world and even our fellow men will not believe our stories. For me if any lady trys that on me I would rather plead with her not to stop but always come back for more from me, my friend don’t give me that suspicious look because I know we are both thinking the same direction. I equally told her about Rhodaline also and her temptations and how I managed to out power her with kind words when we got to Paris as she joined us there later, I shyly told Julie that Rhodaline was the person who sent me that seductive video that sent me to the washroom of the airport to masturbate. Julie smiled and told me that the one thing she liked about me was my sincerity attitude and that was the reason why she also had me at heart and always wanted to see me happy, she started asking me questions about Gina Otis(Jennifer Aba Amos) and as I gave her answers she picked her phone and brought out a picture which she showed to me if that was the Gina Otis I was talking about, I was shocked because she was the one Julie had just shown her picture to me, she again asked if I had gone to check my HIV status since I came back home and I replied yes, that was one of the first things I did when we got back to Ghana, Julie smiled with that answer but I was also curious as to where she got Gina’s picture from, I saw tears in her eyes from the question I asked and I told her if she wasn’t ready to talk about that issue she shouldn’t bother, she shook her head and told me she had always wanted someone she could talk about this issue with but she hadn’t come across anyone worthy of that so she kept that story inside her and always prayed for someone to come her way who will give her the listening ear. The long and short of the story was that she helped her former guy to travel outside financially to go and find greener pastures, come back so they get married but this guy upon getting there dumped her and went in for Gina, the funny but annoying part of the story was after Gina liquidated the account of the guy she also dumped the guy and rendered him destitute on the white man’s land, she was ready to forgive the guy because she released she was pregnant for the guy some few weeks after the guy travelled outside the country but out of shame and embarrassment the guy committed suicide in his room leaving a letter of apology to me, his body was discovered after several days when he had started smelling badly, he was buried like a goat who had contracted a deadly disease and when the news go to me it affected me and my baby who was in my stomach, I had to be rushed to the hospital but my baby was pronounced dead upon arrival and in the course of my surgery to get the baby out I developed a big problem with my womb. Doctors say it will cost me a fortune to get my womb corrected if I wanted to be called mothet one day but how was I going to raise that money when I had two aged parents to carter for, I gave her my handkerchief as the tears rolled down her checks, to be sure of the concluding part of the story I asked if there was hope for her to give birth if she went through the surgery for correction to be done and she nodded her head, I further asked her if she was very ready for the surgery and she told me that if she had that kind of money she would gladly go for the surgery because she wanted to give her parents at least a grand child before they died. I told her that anytime she felt she was very ready for the surgery she should alert me and that I will foot every pesewa of her medical bill and that I won’t even permit the surgery to be done in Ghana but rather South Africa, as she heard this news she jumped into my arms and told me that for years this was the best news she had heard and she was very grateful for the help that I have extended to her, out of joy she asked for a very big favour from me……………….
Can you guess what the favour was?
Episode 48
Julie asked for me to give her the opportunity to deal with Gina Otis (Jennifer Aba Amos) on my behalf because she realised she was a thorn in our flesh and we had to put her in her place before she caused any further atrocities in our lives, it feels great when someone volunteers to do the job you were finding it difficult to do for you freely but the major question was how Julie was going to execute her plans because the Gina I knew was a smart bitch who could pull big surprises at any given time, Julie smiled and told me to leave everything for her to plan. At least she was with one of the intelligent security service the country had and she was an experienced officer so issues like this won’t be too much for her to handle, she stood up and went to the kitchen to put something on fire for us to eat and as she did so she went to her bathroom to shower, she came back looking radiant, immediately I felt opana shaking his head in my boxer, as if Julie knew what was going on down there, she called me to help her rub pomade at her back and I fell for her cheap trick as she took the towel covering her off I couldn’t resist what my eyes saw, I pounced on her and devoured her like a hungry lion, we made love like 3times before I left her place to the house, it was almost midnight as I got to the house, it took me a while before I got ushered to the compound of my house because Atongo refused to answer my calls and I didn’t want to make noise with the horn of my car in the vicinity since it was later, after what looked like eternity Atongo finally answered the call and I ordered him to come and open the gate, it took him like 10minutes before he opened the gate and I was wondering what kept him because his room was just close to the main gate, he opened the gate and I drove in but as I got down from the car I noticed some funny gestures going on in my compound, first Atongo was sweating badly and judging from the weather too it wasn’t hot that night and in the room of Atongo also I had fixed a ceiling fan in there so what could make Atongo sweat so badly. I wanted to dismiss him from my sight as I called him to come close, but before that my eyes flashed his mid section and I saw that his flap area had increased in size, hehehe my gateman was not sweating for sweating sake, something was taking place and I didn’t want to insinuate so I asked him what kept him so long from opening my gate and also answering my calls because I called him like 13times before he answered the call;
“Massa aswear walahi nah I sleep go deep deep so I nor hear say you the ring me for phone top, but massa you come home wrong time also oooo”, I asked what the meaning was to that question, was he the one to determine my movements or going and coming into the house now? I asked him further that what kept him for the delay he exhibited before opening the gate, his answer made me loss my patients ;
“Massa I beg as I sleep this evening nah I dey feel cold so I remove all my dress and put the fan on very very high that be why”, I asked him in a curious manner that do you sleep naked when you feeling cold and the dress he was wearing was also not anything that should take him more than 2minutes to wear so I told him to lead me to his room to check if everything was working properly there and that if there were any disorder I would let someone come and fix the problem,
“Massa walahi everything they kamkpe for my room inside wey me self I know they complain of heat”, I insisted even though Atongo didn’t like my idea he had no option, I entered the room and lo and behold laid on his bed a very fat woman in her late 40’s laying down also sweating as if she had just completed 1500meters race at the Olympics games. Atongo is that what you have been doing in my house every night? I asked him that question and what annoyed me was the comment the fat woman made, Atongo my love who is this man who has entered your master bedroom without knocking, is this the house boy you have been telling me he doesn’t respect and also has been stealing your money small small in your fine fine house?
One word for A tongo!!!!
Episode 49
So Atongo is this the kind of dent you have been putting on my personality? Well we have a lot to talk about tomorrow morning but pray I get a change of mind by tomorrow if not then I will sack you from my house without any benefits from me. Instead of the fat woman to stay mute she spoke to defend her “lover”, Atongo my love what nonsense is this man saying that he will sack you from his house, why don’t you sack him immediately as to the rubbish coming out of his mouth, Atongo shouted at her to keep quite but she paid no attention to what Atongo said and rather continued with her ranting. I ordered Atongo to throw her out before I lost my temper, I left the room laughing at the pranks Atongo an illiterate from Bawku has been doing to ladies who have lived all their lives in the capital city, well they deserved it though because judging from Atongo’s ascent and personality they were supposed to know that he was just a mere gateman, I opened the door and entered the living room my house. The place was dark but as I took some few steps forward the light in the room was switched on and as I turned, Queenstar was the person standing next to the switch with her hands folded, Mr man are you aware you are a married man and that you left your wife in the house claiming you were not going to stay long but just look at the time you are returning home, do you think that is fair? In my head I asked myself if Queenstar was okay because every single word she uttered sounded like music in my ears, since when did she start seeing herself as a married woman and what gave her the strength to talk to me that way, for peace to reign I apologised to her and made way to the bedroom, she followed me and kept nagging after me but I didn’t bother to answer her because I wasn’t in the mood for any heated argument that early morning, I went to the bathroom to shower and as I came back from the bathroom Queenstar was lying on the bed naked and giving me some romantic getures, I ignored her moves and came to lie down on the bed quitely as if I didn’t know what Queenstar was driving at. She tried everything possible to get my attention but I was also determined to let her have a piece of the national cake she has been serving me with for the past 5 to 6months, I ignored the advances she made towards me, she intensified the touching of my body which will tune my mind to her stimulations but my mind was really made up that night and moreover I had been satisfied already outside my matrimony house, you see the Bible even stated clearly that a man should not give all his strength to a woman and I didn’t want to go contrary to that or be a victim for that this morning, after Queenstar saw that I wasn’t responding to the stimulation she tapped my shoulder to wake up, to show her maximum respect I obliged and waited to listen to what she had to say or tell me. Honey so can’t you see am in the mood to have sex this evening? Am feeling very horny and that feeling started in the afternoon even before you left the house, you know its been long since we gave it to each other, in my head I was like so you know its been long since we had sex, how many times have you deprived me of my marital privileges, see how selfish you are because you are in the mood I should jubilate and be rushing into you arms, hell no its high time you also feel the pain of sleeping whiles you were very horny. All this while I was quite and Queenstar was expecting me to say something but as I wasn’t responding to her, she tapped me again and this time I responded, bae I know its been months since we exercised our rights as married people but as you can see am also die tired that I have to rest and moreover I have an early appointment to catch this morning so please bear with me and kindly postpone this encounter, honey please don’t do this to me because am very horny and wet all over, please even if you are tired and can’t do it, I don’t mind sitting on it and doing everything myself, I told her in a very polite manner, my Queen you know sex is about mutual understanding and talking to you right now am exhausted so please lets adjourn it to another time, as I said this Queenstar’s eyes were filled with tears but she had to take it like that, I turned myself to the other side of the bed and said softly “I love you my Angel”. As to what she passed through that night it was my back case and all that concerned me was to catch a peaceful sleep which I did, I woke up early in the morning and got myself ready for work, Queenstar was already awake and from the look she gave me, I could tell she was very mad at me but I wasn’t so much concern about that but decided to rather get on her nerves so I asked her a very silly question. Good morning my shinning star, I hope you slept well?
Episode 50
The kind of look she gave me was enough to make a child cry but because I knew what she was up to I decided not to respond to it and left the bedroom, I descended to the hall and made way to the door but Sandra called me back;
Good morning sir please I hope you are fine? Yes am fine Sandra and what about you? She also responded in a positive way and told me breakfast was ready and that she was just about to climb up to call us over for it, wow this young lady has brought life back to my house and I am very much impressed with her dedication and hardwork in my house. I couldn’t resist but asked her to serve me and leave madam alone to come down from the bedroom herself because I could tell madam was not in a very good mood at all so she should try everything possible she could to avoid the trouble of her madam, she smiled and thanked me for my advice but before she left my presence she pleaded with me to help me put in place the collar of my shirt and also position my flying tie well because it wasn’t well positioned, hmmmmmm isn’t this the work of my supposed wife? I gave her the chance to do it and I could see the joy in her eyes as I gave her the chance to do so, after that she complemented me on how nice and handsome I looked in my suit, the strange thing was that it was my first time of putting on that suit after I bought it months ago, even though my wife failed to compliment me on how I was looking at least Sandra my house help who was not much exposed to fashion had seen a difference in my dressing, luckily for her as she turned and left for the kitchen almighty Queenstar showed up and she started quizzing me as to why I was still in the house but I told her I was just informed by my personal assistant on phone that the meeting has been postponed to an hour later so I wanted to take my breakfast first before leaving the house, Sandra came back some few minutes with a serving tray and served me my all time favourite beverage Tom Brown just the way I liked it, this lady knew what my stomach desired and she did absolute justice to that, I ate the food with passion whiles Queenstar sat next to me reading the morning graphic which was brought to the house every morning by my customer graphic vendor, she ordered for something different to be prepared for her and I watched her proudly give instructions to the house help. I finished my meal and stood up to leave and as I did Queenstar looked at me and threw complimenta at me as to the fact that I look good in the suit, hmmmm I have already gotten that praise from someone already and I was very much okay with that so I didn’t utter a word and she had to call me back to ask me if I heard what she said, I gave her a slight smile and said thank you but again she spoke “honey I will be waiting for you this evening for you to quench the burning sensation in me tonight, am not going to work today so please come home early”, I faked another deceptive smile and told her not to worry as I intentionally went to her to give her a peck on her check, as I left her presence I said to myself “apuu” you want sex this evening if you see me in the house even today call me “bastard”. I came out and I saw all the cars in the compound looking very bright, apparently Atongo had washed every car in the house to bribe me from taking any action towards him as to what took place as I got home last night, I smiled and called him to open the gate, he did and as I was about to drive pass the gate he saluted me and I rolled the glass down:
“My one and only oga for the whole world inside I salute you sir, oga you do all but this your dress dier ego better me if you take dash me oooo, like I swear for my back wey I nor see am before like i go take chop all the sellers for the area inside”, Atongo what did you just say, you should be aware you are already in trouble and yet still you want to add insult to injury right? He came to his senses and apologised to me before I left for work, as I got to the office my best friend Alex came to my office still praising me which I wasn’t getting answers to that, whatever it was I was willing to get to the bottom of it at the right time, we had a little discussion on the presentation we will be doing at the boardroom in some few minutes time and we later left to join the business clients at the boardroom. During the meeting someone started calling me and for all the 4times the person called I kept cutting the call and later sent the caller a message that I was in a meeting so I will call back later, in less than 2minutes the person sent me a reply telling me that if I knew any lady with the name Julie Armah-Abaitey she had been rushed to the 37 military hospital, as I read the content I was devastated and could not concentrate on the meeting any longer, as it got to my time to do my presentation I only made countless mistakes which surprised everyone in the boardroom because they knew if it came to presentation I was the best in the company, my best friend came to my resuce and thankfully he did an excellent presentation on my behalf, my dad was in the meeting and he saw my abysmal performance so after the meeting he told me to come home this weekend for a man to man talk because lately he’s been getting negative complaints about me in the company and he hadn’t questioned me so far on that because he wanted me to come back to my senses again but judging from my performance at the just ended meeting it was very necessary we meet in the house, I told him I will be there and asked him to greet my mum for me when he got home. I quickly rushed to the hospital and as I got there truly Julie had been hospitalised with a drip on her, I immediately seeked for the doctor on duty to get updates on her health and what exactly the problem was? The doctor briefed me on her current medical condition and the way forward, he told me that Julie needed immediate operation and because it had taken too long for the surgery to have been done it was better she was flown outside the country to either China, India, America or South Africa for a proper surgery to be conducted on Julie so we don’t put her life into danger, I asked the doctor if he had any connection or someone who could help with the process for Julie to be flown out of the country and he said yes but it was going to cost us a fortune. I asked him if that fortune was expensive than the life of the person lying down and he said no, I told him to immediately commence on the process that will get Julie out of the country in the next day or two, I went to my car and brought out my dollar account cheque book and signed an amount of fifth thousand dollars for the travelling documents to commence without any delay, the doctor was surprised with my actions and he shook my hand and told me that with the commitment I have displayed he was going to oversee that no stone was left unturned and Julie will go to South Africa and return a transformed person. I thanked him and left him to see Julie and ask her where he passport had been kept so I could bring it over for the doctor so her visa could be acquired in the next day for her to undergo her surgery. She was pleased and showed me where her passport had been kept and showed me where she kept her spare keys to her apartment, I left her to get the passport and when I got there I met something that got me dumbfounded………………….
Episode 51
As I got to Julie’s bedroom I went straight to her wardrobe to where she had kept her passport and as I took it I decided to go through it and I realised her birthday was just 3weeks ahead of us, I decided to go through her things if I could get some of her dresses and underwears so I could go with it but as I was searching through her things I came across a diary, out of curiosity I decided to go through it and I was amazed with the things I saw in it. Can you believe that Julie wants to name her first male child after me and for me to become the boy’s godfather? Again she made mention that she decided never to fall in love again but as soon as she set sight on me that notion deleted from her mind, again she was willing to even put her life on the line for me if the need arises and if possible she wished I had a child with her and even if I won’t carter for the child, she was willing to raise the child all alone because she felt I had brought life back to her and I was the very reason why she could wear a smile on her face. As I saw all this things tears started scrolling down my face because I taught what Julie had been saying to me all this while were sugar coated words but on this faithful day I realised they were indeed very true, I packed a few things of hers, bought some beverages, fruits, energy drinks and water on the way and went back to the hospital. I waited till around 8pm before I called Queenstar that I won’t be able to come home that night she was angry as to why I didn’t want to come home knowing very well that I had an appointment with her in the bedroom but I lied to her that on my way home I knocked down a little boy and as at now am at the hospital with him and I was now going to search for his parents and bring them to the hospital, selfishly she told me to ignore that idea and come home so I go in search of the boy’s parent the next day but I declined her idea knowing very well what she had in stock waiting for me back home, I told her not to worry and that she will see me in the house the next day, I cut the call and Julie looked at me and told me there was no need lying to my wife and that I needed to be by her side in the house but I told Julie that the best place for me that very moment was by the side of her so she shouldn’t worry, we had a very lengthy heart to heart chat before Julie fell asleep. I watched her with delight as she slept innocently, some few minutes later I was also knocked down by sleep as I sat in a chair next to her bed, a nurse later came to wake me up and as I checked it was almost 6am but I wanted to speak with the doctor first before leaving the hospital to the house, Julie woke up with a broad smile on her face as she saw me still sitting where she last saw me sitting, she asked if I slept by head bed till day break and I said yes, she further asked a very silly question which got myself, the nurse on duty and herself laughing out loud, “I hope as I slept I didn’t misbehave in any way?”, I asked what she meant by that question and she told me that for her during the early part of the morning that means around dawn she releases powerful sounds from her buttocks and that she was hoping today wasn’t an exception, I told her whiles we were all laughing that because she was sick the gas in her stomach was finished so no sound came from her, a lady lying next to her cut in on my statement and said “hw3” you don’t know what you are saying Mr Man, it seems you were very much deep into your sleep because the missiles your lady released was much more heavier and stronger than bass from Hammer studios. With this comments Julie covered her face as if she was shy but the next comment that came from the lady my me open my mouth wide. “This woman taught she was the only person who could fire missiles from all angles but trust me I was also up to that task and I made sure I also fired more farts to counter her but at the end I was the one who gave the last two sounds, this comments were also received with loud laughter as the doctor also entered the room to do his morning check up on his patients before he handed over to the next doctor who will be coming for the morning shift, he adviced I wait for the morning shift doctor since he was the one with much facts about Julie. I wasn’t in a rush to leave the hospital so I waited for the doctor close to Julie’s bed, I called Alex my best friend to inform him that I was going to be very late for work today so he should cover or represent me until I came back, after the call with Alex, I called Sandra to fix my breakfast for me because I didn’t want to stay much time at the house. The moment I dropped the call the doctor for the morning shift reported to Julie’s ward and I confronted him to ask him of the progress on Julie’s travelling, he told me that at all cost the visa of Julie will be approved today so there was no cause for alarm, I shook his hand and told Julie I was going home but I will see her later in the day, she was extremely happy and equally I was also happy for Julie, later I left to go and freshen up so I could rush to work and come back to check on her in the evening, driving back to the house what I saw is too much for me to say in this episode……..
To be continued………………………………………………………………………………….#Yeb3toaso
📄 An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
🌐 All rights reserved worldwide 🌍®
Rated 🔞years & above
Episode 52
As I left the hospital and was coming to the house I called Sandra over and over but she wasn’t answering the call, I got to the house eventually and Atongo opened the main gate for me to enter the compound but as parked the car and was about to get down Alex called me from the office, he wanted some figures from me to tabulate on some documents back at the office. I had most of the files at my backseat of the car but as I went through the files I realised the major file Alex wanted was not part of the documents I had in the car so I told Alex to wait so I get the document for him, I called Sandra again to get the files for me from my bedroom but again she wasn’t answering so I got down from the car and made way to the house but I forgot to cut the call and my phone settings also had the auto radial on so as I made way to the house the phone kept calling Sandra’s line, as I opened the door, my God what my eyes saw I nearly shouted Jesus Christ but the current issue didn’t concern him so I just stood there with my phone in my hands and my mouth wide opened. Okay let me tell you what I saw when I entered the room, you see as I was calling Sandra and she wasn’t answering the call she was in the bathroom bathing and the phone was on the centre table at the living room so as she heard the phone ringing she came out of the bathroom to get the phone and since she knew the house was empty with no one around she came out naked and unfortunately for her and fortunately for me we both met, she was very shy when I saw her and I also got confused as my eyes came in contact with her, herh Sandra was really beautiful and it only came to my notice when I saw her naked, she had big but firm boobs just the way I liked it and her hips plus back side was equally amazing, she apologised to me for exposing her nakedness to me and foolishly I nodded my head like the agam lizard who was about to attack some termites, as she run out from my sight. Mmmm so this girl was heavily endured like this and she has been wearing what I call rages, its high time I try and spec her to a very high level, at least she has been helping my entire house and she has kept the place lively and running, I quickly came back to my senses and went to my bedroom to get the documents and figures for Alex. After I sent the information to him through phone I went to shower and got myself ready for work, as I came down my food had been served but as Sandra saw me coming she quickly dashed to the kitchen to avoid meeting me, the earlier encounter between us had brought a gap between us and now she was ashamed to meet me in person, I summoned her over and also apologised to her and told her not to worry, as we were talking her phone rang and as she answered the call the person started singing a birthday song for her, I eavesdropped on her call and waited for her to finish the call before I interrogated her on what I overheard on the phone and she affirmed it that it was true so I asked what her age was and she said 28years. I said okay and left the house for work but as I came out from the room I saw Atongo pushing someone into his room so I got curious and went closer to his room to listen to what was going on in his room, you can’t believe what I heard when I got closer to his room, Atongo was forcing to have sex with the lady he was with but the lady didn’t like the idea of what he planned doing because Atongo had not fulfilled his promise to her by giving her the money he had promised her earlier on. I wanted to overlook what was happening but who was going to open the gate for me, I went to my car and started blowing my horn for Atongo to come out and open the gate for me but he wasn’t coming out from the room even after 5minutes of blowing the horn so I came down form the car and entered Atongo’s room only to meet him on top of a very young lady having sex with her even though she hadn’t given him her full consent. I shouted at Atongo before he stood up from the young lady, as I checked the lady was bleeding badly so I had to quickly send her to a nearby clinic so she could be examined, the doctor on duty pushed for a police report before he would attend to the lady but I pleaded with him to commence with treatment because the lady had lost much blood but before I left i gave him enough money to take care of her bills before going to my officer. As I got to the office Alex briefed me of what I was supposed to do and I took over till I closed from work and rushed to the 37 military hospital to check up on Julie, I was met with good news that the visa had been acquired for Julie so she was expected to leave the country that night with some nurses for the surgery to take place the next day, I asked if the money was enough and he said the money I gave him was very much enough to carter for Julie and the nurses but I decided to add extra five thousand dollars to it so they wouldn’t lack anything when they left the country, I went to Julie to break the news to her and she was very much delighted but I told her she won’t see me again until she came back from her trip to South Africa and she was okay with that. I gave her two thousand dollars to keep on her and get in touch with me with any new development, I gave her a kiss on her forehead and left for the house, I passed by a ladies boutique and made some selections of dresses and under wears for Sandra as her birthday present and drove straight to the house. As I got to the house I told Atongo to park his things and leave my house first thing tomorrow morning but he pleaded with me and I told him that if he stayed in my house the police will be coming after him for raping that young lady and since he wasn’t ready to stay in the custody of the police he obliged and went in to park his things
To be continued…………………………………………………………………………………….#Yeb3toaso
📄 An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
📱 0249446151
🌐 All right reserved worldwide 🌍®
💰💸🏡🚘 …
Rated 🔞years & above
Episode 53
I went inside the house and luckily Queenstar was not back from work so I handed the polythene bag over to Sandra and I told her that was her birthday gift, from the start she was scared but I told her not to worry because I knew how to handle her madam, she thanked me and took the things to her room very excited, Queenstar got back to the house about an hour later. Sandra served us with our supper but again Queenstar refused and demanded for another thing to be prepared for her, this time I couldn’t keep quite on her persistent change of menu because she was the same person who determined food Sandra prepared so if you knew you wanted to take something different you could have called her long time ago before you even got back home, at least Sandra also deserved to rest because the fact that you have employed her into your house doesn’t make her a slave who will work until everyone in the house goes to bed, honestly I lamented bitterly to Queenstar and I even stopped taking my food as a sign of anger, but the truth of my action was just to make Queenstar think am mad at her so she won’t bother me this evening with sex, I was expecting her to apologise to me later as she came to the bedroom but she didn’t so I knew I was in a very comfortable lead with my plans and it really did work out very well. I woke up a bit later with a knock on our door and I asked the person to come in, it was Sandra and she said she was coming for our things to wash and as I turned and saw the things Queenstar had heaped for Sandra to wash I was sorry for Sandra, the things were as if for like 3months no one had done laundry in this house and the annoying thing was that, the things were only for Queenstar and you can believe even her panties and bra were even part of the things that had been heaped there. I said to myself that why did I marry a woman who gives her panties and bra to her fellow woman to wash whiles its not like she is sick or indisposed, wasn’t this absolute laziness? Sandra asked me if there was nothing for her to wash for me and I told her not to worry but before she left our room she told me Atongo was waiting for me outside the house, I told her to inform him that I will be there and she left the room, as she left I spoke to Queenstar about her attitude and behaviour she was displaying in our marriage but she also had her excuses to give, well I told her that indeed there were clothes of mine that were dirty that needed to be washed but that won’t be done by Sandra so she should start by going to the bathroom to get my laundry bag and start doing the washing. I stood up and went to see Atongo and as I got there he had parked all his belongings and was waiting for me to pay him off so he could leave my house, honestly it was a very sad moment for both of us but sometimes in life some difficult decisions has to been taken just to curtail sanity, I went back to the room and got some money for Atongo to take along as a retirement benefit or should I say a farewell package, I went through my things in the closet and got him some of my things I had not wore before as I bought them, I told Queenstar that Atongo was leaving the house and she also felt sad, one thing about Atongo was that he was very hardworking and his humour also brought smiles on our faces most at times but hey I did what I did so Atongo wouldn’t be caught in grips of the police if the doctor decided to make things official at the clinic by referring the case to the police, Queenstar followed me with an envelope in her hands whiles I also carried a bag I had parked some few things into it for Atongo, I handed everything to him plus and envelope of money and later Queenstar added hers to it, she asked why Atongo was just leaving without any prior notice and quickly I told her that Atongo received and emergency call from his village that his wife and 3children are very sick so he needed to join them. That explanation was just okay to shut Queenstar up and she made her way back to the house, I told Atongo to call me anytime he needed something and also he should use the money I and my wife had given him judiciously because it was enough to start a little business back at his village because if he stayed in Accra am very sure the police will track him down in no time so he should quickly board a taxi to the bus station and head straight to his hometown, he thanked me and left the house making me feel very sad because Atongo had worked with me for more than 5years and because of his uncontrollable sexual demands, his retirement had to come in early. I went back to the house to freshen up since I had an appointment with my dad and also took my breakfast, as I was done and leaving the house something happened
Can you guess what?
To be continued…………………………………………………………………………………..#Yeb3toaso
📄 An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
🌐 All rights reserved worldwide 🌍®
Still cooking:
💰💸🏡🚘 VANITY 🚘🏡💸💰
Rated 🔞years & above
Episode 54
As I was about leaving the house some guys came over and even before they introduced themselves I knew who they were, they were police detectives who had come in to arrest Atongo but unfortunately for them Atongo had left me house, they interrogated me for sometime and asked me if I knew where Atongo had left my house to, quickly I told them he run from my house the previous night without any information so I even wanted to go to the nearest police station to lodge a formal complaint but I knew also that he had friends and family at the Agbobloshie market and that if he had fled from my house without my notice I suspect him to be there and that if I got any clue or information about his whereabouts I will immediately signal them so they go and arrest him. My good people I believe I did the right thing over here?
They left my house and I also left to meet my dad, on my way going my dad called me to inform me that he was at the Achimota golf park so I could join him over there and I said okay, this old man doesn’t want to get old at all, I got there and waited for him to finish with his exercise and favourite sports, I took a seat in one corner and the name of Julie came to mind so I called her and she told me they had landed in South Africa safely and that she had been taken to the hospital the surgery will take place and if everything goes on well the surgery will take place by this time tomorrow. We had a very long chat where we touched on everything that came to mind and I really felt happy talking to her because I had really missed her, before rounding up the conversation my dad popped up and requested we go home, he ordered his driver to take the lead to the house since I will be the one driving him home in my car, as I drove home my dad started bringing up the complaints he had received about me in recent times and to be honest it was disgusting and if I were to be working in someone’s company by now my letter of termination should have long been given to me. He really descended on me very hard for a very long time and if I wasn’t over exaggerating, the last time he spoke to me like this was when I was in my final year at the secondary school and I misbehaved and I was given internal suspension that got to him, the last thing he said that made me feel so bad was when he asked me if that was how I was going to run his company one day when he wasn’t around, the question really got to me so hard that I had to learn to deal with some problems when the popped up because you cannot control what happens to you but you can control your attitude towards what happens to you, having control over your attitude towards what happens helps you to master change rather than allowing change to master you. We got home and my mum was very happy to see me because since I got married she only hears my voice but never see me, lunch was ready so she invited us over to enjoy what she had prepared that afternoon, as I went close my mum had prepared my very best meal which was fufu and groundnut soup together with bush meat, my mum still had her swag on when it came to her food preparations. I know very well that my mum was the best cook in the world even though Queenstar, Julie and Sandra were equally good but for me I would always be biased and vote my mum ahead of anyone not even my sweetheart, after the meal we all moved to the hall and that was when my mum broke a devastating news to me
Episode 55
As we were sitting and chatting happily my mum asked of how her daughter-in-law was doing and I told her she was doing amazingly well, she further asked how my marriage life was and again I answered her in a positive way, mind you I didn’t want to raise false alarm in front of my parent so I tried everything I could to keep a clean sheet of my marriage to them. My mum continued with her questions and asked me if I was enjoying my marriage and I told her yes I was, she then dropped the boomshell by asking me that if everything was going well as I stated then why has my wife been complaining towards her about our marriage for some days now? What nearly killed me was when my mum asked me that if power has been passing through the young man in between my legs?
This question hit me so hard that even though I tried to swerve from the truth my mum was persistent all because she was a retired lawyer so she always knew how to frame her questions just to pin you down. I asked her what type of complaints my wife brought before her and she told me not to play smart because I knew very well what she was talking about, I said no and my father came in to tell my mum that to make things easier for all of us she should just hit the nail by the head. My son so when was the last time you had sex with your wife? This question got the attention of my dad and he was very much interested in my answer, gosh so Queenstar had the audacity to report me to my mum right? I was quiet for a while and my father asked me if I heard what my mum said and I told him I heard her question crystal clear and my answer to her question was “over 8months”, over what? Mum and dad all screamed out to my answer and I said yes they heard me right and I was now very ready to let them know exactly what was going on since Queenstar taught going to court first was a way of winning your case, I asked my mum if she had ever given a sex timetable to my dad before? Her answer was a big No, I again asked her that when they got married how often did she have sex with my dad and she told me that anytime my dad wanted it she was willing to give it to her and equally when she also needed it my dad also gave it to her as many times as she wanted even when my dad was tired. So I again asked her who did the cleaning, cooking and washing of my dad’s things since her job was very demanding and hectic and she replied she was the one, I again asked how many times in a week that she fails to cook for my dad and she said even if she was sick she made sure there was always food on the table not only for my dad but anyone who passed by the house will equally get something to eat which I knew was very true.
I asked if she had ever employed the services of a house help before and she said a No to that question, well I told my parents that now my house help was indirectly my wife because the only thing she hadn’t done for me yet in the house is to warm my bed because apart from that she does virtually everything that is expected of my wife, I told my parents that the questions I asked my mum were the things I was passing through in my marriage so for my dad, if I was performing badly at work that was my reason and to my mum if I wasn’t making love to my wife then she should know my reasons also, I just wanted my wife to just feel a little of what I have been passing through for months. My parent were very much surprised as to what I had told them because the Queenstar they knew was as gentle as the shadow, as matured as my parent were my dad told me to go and make my marriage work but they needed both of us back here so they find a lasting solution to our union because if any of us was thinking of a divorce then we should know they won’t give their consent to it and on this note I was discharged by my dad and he asked me to go and make my marriage work because I was the head of my family and it was too early to start complaining about it. As I left my parent’s place I taught deeply about the advice I had just received from my dad and I was thinking of how to implement the advice that had been given to me because for me I wanted to stretch Queenstar a bit for all that she had been doing to me but hey two wrongs never makes a right and when two elephants fight its the innocent grass that suffers. I drove home and when I blew my horn for someone to open the gate a nice looking young man came to open the gate for me and he came to greet me and introduce himself as soon as I got down from the car, he introduced himself as Mensah Mathias and that he is the new house boy who had been employed by madam Queenstar, I was shocked Queenstar couldn’t inform me first before the guy came to the house but at least we needed the services of the house boy so I took it as a normal thing, I told him to go to his duty post and that we will talk later, I went to the house and released Queenstar was not home because she usually went to the saloon on Saturday afternoon to fix her hair and nails so I decided to go in and rest so I went to my bedroom and as I opened the door my God………
To be continued……………………………………………………………………………………#Yeb3toaso
📄 An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
🌐 All rights reserved worldwide 🌍®
💰💸🏡🚘 VANITY 🚘🏡💸💰
Dropping 🔜
Rated 🔞years & above
Episode 56
As I entered the room loud music was been played in my room and Sandra was busily tweaking to the sound that was been played, apparently she was in the bedroom laying the bed and because of how loud the music volume had been opened, she didn’t hear me enter the room. Her dance moves and tweaking were very much on point that “opana” started nodding down there and was enjoying what my eyes were feeding him with, I stood and watch her for sometime and the devil in me rose up and pushed me to go forward, the spirit didn’t want to follow what the body was saying to him but at the end, the body defeated the spirit, I moved forward to where Sandra was doing her tweaking and pounced on Sandra from behind, she felt afraid when I did that but I told her not be afraid but rather continue with what she had stop doing, she was adamant but with the kind of face I gave her and with the fear of lossing her job she continued with the dance and tweaking and honestly I was enjoying what she was doing to me, the power beneath me kept increasing and from no where some sort of strength entered my body that me lift Sandra up and threw her to the bed. I told her to undress herself whiles I also undressed myself in a hurry, she pleaded with me not to harm or try to do anything to her because she didn’t want to take or share something that belonged to her madam but all her pleas fell on deaf ears because usually when a man is on heat or in a mood to devour a woman he totally becomes deaf and he doesn’t hear anything unless he has satisfy his sexual desire before, she was been long taking her things off so I jumped on her and started tearing her dress up, finally I met her bra and I also destroyed it, her pant wasn’t left out of my attack either, I first started sucking her firm but heavy boobs and the person who was screaming and rebelling from the start was relaxed now, I heard her moaning rhythmically to what I was doing to her and also breathing very heavily, because I was in a hurry I didn’t take my boxer off but when the time came for me to penetrate and enter her defence, I rose up to take my boxer off, I heard a voice in my head asking me if what I was about to do was the right thing? Immediately the advice my dad gave to me earlier on came to mind and I felt very guilty for what I intended doing to Sandra, she laid down quitely and waited for what I wanted to do to her since she felt there was nothing she could do again than to way for her fate which was in my hands now. I couldn’t pull my boxer down but sat on the bed and apologised to Sandra for trying to take advantage over her, I wore my dress again and told her to go and change herself and come back to continue what she was doing in the room but before she left to find something new to wear, I opened my wardrobe and brought out 5cedis bundle and handed it over to her to use it as a compensation for what I tried doing to her, with tears and pains in her eyes she took the money and left my room. Meanwhile Queenstar was at the saloon and you know one place that big time gossip took place was the saloon of ladies, if you wanted information about some people’s marriage you will get it there, who was dating who, who the father is to a certain person, who is f**king who, if you wanted tips of how to cheat on you partner, if you wanted to know the freshest guy in town, in fact the ladies saloon was a bank of information so anything you wanted just visit the nearest saloon in your area and when you get the information you want, you can always call me and thank me for the first hand information I just gave you. Can you imagine Gina Otis (Jennifer Aba Amos) was also at the saloon with Queenstar and since people were giving out information Queenstar also felt like opening up to Gina and the other ladies there about her sex life in her marriage but Gina admonished her to keep quite since it was a bad thing to do in an open place like the saloon, one curious lady in the saloon asked if her husband was impotent or what but Gina stepped in a spoke harshly to the lady before asking Queenstar to come out from the saloon for them to go home and find a solution to her predicament. Queenstar drove behind Gina’a car to her house and during that time I also regretted my attempt to force myself on Sandra so I rendered unqualified apologises to her and told her to please keep what nearly happened between us a secret because if her madam got to know about this hell couldn’t even contain us either as visitors or permanent residents, she nodded her head and left my presence but I could see disappointment now in her eyes as she left my presence because from the way she laid down and didn’t cover herself, I believe she was very ready to receive me inside her but she had no option than to follow my tactics or decision
To be continued…………………………………………………………………………………..#Yeb3toaso
📄 An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
🌐 All rights reserved worldwide 🌍®
Rated 🔞years & above
Episode 57
In the house of Gina she tried persuading Queenstar to put her happiness in her hands because she claimed no one could make you happy rather than yourself so she took Queenstar through some form of mind therapy and psyched her mind for the future. As she took Queenstar through the therapy she went to her bedroom and came back with a suitcase which she placed in front of Queenstar, she then requested her to open the suitcase and as she opened it, her eyes nearly popped up from its sockets and she screamed Jesus Christ!!!!! Can you imagine what was the content of the suitcase? Queenstar looked at Gina in a confused state but Gina was not tickled with the gestures of Queenstar at all, she said to Queenstar that her happiness was in front of her so she could make her own choice, I believe you wondering by now what Queenstar saw that nearly gave her a heart attack, well Queenstar saw in the suitcase different sizes of “Dildos”, I mean vibrators if that is what you could understand, yes every colour and size you could think of was in there including electronic and manually operating ones, she told Queenstar to feel free and make her selection and later told her that if her husband was failing to perform his marital duties she could employ the services of the vibrator to do the job for her and also if she wasn’t satisfied with that she knew the best way to calm her down, with this statement Queenstar was lost so she need a tour guard to bring her back to the land of the living. By now Gina had taken full possession of Queenstar’s mind and was manipulating her mind to the direction she wanted, she later invited Queenstar to her bedroom after she had made selection of the dildo sizes and colours she wanted, as she got Queenstar at the corner she wanted that was when she decided to strike, she started massaging Queenstar and that was another thing that got Queenstar melting since she needed a massage badly, she was so carried away that she didn’t see the time Gina took off her dress and the next thing she felt was a touch on her nipples, she was gradually enjoying the sweet sensation that was been given to her, Gina Otis(Jennifer Aba Amos) was a lesbian and she had eventually succeeded in luring Queenstar into that unholy act without her knowing. As things got heated and tensed in the room, you know how religious some women can be when they are turned on, Queenstar started mentioning “Oh God! Oh God!! Oh God!!!” and as if by divine intervention she came back to her senses and she realised the act that was going on, she quickly push Gina aside and rose to her feet from the bed and started looking for her bra and dress, she warned Gina never to try that nonsense with her again because she was married woman and she didn’t want anyone to patronise her by taking advantage of her current condition. She dressed up and immediately drove home and as soon as she got home she dashed to the bedroom and went straight to the bathroom to take a warm shower to cleanse her body from the ungodly touches she received from Gina Otis (Jennifer Aba Amos), I followed her to the bedroom but as I saw she was in the bathroom I knew the time of the month was in so every plan I had to settle scores with my wife had to be adjourned till further notice, to me I wanted to make amends to her that evening by giving it to her so hard that evening and add another one to it at dawn, I left the bedroom and decided to have a little personal chat with Mathias the new house boy, but as I got out I saw he had already started the job that hadn’t even been allocated to him, he had finished washing my car and was now on Queenstar’s car that she just parked in the compound some few minutes ago, well I was impressed and I decided to check in Atongo’s room if the place was in good shape before I allowed Mathias to settle in it permanently but as I went in and checked I noticed that most of the electrical sockets and plugs in the room were faulty and it was equally a death trap for the occupant of the room and since I wasn’t ready to be held responsible to the death of anyone in my house I decided to rather house Mathias in the inner house instead of the gateman post in the house, I called Sandra over to inform her to get the guest room opposite her room ready since that was going to be the temporal room for Mathias until I get an electrcian to fix the electrical problem in that room. That night as Queenstar and I were lying down I wanted to make love to her but I remembered she was menstruating and equally Queenstar wanted me to start touching her that will lead to sex but she was also afraid because she knew my parent would have descended on me heavily so I might be very mad at her so both of us tossed on the bed for a very long time, but as I was doing all this my earlier encounter with Sandra came to mind and the devil in me came back and was telling me to go and complete the business I started earlier on with her, my conscience fought me for long until I fell asleep after midnight. Early in the morning I rushed to the gym to train since that was what I did every Sunday morning with my best friend Alex before we went to church, along the line as we were training he received a very funny video from his cousin and after laughing his heart out he gave me the phone to take a look as he went back to train, I watched the video and couldn’t hold myself but to also breakdown with laughter, I decided to send the video to my phone and as I did and went through his video folder I came across a mind blowing video
Can you phantom the video I just stumbled upon?
To be continued………………………………………………………………………………….#Yeb3toaso
📄 An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
🌐 All rights reserved worldwide 🌍®
💰💸🏡🚘VANITY 🚘🏡💸💰
👀 OUT!!!!!
Rated 🔞years & above
Episode 58
As I went through the video folder of Alex I stumbled on a video which took my breath away, I watched part of the new video and my body started trembling like I had seen the ghost of Okomfo Anokye the greatest fetish priest ever in Ghana, I stopped the video and immediately sent it to my phone through bluetooth and after I was done sending the video, I deleted it from Alex’s phone, I believe you might be wondering what video at all that I was talking about? Well that video in question was the reason why Alex had been singing praises to me anytime he saw me and if that video was released to any other person, hell will open loss, if it went viral or anybody saw it, he or she could blackmail me big time. Do you remember when I got kidnapped back in France and I was been taking to the place where I was raped by an unknown person I tried making a call with my phone whiles it was in my pocket? Yes my hand rather pressed a button that started recording the video of what went on in the room and as to how the video was sent to Alex I don’t know because when the phone was brought back to me my screen was broken so it was through the video that I got to know who employed the hoodlums to kidnap me, if you are thinking that Gina Otis(Jennifer Aba Amos) was the brain behind my kidnap you are will not be far from right because she was present there and another person you will find surprising in the video was Rhodaline my sister-in-law, apparently she was the one who rubbed her breast over my p***s and after that came to sit on it and rode me like a mad horse. I faked headache shortly after I received the video file on my phone and told Alex I wanted to rush home for treatment, as I was leaving the gym Alex continued singing praises for me and for once I knew the reason why he kept raining the accolades on me but what I was finding it difficult to believe was seeing Rhodaline in the video, I needed time to watch the video over and over again because I wanted to deal with Gina Otis(Jennifer Aba Amos) for attempting that nonsense with me but also if I made my actions legal Rhodaline was equally going to go down with her so I had to borrow the wisdom of the ant who goes about in search of a food before the rains comes down, I sat in the car drove like 60meters from the gym and parked my car, I brought my phone out and connected my earpiece so I could here everything that was said at the background because I didn’t want to judge alone from the video I was watching because the audio from the video also had a role to play. I watched the video over and over but because I didn’t understand French I had to look for an interpreter to help me understand what was been said in the video from start to end, I drove home to meet the absence of Queenstar and I was told by Sandra that she was gone to church, I was happy because I needed a quite time for myself to decide on the kind of action I should take with the video I had in my custody. Sandra brought my breakfast to the bedroom but I told her to return it and not to bother me for the next 5hours because I wanted a quite time for myself, I went to shower and came back to sleep but around 1pm my phone rang and when I checked it was from my sweet Julie, I answered with joy but the voice she greeted me with wiped away the joy I received the call with, Julie was crying that I couldn’t hear a word that she was saying, truth be told I got scared because I taught there had been complications with her surgery that was the reason why she was crying but after calming her down and asking her to take time to talk I realised it was all tears of joy because the surgery had been successful and that the doctors have confirmed that she can be able to conceive and give birth to as many children as she wants, this news was one of the best news I had received in a very long time and I was happy that the money I paid had produced wonderful results, I asked her when she will be discharged and she said the doctors said she will be on probation for 10days for routine check up before she will be discharged and that is when she will travel back to Ghana, I was very glad and happy as to the news I had just received and I told her that there was a great discovery I had stumbled upon but it wasn’t anything we could discuss on phone so when she comes we will talk about it but for now she needed adequate rest since she just came out from the theatre room so we will talk later. After the call I sat up on my bed and started to plan on the arrival of Julie because she had just won a glorious battle that was worth celebrating upon her arrival so I started planning all alone against her arrival
What do you think I had in mind for Julie?
Again if you were in my shoes what would you be thinking of doing to Gina Otis and Rhodaline?
Let me have your views and comments on the story as to where we have gotten so far and the clues you are picking out of this story.
You can drop your views on my timeline on Facebook with the name Akoto Adjei Alexander or better still chat with me on Whatsapp with this number #0249446151
To be continued……………………………………………………………………………………#Yeb3toaso
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🌐 All rights reserved worldwide 🌍®
💰💸🏡🚘 VANITY 🚘🏡💸💰
Dropping 🔜
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Rated 🔞years & above
Episode 59
In no time I got a brilliant idea and I decided to execute it at the right time, so I came out of the bedroom and told Sandra to prepare something nice for me which she did in no time. After taking the food I went back to my room and decided to stay there all day till the next day, as Queenstar came back from church I faked sickness so she will not bother me with any discussion or issues, luckily for me she adhered to my plan and I had a peaceful sleep, the next day creeped in and Queenstar left the house first but before she left the compound, Mathais was by then washed and cleaning her car so she had to wait a while before she could move the car, Mathias was not wearing any top dress and when he turned and Queenstar saw the six packs on his stomach, butterflies started filling her stomach, she felt goosebumps all over her body and she simply couldn’t take her eyes off Mathias. In fact for the very first time Queenstar took a critical look at Mathias and she realised the guy was equally handsome, he was a well built guy in sature, spoke good English, with well arranged white teeth and a neat haircut. It took Mathias a little time before he could get the attention of Queenstar because by then her mind had gone on a very long trip in the land of lust, Mathias tapped her before she came back to herself, he asked if everything was fine with Queenstar and she said she was okay just that she was thinking about something in the office, she left the house to the office with a preoccupied mind about Mathias. I also left the house later to the office but during the day I checked on some estate developers sites on the internet where I purchased a 3bedroom house in a very serene environment for Julie and when the day was over at my workplace I drove to a car dealer and also made a selection of a Toyota Highlander car for Julie, all this was going to be used as a surprise for Julie when she came back to Ghana eventually. I went home feeling very happy with everything I did for the day because for me I wanted the best for Julie and seeing her happy would be a fulfilled desire for me, later in the evening I remembered I once bought a rolex gold watch that I wanted to surprise Queenstar with but because of her abysmal attitude towards our marriage I decided to give it to Julie instead so I went to the wardrobe in search of the watch, as I went through the wardrobe I came across something very shocking and I decided to confront Queenstar on what I saw later, yes I came across some dildos (vibrators). My mind was filled with many negative thoughts as I saw the dildos in Queenstar’s things, so this has been the reason why for all this while she has been refusing me with sex? For some few seconds, thousands of questions came to my mind, why would a married woman refuse his husband sex if she was not getting sexual pleasures somewhere else? Whatever she was up to I decided to uncover it in due course, that night I don’t know what I drunk or ate that made me so horny, I tried everything I could but I was so stiff that I couldn’t even sleep or lie down with my face facing the mattress, I did a little calculation that if Queenstar was not available for me to climb then Sandra would be a perfect choice for me so I quickly drew a plan that could lead me to Sandra’s room, as I turned to the side of Queenstar she was also wide awake and was staring at the ceiling, hmmmm how was I going to escape from her side without her asking me where I was going? Indeed this was a hard nut for me to crack with my teeth, I quickly got a nice plan and asked Queenstar if she heard any noise downstairs but she saw no, I was silent for a while then again I repeatedly the same question but this time, I requested Queenstar to go with me and check what was going on downstairs but she refused and said she was feeling sleepy, in my head I was like “holalaaaa”, I intentionally asked her again to go with me but she gave me the same answer so I knew the road was very clear for me. I tip toed downstairs and went straight to Sandra’s room and luck was on my side because she didn’t lock her door so I entered without any difficulty or raising any alarm of my movement, inside my bedroom also Queenstar had been thinking about Mathias and his six packs that got her so horny and wet, she wanted something that will enter in between her legs but she was scared I might come to the room very soon and catch her in in that act, so she also decided to visit Mathias and see if he would do the job I had refused to do for her for some weeks now.
When the armed robber gets married to a prostitute who will stay home at night to take care of the house?
“Asem b3ba daabi” – Trouble awaits the future with open arms!!!!!
To be continued………………………………………………………………………………….#Yeb3toaso
📄 An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
🌐 All rights reserved worldwide 🌍®
Dropping 🔜
💰💸🏡🚘 VANITY 🚘🏡💸💰
👀 OUT!!!!!
Rated 🔞years & above
Episode 60
Queenstar also rushed and entered the room of Mathias easily because his room was not locked either, so who is the thief here amongst this two people?
I went to the bed of Sandra and held her mouth so she wouldn’t shout to raise an alarm of my presence in her room, I raised her dress and seriously she was not even wearing a pant under her nightgown and what killed me most was how she had shaved and designed her private hair, the only thing she could say was that she is afraid madam will catch us and I told her not to worry about that. Inside the room of Mathias also Queenstar took her nightgown off and jumped on top of Mathias which woke him up, she used her finger to cover the lips of Mathias so he couldn’t utter a word, she ordered him to make love to her that very moment because he had occupied her memories with him and the only thing that will bring relief to her body and mind was for him to f**k the living hell out of her that very moment, Mathias was scared but Queenstar assured him of been in safe hands and also increase his salary 3times what he was supposed to be paid monthly, you know the only time a fool advices you is when you are damn broke. Who would see the nakedness of my Queenstar and say no to it, he got a renewed strength and pinned Queenstar down as he started romancing Queenstar, also at the opposite room I was busily sucking the breast of Sandra and romancing her like she belonged to me or I had paid her bride price, as I got to the point that I will insert my magic stick into her honey pot, the last words of my dad when I went to visit my parents echoed in my head, “go and make your marriage work”, I immediately jumped from Sandra and stood up, also Mathias had been man enough to kiss and touch Queenstar but she also remembered her vow on our wedding day to always stand by me through thick and thin, she pushed Mathias aside and as he made an attempt to come closer to her again she slapped him so hard that even at that moment if you ask him what his name was, he would mention the name of another person, she stood up from the bed, wore her dress and told Mathias to park his things because he was fired and his 6months salary would be paid to him as he left the house. Coincidentally as Queenstar left the room of Mathias, I was also leaving the room of Sandra, I quickly asked her what she was doing in the room of Mathias and she also threw the question back at me as to what I was also doing in the room of Sandra? Well we couldn’t stand there and be throwing supreme court questions to each other so I signalled her to meet me in the room that very moment, as we took steps back to our bedroom no one spoke and that was when I prepared my questions and answers for Queenstar because I knew she was a smart lady, getting to the room I asked her what she went doing in the room of Mathias because I vividly remembered she told me she was feeling sleepy so what brought her down there in Mathias room, the only answer she could gave was that she wanted Mathias out of her house first thing in the morning and equally Sandra too was also to leave the house that same day, she was very ready to pay both of them a 6months pay because none of them had been given any prior notice. I wanted to speak but Queenstar jumped on me and started kissing me like my wife that she was, we kissed for a very long time and later we ended up having a very hot and memorable sex, I don’t know if you are aware after a good sex what follows immediately is series of confessions and apologises of things you even haven’t done yet?
Queenstar apologised to me for been a bad wife and starving me with the things a wife should be giving and doing for her husband, she even decided to quit her job just to stay home and render her services to me as a good wife, she stood up and went to the wardrobe to bring out the dildos she took from Jennifer Aba Amos(Gina Otis) and told me everything that happened earlier on between them, she pleaded with me for forgiveness, she vowed never to repeat that insolent behaviour towards me again. She told me she didn’t want anything to do with Jennifer(Gina Otis) again so she needed my help to do that very thing, I smiled at her and said with all pleasure my Queen, for you I will go to the river with a basket just to fetch water for you, she was so happy and she jumped on me for another round of sex, that night we really enjoyed the word sex than anyone who had practised it before, the was no style in common that we didn’t practice, we used every little strength left in us that night to satisfy ourselves that as we were done having sex we breath like we had undergone a cross-country marathon,
Queenstar had successfully confessed to her husband and she won sympathy and forgiveness for that. Should his husband do the same?
Let the discussion follow at your various group pages or better still my Facebook timeline with the name Akoto Adjei Alexander or my Whatsapp line #0249446151
To be continued…………………………………………………………………………………..#Yeb3toaso
📄 An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
Dropping 🔜
💰💸🏡🚘 VANITY 🚘🏡💸💰
👀 OUT!!!!!
Rated 🔞years & above
Episode 61
After we were done with our series of reunion sex we slept cuddling each other, Queenstar woke up early and went to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast for me and as I woke up to go and shower I saw my breakfast before me, Queenstar was waiting to serve me, I said to myself yes this is what I call marriage, after we ate Queenstar invited me to join her downstairs to meet Mathias and Sandra but I opted to rather stay out of it since she was the person who hired both of them and has now decided to fire them, but before then I added an additional five hundred cedis to the money of Sandra because she had been a great worker in our house. I couldn’t come down there with Queenstar because I know my conscience wouldn’t permit me to look into the eyes of Sandra so I went to the bathroom and showered for work and by the time I came out Sandra and Mathias had been shown the exit, Queenstar came to kiss me and told me to rush home when I close because she would be waiting for me and that she won’t go to work today, it sounded great and I smiled as I went to sit in my car and went to work a happy man, as I got to the office Alex met me and wasn’t looking cheerful, I was so surprised because for the first time after my honeymoon vacation he met and pass by me without singing praises to me, I smiled and said to myself that I have gotten the last laugh. During lunch time Julie called me and she was happy to inform me that the doctors had cleared her to leave the hospital and that she would be coming back the following day and that there was a lot she had for me when she arrives, we shared some jokes before the line went off.
Fast forward:
After work the next day I drove straight to the airport to meet Julie but before I had vowed to myself that I won’t do anything that will lead to sex with Julie again because now I saw her like the sister that I never had, she joined me some minutes later and the scene we created there was a sight to behold because most of her colleagues follwed her when she was coming out from the arrival hall, I drove her to the house I had bought for her and she was wondering what we were doing there, I told her that the house was her birthday present and the car in the compound was equally part of the birthday present. She jumped to hug me because she herself had forgotten it was her birthday but amidst all the excitement I saw she wasn’t herself, I sat her down and showed her the video I had stumbled upon, she connected the earpiece to the phone and listened to every word they said in the video, after watching and listening to everything what she said was “so this bitch was blackmailing the lady who slept with you”; where did you get this video? I told her everything as to how I got the video and in return she(Julie) also told me every single word in the video, I was shocked because I never knew she could speak French or understand that language but she told me she was brought up in Togo where the father worked for a very long time so she could speak French and write very well. After her revelation she told me that this video was going to do us a lot of good because we could use it to pin down Gina Otis(Jennifer Aba Amos) for good, she made me call Rhodaline to meet me at a place where we could confront her and listen to her side of the story but before that she told me that one of the doctors who operated on her has requested her to marry him but she doesn’t know the answer to give him, I smiled and told Julie that this was an opportunity she shouldn’t let it pass her by so she should accept the guys offer if the guy was for real and had gentleman qualities. She asked what then becomes of me and I told her that if she is happy then am also going to be happy and that am in the process of solving the problems in my marriage so we should now treat each other as siblings and take any sexual feelings away from us, she was surprised I said that but I told her not to worry, I called Rhodaline to meet me at the beach for a serious discussion, I pleaded with Julie to come along with since she was now my personal person. Rhodaline got to the beach before we even did and I could see regret plus pain in her eyes, I first showed the video to her and told her to tell me everything she knew about the video because I wanted to take legal actions about the video she had in her hands
To be continued…………………………………………………………………………………..#Yeb3toaso
📄 An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
Dropping 🔜
💰💸🏡🚘 VANITY 🚘🏡💸💰
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Rated 🔞years & above
Episode 62
I told Rhodaline to tell me everything she knew concerning the video I showed to her because I wanted to take legal actions on it but the only way I could help her was for her to be very sincere to me. It was hard for her but she finally spoke;
She met Jennifer Aba Amos(Gina Otis) in France when she went there to transact business, she was robbed by her business partners and she became stranded so a Whiteman decided to help me by housing me for sometime, the Whiteman helped me with his connection and later he tried to have sex with my by force, I pushed him and he hit his head at the edge of the bed and died instantly, I was afraid that if I made a formal complaint at the police station I would be arrested because no one will believe me and moreover I wasn’t having any witness to help defend me, so should I raise an alarm on that then I was going to be arrested for murder, I managed to escape from the police and later Jennifer Aba Amos(Gina Otis) came to me when I had escaped from the police and told me she knew I was leaving with the Whiteman and also I was the one responsible for his death but how was I going to defend myself, she gave me an option to follow or else she will prompt the police about my whereabouts, since I was scared and had no one to defend me, I bought into her plan.
She drew a plan for me to follow if I wanted to walk about freely but also warned me to seal my lips and that if I discussed our little encounter with any living soul she will see to it that I was thrown to jail and never come out again. She gave me a blade to cut all the high heels of Queenstar that will make her fall anytime she wore any of the heels, the day we went on the last tour as you took leave of us, I jokingly pushed Queenstar and as she was about falling the heel she was wearing broke and she ended up twisting her legs, as we were took her to the hospital she was given an injection which made her sleep, that was when I called you and later when you tried to join us you were kidnapped by those guys. If you could recollect when the guy hit you from behind I yelled at him not to hurt you or attack you any further, everything I did that day was regrettable to me and that is the reason why I have kept my distance away from you and my sister ever since came back from Paris, with this explanation Julie told me she had a plan to counter Gina Otis(Jennifer Aba Amos) so we should let Rhodaline be, I picked a taxi to drop Julie home then I left to meet my beautiful wife in the house. I was greeted warmly by my Queen and I was served with my favourite dish, around 3am Julie called me that she was having Gina Otis in her custody at a shutdown warehouse somewhere in Adenta and that she wanted me there by 12noon so I should endeavour to avail myself there. Hehehe this was a very swift movement because Julie never told me she was making any plans to apprehend Gina but all the same she had her now so there was no need to panic or ask questions at to how she got her, I went back to sleep after the call and as daybreak I went to the office to clear everything on my desk before I drove to the warehouse Gina was been kept, as I got there I called Julie and she came to meet me to brief me of her plans. As she briefed me of her plans it sounded crazy but looked fun so I bought into the idea she brought up, curiosity will kill you oh my dear reader, you have been trying to guess so I will enlighten you on Julie’s plan, she told me not to utter any word if I enter the warehouse because Gina had been blindfolded and equally what Gina made Rhodaline do to me I was also going to give her a dose of it but first they had placed a camera and lighting system infront of Gina which will make her think we are capturing whatever I was going to do with her, what I was to do was to also have sex with her for it to look like a tape was been recorded and at the end Julie will tell her that with the video she was having now if she(Gina) was seen in the country ever again the video will be sent to the social media to defame her of the personality she had built for herself. I followed the instructions of Julie and gave Gina my very best shot but I used protection so I don’t end up contracting an sexual disease, after I was done Julie gave her boys the chance to also enjoy what was left in Gina and after that Julie made her intentions known to Gina before she instructed her boys to dump her somewhere, honestly it felt really good paying Gina back with her own coin, Julie made me call Gina later to meet her but she told me she didn’t want to have anything to do with me or Ghana as a whole but she is travelling to France that evening to continue her life there and would never step foot in Ghana again. As the call dropped I gave Julie a very big hug for a well planned and executed mission. I went back home a transformed man to meet my wife and build our empire together.
I called my dad to inform him that I had listened to his advice and my marriage was now working again so there was no need coming to them again for advice or direction, he was happy for me and told me to make my wife my best friend, comforter, companion and greatest priority, with this he wished me well.
Julie got married 3months later with the South African doctor and they are living happily in South Africa now.
I kept my encounter with Rhodaline a secret between the 2 of us and as at now she is also in a very tight relationship that will lead them to the aisle very soon.
Gina Otis(Jennifer Aba Amos) died in a fatal accident in France some weeks after he left Ghana.
Queenstar is also 3months pregnant and am looking forward to be a proud daddy soon whiles my parent are also looking forward to receive their first grandchild.
Sandra gained admission into the university with the money that was given to her.
Atongo has managed to impregnate all his wives as he got back to his village.
Mathias won a visa lottery and is currently in the states.
♡♡♡ THE END♡♡♡
I want to take this opportunity to thank God almighty for his unflinching love and mercies He showered me with. To my Family, Friends and Fans especially You who followed this story from start to end and kept mounting pressure on me for every episode, to my lovely fans who sponsored me with airtime am much grateful, to my readers who are now my advisors I appreciate your views & advice, to my Whatsapp fans and distributors you guys rock, to my critics I know I couldn’t go far without you guys and finally to my silent majority folks I say cheers.
There is much in me that is yet to be unravelled, till I come your way again with another captivating, lesson learning, taught provoking, rib cracking and mind blowing story, when you say a prayer please say one for me!!!!!
Next in the Pipeline is:
💰💸🏡🚘 VANITY 🚘🏡💸💰
“What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and losses his own Life”
📄 An Akoto Alexander Imagination 💯📄
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