Weekend Story
The Author
Shalom craned his neck and looked down the long drop but could not see Calima. Although he was drunk, he stumbled to the door and pulled it open and instantly somebody tumbled inside the room and crashed on the floor.
Shalom looked at the despaired face of the man on the floor and giggled.
“Atwiaa, you foolish fool!” he said drunkenly. “So you were eavesdropping outside the door? Ei, Atwiaa! You’re a very jealous and possessive man! You will die of heart attack if you continue like this!”
Atwiaa got to his feet as his eyes roamed the room with shame on his face.
“Oh, no!” he cried. “Mea nota listeninga o! Ia wasa justa…wherea Calima? Oh, isa thata youra etutobi? Eiiiiiiii! Awurade Nyankopon! Youa puta thata insidea Calima echite? Oh, Shaloma, Shaloma! Youa promisea mea! Youa killeda mea! Oh, youa havea spoilta thea vagina ofa Calima!”
And Shalom giggled even more when he saw that he was still naked.
“Don’ta bea foola!” Shalom mimicked the hassled man. “No, I didn’t do anything with her. She wanted it, yes, and she stepped on that chair over there and pushed her big buttocks back like this?”
Shalom thrust his naked buttock toward Atwiaa’s face to demonstrate how Calima had thrust hers at him, and Atwiaa instantly slapped him hard across the buttocks.
“Youa foola, Shaloma!” he shouted with pain. “Whata youa showinga mea fora? Are youa crazya?”
Drunk and still having fun, Shalom turned and kicked Atwiaa in the chest and the little man was hurled back into the bed hard.
“Youa foola, Shaloma!” he screamed as he jumped to his feet with disgust. “Whya youa kicka mea?”
“Because you slapped my buttocks!” Shalom said. “I am just trying to explain it to you and you slapped me! Yes, she pushed her buttocks back and I was going to stick it in like a dog! She wanted to see the sunshine. I gave her one atopa fuchor, and she just flew through the window!”
Atwiaa looked at Shalom with horror on his face. He pointed a trembling finger at the window.
“Oh!” he shrieked. “Calima aflyinga outa thea window? She flya outsidea?”
“Yesa!” Shalom cried. “The iron guards are very weak. One atopa like this…fuchor, then boom she went flying out!”
He threw his waist forward to demonstrate the ‘atopa’ he executed to send the girl out.
“Youa foola, Shaloma!” Atwiaa screamed with horror. “Shaloma hasa killeda Calima! Shaloma hasa killeda Calima!”
He rushed outside at full speed.
Shalom felt like vomiting and so he rushed to the bathroom to vomit. When he came back to the bedroom, he felt so tired that he just fell on the bed and was asleep almost instantly.
When Shalom opened his eyes, sunshine was streaming in through the window and he moaned with pain and averted his gaze. His head throbbed unbearably and he grunted with pain this time and put both of his hands on his head.
He heard a strange sound in the room and opened his eyes slowly.
There was a hideous creature standing beside the bed. He was one of the little people but this one was bald-headed and had a long reed-like rod through his nose! His lower lip was pierced and had several round metallic rings through them. The middle of his ears had been cut out, leaving a hideous, mutilated appendages on each side of his head. When he smiled there was some black gooey stuff in his mouth. He was holding out a small calabash toward Shalom.
Shalom took one look at this apparition and began to scream, and immediately there was laughter all around him. He turned his head and saw that Chief Ogum, Atwiaa and Ntowhe were also in the room and they were laughing at his apparent fear of the man.
“Youa foola, Shaloma!” Atwiaa said with a sad smile. “Nana Yirenkyi isa medicinea mana. Hea bringa youa eduro toa curea youra headachea.”
Shalom scowled.
“Medicine man?”
“Yeeye,” Atwiaa said. “Lasta nighta youa drinka too mucha dontoyurodo. Hea isa bringa medicinea for youra pain.”
“Bity,” the medicine man said and proffered the calabash.
Shalom’s head was indeed bashing fiercely so he took the little calabash. It contained a thick, black substance with an awful stench.
“Nu,” the medicine man said, gesturing to Shalom to drink it.
Shalom took a deep breath and took a deep pull at the medicine. It was so awful and bitter that his cheeks puffed out and a most sickened expression crossed his face, and once again they all laughed.
He swallowed and grimaced horribly.
“Disgusting puupuu!” he shouted.
The men laughed uproariously.
“Nuher!” the medicine man cried.
“Hea saya drinka againa!” Atwiaa translated.
“Nyenyenyenyenye!” Shalom cried with distaste, but already he could feel the headache subsiding a bit and so he took another gulp and swallowed. “Arrrrrgh! Shalawele!”
He handed the calabash back to the man and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked around.
“Where’s Calima?” he asked, amazed that already the headache was almost gone.
At the mention of Calima they all fell silent with solemn expressions on their faces.
Atwiaa looked at him sadly.
“Youa don’ta remembera whata happeneda lasta nighta, doa youa?”
Shalom looked at him with horror.
“What happened?” he shouted. “What have you done with Calima?”
Atwiaa turned to the others and spoke rapidly, and they nodded with little smiles.
“What did you tell them?” Shalom asked.
“Thata youa don’ta remembera lasta nighta becausea youa werea tooa drunka!” Atwiaa said in a choked voice.
“What happened to Calima?” Shalom asked. “Where’s she?”
“Youa puta Calima ona thata chaira bya windowa, anda youa givea hera atopa fuchor anda shea falla outa thea windowa! Shea isa deada! Youa killeda Calima!”
Shalom was stunned as he sat on the bed petrified with deep sorrow.
“She’s dead?” he whispered with horror.
“Yeeye!” Atwiaa cried. “Froma atopa fuchor!”
Shalom’s lips trembled and his handsome face fell apart with great remorse as great tears welled up in his eyes and fell down his face. He was in so much agony and could barely breath.
“Oh, Calima, Calima…oh, oh, maaa, muuu!”
And all of them burst into laughter again, including the medicine man, and Shalom stopped weeping and looked at them with traumatized eyes.
“Shea nota deada!” Atwiaa screamed with laughter. “Ia onlya jokinga youa! Shea falla intoa druma ofa watera downa therea. Hera lega isa brokena buta shea okaya!”
Shalom looked at him with horror.
“You’re joking?” he whispered. “She fell into a drum of water and broke her leg? And you’re just joking about her being dead?”
“Yesa, yesa, yesa!” Atwiaa screamed. “Anda youa cryinga likea guinea fowla akonfem…muu maa muuuuu!”
With a cry of rage Shalom jumped off the bed and in a flash grabbed Atwiaa. He lifted up the man and began to carry him toward the window.
“Shalomaaaaa!” Atwiaa screamed with great fear and struggled helplessly. “Shalomaaaa! Don’ta throwa mea outa windowa…oh, Shalomaaaa! Sorryaaaa! Sorryaaaa!”
The other men screamed with fear and rushed at Shaloma, speaking excitedly in their language and trying to stop him from throwing Atwiaa out of the window.
“Shalomaaaa!” Atwiaa screamed and now tears came to his eyes when Shalom neared the window. “Ia begaaaaaa! Ia begaaaaa! Shalomaa eiiii, Ia begaaaa youaaaaa!”
And Shalom put him down and began to laugh as Atwiaa cleaned tears from his eyes, and the others laughed too.
“Youa foola, Shaloma!” Atwiaa cried, still shivering with fear. “Youa a biga foola!”
“Shalawele!” Shalom said. “Ia onlya jokinga youa!”
They all broke into laughter at the mimic.
Shalom picked up a cloth and draped it around his waist.
“Calima, shea can’ta walka!” Atwiaa said after a while. “Shea ina Medicine Mana rooma. Shea wanta seea youa, Shaloma.”
“She wants to see me?” Shalom asked with raised eyebrows.
“Yesa, yesa!” Atwiaa said as his expression dimmed. “Shea reallya wanta seea youa. Shea cryinga toa seea Shaloma!”
“Is her broken leg gonna be okay?” Shalom asked.
“Oh, yesa!” Atwiaa said. “Medicinea Mana, hea fixa ita wella wella. Manya peoplea geta hurta buta Medicinea mana hea fixa wella. Hea sayinga thata bya onea weeka Calima shea wella againa!”
“I see,” Shalom said and looked at the other men. “Can they understand what we’re saying?”
Atwiaa shook his head vigorously.
“Oh, noa!” he said with a smile. “Theya alla verya foola! Thea Chiefa hea wanta thanka youa fora everythinga youa doa!”
“Oh, okay,” Shalom said and drew near to Atwiaa. “Now, listen to me well, you fool, and listen well. This is the time for you to win Calima’s heart, do you understand?”
“Buta shea nota wanta mea!” Atwiaa cried plaintively. “Shea onlya wanta youa toa givea hera atopa fuchor!”
“Listen!” Shalom said sharply. “She’s bedridden now for at least one week. Here is what we’re going to do. I won’t see her.”
“Oh, noa, youa wickeda, Shaloma!” Atwiaa cried with disappointment. “Youa givea hera atopa fuchor anda youa nota seea hera?”
“Exactly!” Shalom said earnestly. “Of course, I want to see her, but that will only make her fixate on me more! But I already love someone other woman! I’ll try and fix one of the vehicles out there and drive away to see my Adobea. So, I will not see Calima. This is the time for you to be nice to her, Atwiaa. Do everything for her. If I don’t see her she will think of me as a wicked, bad man not worth her attention. Meanwhile, if you keep her company and help her through the pain, she’ll see you as a caring, loving man, and give you a chance!”
Atwiaa nodded with sudden insight.
“Oh, youa devila, Shaloma!” he said with excitement. “Soa, shea aska for a youa, buta youa nota goa toa hera! Shea seea youa asa bada mana! Buta Ia willa keepa hera companya anda helpa hera, shea finda mea kinda anda helpfula and maybea falla ina lovea witha mea!”
“Exactly!” Shalom said. “That’s the plan. Now go and make her happy. Tell her you called me but I did not mind you.”
Atwiaa did not need any more encouragement. With an excited squeal he turned and raced from the room. Shalom nodded at the other men and they left the room.
The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story,
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