Dark Light…
A ChrisEffe Bliss
The Author
Effe Kedem stood up when her name was mentioned.
The applause in the auditorium was deafening as she moved from her seat to the aisle and began to walk slowly towards the podium.
Another year, and she had won the most meritorious award in the fashion industry again as the best designer from Africa. She smiled and waved to the great number of people and adoring fans assembled at the awards ceremony.
Exceptionally beautiful and elegant, looking incredibly attractive in her black and gold evening wear, she was a real sight for sore eyes and almost every male eye had a modicum of secret longing as they followed her.
Effe was the epitome of the classic female beauty that most males desired but only a few lucky ones found.
She climbed up to the podium as the television and media cameras zoomed in on her. She smiled as the incredible trophy, crafted in glass, metal, and gold, was handed over to her by the Vice President of France who was the Special Guest of Honour at the awards ceremony.
Effe held up her award as cameras flashed and the television cameras zoomed in for close-up shots. The applause became deafening as people got to their feet and gave her a standing ovation.
The Vice President was all smiles as he patted Effe Kedem on the shoulder and then walked off the stage quickly.
Eventually, the din died down a little and the pretty hostess approached Effe with a radiant smile on her face.
“Another one for EK Klaz Lines,” she said, holding up the microphone. “Seems to be piling up now, isn’t it? But you do deserve every single one of them, I must confess. You have kept us enthralled for so long with your fashion masterpieces and now you’re going international and will definitely be among the world’s elite designers, Miss Kedem.”
“Wow, glad you feel that way,” Effe said in her slow, beautiful voice, and again the applause rang out. “Thank you very much for the positive appraisal!”
“You’re always welcome, Miss Kedem. But of course, it is not only me who thinks you’re now going international. Everybody is saying it. You are at par with the best fashion designers in the industry!” the hostess said, smiling broadly. “No one comes near. Tell me, Miss Kedem, what has been your motivation all this while?”
There was a little silence.
Everyone was listening attentively.
“I enjoy what I do,” Effe Kedem said. “Sitting down, getting the initial sketches done, watching them transform into a work of art, and watching the joy of my customers when they wear them…that’s my motivation. If you love what you do, you’ll eventually find the right rhythm, I guess.”
The applause came again and lasted a little longer this time around.
“Congratulations once again, Miss Kedem,” the hostess said. “Any final comments?”
“Oh, yes!” Effe said with a giggle, and the crowd hooted, shouted and applauded.
“We’re listening!” the hostess said, and there was a trace of mischief underlying her voice.
Effe Kedem held up the award.
“I want to thank my customers, and my fans, who have always believed in me,” she said quietly, solemnly, and the crowd was hushed. “This is to all the EK Klaz Lines lovers out there! Thank you for keeping me on top!”
The applause hit the roof this time, and another standing ovation went up.
“And, of course, the love of my heart, Steve,” Effe Kedem said. “For always being there, even when my attention was divided. I love you, boy. I love you so much!”
A handsome man in a sleek black tuxedo stood up in the stands, and the crowd screamed and many catcalls went up now. The man smiled broadly and raised his right hand to acknowledge the noise.
“Come over, Steve!” the hostess said, beckoning. “Manpower, boy! Let’s see the boy behind the girl!”
Steve Hollison moved out to the aisle and began walking towards the podium.
He was of medium height and build, but handsome in a clean sort of way. An entrepreneur, Steve was a sort of middleweight in the business circles with a rapidly growing reputation and a celebrity in his own right. He climbed the steps to the platform and as he approached Effe and the hostess, he reached into the inner pocket of his coat, brought out a beautiful glass holder and held it outward as if presenting a prized trophy.
Effe Kedem gasped suddenly and went rigid as a sudden hush fell over the auditorium. The hostess’ eyes were popping out of her head as she saw the ring glittering in the transparent glass holder in Steve’s hand.
The crowd was hushed up now as everybody watched with bated breath.
Steve Hollison walked slowly towards a stunned and stumped Effe, pressing the tiny switch that sprung the ring holder open, revealing the diamond-studded engagement ring.
He stopped in front of Effe.
“I was going to present this at the beach resort, my love,” Steve said softly, gazing into her eyes with love all over his face. “But seeing you standing up here, with the whole world watching, well, it seems like the best moment to beg you to share the rest of your life with me and let me serve a life sentence in your presence because, for a fact, I can’t breathe a second more without you.”
Effe could not speak as Steve took out the ring and slowly got down on his right knee.
“Would you please allow me to be a part of your life for eternity?” he asked softly.
For a reply, the tears slowly fell down Effe’s eyes. Her lips trembled fiercely, and her beautiful face expressed a joy that was almost approaching the fringes of shock.
The television cameras covering the event live zoomed in on her face and as it filled the huge screens in the auditorium, amplifying her profound joy, many women in the audience began to weep silently as the poignant moment hit them.
The atmosphere was electric and charged with emotions so great and palpable that it affected a lot of the people present.
The hostess approached them with tears in her eyes and with one of her hands on her chest as she brought the microphone nearer to the couple.
“Hello?” Steve said gently as he gazed at the stunned Effe. “Do I take the statue stance as a yes?”
The mic amplified his query and many in the audience giggled.
“Oh, Steve!” Effe finally murmured. “You will kill me! You’ll simply kill me. Oh, yes, yes, yes! There is none like you, ever! I love you so much!”
The applause was instantaneous and deafening as she dropped down suddenly on both knees and Steve put the ring on her finger.
She threw her arms around him, kissing him fiercely and passionately.
He giggled and drew back his head.
“Isn’t it better to do that part in the bedroom during the honeymoon, as you so wish?” he queried, and this time the roar of laughter was heavy.
He got slowly to his feet, laughing happily and with love on his face, and pulled up the stunned Effe.
They embraced again, and Effe waved her beautiful ring at the crowd, and then she wound her arms around his neck and kissed him again as her tears washed his face.
Steve Hollison pushed the door of the suite shut gently and turned to watch the delectable Effe striding across the luxurious floor towards the amazing U-shaped leather-bound chairs.
She flowed with the sinuous grace of an angel, her dress accentuating her incredible curves, grooves, and mounds. She was shaped as if her creator had taken infinite care to make her special. As always Steve felt the desire gripping him so strongly that his loins responded almost instantaneously.
Effe dropped her bag and beautiful award into the chair and turned slowly to face him with a gentle happy smile on her face.
“You’ve made me the happiest woman today, Stevie,” she whispered tenderly. “And I can’t wait to be your wife, finally, after five years.”
Steve took off his coat and draped it on the arm of a chair behind an elaborate desk to his left.
“Drink?” he asked gently.
“Please,” she responded.
He crossed over to the miniature bar to mix their drinks in tall decanters with ice cubes in them. He walked gently towards her and handed her the red wine. His drink was white wine laced with whiskey.
They clinked glasses as they moved towards the balcony that gave an incredible view over the night skies of the city. They leaned against the banister and conversed gently as they sipped their drinks.
After some minutes Effe drained her glass and looked lovingly at him.
“Excuse me for a moment, darling, and let me slip into something more comfortable,” she said gently.
Steve raised his eyebrows at her but said nothing. Her voice was tender and filled with promise, making him wonder if this was the night she was going to give herself to him. He watched her gliding across the floor towards the inner bedroom and he sighed gravely as he loosened his tie.
It had not been easy being in a sexless relationship with a woman as beautiful as Effe. Each moment he was with her, desire had made him weak and it was becoming increasingly difficult to be disciplined around her.
It was not as if she had qualms about sleeping with him. It bothered her exceedingly that she had not been able to fulfil him as a woman and in the last year she had been trying her best to break that. They had taken showers together and been on beds together naked, but nothing had worked so far.
They had used lubricants, taken time about it, seen countless shrinks but Steve could simply not make love to Effe. He was a virile strong man with a raging erection seeking to be fulfilled, but the problem was with Effe.
She had a very strong psychological abhorrence to sex!
And it had all began when, at just fifteen years old, she and her twin sister, Eyram, had been made to stay with her father’s older brother, an uncle to them called Tim Kedem.
This uncle was filthy rich and had been taking care of Effe’s family because Effe’s parents, who were in the investment business, had gone bankrupt when a venture they were dealing in went horribly bad and they had had to pay off creditors. The situation had been dire and Ken Kedem, Effe’s father, would have ended up in prison if his brother had not helped him out with a line of credit from his banks.
Tim Kedem, however, had been a sadist.
Ken Kedem and his wife, Ivy Kedem, had not known this and had sent their twin daughters to stay with Ken. That beast of a man had locked the young girls in separate rooms and treated them as prisoners for three days and raped them in the process.
The horrific ordeal ended when Effe managed to climb out of a window, escaped from the house and fled to the nearest police station. She had come with help and Eyram had also been saved. Tim Kedem, whose wife had divorced him eight years prior to the incident, and who did not have any children, had been arrested.
But the situation had been a complicated one.
He had been the major financial help for Ken Kedem whose children were now moving up the educational ladder and who still owed huge amounts of money to his brother’s bank.
Pressing charges and sending Tim to prison would have meant a run on Ken and bills he could not at that time afford, and so the case had been withdrawn against Tim Kedem to be settled privately as a family! It had not been easy getting the case out of court because the twins were minors, but greasing a few palms here and there made it possible.
Eyram had managed to move on after that horrific ordeal!
Effe, however, had remained fixed in that nightmarish experience.
Her fury against her parents had been so severe that when she began making money from her designs, she had left home. Her anger and pain had dissipated, and she refused to speak to her parents.
She had been that devastated and hurt.
She had been left with a horrible psychological problem after her ordeal with her uncle: she simply had a morbid fear of sex!
Anytime she was on a bed with love-making brewing, her body would simply go into a horrific shutdown. Her vulva would clamp shut so tightly that penetration of any sort was absolutely impossible no matter how much lubrication was used. The mere touch of a penis against her vulva sent shafts of unbearable pain shooting through her body and causing such fractious agony that she had stayed off any attempt to make love!
When Steve met her and they started a meaningful relationship he had waited patiently and they had seen as many professionals as they could, but still, the problem only seemed to get worse.
One professional had eventually suggested that the psychological torture could be broken when Effe got married because, unconsciously, she was relating lovemaking out of wedlock to lust and debauchery.
She had tried to make Steve leave her because, according to her, it seemed she was fated to spend her life as a spinster unable to make love. Steve had stayed with her, though, but it had become increasingly difficult and frustrating.
But now, he had proposed to her and he had seen a remarkable change in her. She seemed so much happier and relaxed and had actually kissed him tenderly when they got into the car and as they were riding up in the elevator. That had been a first because he had been the one who had always started intimacy of any sort between them.
Steve sighed and walked back into the room and pushed the tall French Windows that opened onto the balcony shut. As he moved towards the bar to refill his glass, Effe appeared in the bedroom door and he came to a stop. The glass dropped from his hand, hit the floor and would have shattered if he had not been standing on the thick Venetian rug.
She was wearing a red negligee that stopped just short of her panty line. The top was cut low and exposed the tops of her amazing breasts. The sides were straps that showed the length of her sleek body. Her legs were well-formed and heavenly, made from the expert touch of a master.
Steve could barely breathe as his eyes took in the fact that her nipples were pushing out the silky fabric, a clear indication that she was aroused. She looked at him with hooded eyes but her lips trembled uncertainly for a moment and she bit her lower lip as Steve closed the space between them.
He swept her into his arms.
“Be gentle with me, Steve,” she whispered in an unsteady voice that sounded plaintive, almost like the plea of a little girl.
“I will be, my darling, my sweet love!” he whispered gutturally as his lips descended on her soft, heavenly ones.
They kissed for a while as his hands roamed gently over her incredible body. She moaned with desire as her hands moved across his belt, unbuckled it, and then she pulled him out of his boxers and caressed him. His legs buckled and he almost crashed to the floor.
Effe took his hand and led him to the huge bed.
“I feel strong in your arms, my love,” she whispered softly. “I’m not afraid anymore because I’m really going to be your wife! Make love to me, Steve, my darling!”
“Oh, Effe!” he groaned against her lips. “I love you! I love you so much!”
His lips blazed across her throat as his hands moved seductively across her breasts. He touched her silky thighs and rubbed them gently, inching up slowly towards her jade gate.
Effe kissed him frantically and spread her legs. His hand brushed across her pudenda…and she gasped with acute pain!
His hand encountered only dryness and an entrance so tight that his finger could not even find any space beyond her clitoris. Breathing hard, he tried to gently rub her sensitive spots but she groaned with pain and bucked her buttocks away from his hand.
She had become really stiff in his arms. Her lower lip was clamped between her teeth as she helplessly threw an arm across her eyes.
“Stop, please,” she whispered dejectedly, her voice acutely distressed. “I can’t. too painful…oh, Lord!”
“Effe!” he groaned with frustration and impatience. “Just relax my love, please. I won’t enter you now, darling. We have all the time. Let me lick you, sweetheart, slow and gently. Just relax and enjoy it!”
His erection was so fierce that he could feel the precum on the tip and the dull throbbing in his balls. He kissed her belly and navel and then grabbed her knees to spread her legs as his tongue flicked just at the top of her thighs.
Effe clamped her thighs shut and moaned with sheer pain. With a grunt, she pushed him away from her and moved frantically away.
“Stop it, Steve, stop it!” she cried. “It is hurting me! It is too painful! My whole body is in pain…every inch of my body! I can’t take this, no, please, stop it!”
And then she broke into silent bitter tears that made her body shake uncontrollably!
Dark Light, A ChrisEffe Bliss, Dark Light, A ChrisEffe Bliss. A ChrisEffe Bliss, Dark Light, A ChrisEffe Bliss, Dark Light . Dark Light, A ChrisEffe Bliss, Dark Light, A ChrisEffe Bliss. A ChrisEffe Bliss, Dark Light, A ChrisEffe Bliss, Dark Light. Dark Light, A ChrisEffe Bliss, Dark Light, A ChrisEffe Bliss. A ChrisEffe Bliss, Dark Light, A ChrisEffe Bliss.
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