Episode 71
Jesus Christ!!! The brakes are not working properly! My goodness! God, take over the steering or else your children will die any moment from now.
Michael Ansah:
Watch out for that black Range Rover ahead of us. (the motorbike hits the bumper of the black Range Rover and the car stops in the middle of the road)
Charlie, we are in serious trouble ooo! How are we going to solve this problem now? It looks like we are going to be delayed and we can’t get to the airport on time. We might not be able to meet Julia at the airport this afternoon. What sort of bad luck is this?
(The front door of the black Range Rover opens and a macho man gets down and opens the back door. A very handsome and nice-looking man in his early 50’s getting down from the car and takes steps to the back of the car)
Guy! The bike is not starting ooo. I wanted to start the bike so we do runaway but the witches in our house have chosen to put us in a very big shame.
Michael Ansah:
Oh shut up over there. Didn’t I warn you to come down with the speed you were riding? Now see the mess we have gotten ourselves into. Let’s wait and see the reaction of the owner of the car. Next time, when your grandfather tells you something, we shall see if you will argue with him that your father is saying something different.
Hey young men! Have you seen the damage you have caused to my latest car? Do you by chance know how much I spent to get this customised car to this country? Are you aware that you can’t use your lifetime savings to purchase this vehicle? Â Stone get the bike key for me. I will deal with you fools in a way which will make you forget the location to your house.
Sir, please forgive us. We had no intention of causing any damage to your car. Please I’m begging you in the name of God to temper justice with mercy and I know the God I serve will reward you exceedingly.
Did you mention a reward? Can’t you see I’m already rich and I don’t need any form of blessings or reward? Will your God come and repair the damage you have caused to my car? My friend, get down from your bike for my boy to push it somewhere. Do you think I came to Accra to hustle and run a charity?
Michael Ansah:
(trying to remember where he knew or had seen the boss before) Sir, as you rightly said, even if you seize this bike it might not be able to repair or replace the damage we have caused. Our action was not deliberate. The brakes on the bike refused to work. Had it not been for your car’s presence on this road, we would have been with our Maker by now.
Nonsense talk! Do I look like someone who cares about what would have happened to you fools? See, I will seize your bike and make sure you’re locked behind bars. You’ll be released when I feel you have learnt your lesson. Stone, get the two of them. Now! (phone rings)
Michael Ansah:
(sees a pistol hidden in the coat Stone is wearing and immediately he remembers who the man in front of them is, he started trembling and speaks in his head) God! If this man gets to know that I’m the person who spied on him that night, I’m going to be in deep trouble. This would be like how David cut a piece of cloth from King Saul’s robe when he was sleeping without harming him. God, I trust in your miracles, steadfast love and mercies. You have done greater and mightier things for me and today, I’m looking forward to something great. Please, have mercy on us and deliver us for the hands of the wicked one.
On phone:
Where have you gotten to? Something very important just came up. Please put a stop to whatever you are doing and get here ASAP.
I’m on my way, Mr Karl Simpson. Some fools just crashed my bumper with their motorbike so I want to deal with them first.
See, what you have to do here is far important than that and you know the money involved is huge. Just leave those guys and get here as soon as possible.
Hmmmm , I have heard you. I will be there in some couple of minutes. (call ends)
Boss please what should I do to this guys?
You fools! Count today as your lucky day. I would have changed your sleeping place for months! Stone give their key to them and let’s get going.
Okay boss. You two are very lucky. (throws the key to Quincy and moves to sit in the car with his boss)
Awwww, God bless you sir and may anything that you lay your fingers on flourish. May your well never run short of water. May you excel in all your endeavours and may God move you from grace to grace.
Michael Ansah:
Charlie we are very lucky paaa ooo. That man who just left us happens to be the man who had his boys shoot at me that night. I mean to say he is the drug lord that the police are looking for. Did you see the pistol hidden in the other guy’s coat?
Yes ooo, I saw it and that got me more scared. I was even more scared when I saw his muscles.
Michael Ansah:
Let us continue our journey. Her flight will land in a few minutes. We must be there when she comes out of the arrival hall.
Bro, please can you let this encounter be between us only? Maabena must never hear of this because she doesn’t like the idea of me riding this motorbike and she has complained bitterly about that on several occasions.
Michael Ansah:
Ah you paaa! See we go way back and we have a lot of things that we share that no one knows so relax and let us get to meet Julia in a very good mood.
That is why I always feel secure when we are together. (phone rings and as he checks it is Maabena)
On Phone:
Maabena Boaduwaa:
Hello baby where are you? I want to see you for a very serious discussion.
I’m not home my dear. You sound stressed up. Is everything alright with you my lady?
Maabena Boaduwaa:
Really? I’m only happy but I won’t tell you my reason for now until we meet in person. Not to worry I will see you after work. I will pass by so we talk.
Okay dear. I will be expecting to see you later in the day my queen. (call ends)
Michael Ansah:
Guy, start the bike and let’s go for we are far behind time.
At the Airport:
Ah thank God we are finally here. It wasn’t easy but God has seen us through.
Michael Ansah:
Ah! Look over there, my guy. Is that not our lady?
Yes ooo charlie that is her. She looks even more beautiful than her pictures on Facebook koraa. See her hips and the way her waist looks in her jeans. This lady is looking so smashing and ravishing; if she was my woman, I will give her three straight rounds of sex the moment she gets to the house.
Michael Ansah:
(touches the forehead of Quincy) I deliver you from the hands of fornication and lust son of God. May any evil force manipulating you to do evil catch fire right now.
Oh shut up and let me admire the handiwork of God. Do you want my blessings from God to pass me by? My friend let’s go and meet her and stop lecturing me on unnecessary things that won’t bring any value to me.
(screaming as he sees Quincy and Mike) Oh my God!!! I’m happy to see you guys! Wow Mickey, you are looking really handsome. Come and give me a hug.
(clears his throat) Is it only Mickey that you saw? I’m also here my dear and I’m looking much fresher than him.
Hahahahaha it’s one step at a time my dear. I will come to you soon. But you guys are looking stunningly handsome.
Michael Ansah:
Julia, I must confess you are also looking gorgeous and sleek. You have really taken care of yourself. Welcome back to your motherland.
Thank you so very much, my dear. I was welcomed with the African heat the moment the flight touched the ground but it feels so good to be back home even though I won’t stay for long this time around. But where are the guys who are supposed to pick me up? Anyway, Mickey here are your things. Everything you requested for is in this bag and remember you owe me big time. I will call you later in the evening when I settle down at my hotel.
Michael Ansah:
Woooow!!! Thanks very much my dear, you are such a darling. Even though I haven’t opened the bag to find out what is in there I’m very grateful and may God replenish anything that you wasted on us. I am even speechless with this wonderful gesture.
Julia, you have wowed me with this wonderful gesture. Our God who will bless you for what you have done for Mike.
Kwaku Mike spots a black Land Cruiser coming towards them. He suddenly starts feeling a strange sensation on his neck which makes him to look at the car carefully. His mind goes on a tour as to where he had seen the car before and in no time the car stops and someone familiar gets down from the car. He immediately makes an excuse.
Michael Ansah:
(faking a problem) Julia, it seems out of happiness I have developed an emergency running stomach and I need to rush to the gents and sort myself out before I disgrace myself here. (runs to the washroom)
Mickey, wait for me so I offer my help. Mickey wait!!!
My dear, let me check up on my brother in there. I don’t know what just happened to him. If you follow him, the people who are to pick you might not see you so why don’t you look around to see if they are around. I will let Mike call you so we come over to your hotel or possibly you come home and see where we live.
I think that is a very brilliant idea. Please take very good care of your brother for me.
Okay dear. Thank you very much for everything. We will definitely see you later.
Okay then. I will walk to the other side and see if my name is on any of the cards of those holding them. You guys are looking handsome all the same. (walks away from Quincy and moves to extreme end)
Episode 72
At the Bank Manager’s Office:
Manager, I want you to bear witness to what we are about to do. My good friend here will give you some dollars and I will like to open a dollar account in your bank so my brother over to you.
Mr Addo:
(opens his briefcase and brings some dollar notes out) Mr Manager, I have the money he and I agreed upon in respect of the purchase of his parcel of lands. Kindly check and see if the money is intact so that we can proceed with the next line of action.
Ah, thanks for the privilege bestowed on me. I will get someone to come in with a counting machine so that we verify for ourselves the whole amount. (picks his telephone and issues a command then invites the person to his office)
Mr Addo:
My brother, can we expedite the process? I have an emergency meeting to attend so as the counting of the money is ongoing I would like us to sign the remaining part of the documents.
(orders the person knocking his door to come in) Ah my dear, come over here with the machine and start counting this money for me.
Okay my brother, at least your effort has shown me how genuine and credible you can be. Let’s proceed with the signing and thankfully the manager is here to sign the witness part.
I’m happy to inform you that the money is one hundred thousand dollars.
Mr Addo:
That is good. Now, since the bank manager has confirmed everything is genuine and intac,t I believe our business transaction has been a success and I’m looking forward to do much greater works with you in the future. I will be on my way then. It was nice doing business with you Mr Ansah aka “Opana the rough boy”; I promise to work with the clause stipulated in the agreement sheet. (walks out of the office)
Mmmmm, Manager please divide the money into two, and use the remaining half to open a dollar account for me. I have to rush to the hospital and make payment for my daughter to be flown outside the country for an emergency surgery to be done on her.
Sorry about that sir. Since you are already a client of this bank you will just have to sign some few papers then you are good to go because we already have details about you.
Back at the Airport:
(walks through the people waiting to pick up their relatives or business partners then she saw her name on a printed paper) Excuse me gentleman. Are you the person who was sent to pick me up over here?
If you are Juliana Ohenewaa Dotse then yes, I’m the one who has been mandated to pick you up.
Oh that’s awesome. Please can you take me to the car you brought because Ghana is really hot and I can’t take the heat any more. Gosh! Africa is really hot and I can see my fellow Africans are really suffering with all this heat.
(talking in his head) See her too knowing life over there. When you get the chance to travel small you come and talk big big grammar. Are we the ones living here in Africa shea butter? My friend keep quiet and endure the weather God in His rightful mind saw befitting for Africans. Do you know how many people who are suffering from rheumatism here in Africa and if the weather is to change for even five minutes, do you know what problem it will cause for them?
In the Washroom of the Airport:
Guy, what is wrong with you all of sudden? You are making me scared.
Michael Ansah:
Charlie, I saw the guy who shot at me on that fateful night. You know, I was wondering where I had seen the car when it appeared and the moment I saw the guy getting down from the car I got to recognise where I first saw it.
Oh really! Which guy are you referring to my brother?
Michael Ansah:
Ah, didn’t you see that guy in blue suit who got down from that black tinted glass Land Cruiser?
You know the people coming in and out of this place are too many and moreover my mind wasn’t on any particular person especially when we had seen the person we came to meet.
Michael Ansah:
My guy, we are not safe at all oooo. I thought I had escaped away from those murderers but they are still following and tracking me. We have to be very grateful that the man didn’t recognise me and also his boys who came to this place didn’t see me. Hey, what did you tell Julia before coming here?
I told her not to worry but she should go and look for the people who were supposed to pick her up from the airport. She said she will get in touch with you when she settles down at the hotel she will be lodging and even invite you over if possible. My guy the chick is fresh paaa ooo and from the way she was looking at you and demanding for hugs from you means another thing to me ooo. I presume she has fallen for you oooo.
Michael Ansah:
Herh, are you alright or you have developed typhoid fever all of a sudden? What will a sophisticated lady like her type be doing with a jobless young man like me? Can I even afford to buy the soap that she uses to bath or even the pomade she uses? Charlie, I’m only a son of a coffin maker so let me cut my coat by the material I have available. Please don’t push me to my early grave, for some of you guys you always mistake like for love. That lady only likes me so don’t attach any strings to it my guy.
See mumu! Which lady will waste such an amount of money to acquire all the things we have in the bag in my hand for free? Don’t you know that there is no free lunch in this world?  Even God expects us to worship Him with the life that He has given us. Your parents took care of you for you to get a better place to stamp your feet so that in the future they can also benefit from the investment they wasted on you. Sometimes, we think we can cheat nature by playing smart in some cases. We rush to aspiring politicians to give us money without finding the source of same. When they are voted into power, we expect them to work effectively and efficiently. Don’t you know they will first harvest the seed they sowed before they came into power?
Michael Ansah:
Afternoon lecturer. Thanks for your lecturing in this washroom. I’m thinking of how we will escape from here and you are standing there here bombarding me with scenarios that won’t help us.
Back at the Hospital:
Maabena, how are you seeing your new role as a matron?
So far so good. Everything is on track and I think the guidelines you gave me has made things very easy and I am loving my new role that has been assigned to me by the senior doctor and you. I promise not to let you down because to whom much is given, much is expected.
I like the way you just expressed yourself. It goes a long way to tell me that you are up to the task ahead of you. I have called for a short meeting so that I announce to your colleagues the promotion that has been given to you so that they accord you with the respect that is due you. Now let us move to the staff room so I make your new position known to them.Â
Back at the Village Hospital:
Hello sir. I believe you have some good news for me this afternoon.
Oh yes doc, I have been able to raise the money needed for my daughter’s surgery. Please doc, I sold my parcel of lands just to raise this money so that my daughter gets back to her previous state again. I want you to expedite the pace at which you are moving so that my little girl gets better medical care.
Sir, there is a saying that “better soup nah money kill am”. Now that you have the money, I can mount pressure on the people working on the documentation of your little girl so don’t worry at all because I know everything will go well for your little girl.
I like the sound of what I’m hearing Papa doctor. With this wonderful display of compassion and professionalism, I promise to make a special coffin for you or any of your family members when any of them dies.
I beg your pardon sir, are you by chance wishing for me or any of my family members to die?
Oh, I am not wishing death for you or any of your family members. You know death is inevitable so in case it comes your way, I would like you to know I have promised you a coffin. You can only give what you have.
Please take your gift because I’m not interested.
I have heard you and if you say you don’t need it, I won’t force you. Please here is the money. Kindly check it so that I attend to other matters.
(counts the money and gives his confirmation) The money is intact. I promise you that your daughter and her mother will be catapulted out of this country in three days so she gets the proper treatment.
Thanks for the positive assurance. I will be waiting for your confirmation. How is my daughter faring?
Your daughter is recuperating very fast to the treatment we are giving her and if everything goes well, your daughter will bounce back on her feet in less than three months.
That is good to hear. Even though we fight often, my children are very dear to me.
Back at the Airport:
Michael Ansah:
My brother, kindly check if those criminals have finally left so that we can run to the house in peace. We have to enjoy life through the things Julia brought. We have arrived and the photography world will hear from us soon.
I love that my brother. We will paint the art industry red with our outstanding works. Let me go and check if the coast is clear for us to move from this place. Today has been a mixed feeling of good and bad things but in all God will win the battle over Satan.
Michael Ansah:
Charlie, be on the lookout for any guy wearing a blue suit with white shirt and a black trouser. Also, check for any black Land Cruiser with a tinted glass parked right in front of the walkway at the arrival hall.
Quincy goes out to check and comes to inform Kwaku Mike that the coast is clear. They immediately rush out to where they parked their motorbike and without looking to see whether Julia had seen the people who will come and pick her up, they left the airport to Quincy’s house in a hurry. Upon arrival, Quincy went to the bike owner to deliver the bike key but he met his absence. When he called him, he told Quincy to bring the bike somewhere at that very moment because he had waited for them for long but he didn’t show up so he took the lead to the place he is.
Hommie, where are you? I have been knocking on your door but it seems you’re not or have you cornered some girl inside your web?
Motorbike Owner:
Guy, you people kept long. I had an emergency call to come and check on something at the substation close to Ayi Mensah. Please come and pick me up and be careful on that road because the drivers that ply that road in a reckless way.
Ah bro, you know how I do it so don’t worry. I will call you when I get to Adenta so you give me directions to the place. (call ends and he rushes back to his room)
Back in Quincy’s room:
Michael Ansah:
(opens the bag to check out the content in it and he is amazed with what he saw in the bag) Woooow!!! I hope my eyes are not deceiving me. Julia took it upon herself to buy three cameras, two iMac laptops, tripod stands, big lens, an iPhone and to top it all, a drone. This young lady spent a fortune to get me all these things. Herh, Julia! Wherever you are, I curse you with more money, good health and every joy you deserve on this earth.
(rushes into the room which gets Kwaku Mike on his feet) Charlie, I have to run along and pick the bike owner because he said we kept long so he left the house to one of their substations close to Ayi Mensah or something like that. Hey, what am I seeing on the bed? Did Julia buy you all these things just like that? Guy, there is more to this lady ooo. We will talk more about her when I come back. Please prepare something so we enjoy when I get back. See you later.
After Quincy left the room some minutes later Kwaku Mike feels the strange tingling on his neck……
Can you guess what is about to happen to Kwaku Mike?
Episode 73
Kwaku Mike sat down and wondered why he felt that strange way all of a sudden. He hears a loud knock on the door that makes him jump on his feet. He packs the cameras, laptops, tripod stands and the drone back into the bag that was given to him and after packing the gadgets into the bag he tiptoes to the window that was close to the door and when he checked, it was Maabena so he opens the door for her.
Michael Ansah:
Hello Maabena, you are welcome and how are you doing today?
Maabena Boaduwaa:
Mike, how do you expect me to be fine with what you people are doing?
Michael Ansah:
(shows concern about what Maabena just said) My dear, what are you talking about? What do you mean by saying we are not treating you very well?
Maabena Boaduwaa: Â
You know what I’m talking about so please stop pretending.
Michael Ansah:
Maabena, you are getting me more confused with what you are saying. Could you please break it down to my level of understanding?
Maabena Boaduwaa:
My friend, don’t try to patronise me. If you think you can play on my intelligence, then you must be joking because I have done my homework and background checks very well and I have my facts right. Why did you and Quincy lie to me in the first place?
Michael Ansah:
Lie? Maabena lie to you in which way? My brother and I haven’t lied to you in any way that I can recollect.
Maabena Boaduwaa:
I have done my investigation and research very well so you better start talking or else I will spill the beans. Don’t try my patience because if you do, you won’t like the outcome of it. I am a very different person when I lose my cool so its best you don’t push me to the wall.Â
Michael Ansah:
Eeeeeiiii!!!!!! You are confusing me the more. Kindly speak in plain language for me to understand because I am not getting the head and tail of this whole thing. The picture you are trying to paint is not clear so please go straight to the point.
Maabena Boaduwaa:
Mike, where is Quincy right now?
Michael Ansah:
Quincy has stepped out to pick his neighbour downstairs on the Ayi Mensah road and he won’t be back any time soon.
Maabena Boaduwaa:
Very good. I believe it will be prudent for you to confide in me and open up to me for your own good. Now start talking right this moment because our elders say the slap that belongs to you, you take it in a haste to avoid any inconvenience ahead.
Michael Ansah:
What do you want to hear that I haven’t told you already my dear?
Maabena Boaduwaa:
Hmmmmmm, the butterfly thinks himself a bird. Since you are pretending you don’t know what I’m talking about, I will do you the honour of asking you that simple question by myself and it will help both of us a lot if you would be truthful and give me straightforward answers. Now Kwaku Mike or whatever you call yourself, who the hell are you?
Michael Ansah:
(chuckles before talking) Ah Maabena paa, is this the question you wanted to ask me why were you beating around the bush? Well as you know, I’m just an ordinary unemployed young man who came to the city in search of greener pastures.
Maabena Boaduwaa:
Hmmm look at me very well Mr Man. Do I look like a fool or a clown? Are you trying to play with my mind or intelligence? You better watch your mouth and the answers you give me because it will make or unmake your purpose of living. I want you to know that I have you in my palms like a fresh egg, if you mess up I will fuck you up big time. See let me tell you that I so very much hate people who try to play smart and stab people in the back. Now for the last time, who are you?
Michael Ansah:
(detects the anger in Maabena’s voice) Maabena, is everything okay? Your attitude this afternoon looks weird to me and I seem lost here with everything that is going on.
Maabena Boaduwaa:
I know who you really are and at the snap of my fingers, you will be dead in a second so Mr man start telling me who you truly are to save us this long drama you are trying to act. I don’t have all day to spend on you and if you don’t want me to cash in on my jackpot, then confess to me in a very professional way. Kwaku Mike who are you and who shot at you?
Michael Ansah:
My dear, I have already told you and your boyfriend who shot at me and why I was shot. Your boyfriend can even tell you who I am in this world. I am just an ordinary unemployed young man who is squatting with your boyfriend for some time in the city.
Maabena Boaduwaa:
Liar!!! Cheap handsome liar! See I know the people who shot at you and where to find them so that they can come after you. See don’t let me start saying things that will get me even much angrier than I am. If I make just a simple call, your obituary will be seen pasted on walls. Now listen to me and listen good because I won’t repeat myself, the people after your life have placed a very heavy bounty on your head that I want to cash in to change my destiny at once so if you want to live long, then listen to me carefully.
Michael Ansah:
(starts sweating on his forehead and regrets ever opening up to Maabena and talks in his head) Oh God so am I going to fall like Adam, David and Sampson through the hands of a woman?
Maabena Boaduwaa:
As I said earlier on, your life is in my palms and I can choose to do anything I want to do so if you want to live long on this earth, then you will do as I say. (takes steps to Kwaku Mike who is standing just in front of the bed and plants a kiss on Kwaku Mike’s lips)
Michael Ansah:
(speaking in the head) Gosh what is this lady up to? Is this a trap or she is for real? God, you already know my weakness with women. Please, if there is anything like divine intervention then this is the time I need it most.
Maabena Boaduwaa:
(takes some steps backwards and starts to undress and speaks in a saucy way) Do your eyes like what they are seeing?
Michael Ansah:
(foolishly nods his head in response as he falls victim to the weakness of the flesh) I must confess that I don’t like what I’m seeing Maabena but I love what am seeing and your uniform has been hiding a lot of things from my eyes. You have got heavy machinery on your chest and I can’t take my eyes off it.
Maabena Boaduwaa:
(gives a devilish smile as she knows her plans are going in her favour, she unhooks the button on her brassiere to release her boobs and takes steps forward to meet Mike) If you love what you are seeing, then come and get it for it is all yours. Don’t be gentle with me that much because I like it very rough and hot.
Back at Opana’s living room:
Sweetheart, my morning sunshine, my shining star, my heartbeat, the queen of my kingdom, the mother of my children who made me a father, my sweet wife, the bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, my missing rib, the Eve of my life, the only woman who has been breastfeeding me even at my old age I salute you, my Queen.
Akua Yankey:
(blushing because of the sweet words that have been showered on her) These praises that you are showering on me dieer. I hope there is a story to it because the toad doesn’t come out in the daylight just like that. If it is not being pursued by something, then it is chasing after something. How did it go, my king?
It went well, my dear. The man is a genuine person and doing business with him was awesome. He indeed stood by his word and acquitted himself distinctively. Oh, I must say he is a perfect gentleman. He brought physical cash and paid everything. I went to the hospital after that to deposit the amount the doctor quoted for us and he also assured me that, the travelling documents should be ready for in three days for you and our daughter to be flown outside the country.
Akua Yankey:
(gives a big shout and hugs her husband as she plants a kiss on his forehead) Thank you, my husband. Your relentless efforts have been seen by God and acknowledged by me. Â On behalf of our children, I say a very big thank you for everything that you have been doing for us. We really appreciate every single thing you have been doing for us and we shall continue to pray for you to live long so you enjoy the fruits of your labour and I believe the God we serve will continue to shower his blessings over your life.
(smiles) Amen to all the blessings you have been raining upon me, my sweet pretty wife. Mmmm I’m starving ooo. What do you have for me, my dear?
Akua Yankey:
Hahahahaha my dear I have something special for you. I will feed you up and down today so relax for me. I prepared your favourite meal so please go in and take a shower and by the time you are done, your food will be on the dining table waiting for you but get ready because tonight is going to be the longest night for you.
I can’t wait for that my dear, let me take a quick shower. I will be right back.
At the Harbour:
Karl Simpson:
Gerrard, the consignment that was transported from Italy and Columbia came in three days ago and it must be conveyed from this country in less than six days or else things might go bad for all of us.
Hmmmmm, my moles at the airport will not be on duty for the next seven days. How are we going to do this?
Karl Simpson:
Are you the one saying this? My friend, get the money to spend so that they resume duty or get some people to help us through the immigration side. I have spoken with the chief director of the Homeland Security in Washington and he has given his word that he is always on standby for us.
So, how much are we talking about now?
Karl Simpson:
We allocated an amount of 7.8millions dollars for you and your boys.
I thought it was supposed to be 9.4million dollars so why the reduction?
Karl Simpson:
Well, you and your boys messed up the other day which made us lose a lot of money. The reduction in your money is for us to use in paying some penalties that came up.
I’m not happy at all with this development. I should have been informed first before you do anything or take such action. My boys and I go through a lot to get most of the transactions done and they risk their lives also. If this thing ever happens again, you won’t like the impression I’m going to put up.
Karl Simpson:
Hey, is that a threat or what?
No Karl, it’s not a threat but rather advice. No one and I repeat, no one in this world double crosses me and goes away free. I work hard for my money and you don’t give me on merits, just be glad I told you what I would do in the future if this nonsense repeats itself. Bear in mind that I was in this business long before your father introduced you into this business. Boys, let us go. (He walks out of the place with his boys angrily)
Back at Quincy’s Room something is about to go down between Kwaku Mike and Maabena.
Will Kwaku Mike betray his friend Quincy to go down with his girlfriend?
Time remains the best judge always……..
Guest Writer: Alexander Akoto Adjei :: THE COFFIN MAKER :: EPISODE 69-70
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