Narrow Escape
Kofi Ansah: Welcome back my cherished listeners and viewers watching from your homes and listening to us across all social media handles. Thank you so much for keeping your dial right here and not moving an inch from your device. Captain Adjei before I went on the commercial break, you stated that something took you by surprise, what exactly was that?
Captain Adjei: My brother, as I opened the backdoor of the car, I saw a flower wrapped on the seat, four bottles of my wife’s favourite red wine with one empty, lingeries of different kinds and a used condom lying on the carpet of the car. Kofi and your listeners, as I saw those things I felt my heart was being plucked out of my chest and if what I was going to do at the HQ was not very important, I swear to God I would have drove back to the house and given my wife some resounding beatings even before I ask for explanations from her. I calmed myself down and took the docket and headed straight to the reception of the building. It took me two and half hours before I met the CDS because he was in a very important heads of security meeting. He signed the documents I brought before him and took time to engage me in series of conversation ranging from work, family and leadership. I don’t know if it was by divine encounter or what, the CDS started giving me lessons on patience and forgiveness, this man who was a very busy man engaged me in a conversation close to an hour even though he had people waiting for him at his secretary’s end. I thanked him for his time spent with me and left his office light hearted. I felt so special having a one on one interaction with the whole CDS of the Ghana Armed Forces. I was to send the list back to my base and paste the list on the notice board so the officers whose name were on the list would get ready for the journey ahead of them. I got to the base and requested one Sergeant Major to run copies of the list and circulate the copies to all the departments and units under our command and after that, he should paste the original list on the notice board right opposite my office building. I waited for him to report back to me before I left the base, as he came to me with the report, I decided to go back home and face my wife whom I was now convinced that she was cheating on me with another guy I suspected to be that “alleged mechanic”. The moment I sat in my car, a female lance corporal in my office came running to me that there was a phone call for me from our base commanding officer. I rushed back to the office to listen to what my boss had to tell me and it was there that he told me, I was to lead the team that was embarking on the said journey or mission. The news didn’t go down well for me especially when I was in the obey before command field. Later when it dawned on me that I was going to stay away from that flirt I called my wife, I was okay and accepted the task that I had been assigned with. We were to set off early the following day at 04:00hours so I had to rush and get myself prepared for the journey ahead. Driving back to the house, I tuned in to GBC and a pastor was on the airwaves preaching about forgiveness and letting go of what someone had done to you even if it was so terrible that you couldn’t forgive we should know that “to err is human and to forgive is divine”. Honestly I felt like the whole preaching was being directed to me, the anger and aggression in me all of a sudden died out and I drove to the house erasing every negative thoughts in my head. As I came down from the car to go and lock the main gate, my junior brother showed up and signalled me that he will get the gate locked. I went inside the bedroom and started packing my stuff for the said journey. I think by then my wife knew I had seen those things in her car so she was not feeling comfortable around me and I also didn’t give her the chance to say anything to me. I wanted my silence to do the revenging for me as she didn’t know what was running through my head. I had always had a policy that no matter our problems or differences, we should never allow the issue to travel through that night on our matrimonial bed. I told her from above a letter came for me to travel early in the morning and I will be back in 6weeks time. By then she had gotten used to my impromptu travels and missions so it wasnt a big deal any longer but that night she wouldn’t let me be, she was all over me demanding for that thing from me. From the start I pleaded with her to allow me sleep because I had to wake up early and prepare for my journey but as stubborn as she was, she kept coming back anytime I turned her down. Later two things came to mind, the first being she was too sexy and beautiful to ignore or reject then the second reason is, if I failed to satisfy her emotional needs then it means I am giving her the ticket to step out of our house and misbehave with those playboys. My brother all throughout the night we did it like it was our first time together as couple, I checked the time and it was almost 2am. I jumped into the bathroom, took my bath, dressed in my finest camouflage, jacked up with my sidearm, handcuffs, bulletproof vest, pepper spray, water bottle and every accoutrements the journey required of me. I could see her admiring me from the bed as I was looking in the dressing mirror to see if I was good to go, when I was certain I had gotten everything right I picked my bag to go and that was when my wife stood up from the bed, dressed up and offered to drop me at my base. I took the lead to the hall as she got herself ready and as I was waiting at the hall, my brother came out of the room to see me all set, in fact I had already informed him of my journey so he was also waiting to go and drop me at my destination. Since he was now cool with my wife, we all decided to go together as my brother drove us to my base through the early hours of the morning. After an hour or so drive, we got to my base and I immediately rushed to get my rifle at the armoury before it was issued out to someone else. I saw there were two buses and one big truck packed in front of my office and some of the young officers were in high spirit singing and chanting war songs whiles others were at the armoury signing up for their rifles. I went to my office to meet my commanding officer already sitted in his office with a female Lieutenant briefing her about our journey. I was asked to take a seat and we were given the whole details of our mission after which I was told the female Lieutenant was going to be my 2IC, I mean my second in command. Some documents and maps were handed over to me and I left to brief the young officers of our mission before we set off. When I was done, I went to see my wife and brother, took my bag and bid them farewell, my wife’s eyes was filled with tears as I left her side to the first bus I was to ride in, a Chaplin amongst us said a word of prayer before we finally left the base. All throughout the journey my eyes were closed because I didnt catch any sleep throughout the previous night. After 18hours on the road we got to the first point where a team was set up, the rest of us continued the journey for another 4hours until we got to our final destination.
Kofi Ansah: Captain what was the journey or mission about?
Captain Adjei: My brother it was a classified mission that can never be discussed even after all this years. We set up our camp in the bush as the cars drove to the Northern Command base, we were supposed to stay out of sight until our mission was successfully done. Thankfully within our first three weeks we were done with our mission to the surprise of my commanding officer but he told me to wait till our six weeks were over before we left our location. Two weeks later I was on phone with him and he told me our mission had been compromised so we can set off and return to base. He didn’t sound so happy and cheerful as we spoke, I tried to enquire if all was well and he told me he is okay, my brother we came to the base to meet a crime scene at my office and upon enquiries I got to hear that my commanding officer shot himself in his office with a service pistol and as to what led to that action, no one knew as at that very moment. Brigadier Oblitey Commey according to the homicide detectives shot himself through his chin and the bullet passed through his head and his brains were blown out. I was so confused and surprised because I always looked up to him as a father and a mentor, he couldn’t commit suicide just like that, he was one man whom I could always go to for advice and he was a cheerful and happy family man who never seemed to have any problem that could push him to commit suicide in his own office.
Kofi Ansah: Mmmm Captain so as you spoke to him the last time, didn’t he show any signs of pressure or worry?
Captain Adjei: Not at all my brother, his voice on the telephone was precise and articulate as I had always known him to be except he sounded a bit nasal. As a matter of truth, I wasn’t so convinced about the preliminary reports I got so I decided to run my own investigations together with a few of my young officers who worked under me and I had trust in. I immediately organised my team made up of three guys and one hard core lady. I briefed them of our intended undercover investigation of which they all pledged their allegiance to me to uncover the mystery behind the sudden death of our base senior commanding officer. After our brief meeting at our hideout, I ordered a junior rank officer who used to drive my commanding officer to take me home as I needed a good shower and peaceful long sleep on a soft bed. As I got home my front door was left ajar to my greatest surprise, I wasn’t so happy with how the door had been left opened and as I entered the hall, I heard some funny voices upstairs.
Kofi Ansah: Captain let me play one song so you sip some water as the story is getting interesting.
To be continued………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………#Yeb3toaso
✍🏾An Akoto Adjei Alexander Imagination 💯✍🏾
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