A Lawyer For The Devil
A ChrisEffe Bliss
The Author
It was a huge living room, luxuriously furnished with about four different sets of living room furniture. There were powerful cameras on tripods, some stationary, others on slides. There was lightning from big, bright movie fittings! Microphones were suspended above and fixed around the set.
People were speaking, directing, drinking.
And, most of all, there were naked people!
These were professional moviemakers!
They were filming a porno scene!
Naked women and men were at vantage points of the room, most of them foreigners, most of them engaged in the sickest of sexual acts.
And there, right in front of him, on a white sofa, was a naked Elaine with three men! She was straddling one man whilst another was behind having anal sex with her. The third man was standing beside the sofa with his engorged organ inside Elaine’s mouth.
A fat, elderly man wearing gold-rimmed spectacles and a white, belted bathrobe, with his feet encased in feather slippers, was standing a few metres from Chris. He was holding a cigar in one hand and a glass that contained wine in the other hand.
He was directing one of the cameramen, telling him to zoom in on Elaine’s face. And he felt a presence behind him and turned his head, noticed Chris, then he frowned with sudden wrath.
“Who the fuck are you?” he screamed acidly.
Chris could not speak!
His horrified eyes were fixed on Elaine as she moved in rhythm to the poundings from the two men, groaning and moaning around the male organ in her mouth as saliva slobbered out of her mouth! Her face was expertly made-up, and she was rolling her tongue expertly on the thing in her mouth.
“Elly?” Chris whispered, barely able to breathe as his legs shook from the shock he was feeling. He felt a bout of nausea and had to fight off the darkness that assailed him.
“Throw that oaf out!” the man in the bathrobe shouted. “Who the fuck is he anyway? How the fuck did he get in here? Where’s the fucking security?”
Chris, transfixed with horror and pain, saw three heavyset men approaching him. They grabbed him by the arms and tried to push him out.
And that was when Chris Bawa went mad as he slipped smoothly into lethal mode fuelled by his aching heart!
He bent slightly and pulled his arm free, turned inward and swung a fist with such force that it landed on the jaw of the man in front of him and broke his jaw right through! The man dropped to the floor in a heap. Chris growled and kicked the man on his left between his legs, causing him to yell with excruciating pain, then Chris spun and crashed an elbow into the face of the last guard, breaking the man’s nose!
The man yelped and tottered backwards with his hands on his nose, and blood spurting between his fingers. Chris Bawa drew his gun from his waistband and crashed the barrel into the neck of the man with the broken nose first before slamming the butt into the temple of the kneeling guard.
All three men were down and almost out now. Chris Bawa pointed his gun at the man in the bathrobe whose face was suffused with horror.
“Chrissy?” Elaine whispered, her face falling apart, then she desperately pushed the man whose organ had been in her mouth away!
The look on her face was one of death, and great tears poured down her face immediately.
“Oh, Chrissy!” she whispered tragically. “God kill me… please let me die, God!”
She slid off the man she was straddling and fled desperately from Chris Bawa with her hands covering her face as tears drenched her. She moved drunkenly, and before she could go through the door that she was heading for, she collapsed suddenly. Elaine would have smashed down on the floor, but two women moved towards her, caught her, and gently lowered her body to the floor.
“Doctor, come quickly!” one of the women shouted.
The naked actors and actresses were desperately trying to cover their nakedness now as they stared at the dark face of Chris Bawa. Huge, tall, every inch a man and with a gun in his hand, he posed a figure that struck terror into the hearts of the people looking at him.
And, on one of the action palettes on lying on the couch, Chris’ eyes fell on the title of the movie they were making:
The Queen of Silk
There was no doubt about it now!
Elaine was acting in a porn movie!
The actors and actresses were now moving around in a frenzy as they tried to cover their nakedness; they were terrified by Chris’ fury. The crew were also lowering their cameras, lights, screens and microphones. The Director’s Seat area was being quickly wheeled away, causing the man in the bathroom robe to scream stringently.
Coldly, filled with rage, Chris lowered his gun and walked towards the man in the bathrobe whose face paled horribly as he quickly bent and dropped his cigar in an ashtray, and put his drink on a low table.
He was terrified, and he held up his hands defensively.
“Hey, hey, man, stop, relax!” he said desperately. “I assume you’re the man, right? Elaine’s new man? Stop, man, and listen! She owed me on her contract, man, and she ran away without fulfilling the contract after she took the money, full payment! That was stealing, and I could have pressed charges and let her deported to the States to face charges, and she would have gone to prison, man. But I’m a legal and understanding businessman, so I gave her the option of shooting the video. I’m legally here in this country – “
Chris slammed a right fist into his belly!
The man screamed with pain, and as he began to fall on his knees, vomit spewed out of his mouth in a wide, disgusting arc! He crashed on his hands and knees and retched horribly. He painfully held out his hand against Chris with tears of agony in his eyes.
“Okay, okay, okay!” he screamed. “You can have her! I release her from the contract, man! You can take her! Take her and go, man! Just go, go, man, take her and leave me the hell alone or I’ll sue your bloody ass!”
“Porn movie-making is illegal in this country, motherfucker!” Chris hissed furiously. “Sue this!”
And he kicked the man in the ribs. The man howled with pain and doubled over, causing the people in the room to whimper with fear. The man in the robe clutched his ribs and stared dazedly at the huge man advancing on him.
“Leave me alone! Please, leave me alone! Take the bitch and leave, man! She can have the money just bugger off and leave me alone!”
In a fit of rage, Chris grabbed the man’s hand, grabbed the middle finger, and forcibly bent it backwards, breaking the finger at the joint.
A yell the size of the Atlantic ripped through the man’s throat as he sat back and grabbed his mutilated hand with abject terror in the depths of her eyes.
“Oh, Looooooorrd!” he screamed in agony. “You broke my fucking fiiiiiiiiiiiinnnger!”
“That’s for my daughter, you arsehole!” Chris hissed, pulled out his gun again and pointed it at the man’s head. “I’m going to beat the fucking life outta you for the trauma you caused my daughter, Big Mac!”
“Daughter? What daughter are you talking about? What fucking daughter?” he screamed with terror. “I know you had Elaine because that cop told me so, but I don’t know anything about any fucking daughter! I didn’t do anything to your daughter, man, please! Shit, I don’t even fucking know you have a daughter, I swear on my father’s grave! I don’t know what you’re talking about, man, please, man!”
And that was when terror gripped Chris Bawa’s spine!
This man was terrified and would do anything to save his life, but it was evident that he did not know anything about the attacks on Sisi!
“Don’t lie!” Chris shouted and crashed a fist into the man’s face, and many of the porno crew cried with horror as Big Mac was slammed into the floor with a broken nose. “My daughter, Sisi! You tried to kidnap her! Your men tried to kidnap her!”
“No!” Big Mac screamed. “I don’t even know you have a daughter! They told me Elaine was here, so I came down to claim on the contract and make her pay for ripping me off! I don’t know anything about the attempted abduction of a daughter, fuck you! ”
Chris Bawa fought off the helplessness that assailed him as the shock hit him, and he stared at the grovelling Big Mac with horror.
“You didn’t order my daughter to be kidnapped?” he asked with horror.
“No, no, dude, no!” Big Mac cried. “Why would I kidnap your kid? I had a beef with Elaine, not you! I don’t mess with little girls, and I’m no bloody kidnapper! What would I gain by kidnapping your girl? Look, three years ago Ella Silk – that’s Elaine’s porn handle – ripped me off and vanished! She was under contract to act out three movies with me, five scenes in two, and the full heroine in the third, The Queen of Silk.
She took my money and disappeared. Two weeks ago that gentleman, this Steve Hollison, he approached me in the States, told me they found Ella Silk who was hiding in Ghana! I was happy because I wanted to claim my money in full from Ella. I came down to Ghana to convince her to either cough up the money or work it off on the movies! This Steve character promised to deliver Ella, which he did this morning, and went away immediately! I negotiated with Ella for the movie. That’s all! Nothing more!”
“Oh, Lord!” Chris whispered with horror.
“Please, man, Ella can take the money, I don’t want it anymore! She promised to act the movies for me so that I’ll leave her because she has fallen in love. So, we started, and you budged in! You can leave my set with her! Don’t want you here, or her here! Go and leave me alone!”
Almost falling, unseeingly, Chris Bawa shoved the pistol into his waistband again as he spun away and tottered drunkenly towards the exit.
Steve Hollison had set up the whole net!
Why, oh Lord, why?
His trembling hands fumbled out his phone as he navigated to LIFE 360.
He groaned when he saw that Sisi’s position was no longer in the family circle. A notification said her phone was off.
“Oh, Jesus!” Chris said as he burst out of the main wooden door and stumbled towards the gate. “Oh, Lord! No!”
He dialled Sisi’s number frantically.
The mechanical voice told him either the phone was switched off or out of coverage area. He dialled again, same voice. Tito was still on the ground, but beginning to moan. As Chris passed, he grabbed the lawyer’s foot savagely.
“You bastard!” Tito whispered fiercely. “Imma break you to powder!”
Without breaking stride Chris Bawa slammed a foot into the man’s belly, heard him grunting for breath, and then he stepped over Tito as he dialled Effe’s number, then he stopped with horror as a mechanical voice came from the phone.
The cell number you have dialled does not exist. Please check and try again!
Chris took the phone from his ear and looked at the screen!
It was Effe’s number!
The one he had memorized, the one on Elly’s phone!
He dialled again!
The cell number you have dialled does not exist. Please check and try again!
Chris Bawa could barely breathe!
Not out of coverage area, not switched off, but did not exist!
A coldly-efficient system had just been sprung on him and effectively put his neck on a chopping block!
It had been them all along!
Steve Hollison and Effe!
That was the only thing that made sense! They had been working together, moving the chips, master puppeteers pulling the strings and making everybody dance! They had set Effe on him with her dazzling beauty, and contacted a porn king Elaine knew. A deadly trap had been laid for him and he had walked right into it without heeding the telltale signs, without noticing the dangers because his heart had been trapped and twisted by that femme fatale called Effe Kedem!
But why? Oh Effe, why would you do this to me? Why, dear Lord, why?
His world was shattered, his heart torn apart, his breathing almost ceasing as he rushed to his car, got in, and started up! As he shot down the street, Elaine emerged. She was wearing her jeans and her blouse, and she was holding out her arms, weeping, flagging him down, running after the car, but Chris could not stop, was too shattered to stop, too horrified to stop!
Three men! Three! One in each hole! Three, three men, three erections! Three, three, three!
So, this was what she had been doing in the States!
Ella Silk, porn star!
The car roared around the corner, gathering speed, and Elaine continued to run after him, heartbroken!
Chris drove like a madman, setting the GPS for low traffic as he raced towards Effe’s house, praying, praying, praying!
Hoping against hope that she was also a victim, that there was a reasonable explanation, but he knew deep down that they had played him! Masters of the game!
He had hugged her with his arms around her, around her arm where she had been hurt the last time the kidnappers attacked… but she had not flinched! If she had really been hurt, she would have felt a little pain, and would have winced or grimaced!
But she had been still!
Liar! Or, that evil liar!
She had wormed her way into his blood like a parasite, with her innocent eyes and lovely lips. She had set him up for the fall, lying to him about love with every look, every word, every touch!
The aim was for him to fall, to ingratiate herself to him so much that he would see her as the life of his soul! And she had worked on the emotions of Sisi, making the girl trust her too!
To make it easy for her to take Sisi away, and to destroy the life of happiness he had with Elaine! What sick revenge could this be? He barely knew Steve and Effe, and did not know if he had wronged them for them to play him this way!
Oh, Sisi! Forgive me, my daughter! I’m so sorry!
Effe, why? For God’s sake, why?
He fought for sanity and tried to remain calm and focussed. He really tried to steel his nerves and be cold and organized, to apply reasoning and deductive skills, to get back on the playing field and plan a strategy!
But he knew that with every second his daughter was being taken farther away from him, and he was nothing but mere blood and bone, an ordinary father who loved his daughter. So, in spite of all his efforts, his body shook, terror gripped his heart, he kept seeing his daughter’s face, and slowly, slowly, ever so slowly, tears began to trickle down Chris Bawa’s cheeks.
A Lawyer For The Devil, A ChrisEffe Bliss, A Lawyer For The Devil, A ChrisEffe Bliss. A ChrisEffe Bliss, A Lawyer For The Devil, A ChrisEffe Bliss, A Lawyer For The Devil . A Lawyer For The Devil, A ChrisEffe Bliss, A Lawyer For The Devil, A ChrisEffe Bliss. A ChrisEffe Bliss, A Lawyer For The Devil, A ChrisEffe Bliss, A Lawyer For The Devil. A Lawyer For The Devil, A ChrisEffe Bliss, A Lawyer For The Devil, A ChrisEffe Bliss. A ChrisEffe Bliss, A Lawyer For The Devil, A ChrisEffe Bliss
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