The Halo Breed…
The Author
Above him, below him, and all around him, was a thick inferno, yellowish flames tinged with red, emitting a savage heat that could incinerate the hardest metal in a second.
The horns on his forehead stood straight, and his eyes blazed a horrible red as he stared at a circular spot in front of him which showed Sena clawing his way out of the Breathless Portal.
Behind Lord Lastor were twenty terrifying demons and minions, and all their eyes blazed red as they stared at the breed that had dared entered the outskirts of Hades.
“So, he avoids the Gateway, and comes to our realm like a thief!” Lord Lastor growled.
“He comes bare!” said a white-clad luscious and sexy entity that moved enticingly. “Minus weapons! Helpless, foolish thing!”
“But he uses the backdoor, my dear Lusty, something the Oracles warn us about! But you’re right, he is minus his axe, which is of doom to me. Well, it is time to welcome the Warrior of the Spirits to Hades! Let us show him that here is our foothold! We vanquish him here, and expose the folly of the Spirits! Then, we will go back to Earth and trod on that planet!”
The demons screeched with delight.
“Lusty, you’re first up!” Lord Lastor cried. “He is now in Lustfield. You and your sisters go and welcome him. Make sure, he perishes!”
“Ah, finally, a taste of heat!” said the sexy, white demon, and then she soared towards the white spot where Sena was lying, and with her were three others.
“Let’s see what you’re made of, Halo Breed!” Lord Lastor said ominously. “Welcome to my turf!”
Sena was lying on something that felt like sand in a place that looked bluish. It was dark, like night time, and the sky above – if indeed it was a sky – was blue.
The most important thing was that the torture was over, and he could now breathe a lot easier, although he felt a bit cold. He stayed still for a while, then he struggled to his hands and knees, and finally forced himself to stand up.
All around him was an endless stretch of the blue land. The texture beneath his toes felt like sand, but when he walked, it remained firm and never broke texture as sand would do. He could however discern a flickering white light in the distance, and he took it as his cue to head in that direction.
Much to his relief, the light began to get bigger and closer as he approached. And, after what seemed like an eternity, the light was closer enough for him to see that it was inside a strange circular structure.
Then, suddenly, the freezing cold just smashed into Sena!
One moment he was trudging along fine, just slightly a little out of breath and gradually getting tired then, suddenly, he was hit with a cold so severe that his blood seemed to freeze within him!
It was nothing he had ever experienced! It literally stopped him in his tracks with his teeth chattering! Nothing had changed, the terrain was the same, the strange structure the same, the white light the same, and yet the air had changed!
He was freezing to death!
He took two steps and crashed heavily to his knees, and when he lifted his hands, they could barely move! His skin had turned very black indeed, as if he had been burnt to coal, and even the slightest intake of breath felt like a million deaths!
He could not feel anything now, and he was sure that if he waited here another minute, he would freeze to death! He struggled and fought against it, but it was not a battle he was equipped for. His thought processes were slowing down, and already he could feel the fingers of cold death creeping up his spine.
As he began to fall forward, he caught a glimpse of four white flashes of light leaving that structure in the distance and shooting into the air towards him.
The Halo Breed crashed down on his face and began to suffocate because he could not turn over as his nose and mouth were pressed tightly into the strange sand-like substance.
He heard four thudding sounds near him, and a moment later, he was turned over, and he stared into the four faces of entities that had human forms like women, but they were extremely white, shrouded in long, white gowns that covered their heads, but which had slits for eyes so that he could see their strange orange eyes peering at him.
“We are Lustys of the Hades! Do you want to live?” one of them asked harshly in a language that Sena had never heard before, but which he understood. “You live and serve us, and we save you, or you refuse and die where you lie!”
Death would mean the end!
Servitude might be hard, because his time was limited, but it also offered hope, that he might be able to get out of the servitude and continue his destiny.
“Life!” he croaked, barely above a whisper.
The white entity that had spoken extended its hand, and something white and bright fell from its fingertips and landed on Sena’s neck. It had a warm feeling that was pleasant in his present cold state. The entity stepped aside, and the second one stood over Sena with burning orange eyes.
“We are Lustys of the Hades! Life or death?” it asked harshly.
“Life,” Sena said weakly, and again, something was dropped on his neck.
The two others repeated the question, and he answered the same way, and hot substances fell on his neck from their fingers.
The white things merged and formed a circle around his neck.
The cold broke, and he could breathe freely suddenly!
He gasped and gulped in air feverishly.
“Come and please us, servant!” said one of them fiercely.
And that was when Sena realized that he could speak and breathe… but he could not move any muscle!
And just as his horror dawned, the four entities picked him up, flew into the strange blue sky, and took him into their lighted building!
‘The Halo Breed, Hell in Hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades
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