Bad Girls Don’t Love
The Author
It was the first time Rashid Braimah had been in the company of whores.
Through his teenage and adult years, he had stayed clear from prostitutes. It was not out of any self-righteous principles, or any claims to holiness. It was simply that he had avoided them.
He didn’t detest them, or think what they did was wrong; he simply avoided them, a grey area that never formed a part of his life at any stage of growing up.
And now, at thirty-five years old, on one single night, he was surrounded by whores! It was the Bachelor Night outing for his best friend, Randy Mettle, and Rashid was going to be the Best Man for the wedding the next day.
Rashid had been a bit reluctant to go to the brothel when Joe Nelson suggested it. This was because he didn’t trust Joe much, and secondly, he had promised his fiancée, Aku, that they would not do anything stupid, or involve in any female escapades.
Rashid, Randy and Yao Kolo were friends, and had been friends for years. Joe Nelson, however, was not really a friend. He was the older brother of the girl Randy was going to marry, Rose Nelson.
The mistake Rashid made – and it was now dawning on him – was to allow Joe to drive them around. They had gone to watch a movie, a horror flick which Rashid didn’t care much for. But, after the movie, a porn flick had come on, and he had been forced to sit and watch it because Randy seemed to be having a really good time.
They had gone to a restaurant to eat and drink, visited a bar, and then Rashid had lost count. He tried on several occasions to break up the party and return home, but Randy was having the best time of his life and would not be pried loose.
They went to a gambling club and lost money at the various tables, then they went to a stripping club – also the first time Rashid had been in a joint like that. Joe Nelson paid for lap dances for all of them from naked, voluptuous women, but Rashid declined firmly even though they all laughed at him and called him a sissy.
The drinks were hard and available, and soon they were roaring drunk, but not Rashid; he had sipped at his drink, convincing himself that a time would come when he would have to drive them back home because Joe was really getting plastered.
Finally, when it seemed it could not get any worse, Joe took them to the brothel. It had seemed anything but a whorehouse. It was situated on top of a hill, a very beautiful white building with an amazing backdrop of the sea.
Lush green lawns, a pool area, and an exotic garden blended to give the place an alluring and fairytale-like dreamy beauty. They parked at a designated lot, and were met by beautiful women wearing short white skirts, white stockings, white long heels and white brassieres.
“Hey!” Rashid cried, alarmed and taken aback. “Where the fuck are we now?”
The tall, beautiful girl holding his arm smiled up alluringly at him.
“Welcome to The Pleasure, handsome,” she cooed.
He lost track of time shortly after that.
They were led through cool rooms and corridors with shaded lights into a round room.
“Costs taken care of, boys!” Joe said with a laugh. “Enjoy yourselves!”
The room was like a Turkish tent, built in a circle and covered with beautiful rugs and curtains from ceiling to floor. Around the room were exotic flowers, and deep cushions, duvets and even a sofa on the floor. In the middle was a circular glass booth that revolved slowly. Inside the glass were four women wearing only panties and tassels on their nipples. Their naked bodies shone with the oil on them as they posed provocatively. Well, three of them did, actually. They touched their thighs, buttocks, breasts, and strutted with pouted lips and sexy movements.
The fourth girl was sitting sideways on the revolving plates, and her eyes were fixed on Rashid.
She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen!
She was dark, but her skin had a pearl-like quality that made her glow. There was a sardonic smile on her face that made her teeth glitter. Her hair was pulled back off her elfin-like face, her eyes large and incredibly beautiful. Gentle shoulders crowned the most amazing breasts he had ever seen, standing firmly on her chest and slightly thrust out at the base, the nipples a bit longer than he had ever seen on any woman.
A narrow waist tapered at the hips and sloped deliciously to her dark, silky thighs.
Rashid was aware that his friends were sitting and ogling the girls, but he was still standing just looking at that beauty, barely noticing the other three.
The base of the structure they were strutting on continued to spin.
Joe reached out for the ebony beauty, but she remained seated and made no attempt to take his hand, but the next girl took his hand and he drew her into a hot embrace before kissing her hotly on the lips.
Before Yao Kolo could reach for the girl, a fair-complexioned whore slid into his arms, and even as Yao held her, his eyes darted and ogled the black beauty.
Rashid was aware that Joe was leaving the room with the prostitute he had chosen, and a moment later, the fair girl led Yao Kolo out of the room. It was now left with a plump chocolate girl with massive breasts and thick thighs, and the black beauty. Rashid knew Randy liked his women thick and plump, running a little to fat, and so he was not very surprised when he reached out trembling hands for the thick girl and drew her into his arms, then he looked around at Rashid with a guilt-riddled face.
“I’m tying the knot tomorrow, Rash,” he said, his face alight with the unfocused delight that only alcohol was capable of inducing. “This is gonna be my last indiscretion, so to speak. Right?”
Rashid shook his head sadly.
“You’re drunk, Randy,” he said in his calm, deep voice. “So, obviously, you’re not thinking straight. You’re cheating on Rose, simple.”
“Oh, c’mon, Rash!” he said with a giggle. “You’re not going to rattle on me, are you?”
“No, I’m not, but…”
“Chill out, my paddy,” Randy said with a wide grin. “This is my night!”
“Yes, it is,” the huge girl said and slipped a hand into Randy’s trousers and gently caressed him. “Ahh, I’m wet already! Let’s get out of here, champion!”
Rashid sighed worriedly as the girl took Randy’s arm and led him out of the room.
They were alone now.
He and the extremely beautiful prostitute.
Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love . Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love. Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read
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