Bad Girls Don’t Love
The Author
Rashid nodded rapidly, too scared to refuse anything.
He had never been a violent man, but he was drunk and all alone with them, and there was no need to try to be brave. He would play along to save his life.
The thug dragged him to his feet, and just then a car shot around the corner and approached the traffic light, and its headlights caught the three of them in its harsh glare before it shot past.
It went forward a moment, then it swerved dangerously and came to a stop. A woman jumped from the passenger seat and approached them rapidly.
“What the fuck!” cried the shorter thug as he pushed the watch into his pocket. “Some broad, Wailer!”
The tall thug pushed Rashid against the railing and turned towards the woman with his knife raised.
“Get back into that fucking car and go!” Wailer shouted ominously. “You come another step closer and I’ll rape your pussy with this knife!”
The woman stepped into the light of the supermarket close by, and Rashid gasped when he saw that it was Ella Silk, and her eyes were fixed on him. She was wearing a short clinging black dress that fitted her like a dream, and she was wet through, causing her nipples to stand out clearly. Once again, he marvelled at how beautiful she was even as the rain soaked her to the skin.
“Rashid!” she said and shook her head. “I thought I recognized you in the wash of the headlights.”
“Hi, Silky,” Rashid said weakly from his broken, swollen lips. “Out for screw?”
“Get the fuck away from here!” the tall thug shouted and took rapid steps towards her. Her hand dove into her handbag, came up with a gun, and she shot the tall thug in the shoulder without pause!
Rashid groaned with shock as the bullet propelled the thug backward to slam down heavily on the ground.
“Yaaaaaa!” the short one screamed with terror and bolted, fleeing fast in a zig-zagging way, and Rashid’s expensive sneakers fell from his arms.
Ella calmly aimed the gun, traced his movement, and fired.
The thug screamed as the bullet smashed into his thigh, then he lunged at a low wall in front of him and hurled himself over.
Ella spun when she noticed that the tall thug was running into a dark alley with his hand holding his bleeding shoulder and his face taut with fear. He disappeared into the darkness, and Elly slowly lowered the gun and looked at Rashid’s stunned face.
“She left you, didn’t she?” she asked quietly. “The lady you loved, the one you described as an angel. She left you after seeing the pictures, didn’t she?”
Rashid was shivering badly in the rain and spat out a mouthful of blood. The driver of the car Ella had come out of honked shrilly.
“Go away, Silky!” Rashid said contemptuously. “Your man wants to get his lance wet. Go and do what you do best!”
The beautiful lady’s lips clenched tightly as she regarded him.
“They may be back, Rashid,” she said with a great effort. “You’re all alone here in the dead of night. This area is a dangerous place. Come, I’ll give you a lift, drop you somewhere.”
Rashid giggled and walked past her, stooping against the pain and the rain.
“I will never go anywhere with you, Silky,” he said.
“Oh, come on, Rashid!” she said tightly. “I’m only helping you out here. I’m sure the thieves took your money. You’re wet and drunk, buddy. No taxi driver will stop for you. If you stay here they’ll eventually kill you!”
“Go away, Silky!” Rashid said thickly as he shuffled forward. “I’ll get home by myself.”
“Don’t be silly!” she said harshly as the driver honked again. “They took your money! Do you have money?”
He stopped and turned slowly to face her, and she was appalled at the look of sheer disgust she saw on his face.
“I’m not like you who worship money!” he said with deliberate disgust. “I will get home without money, so go away, Silky!”
He turned away from her, and she giggled behind him.
“What do you think you’re doing, Rashid?” she said with a laugh. “Do you think you will make me feel sorry? I can’t feel sorry, not over a damn man, do you hear me? I am a bad girl, just like your freak of a fiancée! You have not learned the lesson well, Rashid! We bad girls don’t have consciences! We don’t feel remorse, do you understand? Bad girls don’t love, Rashid!”
“Go to hell, Silky!” Rashid shouted over his shoulder.
“My name is not Silky, fuck you!” Ella screamed. “I’m Elaine Boateng! Do you hear me, Rashid! My name is Elaine Boateng!”
He stopped and turned to face her.
“Elaine? Do you know what it means? It means sunlight, or shining light. But you’ve a dark soul, and will never be an Elaine. You’re Silky to me. You’ll always be Silky to me!”
“Oh, God!” Elaine said softly and shook her head. “Rashid, I bet you want to know what happened, right? You want to know why I did what I did, and who made me do it, don’t you? Come, let me get you out of here and I’ll tell you everything. It is the least I can do.”
Rashid laughed and walked drunkenly towards her again, and once again she saw disgust mixed with fury on his face.
“I don’t give a damn who sent you, Silky! You don’t have any damn role to play in my life! You destroyed my relationship, so be happy. That’s what matters!”
She looked at him with sudden shock.
“You don’t want to know who set you up?” she asked, puzzled.
“I don’t give a damn who set me up,” he hissed furiously. “What matters is what my fiancée thought of me. If she had believed me, and stayed with me, whoever did this wouldn’t have mattered to me! So go to hell, Silky! You don’t have anything I want, and you’re not significant to me in any way!”
He walked past her again.
“You’re a fool, Rashid Braimah,” she said behind him, her tone filled with confusion and exasperation. “Your money is gone, you don’t have a car, your phone is certainly water-logged now. Let me help you out of here. You’ll die within the hour if you walk in the rain drunk and alone like this! Lemme give you some money for a cab, if you can find one!”
Without turning, he spoke drunkenly.
“I told you, Silky, I don’t worship money like you! Your client is waiting, or should I say clients? You’re the kind of whore who can sleep with four or five men at the same time, aren’t you?”
And, somehow, that hurt her in a way that was sudden and unexpected, making her grind her teeth and curl her hands into fists at her side.
“Fuck you, Rashid!” she hissed furiously. “Bloody bastard! Fuck you!”
“Silky, believe me, if you were the only woman in the whole wide world, I still wouldn’t fuck you!” Rashid said and laughed drunkenly, then he suddenly bent over, held his knees, and vomited wildly.
Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love . Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love. Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read
Donate-To-Read: Paid Story:: BAD GIRLS DON’T LOVE :: EPISODE 11
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