The Halo Breed…
The Author
Sena turned his back on the carnage below him and faced the two magnificent doorways.
“Welcome, Son of Kukah, Breed of the Halos!” said the deep voice, its owner still invisible. “The Doorways await you! Golden to continue on your journey, Blue Bliss to return to Gleam, and back to your lands!”
“And these two?” Sena asked softly. “This man Jabo and this maiden Gazel! Surely, they cannot come with me on my journey, and surely they cannot enter Gleam because they’re in their human forms!”
“They’re both dead souls,” the voice said patiently. “Just like those you saw perishing! They were given a chance to prove their cleanliness and a chance to live in bliss in Gleam, but alas, broad is the road to Hades, and narrow is the road to Gleam. As you saw, only these two passed the test!”
Sena looked at Jabo and Gazel and saw tears welling up in their eyes.
“Our souls were given flesh to roam in the Browns,” the old man said softly. “To survive the harsh elements, and to make the right choices to gain a chance to Gleam. Alas, Zico and the rest thought they could do it by their own strengths!”
“So let everybody work out his own salvation with fear and trembling,” said the invisible voice. “Faithful servants, you passed the test! Enter Gleam in glory!”
Jabo, tears falling down his cheeks, stepped forward quickly and swept Sena into a warm embrace.
“Thank you, my friend! You made the rest of my existence a beautiful one! I will never forget you!”
Gazel also hugged Sena tightly as she wept.
“You saved us, my friend! May whatever you’re going to do be covered with glory!” she said in a tight, emotional voice.
They stepped back finally, smiling happily through their tears.
The amazing transformation began then!
Jabo and Gazel suddenly collapsed on the soft grass, and Sena scowled with worry when their bodies burst into flames! Angry yellow flames shot high, and he took a step back.
Then, rising in magnificent spectral glory, the dazzling souls of the two slowly emerged from the burning bodies.
They were so brilliant that Sena shielded his eyes, unable to look at them for long. The blue doorway slowly swung inward to reveal a golden staircase beyond, and at the top of it was the amazingly beautiful Deila, Keeper of Gleam, and behind her were a host of winged individuals playing a very beautiful hymn.
As the forms of Jabo and Gazel moved through the doorway, they became less bright, and were suddenly clothed in very white apparels. Their faces shone with delight as they glided up the golden staircase.
Deila opened her arms and embraced Jabo first, then Gazel.
Her eyes moved across Gazel’s shoulder and she looked straight at Sena.
The Halo Breed smiled happily and waved at her, then when they parted he beckoned Deila frantically to come down.
She looked at Sena and tried to keep a straight face but her lips curled into a tender smile.
“Deila, come down!” Sena shouted and lifted his arms. “I want a hug again!”
“Stop horsing around, Son of Kukah!” the voice said. “Let her be!”
“Oh, spoilsport!” Sena said crossly.
A paralysing blow thudded into his guts, and he crashed to the ground with a groan of pain as he looked around him with fury.
“You bloody bully!” he cried in agony. “Show your face if you dare, and I will rip out all your limbs!”
Deila gasped as she stood at the top of the golden staircase and gazed at Sena on the ground.
“Even if I show my form, you shall not be of my level!” the voice said coldly. “What awaits you is no easy task, Breed of the Halos. Stop trying to make an immortal fall in love! Keep your attention focused!”
When Sena finally struggled to his feet, Deila breathed with relief and waved at him. As Sena was lifting his hand to wave back, the door to Gleam shimmered and suddenly vanished, leaving the magnificent golden door.
“Show yourself this minute!” Sena said angrily.
There was a startling, curious sound like a snort, but Sena was not too sure about it.
“Although you’re revered above all men on Earth, and although the Spirits and the Creator of All Things hold you in great esteem and love, I do not take my instructions from you, and I do not cater to your personal whims and caprices, sir!” the voice said.
Sena glowered for a while, then he turned towards the golden door.
It glowed brilliantly and gently opened inwards.
The son of Gus Kukah walked through without hesitation.
And then…
He was falling in space!
It was as if he had been taken to the highest point of space and allowed to fall!
He turned head over heels as he fought for control!
There was a vast white space everywhere, and he was falling rapidly!
He heard an angry caw above him and turned in mid-air to see a gigantic bird swooping down towards him!
It was so huge that it looked like a jet plane!
Its massive wings were spread as it glided at top speed towards him!
Its red eyes burned with fire, and its beak was as large as an aircraft’s nose!
Then its beak opened, revealing the interior of its blood-red mouth!
A peck from that giant bird would lay his belly open!
“Dear Spirits!” he prayed silently. “Help me out of this, if indeed it is your will!”
‘The Halo Breed, Hell in Hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades, ‘The Halo Breed, Hell in hades
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