Bad Girls Don’t Love
The Author
She saw the nurses moving around, checking on her mother from time to time, casting dark looks at her. Some were her friends, or had been her friends because now their eyes were accusing.
In the short time that he had been here, it seemed Rashid Braimah had ingratiated himself with them, and she was now seen as an enemy. There were conflicting thoughts on her mind as she finally stood up and walked to the spare bed in the room.
Elaine lowered herself gingerly on the bed, and fell asleep a moment later.
She woke up with a muted scream!
She had just had a nightmare, one that used to be frequent in the past! It was about her father chasing her through the rain on a large, muddy field with a pitchfork in his hand! She would trip and crash heavily, and her grinning father would then strike her in the throat with the pitchfork before cramming a huge sausage into her mouth as she lay dying!
Elaine was sweating and shivering!
It was dawn now, just around four in the morning according to the clock on the wall. The first thing that struck her was that the beeping sound of the monitor attached to her mother to monitor her heart had stopped!
“Mama!” she screamed and sat up with terror!
And she saw her mother propped up in the bed looking weak, her head still swathed in bandages as a nurse pointed a temperature gun at her arm.
And her mother was smiling gently at her.
“Ama, my beautiful daughter!” Maame Bio said gently and held out her arms weakly. “Come, Ama. I missed you so much!”
Elaine’s mouth fell open!
She could not speak, and a moment later she found out she could not see because her eyes were covered with a wall of tears.
She was alive! Her mother was not dead! She was alive!
“Mama!” Elaine said weakly and rushed off the bed.
The nurse smiled and moved aside as Elaine fell on her mother.
“Please, don’t hold her too tight, and don’t shake her!” the nurse said. “She came around an hour ago. I have already informed Dr Owiredu. Please, she’s still not out of the woods yet, so be careful!”
Elaine released her mother whom she had not seen like this in over a month. She put a trembling hand to her mouth and smiled.
“Oh, Mama!” she whispered tremulously. “Oh, God!”
“Did you see the young doctor they said operated on me?” Maame Bio asked weakly. “Oh, such an angel! I dreamt there was an angel with me! Oh! Where’s he? I want to see him!”
And suddenly Elaine jumped to her feet and looked at her mother with trepidation.
“Oh, Mama!” she said with guilt and remorse crushing her. “Yes, yes, I will bring him to you!”
She rushed out of the ward and almost collided with Dr Owiredu as he hurried along the corridor with Dr Laryea behind him.
“Watch it, girl!” Owiredu growled furiously at her, and the look he gave her was filled with venom.
Elaine did not stop.
She was still running, and fumbling her phone out of her bag.
When she hit the car park, she was dialling Chief Inspector Kweku Adwenfi’s number.
The huge policeman who was on night duty cut the call and smiled with lust. He could feel a massive erection already in his trousers.
Damn, finally he was going to sleep with Ama Boateng!
He had known that sexy beautiful girl all his life as she grew up in the village. His late father, the previous police commander, had handled the murder case of Owura Boateng, Ama’s father. The murderer had not been found, unfortunately.
Kweku Adwenfi, then at the police academy, had met Ama then, and thought how beautiful she was. He had become her friend, but she had always treated him with disdain.
Until now!
Kweku smiled as he pulled on his shirt and buttoned up.
He walked to the cell where the doctor was curled up on a little cot. It was hot inside the cell, and the naked bulb was burning brightly. The cell stank because the toilet in there had no cover, and there was no water to flush the excrement left in there by the previous occupier, a local drunk called Bisawoho.
Ordinarily, Kweku would have asked one of the lower ranked officers to flush the toilet and provide fresh water for the doctor, but somehow, he had found himself disliking this handsome Rashid Braimah very much, and so he had left the toilet unflushed. He had only allowed Rashid to remove his shoes, and then he had pushed him into the stinking cell.
They had laughed at the look of horror on the doctor’s face when he was locked up in the cell with the horrible smell. They had not removed the handcuffs, and Rashid had sweated in his shirt and besieged by the horrible mosquitoes without being able to swat them off.
And the monstrous smell had made him vomit twice on the floor during the course of the night.
Now he was lying on the court, tired and hot and miserable, when Chief Inspector Kweku Adwenfi rapped the bars with the baton in his hands.
Rashid, face covered with sweat and a baleful look in his eyes, looked up.
“Don’t worry, doctor!” Kweku said with a lecherous smile. “Let me tell you a secret! Ama Boateng just called me! Evidently, you did a very good job, and her mother is awake now. She wanted me to release you! In fact, she was coming over to drop all charges and release you! But, it doesn’t quite work like that now, does it?”
Rashid glared at the policeman without replying.
Kweku Adwenfi chuckled.
“Look, here’s the thing. That girl is fine, isn’t she? I mean, I’ve always wanted to shag her badly. Now, I said to her that Ama, you can’t release the boy. Whether your mother is awake or not, that doctor performed surgery without consent being given. In actual sense, consent was denied, and as the medical code required, he should have respected it, but he didn’t. He went ahead and performed the surgery! So, I’m sorry, Ama. I will arraign him before court tomorrow!”
He stopped again and laughed.
“Now, that girl, she went ballistic on me, shouted at me to release you! But, well, it is all negotiation, isn’t it? How do they call it, hand go hand come, right? So, I said to her; Ama, if you want the boy released, you gotta sleep with me! Expected her to go more ballistic, but she was quiet for a while, then agreed. So, doctor boy, wait a few minutes, okay? I’m going over to her house to screw her, yummy! And as soon as I get back, I’ll release you, okay? You should be grateful to her! She bought your freedom with her pussy! I hope it is fine like the rest of her, y’know, all tight and wet and warm, ohhh mama!”
Chief Inspector Kweku Adwenfi punched the air and gyrated his waist lustfully, then he turned and walked away laughing.
The heat had become intolerable for Rashid, and the stench from the unflushed excrement had become so bad that he could barely breathe. He was tired, thirsty and hungry! He had never felt so abused in his life.
His stomach heaved, and he vomited on the floor again.
“I hate you, Ella Silk! I hate you with every little drop of blood in my body!”
Chief Inspector Kweku Adwenfi could barely breathe as he parked his car in the parking space in front of the Nurses’ Quarters.
By the time he walked across the park, up the stairs, and finally stood in front of Elaine’s door, he had to push his hands into his pockets to camouflage his raging erection.
He took out the small phial of perfume extract from his top pocket and dabbed a little behind each ear and behind his neck. Then he rapped lightly on the door.
He waited with a thudding heart as the door opened slowly, and Elaine stood framed in the doorway.
She was wearing a white shirt with the tails tied under her breasts, white, lacy undershorts, and white stockings. Her hair was tied in a ponytail, and she was the most delectable sight he had ever seen. Sweat broke out on his face as he smiled and reached out for her.
She smiled and stepped back.
“Not so fast, and not in the doorway,” she said gently. “Come in, Chief Inspector Kweku Adwenfi.”
He entered quickly and she closed the door.
The room was beautiful, but he barely noticed anything as he turned with clammy hands to look at her with a lecherous smile on his face.
“Before we start,” she slurred gently. “Let me get this straight. You want to screw me before you release Doctor Rashid Braimah whom I accused of unprofessional behaviour and a breach of the Health Code on the surgery he performed on my mother.”
He grinned.
“I’m sorry, Ama, really am. But you know I’ve always fancied you!”
She nodded and untied the shirt knot under her breasts.
The shirt was not buttoned, and the sight of her lovely breasts in sheer lace brassiere sent his heart thumping so hard and his erection raging so hard that he almost had an instant ejaculation.
“Let’s get it over with then,” she said with a smile.
With trembling fingers Kweku Adwenfi took off his clothes and threw them on a chair. Elaine removed her shirt and walked to the low central table and picked up two dumbbells and hefted them.
Naked, Chief Inspector Kweku Adwenfi advanced towards her, then stopped when he noticed the dumbbells in her hands.
“What’s that?” he asked uncertainly. “Are these not for weightlifting or something?”
“For exercise and muscle-building, yes,” Elaine said coldly. “There’s something you must know, Kweku. I have fixed hidden cameras in the room, and all that happened here, with your confessions, have been captured. I’m sure your bosses would like to know how you demanded sex for your duties!”
His face twisted into a grimace of wrath, and he pointed a finger at her.
“Don’t you dare fuck with me, Ama!’ he growled ominously. “Otherwise I will kill you right here! How can you get any tape to my bosses if you’re dead, huh?”
“You’re not hitting any pussy this dawn, copper!” she said softly.
Adwenfi advanced on her and slapped her so hard that she fell hard on the floor.
He smiled wickedly.
“Don’t you dare, bitch!’ he said icily and rubbed his erection. “I’m having you right now!”
He rushed at Elaine, and she scissored around with blinding speed and kicked him savagely in the face with both feet! Adwenfi grunted with pain as he crashed to the floor with surprise, and Elaine jumped to her feet and hefted the dumbbells again.
“You know, after my father’s death, I swore to myself that no man would ever, ever, ever have me without my consent again! When I was at the nursing training, I took a course in GojuFist with Grandmaster Brand Bawa, but I don’t think you know him. I wanted you to hit me first, Adwenfi. And now I’m gonna beat the shit outta you, and it’s gonna be on camera!”
The policeman grunted and dashed off the floor with his arms stretched to grab her. Elaine spun away and swung the right dumbbell around, crashing it into his jaw, then brought the left one smashing cruelly into his face.
Adwenfi dropped to one knee as blood spurted from his nose.
Elaine was a blur of movement as she pivoted in a turning kick and smashed her left feet into his temple. Adwenfi crashed to the floor, dizzy, and began breathing hard. He grabbed a low table and jumped to his feet swinging.
Elaine ducked, and as the table passed harmlessly over her heard, she crashed the dumbbells in a swift combination into his ribs on each side with such violence that Adwenfi dropped the table and crashed face-down on the floor.
Elaine kicked him in the balls so hard that the man’s scream ripped through the room. Adwenfi had tears of agony in his eyes as he turned on his back grabbing his balls.
“Enough!” he whispered in pain. “Ama, enough. I will release him!”
Then his eyes widened when he saw her suddenly holding up a huge pair of garden shears.
“Herh, Ama, Ama!” he groaned with terror. “Wh-what a-are yo-yo-you doing with that?”
Elaine grinned evilly as she snapped the shears open and closed three times.
“I’m gonna cut off your penis and balls, copper. You wouldn’t have any reason after that to demand sex, or try to beat any woman for sex again!”
“Ayiiiiiiiiiii, Ama!” Adwenfi cried and held his groin tightly. “I beg you, Ama Boateng! Heerrrh! Don’t cut my penis, Ama! You will kill me, you will just kill me! I will bleed to death! I will release the doctor, I promise, Ama! Stop, Ama, stop right there! Don’t come forward! I will go, Ama, I will go and release him! Stop right there, stop right there!”
Grinning evilly, Elaine advanced on him with the garden shears.
So, Adwenfi began to scream so loudly that in a moment there was loud banging on the door as other nurses woke up and rushed to the door!
Elaine snapped the shears and still advanced on the hapless cop.
“She’s still coming ooo!” Adwenfi screamed. “Help me ooo! She’s still coming ooo! She will cut my penis and balls! Come in, somebody break the door and come in ooo! She’s still coming ooo! Stop, Ama, bayifuor, stop, stop, stop there, oh, Ama, mepa wo kyew wai! She’s coming, she’s coming… break the door down! Somebody break down the door!”
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Donate-To-Read: Paid Story:: BAD GIRLS DON’T LOVE :: EPISODE 24
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