To say that Zack was a very unhappy man will be understating it by quite a wide margin. The days that followed his encounter with the Princess of Densua are the most difficult for him.
Confused and utterly shattered, he had not been able to utter a word of what happened to Kuukuwaa. Several times he had come quite close to it, but he had always held back because of his fears… the fear of hurting her quite irreparably, and the fear that he might lose her forever!
He ended up lying that nothing had happened and that the Princess behaved honourably, but the pain of lying to Kuukuwaa was very acute.
Love between them continued to grow each day.
The public toilet the King ordered began and progressed rather beautifully.
Two months more passed and Kuukuwaa needed to return to her daily job as a teacher because school had reopened.
Zack was at least happy for the fact that the Princess of Densua had kept her promise and not pestered him again, nor had she made any attempt to see him.
On the Tuesday that Kuukuwaa had to return to school, she came to his room in the morning.
He was already up and sitting at the desk he had paid a carpenter to make for him. The carpenter had not accepted the money though and had gladly made the desk and the chair according to Zack’s specifications.
The day the carpenter brought the desk he had also returned Zack’s money, much to the surprise of everybody.
It had been in the late afternoon when they had all been in the yard.
Agya Nimo, the carpenter, had beamed with a huge smile.
“I have to pay you, Onua Zack. The design of the desk and the chair is something I’ve never seen before! It is so beautiful, and you have taught me how to make a new product for free. The headmaster has ordered two, the pastor has ordered three, the King has ordered five, and the manager of the Cocoa Company has ordered ten, which he plans to take to the city. Oh, this is so amazing! Never have I been so blessed. Please, if you have any more designs, of anything, I’ll be glad to learn! I’ve almost completed another one for the Medicine Man too, free of course because he is a friend of the one with such a great mind!”
“Those are wise words and grand deeds, Agya Nimo!” Opanyin Amoah said, impressed. “May you have favour in the eyes of the gods!”
Of course, Zack’s eyes sought out Kuukuwaa, and he had seen her smiling at him, her eyes filled with love.
Now she stepped forward towards him and stopped close to him.
“I’m going back to school, my love. I’ll see you in the afternoon. I’m really going to miss you.”
She glanced at the sketch pad in front of him.
She had expected to see a design of one of his inventions, but instead, the pencil and pen image that stared up at her was her own face.
He had drawn her like an angel, with wings, stepping out of a heavenly palace, looking so beautiful and incredibly amazing.
It brought instant tears to her eyes.
To know that in his mind he saw her as that was very overwhelming indeed.
“I love you so, Kuks,” he whispered passionately.
She put her hand to her lips as tears coursed down her cheeks, and her lips trembled as she fought for control.
“Oh, Zack! You’ll kill me! You’ll simply kill me!”
She moved in front of him and slowly sat on his lap, facing him.
She put her arms around his neck and kissed him long and tenderly, pushing her tongue into his mouth, exploring with abandon as gentle tears coursed down her cheeks.
He held her fiercely, desperately, like a man drowning, and kissed her in return as his heart thumped with the powerful feelings ravaging him.
After a while, he sat back with a groan.
“A second more of that, my love, and nothing can hold me back,” he stated breathlessly.
She smiled and wiped tears from her eyes. Her eyes were both filled with love and a mocking light, making her breathlessly beautiful.
“I know, love. I can feel the power in your groin trying to tear through my dress!”
She got off him slowly and headed for the door.
He called out her name.
She stopped and turned.
“My love for you has no rules, Kuks.”
She looked at him for a very long time, and then she nods and smiles beautifully.
“You’re a very dangerous man, Zack Stranger, but I love every little bit of you,” she responded and stepped out.
Zack breathed tremulously.
It was undenying the fact that he loved her so! He needed her so!
“Oh, Kuks, my love!”
Later that day, in the late afternoon, Kobby returned from the farm.
It was an off day for them because the toilet project was complete now and being painted and cleaned.
He found Zack under the trees at the back of the yard.
“Good day, Bro,” he greeted.
“Good day, K,” Zack responded with a smile.
“You busy? Wanted you to go with me to see Oga Biduuki.”
“The foreigner? The one who eats snakes?”
“Yes. Killed a snake in the farm today,” Kobby said with a giggle. “Going to sell it to him.”
Zack laughed then.
“Let’s go then. I definitely want to see this rather interesting fellow.”
Oga Biduuki and his family lived on the outskirts of the village.
His wife was from the village, and he had two sons, around the ages of eight and ten.
The man himself was quite short with an explosive muscular depth, making him look immense and absolutely dangerous.
His huge head was quite bald, and with protruding eyes, a bulbous nose and huge red lips, he indeed looked a foreboding picture.
As he approached them with his wife and children in tow, Kobby whispered to Zack.
“You see how gross he looks? The villagers believe the snake venom he’s been eating is slowly turning him into a snake.”
Zack had to check himself from bleating out the uncontrollable giggles that suddenly filled him.
The man opened the gate to admit them, and they passed through to the big yard which was not very clean.
Two goats, a mangy dog and a ferocious cat were lazing around.
There was a shed to one side under which were three clay fireplaces, and some huge metal bowls.
“Kobby, Kobby! What you got today?”
“A real delicacy, Oga! Succulent catch today!” Kobby explained with a wide smile.
Zack was absolutely fascinated by the look of sheer hunger and expectant desire on the faces of the woman and her two sons.
Kobby carefully put the cylindrical woven cane basket he was holding on the ground.
He opened the lid and upended it, and out toppled the biggest, most hideous black snake in the world, or so it appeared to Zack!
It had a diamond-shaped flat head with the most wicked eyes, and its shiny skin sparkled with an evil sheen.
Zack could not help himself and burst out laughing as the two boys took to their heels with fear, and the woman beat a hasty retreat.
The smile had disappeared from Oga’s face, and he was shaking his head vigorously from side to side, his face filled with tight tension.
“I don’t want this one!” he said with a shudder.
This set off Zack into a mad fit of laughter he could not control.
Kobby gaped at Oga in shock.
“What? You don’t want what?”
“That snake!”
“Why? You eat snakes!” Kobby uttered furiously. “All kinds of snakes! Why don’t you want this one?”
“No, no, no! Man don’t eat this snake! This snake eats man! Never eaten this snake before. Please take it away, I don’t want this one!”
Zack could not control himself any longer.
He ran from the house screaming with laughter.
He waited for Kobby on the path home, and presently Kobby appeared again with his basket.
“He didn’t buy it. I have to find a good place to bury this snake. Fool was afraid of it.”
Zack laughed again, uproariously, and this time Kobby joined in.
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