Born Bad…
A ChrisEffe Thriller
Elaine emerges from the Loft-Prosper Bank.
She is dressed in a fetching orange dress that accentuates her dark beauty.
She pauses, aware that most male eyes around are riveted on her.
She walks to her right, past the parked cars, and approaches a Lotto Kiosk across the street.
She takes a slip of paper from her bag as she crosses the street and then disappears behind the lotto kiosk.
Chris, dressed in black trousers, white shirt and matching black tie, is waiting.
She hands him the slip of paper on which is a vehicle number.
“The car is parked between two other cars. It is a BMW X-5. The lady who uses it is middle-aged, no wedding ring, but quite fetching,” Elaine says quickly. “She was taken to the BULK CASH area of the bank. Had two sacks of money to deposit. Obviously rich, judging by her dressing and her make-up. She’s wearing a grey skirt suit with a white inner blouse. Rasta-hairdo, golden shoes.”
Chris nods and quickly kisses Elaine on the lips.
“Thanks, love.”
He begins to walk hurriedly away.
Elaine reaches out and holds his arm.
“Chris-Love! Don’t sleep with this one! You promised me no more sleeping with them!”
He turns to her and takes her in his arms.
“Yeah, baby girl, I promised. But you know we need money for Mama’s surgery. Sometimes the quickest way is to make love to them. But you know they’re old, and I don’t give a damn about them. Just for the money, baby!”
Elaine’s eyes flash with sudden anger and jealousy, and she pounds his chest with a closed fist.
“Damn you, Chris! You make me take the monies of these damn ugly men and scare them away with the anaconda!” she says furiously. “I do that for you! I don’t sleep with them! So why can’t you do the same for me? Why do you continue to hurt me this way?”
“Hey, hey, hey! Men are different, okay? They’re willing to spend money on a girl they haven’t slept with, just to convince her to sleep with them,” he says tenderly. “The women are different, love. They pay only when they’re satisfied in bed and doesn’t want to let go. But hey, I hear you, okay? I’ll turn on the charm, and I won’t sleep with this one, or any other.”
“Promise?” Elaine asks as she breathes hard.
Chris responds lovingly.
“Cross my heart, baby. You’re the only beautiful girl in the world. It is you I adore.”
They kiss quickly, passionately, and then they part.
Chris quickly crosses the street.
He sees the silver BMW and quickly checks its licensed plate number with the number on the sheet Elaine had given him.
Satisfied that it is the car of the wealthy woman Elaine had monitored inside the bank, Chris heads for the car.
There are some people around, and some security men also loitered.
Chris has intentionally left the left shoelace of his shoes untied, and as he nears the BMW he bends quickly as if to tie his shoe lace.
Hidden by the cars, he takes out a switchblade from his left sock, and presses the knob that releases the knife.
With deft hands, he makes two deep slashes into the back tyre of the BMW, and then he ties his lace, pushing the knife back into his sock.
The car tyre he has cut emits a whooshing sound as the air emerges from it and it begins to go flat!
Chris walks into the bank and scans the bulk cash area.
The woman is there!
She is a little overweight, but she has a pretty enough face, and she is shapely.
Her face is almost unsmiling, though.
There are a lot of people sitting on the lounge chairs, and there are some in queues. Chris looks around and notices an elderly man sitting two rows away reading a newspaper and having another one folded on the seat by his side.
Chris approaches the man and sits down.
He asks politely if he could glance through the other newspaper, and the kind-looking man gives it to him.
Chris flips through the newspaper, all the time keeping tabs on his target.
Soon the woman is done, and she pushes her pay-in slips into her bag, and heads for the entrance.
Chris folds the newspaper, hands it the elderly man with thanks, and follows the woman outside.
She takes her phone out of her bag.
It is ringing, and she answers.
She unlocks the car with a remote and climbs in.
Chris notices with satisfaction that the tyre he slashes is now completely flat and the car is sitting on the rim.
Chris taps on the window.
She looks up, startled, and he points at the tyre, mouthing off that the tyre is down.
She takes the phone from her ear, winds down the window, and looks at him.
“Yes? What can I do for you?”
“You have a flat tyre, ma’am.”
He turns away from her.
She speaks quickly into the phone again, cuts the line, and drops the phone in her bag.
She gets down and comes round the car, and notices the flat tyre.
Her eyes widen with sudden shock and surprise.
“Oh, dearest me!” she exclaims, aghast.
She looks around and sees Chris’ retreating back. She quickly moves towards him
“Excuse me, young man.”
Chris stops and turns, his face expressionless.
“Yes, ma’am?”
She looks flustered and waves her hand helplessly.
“Thanks for alerting me. But do you know if there is a vulcanizing shop around? Seems I need a little help.”
Chris comes back to the car.
Other people, including some of the security detail, have come around.
“Do you have a jerk and a spare?” Chris asks respectfully. “I can fix the spare for you, then you can have the tyre fixed later on.”
“Oh, yes, yes. I would appreciate that very much!”
She opens the boot of the car.
It is neat and beautiful inside, with a hydraulic jerk and its bar lying next to a speaker. There is also a wheel spanner and a long bar that loosens the spare tyre fixed underneath the car. Chris takes off his tie, rolls up his shirt sleeves, and begins to work.
About thirty minutes later he has the spare tyre fixed and the destroyed one firmly slotted under the car.
The woman looks at him, and he sees her eyes appraising him.
“Thank you, very much, young man. I can’t thank you enough. You’ve been very kind. I’m Vera Doh. And you are?”
“Chris Bawa, ma’am. It is a pleasure,” Chris says with his most charming smile.
He drapes his tie around his neck and turns away.
“No, Chris, wait. Let me give you a little gift for your troubles, okay?”
Chris smiles at her and shakes his head.
“No, ma’am. That’s okay. I’m fine, don’t worry.”
The security man smiles and claps hand on Chris’ shoulder.
“That’s kind of you, man.”
Chris nods and turns away again.
“Well, thank you, Chris. Where are you headed? Maybe I can drop you off somewhere?”
Chris looks at her again, and he nods.
“Well, thanks, ma’am. Actually, I’m going to the next village, Densua. I’m going to the main lorry station.”
Vera Doh smiles broadly.
“Oh. I’m on my way to Accra, and I’ll be passing through Densua. So, you can join me.”
Chris gives her the full blast of his incredible smile, and it dimples his cheeks.
She sees how that smiles transforms his already handsome face into something god-like. She sees how white his teeth are, and how well-built he is.
He joins her in the car, replying politely to her conversations.
From behind the lotto kiosk Elaine watches them driving away, and she sets her teeth hard with sudden jealous frustration.
They stop at a restaurant halfway to Densua.
Vera orders banku and pea soup for both of them.
By this time, she was beginning to fall under Chris’ incredible charm. She tenderly touches his arm every now and then as they chat.
Chris compliments her about how beautiful she is, how lovely her smile is, how sweet her voice sounded.
He has now become aware that she owns a chain of fashion houses and a couple of filling stations.
She is also a supplier of fashion products, and she is quite wealthy.
By the time they finished eating she is fully under his charm.
As they walk towards the car she reaches out and takes his hand, gigging girlishly as he looks startled and turns looks at her.
“You have a girlfriend, Chris?”
He nods and smiles.
“Yes, a lady called Elaine. We want to get married, but I’m still looking for a job. When I get employment, we’ll settle down.”
“You must love her very much. And what job are we looking at?”
“Oh, any kind in the IT field. I finished school but couldn’t make it to the University because I didn’t have money. But I did some IT courses, and I understand computers.”
“Well, that’s good. I can see you’re a very good boy. I have some friends into IT. I’ll try and see if I can get one of them to fix you somewhere,” Vera says dreamily.
“I’ll be very pleased, ma’am. I’ll be very grateful!”
She laughs flirtatiously and wags her eyelashes at him.
“And how grateful would you be, Chrissy boy, I wonder?”
They have reached the car now.
Without warning Chris turns her against the car, takes her in his arms, and clamps his lips on hers.
She gasps with surprise, and her body goes rigid.
He wonders for a moment if he has made the wrong move, if maybe he has moved too soon.
He tries to draw back, but then she grunts and opens her lips, kissing him hungrily, her hands roving his chest, coming down to clamp down on the turgid member in his trousers.
He steps back from her suddenly.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, ma’am! Didn’t mean to be disrespectful,” he gasps out, his voice contrite.
She looks at him, passionate hunger inflaming her face.
“Get in the car, Chris. It is getting quite late,” she says tightly. If you have nothing urgent to do in Densua, what do you say we find a hotel to spend the night so that I drop you off tomorrow morning?”
Chris reaches out and draws a finger gently around her right hard nipple sticking out of her blouse.
She shudders and moans.
“I’ll love that, ma’am.”
Much later, inside a hotel room, Chris makes love to her over and again through the night.
As dawn approaches, she climbs on top of him and tells him she wants him in Accra with her. She can wait for him to pack a bag in Densua, and then they can go to Accra together.
That is when he tells her the story of his ailing mother and how he needs money for her surgery. He promises her that he will come to her as soon as the surgery is done.
She reaches between his legs and begins to fondle him.
Chris sighs inwardly as he fights his strong desire to punch her face in.
She has been insatiable.
He knows he is breaking his promise to Elaine, and he has thought making love twice or thrice would be enough for her.
But she is behaving like a nympho, craving more and more.
He sighs, knowing that it is something he has to do.
When she has gotten him hard and up, she slowly rears up, turns her back to him, and lowers herself unto his erection.
When she drops him off at Densua in the afternoon the next day, she gives him six thousand cedis for his mother.
She reaches across and kisses him passionately.
“You bad boy, Chris! I’ve never met any man and had sex with him the same day, ever! You bad, bad, boy! How can you make me feel this way? Come back to Accra, darling, and I’ll have more money for you.
Chris reaches between her thighs and fondles her inner core, kissing her hard in the process.
“Let me attend to my mother, sweet popcorn, and I’ll come to Accra. Nothing will stop me from coming. I love you, Precious Vera!”
Tears of love swim in her eyes as she kisses his nose and chin.
“I love you too, Chrissy Boy. I’ll be expecting you. Don’t keep me waiting too long, otherwise I’ll come back here and drag you to Accra!”
He gets down from the car and watches as she drives away.
He shakes his head sadly and turns away.
“Crazy women!” he mutters.
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