Kuman-Po-Guru Episode 8 is here…
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The Torgbor-demon gave a bellow of fury and dashed after toward Ami, but Ledi threw himself at the man, holding him tight until Ami went out of the living-room.
There was another frenzied bellow of rage, and then Torgbor was submerged, and Kuman-Po-Guru took on a physical form.
The demon was white, tall, and had two huge red horns on each side of its head. Its eyes glowed a maddened red, and it pointed a long hand at Ledi Pedi.
“Tis a day thou dieth!” it roared, and then its hand curled around Ledi’s neck and threw him with vengeful fury at the wall.
The whole wall caved outward, spilling Ledi Pedi out of the room and onto the green grass beyond.
The weather was almost dark now, and Ledi knew the weather was only affecting the battleground.
Beyond the Mission House of the church, the weather would be clear and nice, and people would be going about their normal duties.
But inside the Mission House, it was war!
It was a battleground.
Thunder boomed, and incessant lightning flashed angrily. It was now raining hard, making visibility difficult.
Ledi’s body was shouting with protest at the bruising impact the wall had rendered on him. He could feel blood in his mouth as he looked up numbly.
The demon stepped out of the living-room and its hand flailed again, this time catching Ledi in the ribs and hurling him further away.
He groaned with pain, and the demon soared into the air and came crashing down near Ledi’s head, its fangs drawn back from its snarling knife-edged teeth.
“Tis a day thou diest!” it hissed dangerously. “Unless thou bowest down and worshippeth me!”
Ledi was bleeding in the face, and he could barely keep himself conscious. The demon grabbed his throat and began to squeeze the air out of him.
“Thow wilst boweth down and worshippeth me!” it hissed with loathsome glee.
Ledi could not breathe, and he felt his lungs bursting for air.
Weakly, he raised his forefinger, and the demon threw him down forcibly on the ground.
Ledi gasped for air as he grabbed his throat. The rain pelted him savagely. All around him the people who had fallen asleep were still out, and the strange rain was pelting them relentlessly.
He finally got to his knees in front of the demon, whose evil face was filled with uncontrollable glee when it saw Ledi in that position.
“Now, worshippeth me!” it roared fiercely.
Ledi Pedi grinned.
The blood in his mouth had stained his teeth very red, and thus he almost looked like a demon himself.
“And why must I worship you, you vile demon?” he asked weakly.
The demon roared savagely, causing the ground to shake as if an earthquake was ripping through it.
“Because thou arth abandoned by thy Master, and I shalt killeth thee this instant unless thou worshippeth me!”
Ledi shook his head and raised his eyebrows.
“And why are you thinking God has abandoned me?” he asked softly. “Is it because I’m not glowing? It is because I don’t have a force-field, isn’t it?”
“Yay!” the demon said, and sent a furious backhand against Ledi’s face that almost tore his head off.
The blow lifted body off the ground, and then he slammed back down and skidded along the grass.
Ledi Pedi lay there, dazed, and then the demon soared into the air and landed once again near his head.
Flat on his back, Ledi looked at Kuman-Po-Guru and spoke weakly.
“Let me tell you something, demon,” he said quietly as he fought to stay conscious. “We Unblinds also have a few tricks up our sleeves, you know. You see, I knew you were watching me. You didn’t know what happened to me when Boat saved me from death on the Awukugua road. And so you were watching me, Kuman-Po-Guru, and if you had seen me glowing, you wouldn’t have come near me, because you’re both a coward and a survivor! And so I used an old trick I used to trap bastards like you.”
The demon’s proud gaze lost some of its arrogant confidence, and it cocked its head to one side and looked at Ledi.
“What?” it asked, puzzled.
Ledi got to his feet weakly and spat out a mouthful of bloodied liquid in his mouth.
“I didn’t want you to run, you evil piece of crap!” Ledi said, and his eyes were now beaded orbs of hatred and fury. “Let me tell you about this trick I used. You know the Holy Spirit hates sin, right? And the Holy Spirit in me makes gives me the force-field. So I started thinking about many women, imagining myself with them. You know the Bible says thinking of fornication with another woman means I’ve fornicated with her already?
Yes, I thought of many women, and imagined myself doing some real bad things to them, you know, things like doggy-style, hammer style and all other sexual deviations. It made the Holy Spirit leave my body because it couldn’t stand my evil thoughts, and because it hates sin.
And because the Holy Spirit wasn’t in me, I didn’t glow, and that gave you confident that I was still unprotected, and you came down! to face me.”
The demon was now standing very, very still.
It was looking at Ledi with sudden misgiving.
“Thou arth jesting!” it hissed.
“Nope, unfortunately for you,” Ledi said calmly. “I’ve emptied my mind and soul of sinful thoughts now, and I’ve invited the Holy Spirit back. In a moment it will fill me again, and I’ll glow with that thing you hate so much, the force-field, and then I’m gonna mess you up biggie-biggie, demon!”
The demon roared furiously and moved forward, its hand drawn back to deliver a killing blow to Ledi.
But Ledi Pedi was glowing now, fiercely!
Kuman-Po-Guru screeched with fear and tried to soar into the sky.
Ledi jumped and grabbed its leg, and then he pulled downward with all his might!
“Nope, come back here, demon!” he said.
The demon crashed down hard and covered its face with both of its arms.
“Git from me! Git from me!” it wailed in agony.
“I ain’t leaving now, demon,” Ledi said as he walked toward the demon. “Now it is time to mess you up!”
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To Be Continued…
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