The Legend Of Dayo…
The Sage And The Seductress
The Author
Temi sat up in bed weakly and put his head in his hands, keeping his head low to stop the dizziness and the pounding of his heart.
“I’m sorry,” he said finally. “I’m really sorry, Sage. But yes, there’s someone else in the valley whenever I go under nowadays.”
The Sage looked really troubled as he came back to his chair and sat down. He took Temi’s hands in his and looked at him earnestly.
“Temi, I like you, and I prefer you to Daniel Godwin, and I’m on your side,” he said in a troubled voice. “I loved your father, and I was his most trusted Sage! Seeing you, I see your father in you, and I want you to be the next king. I think Daniel Godwin will not make a good king. So please, do not keep anything from me! Most of the Keepers want you to step aside, but I don’t, Prince Temi.”
Temi pulled his hands away and looked at the Sage with bitter, hurt eyes.
“How can I step aside, Sage, when my mother is imprisoned, and my sister has been kept away from society her whole life?” he asked bitterly. “How can I sit idle while another man takes charge and saves them? How can I let another man face the men that murdered my father? What kind of son does that make me? What kind of brother does that make me?”
“I understand you, Temi!” Sage Agu said passionately. “Oh, I do understand you! But everything is opposed to you! What I’m teaching you is supposed to make you stronger, but now it is bringing death to you! And I simply can’t go on anymore!”
“Death?” Temi asked bitterly. “What do you mean death?”
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“I’m teaching you psychic mind control, son!” the Sage whispered. “It is aimed at teaching you how to harness the powers of your mind, the incredible ability of the brain in your head to speed up your healing processes! You’re supposed to be at peaceful places when you meditate, but not one peaceful place, like this valley you’re always sitting at! You’re supposed to find your chi, your spiritual energy, from various peaceful locations! The moment another party enters the realms of your vision, it means you’re not even able to access that power!”
“Maybe mine is different!” Temi cried desperately. “Please, listen to me! Maybe I’m different, maybe this is the way to harness my brain power!”
“No, it isn’t!” Sage Ogu said in a tight voice. “You don’t see any other visions except that valley with the lake, swans, ducks, green grass and the whispering winds! But something happened today, didn’t it? Tell me!”
“No, I can’t tell you!” Temi said desperately.
The Sage placed his hand on Temi’s head and closed his eyes.
Temidayo felt a momentary flash of pain in his head, and then the Sage stood up with a cry of sheer horror, moving backward and shaking his head.
“You fool!” he said harshly. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you keep the presence of the second person approaching you from behind? Oh, my prince, why didn’t you tell me? And today, the river almost dragged you into its fold, and the harsh laughter…my goodness…that was the laugh of that demon, the one with the red eyes! He is aware of you!”
“But he didn’t get me, whoever he is!” Temi said miserably.
“Shut up!” the Sage whispered with terror. “If he had touched you whilst you were under, if the river had pulled you inside, you would have woken up a mad man, a permanent condition no one could have been able to help you out of! Temidayo David Dayo of Dayo…I cannot risk it anymore! I can’t send you under again!”
“No, please!” Temi cried in anguish. “Please, don’t do this to me, I beg of you! Help me! There must be a way out! Don’t let me fail at my destiny, please!”
The Sage was trembling as he looked at Temi.
“I’m sorry, my Prince,” he said, and tears glistened in his eyes. “The best I can do for you is to let you keep on seeing me as if you’re getting trained, but I will never send you under again. You have to excel as a warrior with Commander Freeman, and as a lover with Persis Shemen. But it is over for you as a psychic enhancer. I can’t risk it! That vile demon with the red eyes can kill you, I can’t allow that my prince…no, I can’t!”
Temi fell down weakly on the bed, heartbroken.
This was too much for him to take!
It seemed that everything was stacked up against him, whilst everything was in the favour of Daniel Godwin!
Yes, maybe the Grand Oracle was wrong, and the Seer was right. This was not his calling. It was the time for Daniel Godwin to lead.
But Temi would not give up, no. He didn’t want to have any excuse to tell his mother and sister that he couldn’t come to help them. He would do it with the best of his abilities!
Therefore, he would continue to train, harder and harder, until he could do it no more. And if, after that, he was still not good enough, then he would relinquish the power to his half-brother.
But until then, he had to keep moving on…
And outside the room, very high up in the sky and unknown to both of them – or anybody inside The Haven – a pair of malevolent eyes stared down at them with devilish hatred!
For the first two months, Persis Shemen had used a lifelike doll to teach Temidayo the intricate parts of a woman.
Beginning from the hair to the face, ears and downward, she had carefully taught young Temi how to touch a woman and gently probe for erogenous zones.
“Women are varied in their sexual cravings, my dear Prince,” the elderly woman told him as she gently flipped the doll over on its stomach. “Their bodies are a fine set of nerves and sweet zones. What might work for one woman would not necessarily work for another. So you take your time, and you lovingly probe. There are some areas we all respond to, but then we all have our very special secret spots.
Some are in very absurd places like the crown of the head, or the sole of one particular foot, in-between a particular set of toes, or behind the ears, down in the neck, the tip of the clitoris…ah, it takes a gentle touch, my dear, to examine and please the human body. And each part of the body, when touched right with a hand, or a tongue, or the ever-loving amudike, has a most remarkable response!”
Temidayo loved these teachings very much and followed ardently.
On some occasions, Persis Shemen had stopped abruptly and looked at the hardness protruding through Temi’s shorts, or trousers, and she had shaken her head with an amused smile.
“This is just a dummy, my dear Prince,” she would say gently. “Reacting like that is most unwholesome! As a man, one of the best attributes you should learn is that whilst pleasing a woman, it is best to move with her on the journey, and preferably end with her. It does not pay much, especially for women like Luciana Alexander, to rush ahead and leave them behind all the time. They will eventually get tired of you and dump you. And we don’t want Luciana doing that, do we?”
Temi looked down at his erection and grinned in an embarrassed way.
“And this rushing ahead and leaving her behind, what do you mean by that exactly?” he asked as he gently ran his hands across the soft buttocks of the doll, paying attention to the red spots Persis had indicated on the body with paint.
“Ah, you were with that girl in the hotel,” Persis Shemen said with a sexy smile. “I believe she rocked your body, made the earth tremble for you.”
“Oh, you mean that thing?” Temi asked with a shy smile. “It was really fun indeed. Made me emit great spurts of white sticky fluids.”
Persis Shemen nodded.
“That is the plateau, my dear prince, the orgasmic throes that is so much sweet to experience, and which women also experience.”
Temi’s eyes opened wide.
“Goodness me!” he said. “They also eject great volumes of glue white?”
Persis chuckled.
“No, not as much as you men do, no,” she said gently. “Some do not emit anything at all. Some emit a little flow, and some gush a lot of water, whilst with some, it is more of a tightening of the vulva and a loosening with some emissions. What is common, however, is the great tremors and vibrations and sweetness that engulfs the body.
It is easier for men to hit, but women sometimes need intricate coaxing, with the right words, sounds, and actions, to get to that point. However, even if you feel it first, you must help the woman to reach it too. An adept man can often time himself well enough to hit the spot simultaneously with the woman…and believe me, it is a most amazing thing when that happens!”
“Oh, I can envisage that!” Temi said in a rush, sweat shining on his face with desire. “That, indeed, would be a grand thing! Perhaps, Persis, we should put this doll aside and try to attain that simultaneous point together!”
That had been the only time the woman had been thrown off her perch! She had gasped, and her dark eyes had bored relentlessly into the beautiful ones of Temi, and for a moment her breath had stopped.
“You tempt me, Prince Temidayo!” she had whispered. “But none of that. Do concentrate on what I’m teaching you!”
And then, on the night after he had such a torrid time with Sage Agu Samuel, Temi was admitted into the quarters of Madam Persis Shemen for his lessons, and she took him straight to the big bedroom they had been having their lessons…and there was a surprise waiting for him.
There was not a doll on the bed this time around.
Instead, a tall, curvy, beautiful young woman was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at Temi demurely.
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