The Legend Of Dayo…
A Different Kind Of Man
The Author
The young lady was wearing a black sleeveless dress that stopped above her thighs, giving her a most exotic look indeed. Her palms were resting on the bed as she leaned slightly backward, the gesture thrusting her proud breasts out rather tantalizingly.
She fluttered her eyelashes at him and slowly ran a tongue around her lovely lips.
Temi turned and looked at Persis Shemen with startled eyes.
Persis smiled.
“This is Shola,” Persis said. “Go on, Prince Temi, please her!”
Temi’s heart was pounding hard and his erection was almost tearing a hole through his shorts as he threw off his clothes. Naked and impatient, he approached the bed and grabbed Shola, forcing her on the bed and arranging himself between her glorious thighs.
He saw the sudden fear on her face, and she moaned with sudden disgust and wriggled from under him, and then she got up and raced for the door.
“Hey!” Temidayo shouted, bounding off the bed and racing toward her.
“Sit down!” Persis Shemen shouted with sudden wrath that froze Temi.
He stood there, perplexed by the anger on her face, and slowly his erection wilted.
“I failed, didn’t I?” he asked miserably.
“Yes, you did, my prince!” she hissed angrily at him. “What you just attempted to do was rape, do you understand me? It means taking a woman forcibly without her consent, and that is a crime punishable by death!”
Temi ran his hands through his hair miserably and slowly sank down on the bed.
“I’m sorry,” he said, dejected. “I…I was overcome with the…I don’t know…something!”
“Lust, my prince, lust!” Persis said furiously. “You should learn to control that lust and passion, as a man, especially as an heir to the throne! Do you understand? You need to court her and relax her so that she is also in the mood to have you. That is sixty percent of the work, my dear prince, getting her into the right kind of mood to make her want to have you in her.”
Temi nodded miserably.
“Yes, yes, I do understand.”
“Good, now put your clothes back on,” Persis commanded.
Dejectedly, Temi dressed slowly, and then he looked at Persis.
“What now, ma’am?” he asked. “Back to the doll?”
[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”WARNING”]Exclusive Content to Do not copy or share on any other site. Do not share on any WhatsApp, Facebook or Social Media page. ONLY SHARE THE LINKS TO THE STORY[/stextbox]Persis sighed deeply, and then she went to the door, opened it, and spoke gently.
“Come, Shola,” she called.
The young woman entered the room again, looking at Temi with fear on her face, her eyes uncomfortable.
Temidayo approached her with a gentle smile on his face, and held out his hand to her.
“I’m terribly sorry for my crass behaviour, Shola,” he said with a self-deprecatory smile. “I saw your beauty and I just couldn’t control myself. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Come and have a seat.”
Persis’ cold face broke into a tiny smile of appreciation.
The young lady put her hand in Temi’s and smiled briefly.
“That’s okay, My Lord,” she said.
“Oh, do call me Temi,” he insisted, but she shook her head.
“No, please,” she said. “You’re the Grand Prince of Dayo, and you’re my Lord. I need to address you properly.”
“But, I want you to be my friend,” Temi said as they sat on the bed. “And so, when we’re alone, I’ll be Temi to you. But, when we’re in public, you’ll address me rightly. Is that acceptable to you?”
Shola smiled shyly.
“Indeed, it is acceptable to me, My….Temi,” she said.
“My Temi,” Temi said with a charming smile. “I think I like the sound of that, Shola.”
She giggled now, relaxing, and again Persis smiled faintly, pleased that Temi was now smoothly going through the processes she had painstakingly shown him, and making the girl relax as he gained her confidence.
“Now, if you two will excuse me, I’ll be with you presently,” she said and quickly left the room, closing the door behind her.
She walked across the corridor to the door just next to the room she had exited, opened the door, and entered the room beyond. She crossed quickly to the wall where there were huge crimson cotton curtains from ceiling to floor covering that wall.
Persis Shemen drew the huge curtain aside, revealing a huge pane of glass fixed into the wall. It was a two-way mirror. It showed her what was going on in the other room between the prince of Dayo and the maiden.
Temi and Shola would only see a mirror with their own reflections when they looked into the glass, and they would not see that Persis Shemen had drawn up a chair close to the glass and that she was observing them with a keen eye.
She watched carefully as Temi reclined back on the bed, still chatting with Shola. The girl was now eating an apple from a bowl, and laughing gently at what Temi was saying to her.
Presently, Temi stood up and approached her. He took the bowl from her and walked to a table in the corner and set it down. When he turned round, Persis could see his erection leading him through the shorts, and she shook her head with frustration.
“You red-blooded galoot!” she whispered, amused. “Maybe, we should bandage that reckless pole when you meet Luciana.”
She was pleased, though, when Temi approached Shola gently and then sat down beside her. A moment later, he touched her hair, looking deeply into her eyes as he had been taught.
The girl slowly went into his arms, and they kissed tenderly and slowly.
Persis watched as Temi slowly helped the girl to undress, and then he lay her gently down on the bed, and went to work on her. He gently took off his shirt, and Persis nodded with satisfaction when he retained his shorts.
“You learn well, my Prince,” Persis whispered.
Temi was kissing the girl lingeringly, sweetly, as his hands moved slowly down her body, exploring, finding out her spots, and soon she was shuddering with desire.
That he could excite her so pleased Temi so much that for a moment he forgot about his own desires, and concentrated on pleasing Shola. His lips found the hollows beneath her ears, and slowly moved to her throat, then to her nipples which were standing as hard and as firm as raisins.
His lips blazed down her taut belly, and she bucked with uncontrollable desire, opening her legs wide for his gentle hands. He touched her inner thighs, her calves, her feet, and slowly ran his hands down each sole of her feet. His lips followed down her inner thighs, and she bucked wildly, and he knew that was her erogenous zone.
He kissed her there, sensuously and lingeringly, and Shola’s screams and moans became deeper. His tongue flicked down sweetly on her cherry button, and then she screamed loudly and grabbed his head, pressing his face against her cherry and wrapping her calves around shoulders.
A moment later, she unwound her legs and impatiently dragged him up, and then she turned him over and lithely slid down his body, and soon her lips found his inflamed royal guitar. She worked him quickly, and soon she straddled him and gently lowered herself on him.
Shola rode him, and then something really incredible happened, causing Persis to frown and lean forward with shock!
Shola was bucking in a frenzy as if a million jolts of electricity was passing through her. Her head swung round wildly on her neck, and her eyes were glazed, her face contorted into the most hideous mask of twisted passion Persis had ever seen, and for a moment, she was scared that Shola might be suffering from a sudden fit of epilepsy!
She screamed as she hit her orgasm in a non-ending peal of delight that rocked the bed violently, throwing her arms around in frenzied sweet agony.
Finally, she flopped back on the bed, her eyes glazed, her breathing hard, her face flushed with incredible shock as she stared dazedly at Temi.
“Oh, Prince Temi,” she whispered weakly. “I love you. What kind of amu do you have? It…seemed to come alive! It is like nothing I had ever experienced…with no man, not even Daniel!”
Temi leaned back and looked at her with his face flushed with wonder.
A moment later, the door opened, and Persis came in, her face expressionless.
“Shola, get up and get dressed,” Persis Shemen said in an unsteady voice.
The girl sat up, her face suddenly worried.
“Oh, Lady Persis, I’m so sorry!” she whispered, almost tearfully. “I have not pleased the Prince yet! His…his is different! It drove me…mad with pleasure!”
“You have done wonderfully, Shola,” Persis said with a tight smile. “I wanted him to please you. You’ll get your time to please him another time. But tell me, when you say his amu is different, what exactly do you mean?”
Shola’s face was flushed with sudden shyness as she gazed rather lovingly at Temidayo.
“Oh, yes, I would love to please him every day,” Shola said as she leaned over and planted a sweet, warm kiss on Temi’s lips. “His amu…it seemed to have a life of its own, hitting everything in me at once…like ten living things, making it hard to breathe because it was so…amazing!”
“And you haven’t experienced that with anyone before?” Persis asked, confused.
“Oh, no, Lady Persis!” Shola said, frowning. “I don’t know how to describe it…it wasn’t like any amu, quite sweeter than any! Do you remember the rumours we used to be told, that the kings of Dayo are created different down there? I thought it was a lie until…oh, Lady Persis, he is the One, the real Prince, the real future King! It is true…he’s created different down there in the royal rod!”
Temi smiled, still looking mystified as he watched Shola dress up, and then the girl left the room. She stopped at the door and looked at Temi with very bright eyes.
“I’m at the Green Orchid section, My Lord,” she said in a rush, her cheeks flushed furiously. “Anytime you need me, just send for me. I love you, Prince Temi, oh, you made me experience something I’ll never forget!”
“I’ve heard you, Shola,” Temi said with a smile that transformed his incredibly handsome face, and then a moment later Shola left the room.
Temi stood up and rushed toward Persis.
“Wow, I did it!” he said excitedly. “She rushed ahead and left me, can you believe that? Now I understand what you meant by rushing ahead and leaving a lady. It is not a pleasant feeling to be left behind. I wanted to experience the…what did you call it? The orgasm?”
He saw that Persis Shemen was breathing hard as she moved to the door and silently turned the key in the lock.
She turned slowly and faced Prince Temi, but her eyes were on the wide wet patch on the bed, evidence of Shola’s incredible and unbelievable explosion.
Yes, Persis Shemen had known that myth, that the kings were created differently by the Creator Of All Things, to be incredibly sweet there so that no man would ever take over their Queens.
Like Shola, Persis had never believed that whimsical tale, but she just couldn’t forget Shola’s violent orgasm, and she could still hear the girls frenzied screams!
Could it be true?
Persis looked into the eyes of the prince.
Her face was flushed, tender and passionate.
She looked more beautiful than Temi had ever seen her.
“My husband was a Lord in your father’s kingdom,” she said in an unsteady voice. “He was killed by Temitayo Anubi’s thugs. Fifteen years ago that is, and I’ve never burned with passion since, or looked at another man since.”
Temi had stopped smiling.
His eyes roved over the face of the beautiful woman.
“You find me attractive,” he said softly. “You want to rekindle that passion with me?”
She sighed deeply and looked down at the floor, and then slowly she looked into his face.
“I have taught you well,” she whispered tremulously. “But you already have what it takes to set many a heart on fire, Temidayo David Dayo, because you’re like your father, a very dashing man indeed. But, there is another reason…this different royal lance Shola spoke about. I have to find out, if you don’t mind, and if indeed it is true…then perhaps you really didn’t need any teaching. Just this once, yes, only this night, I burn with passion for you. Only this once, and it shall not happen again, I need to find out if that myth is true after all.”
Temi didn’t say anything.
He took a step toward her, but she held up a hand and pointed to the bathroom.
“Go in there, my prince, and wash her off your skin with soap and sponge, and then come and please me!”
Temidayo went to the bathroom and returned to find her on the bed naked, with fresh sheets laid on the bed.
She was a matured woman, her body pleasant to look at, and much more arousing. He slowly lowered himself down beside her, but with a grunt, she held him, turned him over, and got on top of him almost violently. She held his amudike and slipped gently and sweetly on top of him.
“Ah!” Temi whispered. “It seems to me that you’re the one doing that raping thing now. You must learn how to be patient, ma’am.”
Persis tried to smile down at him, but unable to laugh because of the pleasure suffusing her body as she rode him fast and hard. Yes, indeed, his was different! It felt as if it had developed a life of its own, or maybe other tentacles, because it surged through her, hitting every little sensitive nerve within her and sending waves of uncontrollable pleasure through her!
She wanted to stop, to slow down, but she could not!
Her fingers dug into his chest as she fell on him, unable to even kiss him because she was groaning and weeping at the same time, taken to a height she had never experienced as that incredible thing spread a trembling, incredibly powerful feeling through every little nerve in her body so that she wept as her body exploded in waves and waves of multiple orgasms, and then felt him moaning in her eyes as he also hit the echelon of paradise!
And then, much later, as he was slipping off to sleep, she kissed him fully on the lips.
“I’m tired,” he whispered sleepily. “Indeed, you were hungry everywhere.”
Persis Shemen giggled shyly.
“Shut up, Prince,” she murmured wondrously.
“And that orgasm thing, when we both had it at the same time…it was like magic,” he said weakly.
She put her arm on his chest, and gently rubbed it over his chest as tears came to her eyes.
“You didn’t need my teaching, my Lord Temi,” she whispered gently, wondrously. “Indeed, it is true that you kings are created differently. What you have down there is not normal, and every woman it touches will be a slave to it. Daniel Godwin doesn’t have it, and no man will ever have it, because the legend is true…only the true heirs of Dayo are born with it! I don’t doubt you, my Lord, my Prince, my King…indeed, you’re the Chosen One!”
She was quiet for a while, running her fingers gently through the hairs on his chest.
“My handsome prince,” she whispered after a while. “Would you want to do it again?”
But Temi barely heard her.
He was fast asleep.
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