Whatever It Takes…
The Author
“How could you, Akwasi? How could you do that to my pride? I trusted you!”
“I’m sorry Dad, I truly am sorry.”
“Now, get the hell out of my house or I won’t be responsible for what happens to you.”
Meanwhile, Esenam was with her friends in the guest room of the mission house.
She was in her wedding dress.
The beautician was working on her face.
Her phone rang and Naana answered it.
“Hello, how can I help you?”
‘May I speak to Esenam?”
“She can’t get to the phone right now. May I take the message?”
“Look, I’m her brother, it’s urgent I speak to her.”
“Okay, “
Naana handed the phone to Esenam and told her it was her brother who needed to speak with her urgently.
“Hello, Elorm. What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry Esenam. I needed to talk to you.”
[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”WARNING”]Exclusive Content to http://www.aaron-ansah-agyeman.com Do not copy or share on any other site. Do not share on any WhatsApp, Facebook or Social Media page. ONLY SHARE THE LINKS TO THE STORY[/stextbox]Esenam recognized the voice. It was Akwasi, not Elorm.
“Akwasi, what do you want from me?”
“Are you really doing this? Are you marrying that damn guy?”
“What makes you think that I wouldn’t? I’ve told you time and again that I’m in love with Yaw. Please respect that and stop bothering me.”
Esenam cut the line and switched off the phone. Her friends exchanged worried looks when they saw how angry she was.
‘You shouldn’t be angry today. It’s your special day. Who was that anyway?” Naana asked.
“Just forget about him. I’m fine.’
She got to her feet when the beautician was done.
They all marveled at how beautiful she looked, so beautiful she could have passed for an angel.
She thanked them for being there with her and asked for a moment alone before she headed for the church.
Her friends exchanged worried looks again but left.
Esenam walked to the window that overlooked the garden.
“It is a beautiful day. This is the day I marry the love of my life. God, I pray that you’ll help me so that nothing destroys this day. My happiness is with Boat. I love him so much. Let this day pass without any incident and please bring my family back together if it’s your will.”
The door creaked open and Naana peeped through.
“I’m sorry Esenam, but this gentleman insists on seeing you. He says he won’t go unless he sees you.”
“It’s okay, Naana. Let him in. I think I have to deal with him once and for all.” Esenam said without turning to see who was at the door.
The door closed gently,
Esenam still did not turn.
She was getting angry because Akwasi was becoming a thorn in her flesh.
“Look Akwasi, I’ve told you time and again that I don’t love you anymore. I’m not doing this to spite you or anything. I love someone else and you should respect that. There is nothing you can do to change my mind. I’m marrying Boat today. Get used to that and move on. I pray that you find someone who would love you the way I love Yaw. He loves me too. As it is, no one can change my mind.”
“I know, dear, that’s why I’m here.”
Esenam could not believe her ears. She turned immediately and run into his arms.
“Yes Esenam, it’s me.”
Esenam stepped back when it dawned on her that her Dad had come to stop her from marrying Boat.
“If you are here to stop me I’m sorry it won’t work. I love Boat and I want to spend the rest of my life with him.”
“No, Esenam. I’m not here to stop or lecture you. I know you always make the right choices. I’m here to lend my support and give you my blessings. I want to give you away. You are my first daughter, that is my honoured duty, right? I love you.”
Tears of joy formed in Esenam’s eyes.
She was so touched she could barely
move or speak.
The door flew open.
Elorm stopped dead in his tracks.
He could not believe his eyes. He had come to tell Esenam it was time and was very pleasantly surprised.
Mr. Fiagbe went over to hug him.
He apologized for hitting him earlier
and asked for his forgiveness.
Elorm felt very proud of his Dad.
He knew the old man had made the right decision and he also knew his Mom was going to be very proud of her husband too, and he knew it must have been the most herculean decision his father ever made.
They walked out of the room.
Reggie, Boat’s friend, and best man was at the main entrance with the beautifully-decorated car waiting to pick Esenam to the Church.
The Church was filled to capacity. Boat sat in the front seat all tensed up.
He looked back occasionally to see if his Esenam was coming.
He prayed that nothing bad happens that day.
Yes, he just wanted to marry Esenam, after that nothing mattered anymore.
All he needed was her in his life.
After what seemed like an eternity the horn of the car carrying Esenam become audible.
The whole crowd murmured and stretched their necks ready to catch a glimpse of the bride.
Mrs. Fiagbe looked back to see if they had arrived, but they were not yet visible.
Elder Asare called for order for the commencement of the ceremony.
The procession began right after that.
Yayra, carrying a bouquet of flowers,
walked to the front row and took her
special place.
Betty, Boat’s sister, also carrying a
bouquet of flowers walked to the
front row and took her place.
Naana carrying a bouquet of flowers
and a tiny handbag followed.
Then, the bride on her proud father’s arm walked gracefully through the crowd.
There was a sudden hum all around as the crowd murmured appreciatively as she passed.
Esenam’s Mom looked back and saw her smiling daughter on her smiling father’s arm.
Tears of joy formed in her eyes.
She was deeply touched to see her husband with the first fruit of their love.
Boat was on his feet and had turned in the direction Esenam was coming from.
He smiled with sheer pride as he watched his beautiful Esenam walk to him.
He was surprised to see Mr. Fiagbe representing and thanked God for the miracle.
His love for Esenam was simply beyond measure.
He loved her with his very soul.
Esenam and her Dad were now at Boat’s side.
Mr. Fiagbe hugged Boat and told him to take good care of his first daughter and girlfriend.
Mr. Fiagbe walked to his wife and sat beside her.
He whispered in her ear and she smiled.
He took her hand into his and kissed it gently.
Elder Asare asked Boat to take off the
veil and confirm that she was the
woman, he intended to marry.
Boat took off the veil slowly and
confirmed it was Esenam, his
endless love.
The congregation sang and then a
prayer was offered to begin the
“Can you two face each other and answer these questions.” Elder Asare directed.
“Do you, Nana Yaw Boateng, take this woman, Hope Esenam Fiagbe, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to respect for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” Boat answered looking straight into Esenam’s eyes with a smile on his face.
“Do you, Hope Esenam Fiagbe, take Nana Yaw Boateng, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love, respect and obey for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do,” Esenam answered looking straight into Boat’s eyes with a smile on her face, and with love dancing in her eyes.
“Let hear your vows. Boat you go first. Then Esenam will follow.”
Boat took Esenam’s hand in his and whispered her name sweetly.
“I, Nana Yaw Boateng, affirm my love to you, Hope Esenam Fiagbe before God and all present as we start our life together as man and wife. You are and will always be the most beautiful, smart and gorgeous woman I will ever know. I promise always to respect and love you unconditionally. With kindness, unselfishness, and trust, I will work with you to create a wonderful life together. I take you to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health forever and ever. I Love you Esenam, always have, always will!’
The crowd cheered as he kissed her
hands when he finished his vow.
Esenam was so touched she could barely speak. Her heart was full of gladness. She smiled at him. She looked straight in his eyes and said her vows.
“I, Hope Esenam Fiagbe, affirm my love to you, Nana Yaw Boateng before God and all present as we start our life together as man and wife. You are and will always be the most handsome, smart and kindest man I will ever know. I promise always to respect and love you unconditionally. With kindness, unselfishness, and trust, I will work by your side to create a wonderful life together. I take you to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health forever and ever. I Love You, Nana Yaw! Always have, Always will!”
The crowd cheered louder.
Boat and Esenam exchanged rings and Boat finally got to his favourite part, the part he had been craving for: he kissed Esenam in front of God, family, and friends to solidify their journey together as man and wife.
Mr. Fiagbe seized the opportunity when he was asked to give a few words of advice to the couple and appealed to his wife to come back home.
He apologized to his wife, Esenam Yayra and Elorm for his actions.
They all walked to him on stage and hugged him.
That night as Esenam and Boat ate in the private suite of one of the luxurious Beach Resorts in Ghana, she was glad things had worked out just fine for her.
She was most grateful to God that her family was back together again.
She walked over to Boat and sat on his laps.
Esenam thanked him for everything he had done and she promised him he would be the only man for her as long as they lived.
She kissed him passionately and asked him what he would say about making love to his wife for the first time.
Boat swept her in his arms and kissed her while he carried her to their room.
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