The Legend Of Dayo…
The Author
When Number 6 Company rode morosely through the secret gates of The Haven, led by a very despondent Prosper Freeman, they found themselves surrounded by the remaining warriors with drawn arrows.
Prosper reigned in his horse and looked around with fierce eyes, and his hand immediately went to the hilt of his sword.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Commander Freeman!” came the thunderous voice of Daniel Godwin as he stepped forward with his sword drawn. “Draw your sword and all of you would be killed instantly!”
Prosper Freeman glared down at Daniel Godwin with hard flinty eyes, and his hatred was etched deeply on his face.
“And what’s the meaning of this, Daniel?” he hissed fiercely.
“And you will address me properly, Commander Prosper Freeman!” Daniel Godwin thundered angrily. “As your future king, I expect nothing but total subservient behaviour from you and all other subjects! Do you understand, Commander Freeman!”
“You’re not my king!” Prosper Freeman shouted as he jumped from his horse and drew his sword. “I served only one king, and he was King Demi, and I will serve only the true son of King Demi, a son born out of proper wedlock to my Queen Kelly Philip! You, Daniel, are not that son!”
All the warriors raised their arrows higher, and Daniel Godwin advanced angrily on Prosper Freeman with his sword held out and ready for a deadly battle.
“You will risk the lives of Number 6 Company for your immaturity?” Daniel screamed furiously. “Show me Temidayo! Tell me he is alive, and I’ll lay down my sword and accept him as my king!”
Walexman Olawale and Mickey King also jumped down from their horses and promptly drew their swords, taking up stands behind Prosper Freeman.
“Walex, Mickey, sheath your swords!” Prosper shouted without looking at them. “This is my fight, and not yours.”
“We ride together, and die together, Commander,” Walexman said without much emotion. “If we should die today, on this soil, so be it.”
“I bleed for you, Commander,” Mickey King said coldly. “Only you, and the king you choose to serve!”
“Gentlemen, gentlemen, please calm down, please!” Ayaka Nsugbe said with fear and concern as he stepped between Prosper and Daniel. “Don’t let us fight each other! The real enemy is out there!”
“If you know that, why are we surrounded by warriors, Ayaka?” Prosper growled angrily. “Why are the men and women I trained and commanded now pointing arrows at me?”
Ayaka Nsugbe sighed with unhappiness and faced Prosper.
“There was a meeting of Keepers, Commander,” he said quickly. “Keeper Emma Tobi called a meeting and told us very frightening things, Commander. He intimated that Shemen Persis tainted herself and compromised her position as a Keeper by lying down with Prince Temidayo!”
Prosper Freeman groaned with sudden pain and shook his head numbly.
“Oh, no!” he whispered, aghast. “She did what? I don’t believe it!”
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“She admitted to it, Commander,” Ayaka said sadly. “She had no shame and no regret. And you know that is an offense punishable by death, but we don’t want to take that decision now.”
“Where’s she, what have you done to her?” Prosper asked grimly.
“She has been imprisoned in the Barracks Guard Room, waiting for a proper hearing, Commander,” Ayaka Nsugbe said. “Unfortunately, that wasn’t the only charge brought forward.”
“She did more?” Prosper asked hollowly.
“No, not her, but Sage Agu Samuel!” Ayaka said severely, and there was a general intake of breath as all eyes swung to the Sage, who sat his horse calmly and looked down at them with resignation.
“The Sage?” Prosper asked slowly. “What did he do?”
Keeper Emma Tobi pushed his way through the bodies and came forward with an accusing finger pointed at Agu Samuel.
“He lied and allowed Temidayo to bluff off his healing!” Emma said with scathing hatred. “Sage Agu Samuel, I put it to you that Temidayo didn’t master the art of spiritual self-healing. You lied to us all, and that is also a sin punishable by death! Do you deny it?”
Sage Agu Samuel pursed his lips, and then he smiled gently and slowly dismounted from his horse.
He walked forward and faced Ayaka Nsugbe.
“Yes, I lied for Prince Temidayo,” he said clearly, and there was a loud groan from the people assembled.
Sage Agu Samuel’s face became hard as he pointed at Daniel Godwin.
“This man is a bully!” he screamed suddenly. “There is no shadow of a royal king in him, and I owe him no allegiance! I don’t know what has happened to Prince Temidayo, and I don’t know whether he is in the land of the living or dead…but I know one thing, though, that what the Grand Oracle said is the truth, and Temidayo is the Chosen One!”
“You vile blasphemer!” Daniel Godwin screamed, and in a flash his right fist flew into Sage Agu’s face, the punch sending the elderly man down with a broken nose. “Grab him this instant and imprison him in the Guard Room!”
Two huge warriors peeled from the main column and grabbed the bleeding Sage Agu Samuel, and began to drag him away.
Ayaka Nsugbe shook his head sadly.
“So you see, Commander, two of our trusted Keepers lied to us,” he said bitterly. “You must admit that Temidayo can’t fight, and he can’t master the art of the mind. The only thing he has is his royal rod, which only proves that his father was, indeed, King Demi. And now Temidayo is probably dead, unfortunately, killed by the White Kombas. Evidently, therefore, there is no longer any challenger to Daniel Godwin. He is the Chosen One!”
“Kings and Princes of Dayo just don’t disappear, Ayaka, son of Nsugbe!” Prosper Freeman said scathingly. “Their destinies are drawn in the skies by the finger of the Creator, and you know it! Temidayo’s death will have to be confirmed by either the Grand Oracle of the Palace or the Seer of the people! Until we know he is dead, from either of them, we do not write the prince off!”
“I do not comprehend your silly antics, Prosper Freeman!” Emma Tobi screamed wrathfully. “That twerp of a boy is dead!”
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Prosper took a step forward and sank a fist into Emma Tobi’s guts, and the Keeper groaned with pain and fell to the ground, clutching his stomach as vomit spewed out of his mouth.
“You stupid bastard!” Godwin Daniel shouted and moved toward the Commander, but Ayaka Nsugbe stepped forward quickly and put a hand on Daniel’s chest.
“Please, remain calm, all of you!” he shouted angrily and turned furious eyes on Prosper Freeman. “You struck a fellow Keeper, Commander Freeman, and the cost of that shall be a great fine against you! Let your head remain calm! What is the meaning of this tomfoolery? For your information, we called on the Grand Oracle, but he did not appear, and so we consulted the Seer!”
There was a sudden hush, and Commander Freeman felt his legs going weak as he stared at Ayaka Nsugbe with sudden fear.
“And did the Seer confirm that Prince Temidayo is dead?”
Ayaka Nsugbe took a deep breath.
“The Seer simply said we should wait here for the end of the month, and we would receive a sign whether he is dead or not. So we wait!”
Daniel Godwin helped Emma Tobi to his feet, and then he turned cold and mean eyes on Commander Freeman.
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