The Legend Of Dayo…
The Author
Temidayo looked at Nneka Okez, and he saw her looking intently at him, and for a moment there was no hardness on her face, nor coldness, but a strange look of vulnerability which she quickly hid by lowering her head.
He might have drifted off into sleep then because when he came awake again there was a lantern burning low in the room. The windows were closed, and there were the horrible grunting sounds of the horrible White Kombas from outside the windows!
Temi turned his head and was horrified to find Nneka Okez next to him, but she had covered herself completely with a cloth, and she was trembling violently and making strangled sounds.
It was evident that she was absolutely terrified of the White Kombas!
Temi was feeling very cold himself, and he was shivering as the fever raged through him, but his young heart was filled with compassion for this brave woman beside him.
Evidently, she had a strong phobia where the White Kombas were concerned. They had cut short her happiness and married life by killing her husband, but she had bravely stayed on, refusing to leave her husband’s side for many years, going through this horrible nightmare night after night, but remaining unbroken.
“Nek!” he whispered weakly. “It is okay, Nek. Look at me, it is okay. They can’t harm you.”
She remained under the cloth, shivering and moaning, refusing to listen to him.
Painfully Temi reached out, defying the excruciating pain that ripped through his body with the movement, and he took hold of the cloth around her and pulled.
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She made a growling sound and snatched the cloth back, but he pulled again and kept on pulling until she screamed and slapped his hand away, causing agonizing pain to rip through him so that he screamed.
She pushed the cloth off her face instantly and looked at him.
He saw that her face was awash with tears and that her beautiful face was twisted out of shape with her terror. She was shivering horribly, and her head almost snapped off her neck when a White Komba bellowed fiendishly outside.
Temidayo found his wrath rising again!
He had never heard those accursed monsters making such malicious and frightening noises before! It seemed they were intentionally taunting and torturing the woman.
“They can’t harm you, Nek, not anymore!” Temi said weakly. “It is alright…come, please, come.”
He held out his arm to her.
She stared at him wildly, and then she came toward him and slid against his body. She put her head on his right shoulder, and with an effort Temi draped his arm around her, rubbing her back gently and reassuringly.
Her face was wet and fevered against his skin, but slowly her shivering seemed to subside, and she began to calm down.
The more her fears dissipated, the more the noise from the White Kombas died down.
And then Temi realized something about the White Kombas: they could sense fear!
Maybe they had some inbuilt antennas that sensed fear and terror!
That was why they had been so vociferous only a few minutes ago.
But as Nneka calmed down, they became less violent, and some moments after he heard them hopping away with cries of fury.
Silence reigned.
“You can stop doing that,” the muffled voice of Nneka said.
“What, Nek?” Temi asked, aware that her body heat was also making him feel less cold.
“Rubbing my back,” she said softly. “I’m not your harlot.”
Temi smiled to himself and stopped rubbing her back, and then he removed his arm from around her and put it on the bed.
There was silence, and then she sighed heavily and spoke again.
“I didn’t say you should stop holding me,” she said softly.
And Temi giggled then, a soft, gentle deep giggle that vibrated through their bodies.
He lifted his arm and draped it around her, a bit tighter, and he almost gasped when she slowly put her right arm around him and drew a bit closer to him.
“You’re the only man to be this close to me except my Moshood,” she whispered. “And you took my terror away. Thank you.”
“Thank you too, Nek,” he whispered.
“You won’t stop calling me that, would you?” she asked.
“Do you still want me to?”
There was a short pause.
“No, you can call me that,” she said at length. “But don’t get any funny ideas. My body is not for you. It is only for Moshood.”
“He’s dead,” he said without thinking.
She gasped and tensed against him for a moment, and then she spoke softly, but her voice was tinged with pain.
“I know he’s dead, my Lord,” she said in a tiny voice.
Temi’s folly dawned on him then, and he groaned with sudden remorse.
“Oh, hell!” he said, contrite. “Oh, darn it! I’m sorry, please, so sorry. Do forgive me.”
Slowly she relaxed against him.
“That Jhon Moziz, he said you’re still young and learning our ways, and that you might speak foolishly sometimes,” she said softly. “Yes, you’re but a child, and I’m older than you. Indeed, I forgive you.”
“Thank you.”
“But don’t say that again.”
“I won’t, Nek, I won’t,” he whispered. “But what do you mean by you’re older than me?”
“It means my ways are higher than you, my Lord, and I don’t need to get easily offended by your ways. I have to look after you like I’ll look after my little brother.”
“Certainly that is vain speech, Nek!” he said, agitated. “I am bigger and stronger than you are, and the word ‘little’ barely describes me. Plus, I don’t want to be your brother!”
“Certainly not!” he said, chagrined.
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“And why is that, Prince Temidayo?” she asked carefully.
“I’ve been told brothers and sisters don’t make love, that it is a taboo!”
“Indeed it is, my Lord,” she said softly. “That is why you must see me as your older sister because there is never going to be any lovemaking between us, especially because I’m older than you are!”
“Now that is nonsense,” he said, suddenly piqued. “What do you mean we can’t make love because you’re older? Perchance, does my amu require to grow in years before it can match your old otu? Certainly, I do not need a ladder to climb you, do I, because you’re older?”
She was silent for a while.
“Perhaps we should stop talking about this subject, my Lord,” she said softly, and he sensed she could be smiling. “Just remember, I’m for Moshood, and there’s not going to be any sharing of bodies between us.”
“You keep saying that,” he said softly. “It is as if you’re trying to convince yourself. It seems to me you really want to do it, but you don’t want to start it, but you’re putting the idea into my head, Nek.”
“Certainly not!” she said, chagrined and tensing beside him. “Now what on earth gave you such a vexatious idea?”
“You do confuse me!” Temi said with some sort of desperation. “You cover me with your body to give me heat, you keep holding me, and yet you keep saying you’re older than I am so I shouldn’t expect to dip into you…and you say it with your arms around me and your lips near mine! Indeed, I can feel your body trembling just like Shola, and yes, Chioma and Shemen! And yet you keep insisting you’re older! Older and so what, Nek? Does it mean your otu is blocking?”
“It is gross to mention ‘amu’ and ‘otu’ in that raw, coarse way, my Lord, and it is especially disgusting coming from a prince,” she said softly. “So stop it, my Lord, and sleep.”
“Ahhhh!” Temi groaned and gave her an impatient squeeze. “No one has dared tell me my words are coarse before. If indeed, they’re offensive to you, I do apologize, Nek.”
“Good, my Lord,” she said softly. “Apology accepted. Now sleep, please.”
“Alright, but one more thing,” he said.
“Yes, my Lord?” she whispered.
“You can address me as you’re doing when others are around,” he said gently as he rubbed her back again. “But when we’re alone like we’re now, you’ll call me Temi, or David. Is that understood?”
“Yes, my Lord,” she said quickly, and then she giggled. “Yes, Temi.”
“Good,” Temi said sleepily and yawned, aware that the pains in his body had subsided a little like it always did when he was holding her, or she was covering him with her warmth.
And, shortly afterward, both of them fell asleep, in each other’s arms.
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