The Legend Of Dayo…
The Author
The Grand Oracle looked sadly at the Queen.
“Alas, my Queen, I cannot go there with him even though I want so much to,” he said in a tortured voice. “You see, any powers given me by the Creator of All Things would be useless in the land of the dead. I will be just like an ordinary man, and because I am not of a royal line, I will perish in a day inside the White Lands.”
“Has the Heir Apparent been informed of this?” Ayaka Nsugbe asked after the terrible silence had stretched for a while.
“He has,” the Grand Oracle said. “I told him the first night the Apocalypse occurred, and I’ve tried to tell him every day since, but he wouldn’t listen to me. It is as if he has totally lost the zest for life.”
[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”WARNING”]Exclusive Content to Do not copy or share on any other site. Do not share on any WhatsApp, Facebook or Social Media page. ONLY SHARE THE LINKS TO THE STORY[/stextbox]“Of course he has!” the Queen said sharply, almost defensively. “He lost the only woman he loved and, more painfully, a son he was looking forward to having. He also lost a brother in Daniel Godwin, a man who sacrificed himself to save Temi. My son is blaming himself for their deaths, and psychologically, it is affecting him very much!”
“More reason why you should have allowed him to kill the traitors, Grand Oracle!” Emma Tobi said in an ugly voice. “Maybe, if he had killed that traitor Ziloux and his witch of a sister Rose, he would have received a little peace and allowed him to concentrate on the greater problem!”
All eyes turned on Rose Amaefule and Ziloux Escobar, and Rose quickly looked down at her feet as the unbearable feeling of guilt crushed her very soul within her.
“And I told you every living person that was spared by the Apocalypse has a role to play, Emma, son of Tobi!” Jhon Moziz said furiously. “Murder and revenge are not the answers we seek! The most important thing is how to raise the spirit of the Heir Apparent and give him a sense of purpose once more, because only he can do what needs to be done!”
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“Oh, such a young boy, such a little king!” Queen Kelly cried, agitated. “My son has been forced to be a man from the very day he was born. He has known no happiness ever since you took him away, Grand Oracle, and now he has to sacrifice more, maybe even his own life too!”
“Indeed, you speak truth, my Queen,” Ayaka Nsugbe said sadly. “But that has been his destiny ever since he was born. All we can do is support him, and be grateful to him.”
Jhon Moziz was staring at the Queen with sudden hooded eyes, as the words she had spoken sank.
He has known no happiness ever since you took him away…
No happiness…
But that could not be true!
The prince had known immeasurable happiness once, so much that he had not wanted to set foot in Dayo!
He had been in love then, greatly in love, with that Earthly Maiden, Neji Helen, whose memory Jhon Moziz had erased! It had been a very necessary evil at the time, because it had been very urgent for Temi to confront his destiny free of the cumbersome entanglements of passion and responsibility for a girl.
But now the prince was in deep pain over the loss of another woman he had fallen in love with, another woman who was going to bear him a son. What if the prince regained his memories?
Would he not again remember that great first love, and be aware that if he refused to go for the Dead Olive from The Desolates, the very life of the earthling female could be affected if war broke out on earth without the Dayans present to help?
What if Neji Helen was brought from earth to Dayo?
Would that in a way not assuage the pain Temi was currently going through?
“Our time is too limited to be wasted on passionate emotions now, my people,” Jhon Moziz said as the plan began to take shape in his mind. “Let us depart from here, and let us all resolve to help the prince back from his self-imposed sludge! Now, I have a little assignment for you, Commander Freeman.”
Prosper Freeman nodded once.
“I’m listening, Grand Oracle.”
“Please, charge your warriors to go round the whole of Dayo,” the Grand Oracle said. “There are people, food, livestock that the Black Rain must have spared. Gather all the people you can find and bring them to Dayo. They all have a part to play in the redemption, that was why they were spared. Also, gather all the livestock and food you can find and create a big store for them. As we wait for redemption, we’re going to need all the food and resources we can find.”
“You’re wise, Grand Oracle,” Prosper Freeman said. “It will be done.”
“Thank you,” Jhon Moziz said and turned to the Queen.
“Only you can help bring our prince back to us, my Queen,” he said earnestly. “Please, talk to him and let him see the importance of what we’re facing.”
“I will do my best, Jhon Moziz,” Queen Kelly Philip answered.
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The following morning, Queen Kelly Philip and her daughter, Princess Uvbi Akenzua, entered the Royal Cemetery and walked along the well-kept cemented paths toward the Prince as he stood gazing down morosely at the grave of Nneka Okez.
The beauty of the cemetery had now become an oppressive expanse of sheer stony surfaces as a result of the Apocalypse curse. The exotic flowers, the beautiful royal palms, the blue sheen of the water pools and fish ponds at vantage points of the cemetery had all been covered by brown stone.
The prince was wearing a long, dark gown and holding a bottle of wine in his left hand, and as they approached him, he raised the bottle to his lips and took a long slug, then wiped his lips with the back of his right hand.
Princess Uvbi Akenzua slipped her arms around him from behind and pressed her face against his back. The Queen took hold of the bottle and as she tried to wrench it from his hand, he held on to it, his sad eyes reflecting his displeasure.
“Give me the bottle, son, please,” she said gently.
Temi hesitated for a moment, and then he let go of the bottle.
The Queen stepped close to his son and took his hand in her free one.
“You stink, brother!” Princess Akenzua said with a giggle. “When was the last time you took a bath?”
The Queen noted the pained lines of her son’s face and the week-old stubble on his jaw and cheeks. Indeed, he reeked of an unpleasant odour, and her heart went out to him during this moment of great grief for him.
“We lose people dear to us, my son,” she said softly. “I lost your father at a time you were not yet born. I saw him slain before my very eyes, and taking breath then was very difficult for me. But I had to live through it all, my son.
Eighteen years I spent in the belly of the earth in the dungeons, my companions being reptiles and deadly insects, but through it all, through the horror of not knowing whether you survived, and the pain of knowing your sister was a prisoner, I never lost hope, and held on for that one single day when my sore eyes would behold the sight of you.”
Temi nodded as he raised his arms and draped them across the shoulders of his mother and sister.
“Both of you have suffered,” he said in slurred voice, obviously drunk, and his breath reeked strongly of stale alcohol. “Now, we’re together, and that is all that matters, isn’t it?”
“No, my darling brother,” Princess Akenzua said with tears in her eyes. “We dreamt of salvation for the Dayo Empire. We wanted to be united with our friends, with our people! Dayo has a great responsibility, brother! We are the custodians of the planet Earth! If Dayo ceases to exist, war and disease will ravage the people of Earth!”
“And our dear Dayo is now a pile of stone, cursed under the Apocalypse, my son,” the Queen continued. “Today, we have just fifty-two days to change the destiny of this Empire. The survivors need their king, Temi. It is time to rise and face the destiny put on your shoulders. Dayo needs you! Your father needs you to stand strong and be king, my son!”
“I don’t want to do it anymore!” Temi shouted and moved away from them, his handsome face torn up by torment as tears bubbled in his eyes. “What kind of destiny is this anyway? If the Creator of All Things is so powerful, why does He allow such horrible atrocities to befall His people? Why doesn’t He just save Dayo and vanquish the evil foes?”
“Temi, no!” Princess Akenzua said painfully, her face filled with horror.
“You blaspheme, my son!” Queen Kelly Philip said, and her voice was very harsh indeed. “Hold your tongue and don’t let it stray against the Creator!”
“And why not, Mama?” Temi said passionately as he pointed a trembling finger at his mother. “What more do I have to give before victory is won? I gave up my childhood and the joys of bonding with my parents! I don’t remember what happened to me! All I remember is standing in the midst of trees facing Prosper Freeman! I lost eighteen years, for nothing!”
“Temi!” Princess Akenzua said with tears in her eyes as she ran up to him and put her hands on his shoulders. “Calm down, my brother.”
“I can’t calm down!” he exploded bitterly, his face tortured and awash with tears. “I can’t calm down, sister! Look at me! All the kings of Dayo met their fathers who taught them the fine arts of being a king! Most of the kings had peaceful rules, taking the throne when they were matured men. But look at me, hm, just look at me! I’m now responsible for turning the Apocalypse round, and I’m now approaching my nineteenth birthday. I’m still practically a teen! I had to meet the past kings in a dream to get imparted! I’ve seen atrocities, and I’ve seen people dying!”
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“You’re being burdened with this because you’re special, my son!” Queen Kelly said as she faced the hurting boy. “Of all the kings, you’re the most special, my son! Those things that happened were bound to happen, and the Creator of All Things chose you to lead us to salvation, to redemption, and the Creator is never wrong!”
“Then He is wrong this time!” Temi shouted, causing the women to shiver with horror at his blasphemous words. “I don’t want to be the Chosen One anymore, no! Whatever I do, no matter how hard I try, I lose people I love! People die around me! My father was murdered, Daniel Godwin died, Nneka died, my unborn son died! What further price do I have to pay for this campaign?”
“Oh, my son!” the Queen said, taking his face in her hands and looking at him through a wall of her own tears. “You’re not responsible for the deaths of your father and the others, please.”
The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption
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