The Legend Of Dayo…
The Author
Rose walked slowly along the amazing halls of the Western Wing of the Dayan Palace.
This was the first time she had come here, and the sheer luxury and grandiose beauty took her breath away. The halls were huge with high ceilings made from glittering metal and jewellery.
The walls were adorned with golden-framed images of past kings. One hall was made up of a breath-taking pool in a unique serpentine shape.
She moved on, lost in all the finery and incredible beauty.
Perhaps, the room she loved best was the Room Garden, designed in a most amazing way, filled with sweet-scented flowers and budding exotic plants. It was a garden from a fantasy, a paradise of sorts that only needed wildlife to make it complete, but of course, such wildlife would not survive indoors. The room had a retractable roof that allowed needed sunshine to shine through at specific hours of the day.
[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”WARNING”]Exclusive Content to Do not copy or share on any other site. Do not share on any WhatsApp, Facebook or Social Media page. ONLY SHARE THE LINKS TO THE STORY[/stextbox]She stopped briefly beside the small pool and saw her reflection, the reflection of Neji Helen, and again she sighed, feeling miserable. She passed on, avoiding the great and famous Ballroom, the Exhibition Room and the Jewellery Collection Room.
Finally, she stopped in front of the bedroom. She took a deep breath and entered.
It was like a small town in itself.
Designed in a circular form, high glass doors led to adjoining rooms. A shoe room, clothes room, bathroom, dressing room and others. The high ceiling was adorned with amazing live murals that changed intermittently to depict various shades of nature: seas, gardens, wildlife, seasons!
The rug was deep and so comfortable, leading to the gigantic bed on which Temidayo was lying and breathing shallowly.
Rose moved slowly to the side of the bed and stood looking down at him. Her heart was in turmoil. All her life, since she was old enough to understand the lies Ziloux had fed her, she had thought ill of the Kings of Dayo, especially King Demi, whom she thought had tried to make her mother his mistress, and when he failed he had had her killed and imprisoned her father in the White Lands!
Rose had hated all of them fiercely, and there had been times in the Haven when she had almost taken a knife and slit Daniel Godwin’s throat, wrongly thinking he was the real prince.
And then Temi had shown up, every inch the son of King Demi!
Rose had hated him fiercely, yes, and she had wanted him dead. But, ever since they tried to kill him on the hills and failed, there had not been a single moment that thoughts of him had not crossed her mind!
Ever since the first time he kissed her, she had lost her heart and not known it. She had kissed Daniel Godwin, yes, but she had done it without feeling, just leading him on to the final shame when she would have had her revenge.
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She had thought, quite erroneously, of course, that kissing Temidayo would be the same thing, the same unfeeling process, but she had been so wrong! The sweetness of his lips had seared her soul and claimed her heart, although she had not known how deeply until that awful day she betrayed him, and he had wanted to kill her!
Rose had known the truth then!
She could not live with the hatred of Temi.
Suddenly, she wanted to be held by him, to be kissed, and to be loved because – and she finally admitted to this without any shame – she had fallen in love desperately with this young boy who had turned out to be such a wonderful leader.
And looking down at him now, Rose would have done anything to see the love on his face, and to feel those arms around her, kissing and loving her like herself, and not loving her because she projected the image of some earthling lady called Neji Helen.
But now everybody hated her.
She could live with that, yes.
She had made a terrible mistake, blindly following her hatred and not asking questions, and in the process, she was responsible for the calamity that had befallen Dayo.
She could live with their hatred, but she could not live with Temidayo’s hatred.
Each time she saw him, and saw the sheer revulsion on his face, something inside her quailed and died a little bit more. Rose knew that as soon as Dayo was restored, she would go very far away, somewhere she would not have to hear of Temidayo and feel the unbearable pain of loving him so much, and yet knowing that he hated her with venom.
She sat down slowly beside him on the bed, and she reached out tenderly and put her hand on his cheek. Feeling deeply emotional, she rubbed his cheek tenderly.
He twitched, but she did not remove her hand. She continued to touch him, wishing that he would wake up and fail to recognize her. She wished he would wake up and drive her out of his chambers, and then she would have to return their damn Mimic Artefact to them.
Slowly, Temi opened his eyes and looked first at her thighs, and then he turned slowly on his back and stared up at her.
She saw the absolute shock on his bearded face as he became completely still as if carved from stone. He closed his eyes and remained like that for a long time, and then he finally opened his eyes again and saw her still sitting there.
His lips trembled for a moment, and Rose’s heart sank when he reached out slowly and touched her hand.
“Neji!” Temi whispered quaveringly. “Oh, Neji! Is it you? I see you in my dreams all the time!”
Rose quailed inside as Temi reached out suddenly and pulled her into his arms, hugging her fiercely, and then his lips dropped down on hers. She moaned suddenly with desire as she opened her lips to receive his probing and frantic tongue.
His tears wet her face as he kissed her fiercely and passionately, his arms crushing her to his naked chest.
“Oh, Neji Helen, my love, my princess! How I have missed you!”
Rose shivered in his arms as his lips blazed across her throat, and his hands roamed over her, folding around her breasts, cupping them.
She trembled in his arms, feeling her whole body going weak with desire as he worked his magic on her. She put an arm around his neck and kissed him fiercely, passionately, tenderly!
And, even as she hungered for him, she knew she could never give herself to him as another woman. She had promised them she would make love to Temi, but she loved him too much to let him have her thinking she was someone else!
No, that was something she could never do!
If she lost her virginity to him, if his naked body ever covered hers, it would be because he knew he was making love to Rose! She could not sleep with him when he thought she was Neji Helen, no, never.
She put unsteady hands on his chest and pushed him back from her, tears streaming down her face.
“No, Temi, no, not yet!” she whispered.
He stopped himself with an effort, but on his face was sheer unbridled love.
“Yes, I remember!” he said gently. “I remember, Neji. Only in marriage.”
She nodded with tears in her eyes.
“Only in marriage, my darling.”
He nodded and got up from the bed, unmindful of the fact that he was naked.
“Then married we would be,” he said as he headed for the bathroom. “Don’t go anywhere, Neji Helen. First, I will take a bath because I stink, and then I will shave and be presentable to you. And then you will tell me all about Earth and how you got here to make me so happy!”
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Rose Amaefule watched him as he entered the bathroom.
The Grand Oracle had been right!
The sight of Neji Helen had instantly moved Temidayo out of his grief and made him all excited and happy.
A furious expression crossed Neji’s face, and she grabbed the Mimic Artefact, and for a moment she almost ripped it off, but she took a deep breath and slowly dropped her hand.
Happy Mother’s Day, Love
And when he came back from the bathroom he was looking as handsome as the morning’s fresh dew.
He had shaved and bathed and changed into a long black flowing gown. Masculine and every inch a royal, his tentative smile sent Rose’s heart into soaring loving longing as he approached the bed and sat beside her.
His hands roamed over her arms gently as he looked at her with love and longing.
“I can’t believe you’re here, my Neji!” he said gently. “I can’t forgive myself for not thinking about you earlier! Please, my love, forgive me.”
She smiled at him and lifted a hand to touch his face.
“The Grand Oracle came for me,” Rose replied, telling him what she had been instructed to say. “He said you’re feeling so down after the death of a woman you loved, and that you need to go for something urgent that could save us all. Oh, Temi, my love! Now that I have found you, I want us to enjoy a long life together! Please, I beg of you, if you need to get the Dead Olive, as they say, please do so, for us, my love!”
He sighed deeply as his hands roamed over her breasts and revelled in her hardened nipples.
“Yes, I lost someone I loved,” he whispered. “Nneka Okez and she was with child, my son. But, now that I have found you, I believe I have to make sure that we have many years together. Yes, I’ll go and search for the Dead Olive, but not yet, not just yet. I want to be with you for a while.”
He kissed her then, slowly and lingeringly.
Rose leaned into him, and slowly they stretched out on the bed. She had never felt such desire, such longing, and she kissed him with abandon, trembling as his hands slid along her smooth silky thigh.
With a herculean effort, she turned him over and spread herself over him.
“I’m going to marry you today, right now, Neji Helen,” he whispered tenderly. “I will not wait a moment longer. And then I will make love to you like your husband…and then, I’ll go and seek the Dead Olive, my love.”
Neji stared at him with dejection.
None of them had counted on this!
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Could she marry Temi and give herself to him, sacrifice her virginity to a man and listen to him crying out another woman’s name in ecstasy and love?
Could she?
Would she?
Rose’s eyes were extremely pained and tortured as she stared down at this man she loved with every drop of blood in her, and yet had to come to him in the guise of a woman she did not know.
To Rose, that was the most painful moment of her life!
The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption
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