The Legend Of Dayo…
The Author
[wp_ad_camp_1]And then Temi turned his head and saw, to his shock, Temitayo Anubi rushing at him and screaming with a sword in his hand!
Temi was helpless and weak, and could not even get to his feet! He tried to get up and crashed weakly on the rocks again.
But Rose saw the savage murder about to take place.
“Temitayo? You bastard!” she hissed and began to run desperately!
She saw Temitayo now standing above the prone body of Temi.
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Behind her, a lot of men had now come out of their houses and were also running hard toward the stream. Some had seen the unbelievable and incredible end of the ogre from their windows when they heard his agonized screams, and they wanted to see what was going on.
Among the front group of running men was Igwe Peter Pedro, and from afar he saw his son raising a sword above Temidayo.
“Anubi, Anibu, you madman!” Pedro screamed shrilly. “Leave the Heir Apparent alone!”
Temitayo was looking down at the immobile Temi with great hatred.
“Hello, cousin,” he said nastily. “We meet again, and this is going to be our last meeting. Isn’t it poetic justice, that you will die here in the White Lands, the same place your damned father sent my father?”
“Coward!” Temi murmured weakly and with sheer disgust. “Bastard!”
“Correct, on both counts,” Temitayo said and grinned with happiness. “See where bravery got you, cousin. I’m gonna cut off your bloody head! Adios!”
His sword began to descend on Temi’s neck, and that was when Rose launched her body at Temitayo hard, sending their bodies crushing to the hard, brown rocky surface on Temi’s side.
Anubi growled with pure hatred and fury as he turned Rose over and smashed his fist down on her face, breaking her nose and causing blood to spurt.
Rose grunted and slammed a hard fist into his ribs savagely, causing Anubi to scream with pain. She smashed a second fist into his temple and his body was flung off her.
He scrambled to his feet and reached for the sword again. Rose threw out a foot, smashing it into the chest of Anubi, who fell down with a moan of pain. As Rose tried to stand up Anubi scrambled to his feet and with a savage scream he thrust the sword into her chest with a savage brutality.
“Noooo!” Temi screamed with sheer agony, reaching out a hand in a desperate effort of futility. “Roselyn! Noooo!”
Rose screamed with pain as the sword passed through her chest completely and appeared on her back. Tears came to her eyes as she stared at Temi, and saw the agony on his face, and the tears in his eyes.
“You weep for me, my love,” she whispered, and blood bubbled out of her mouth. “My life for yours, Temi. I love you.”
“Rosie!” Temi moaned in anguish as he struggled to his hands and knees. “No, Rosie! Don’t leave me, don’t! Stay, Roselyn!”
Anubi stood up and pushed the sword further, causing Rose to scream, and then he raised a leg, braced it against Rose’s stomach, and pulled the sword out.
Blood gushed from Rose’s chest as she fell forward to her knees and put her hands to her wound, and then she keeled backward and fell down at the same time that the huge body of the ogre burst into flames in the stream.
Grinning triumphantly, Temitayo Anubi turned round to kill Temi, and then he stopped with sudden horror. On the rocks were lined a lot of people from the town, watching his cruel murder of Rose.
And, standing solidly in front of him with death in his eyes, was Temi.
Temitayo Anubi knew horror and fear then.
He knew he was staring at death.
There was no mercy on Temi’s face as he looked at his cousin. He was breathing hard, and although his tears fell silently, his lips were compressed and his hands were hooked like claws as he looked at Anubi.
And the look on Temi’s face was not human.
Temitayo Anubi saw that there was no weapon in Temi’s hands, and it gave him bravery.
“Die, you bastard!” he cried and rushed at Temi with the sword swinging forward, aimed at Temi’s heart.
Temidayo dropped into a killer stance.
“Nita!” he whispered as he turned from the blade and sent a crushing blow into Temitayo’s ribs! There was the horrible snapping sound of breaking bones.
“This is for my grandmother,” Temi hissed furiously.
Anubi screamed in agony and then squealed as Temi’s foot came crushing down hard on the side of his right leg, breaking the bone.
“For my father!” Temi whispered.
His face was death as he grabbed Anubi by the arm and lifted him high above his head, and then Temi screamed as he swung Anubi down hard on the hard rocks face first!
As Anubi screamed with indescribable pain, Temi lifted his right foot and brought it down on the left leg of Anubi, shattering his thigh bone. The scream from Temitayo Anubi was bestial now!
Frantically, he began to crawl toward his father who was on the edge of the watching crowd, his face impassive.
“Father, help me!” Temitayo Anubi groaned with terror as he saw the pale shadow of Temi coming toward him. “He’s going to kill me, Father! Please, help me!”
Peter Igwe Pedro walked toward his son and reached out his hand. Temitayo Anubi grabbed his father’s hand tightly, and then Peter began to raise his son up as he reached into the folds of his clothes with his free hand.
His hand came out clutching a long, shiny knife.
With an inhuman look on his face Peter Igwe Pedro suddenly and savagely thrust the knife into his Anubi’s heart!
Temitayo screamed and clutched the knife as his father pushed him away savagely, so that he landed on his back. He stared at his father with horror on his face, and sheer pain of betrayal caused tears to fall down his face.
“Father, why?” Temitayo Anubi asked with horror.
“You’re a fool!” Igwe said bitterly. “I always told you to read the Book Of The Oracles. Leke Bally just wanted Temi to kill you because he knows that if Temi spills royal blood in the White Lands, he will be weakned by that act, making it easy for him to be defeated. Leke Bally never believed you capable of killing Temi, but just wanted your blood spilt. That is why I killed you, son, to prevent Temi from spilling royal blood and getting weakened in his quest for the Dead Olive, because the greater danger faces him ahead.”
And then Igwe wiped tears frm his cheeks.
“You’re evil, Anubi, and I regret having you as a son!” Igwe Peter whispered fiercely. “You and that vile evil being killed my mother! Even the devil loves his mother! I refuse you as a son!”
Temitayo began to cry, and then he burst into flames!
As he burned up he screamed miserably and in great agony.
And then all the people watching broke into sudden screams of sheer delight!
They screamed and they cheered!
Igwe Peter looked at Temi then, but the Hier Apparent had gathered the inert body of Rose into his arms and was cradling her as his tears fell.
“You sacrificed your life for me,” he whispered in agony. “Don’t die, Rose. Live, please. Creator, let her live, please, I beseech you!”
“She’s not dead, my Lord,” Kehinde, in tears, said behind Temi. “In the White Lands all dead people burst into flames and burn up. She’s not burning up, and so she lives.”
Temi turned and looked at the man helplessly.
[wp_ad_camp_3]“Why is that?” he asked dejectedly. “She’s gone…she breathes not!”
“Don’t worry, my Lord, for she still lives. This is what happens in the White Lands, son,” Babangida, who had come up behind Kehinde, said. “Each death that is meant to happen is marked by the instant burning up of the body, like this murderer Anubi and the ogre. Rose did not burn up, and it means it is not her destiny to die yet.”
“Don’t give me silly hope, damn you all!” Temi screamed in agony. “If you claim she is not dead…let her speak! Let her smile! And let her call me ‘my love’ again, you vile bastards!”
Kehinde dropped to one knee and touched Temi’s shoulder.
“Trust me, my Lord, she lives,” he said gently. “We’ll take her inside and cover her up, and every organ she has damaged will be restored in a while. Please, trust me!”
“Now you listen to me!” Temi said fiercely as he glared at her. “I call a spade a spade and shoot straight! Don’t tell me lies to mitigate my pain, otherwise I promise you, if I find out you lied, I will tear your miserable head off your bloody body! Do you hear me?”
“I’ve heard you clearly, my Lord,” Kehinde said. “Now, can I have her? Every second wasted is vital. If blood drains from her heart, she will indeed die.”
The people were still screaming with joy and great delight as they danced around the stream and threw rocks at the burning body of the ogre.
Temi lifted the limp body of Rose into his arms and began to carry her to the settlement. The people bowed low to him, and touched him almost reverently as he walked past.
He had slain the ogre, their greatest enemy, and now they were grateful to him, and awed by his prowess.
“You’re our King!” someone shouted, and instantly it began a ground-shattering chant.
“Temidayo, our King!” they screamed as he carried Rose away.
Now they had access to clean water, and they could come out anytime they wanted, and stay for as long as they wanted!
And they were grateful to their Heir Apparent!
For once, there was great delight of a major magnitude in the Brown Rocks settlement of the White Lands!
Igwe Peter Pedro insisted on having Rose in his house, and when Temi carried her inside, he was impressed with how neat and homely the quarters of his uncle were.
He put Rose on a bed, and Igwe wrapped her completely with a sheet of that coarse material.
“Can she breathe?” Temi asked with concern.
Igwe Peter patted him on the shoulder.
“Don’t worry, my son,” he said sadly. “If she’s not meant to go, she will
“So, what now?” Temi asked miserably.
“We wait, my son, we wait,” Igwe said as he stepped out of the room. “I lost a son today. It is time to mourn him.”
“Can I stay in the room with her?” Temi asked.
“No, son. She must be alone. Works faster that way.”
Temi stepped outside reluctantly, and Igwe closed the door.
In the big living-room, Igwe moved to the huge windows and threw them open, and stood there for some time savouring the fresh blast of air. Temi could still hear deafening noise from outside. The people were still screaming and chanting his name outside.
“You brought great happiness to them today, my son,” Igwe said gently as he turned slowly and faced Temi. “They have access to good clean water now, and they can roam about till daybreak. In one selfless moment, you have taken away the hardships in their lives and filled them with hope, happiness and given them a brighter future.
That is what kings and princes of Dayo do. Me and my son brought shame to the Dayan throne but, at least here, you have brought back the love the royal line used to enjoy. I thank you, my son. I’ve regretted the atrocity I caused when I allowed Leke Bally to use me. Do forgive me and my son. I am ashamed, and I am sorry.”
The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption, The Legend Of Dayo, Redemption
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