The Legend Of Dayo…
The Author
[wp_ad_camp_1]The demons wailed with frenetic excitement, happiness and relief!
Rose watched, her heart tearing up as Leke glided backward to watch the man he had just killed.
Rose forced herself to watch the life ebbing out of the man she loved!
Thick blood fell from the massive, gaping wounds on Temi’s body and slowly rained down his body, legs and feet!
Rose saw the sudden look of shock on Olugbade’s face first, staring at something below Temi’s feet, his evil face suddenly falling apart as if a horrible realization had just dawned on him. Mystified by the look of absolute doom and frenetic disbelief on the face of this monster, Rose turned and looked too, and gasped with both shock, hope, wonder and incomprehension!
Temi’s blood, as it dripped off his feet, did not splatter to the ground! Instead, as soon as the blood rolled off his feet, it began to curl up into the sky in a gravity-defying movement!
Clots of Temi’s blood dripped off his feet, and immediately began to ascend toward the white sky!
Not a single drop of blood touched the white ground!
Every drop of Temi’s blood that rolled off gently stopped in midair, and then slowly began to ascend upward toward the sky of The Ashes!
“No!” Leke Olugbade Bally whispered with sudden dread as the realization dawned on him, and his eyes turned pure white with dawning horror as he watched the blood clots ascending toward the sky. “No, no, no, no!”
The great horde of demons had stopped screeching now, and they stared at the ascending blood clots with dread.
“No, no! Stop it! Don’t let them climb! Push the clots down! Push them down! Let them spill!” Leke Olugbade screeched!
He aimed bolt after bolt of white sizzling energy blasts at the blood clots, and the other demons flapped savagely at the clots, trying to break them up, trying desperately to make some spill on the ground…but to no avail!
Temi’s blood cloths still continued to climb upward continuously.
And that was when Temi sighed and looked up at the stunned evil Leke Bally.
He lifted his head slowly, and his puffed face broke into a painful smile as a chuckle escaped through his cracked lips.
“You fucked up, didn’t you?” he cackled with mirth. “Oh, you fucked up big time, Leke O. Bally! You fucking misinterpreted the prophecy! You thought killing me without letting my blood spill would fulfil the prophecy of my blood climbing to the skies, and so you decided to spill my blood, but that was a mistake, wasn’t it? My blood is not touching the ground! It is rising to the heavens, just as the Oracles said! The fucking Great Purge has started now, demon…and guess what, you fucking started it!”
He began to laugh softly.
Leke Olugbade Bally screamed and lunged at Temi, hitting him with deadly bolts of energy blasts, wanting to kill him instantly, but Temi only laughed and laughed.
“It is not hurting me!” Temi screamed fiercely through the horrible shimmering energy around him, overcome with laughter. “On the contrary, the bolts are cold to my skin, a needed coldness for my hot skin! You fucked up, you fool! You fucking fucked up!”
There was frenzy all around!
The demons tried to flee into the sky, but they seemed to hit an invisible barrier and crashed back to the ground, hordes and hordes of them!
Some flew toward the entrance at Rose, but they also hit the barrier and fell. Leke tried to flee upward, hit a barrier, and fell.
All the gateways were closed!
Not a single demon was going to be allowed to flee the destiny of The Purge.
Temi continued to laugh softly to himself!
And then, finally, the drops of his blood could no longer be seen as they seemed to have disappeared into the skies, and a moment later a horrible thing happened!
A patch of the sky just above the cross Temi was hanging on became absolutely red, like someone had just poured blood in the center of the sky!
As Rose watched with bated breath, the ground of The Ashes shook horribly as if from a massive earthquake, and lightning flashed across the sky in a horrifying display of long, zig-zagging flashes!
And then the red core of the sky split open to reveal a dark rectangular hole that had flaming fire along its four edges…
Then a huge, glorious, straight golden staircase began to descend from the sky…and standing on the steps of this staircase, five on each step, were the spirits of the past kings of Dayo!
“Oh!” Rose whispered with fear and awe as her knees gave, and she sank down on the ground on her knees, staring with incredible wonder!
The spirits were dressed fully in the Dayan war regalia of black uniforms and white trimmings!
And, incredibly, she recognized the spirits of Daniel Godwin and Peter Igwe Pedro too, standing on the last step behind the line of kings!
And there was King Demi and King Temitayo Oliseh on the first step!
Temi smiled gently as he watched them, his forefathers, his predecessors…all of them on that wonderful, amazing golden staircase he had seen during the impartation!
The staircase was still a little way from the ground when Daniel Godwin jumped down and began to glide toward Temi, and in a flash he was hovering in front of him with a broad smile on his face.
“Hey, little brother!” he said warmly. “Shit, I miss you!”
Tears came to Temi’s eyes as he looked at the spirit of Daniel Godwin fondly.
“Oh, Danny!” he said tremulously. “I’m so sorry, brother! I let you down!”
“Stop that crap,” Daniel said gently. “The place I am now is awesome, man, simply awesome! Nothing happened that wasn’t meant to happen, little brother. Bear that in mind! Everything happened to make this great day a reality! So, you better stop blaming yourself, boy!”
With that he reached out, and the white snake-like things holding Temi hissed with fear and unwound from his body, causing Temi to keel forward. Daniel tried to hold Temi instinctively, but his hand just passed through Temi, and then the prince slammed down hard on the white ground.
Daniel Godwin dropped down immediately with concern on his face.
“Oh, sorry, brother!” he groaned. “Thought I could hold you.”
“Stand back!” a voice said sharply, and when Daniel Godwin stood aside, an elderly-looking man who bore an uncanny resemblance to Jhon Moziz stepped toward Temi with a glittering staff that looked like that of Jhon Moziz’s staff.
“Damn!” Temi whispered weakly. “Are you Jhon Moziz? His father maybe?”
“He’s Jhon The Moziz, the first Grand Oracle,” King Demi said as he knelt down beside his son. “Oh, Temi, my boy. You have been through so much, too much. But all is well. After this, peace will be yours to enjoy.”
“Pops!” Temi whispered weakly, but even though tears glittered in his eyes, he looked extremely happy.
Temi’s body was still horribly gored and mangled, with hideous bleeding holes in his chest and belly.
“Be well, be clothed!” Jhon The Moziz whispered as he waved his staff across the body of Temi.
Temidayo felt the pleasant warmth of a strange energy sizzling through him, and he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. Standing behind the entrance, Rose saw Temi submerged by a brilliant white energy, so bright that she could barely discern his body within, and when the light went out eventually, she gasped with awe!
Temi was no longer naked!
He was dressed in shiny black warrior uniform!
She saw him holding out his hand to his father to help him up.
King Demi smiled down at his son.
[wp_ad_camp_1]“Alas, my boy, I can’t touch you physically,” he said and dropped his hand toward Temi, who tried to hold his father’s hand, but it was just like grabbing air.
Temi did it again, with the same result, and a look of absolute pain washed across his face.
“Why?” Temi whispered. “In the Land of Bliss…”
“The impartation was a thing of the mind, my son, a process of marvellous proportions only made possible by the Creator, and so everything was possible. This is reality. You’re flesh, we’re spirits, so we can’t touch each other unless the Creator of All Things so wills it. But, in the craziness of the White Lands, a place where the dynamics of the terrain are robust and vastly different from Dayo, we’re able to interact. Now, get up, son. You have a destiny to fulfil.”
And so Temi, the one hundredth King of Dayo, the youngest ever, rose to his feet, and there was none more majestic than he was at that moment in history. Healed of his horrendous wounds, dressed in his simple black battle attire, he cut a formidable figure indeed.
The spirit of King Temitayo Oliseh faced Temi with a gentle, fond smile.
“You’ve done well, my son!” he said softly. “It has been difficult watching your transition, but we now understand why the Purge has waited unfulfilled for a thousand years, and we understand why you were chosen. All hail King Temidayo David Dayo!”
And all the spirit of the kings raised their weapons to the skies and let out a deafening roar.
And, standing now, Rose watched, and laughed through her tears.
Daniel Godwin linked an arm around Temi’s shoulders even though he could not touch him.
“Oh, bollocks!” Daniel groaned. “I wanna hug you, man! Now take your sword!”
Temi looked at King Oliseh.
“Sorry, sir,” he said softly. “Your swords…I left them at the other side when this vile demon pulled me through the air. Perhaps…”
King Oliseh smiled gently.
“I don’t need them now,” he said as he held up the long broadsword in his hand. “I have this now. The Swords of Destiny are yours to keep. Now, what do we do, my son?”
Temi smiled then.
And it was not a very good smile.
It was a nasty, wicked smile…
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