The Spawn…
The Author
It was not an easy moment for the young believer as he looked into the face of the demon-possessed body in front of him. The only difference between them were the clothes they were wearing.
“Shocked, you puny misfit?” Duke Swallows asked softly with blazing eyes. “This is the hour of reckoning! You will see my wrath, and know I never forgive!”
And with that he reached out and grabbed Boat by the neck and then he threw him off the porch to the hard ground below him! Boat’s body smashed down hard and he groaned with pain. Duke Swallows jumped off the porch with arms spread and legs crooked. He landed beside Yaw Boat and reached down for him again.
He threw Boat across the space and he smashed hard into Ledi’s car, setting off the alarm shrilly. Again, Boat groaned with pain as Duke Swallows approached him.
“Oh, I’m going to enjoy tearing you from limb to limb, Yaw Boat!” he whispered fiercely. “For my son, and for the Legion, and for me!”
Yaw Boat tried to get to his feet and then the pushing blows from Duke Swallows came smashing relentlessly into him. These were not ordinary blows; they were blows from a fallen angel who was enraged with fury, and they landed with fierce cruelty that smashed the bones inside Boat’s body and made him bleed through his mouth, nose and ears!
“Oh God, oh God, he’s killing the boy!” Pastor Amoah cried with horror as he watched the relentless assault.
“He killed Nikolai!” Griffith, still lying prone on the floor, moaned. “That thing killed Nikolai!”
And then Nicole appeared in the doorway of the bedroom weakly holding the doorframe tightly with tears in her eyes. Her grey hair was hanging listlessly down her shoulders. She now looked like a fifty year old woman, and the sight of her made all of them gasp.
“Pray for him!” she whispered fiercely. “You’re Unblinds, seasoned men of God! Don’t just stand there! Pray for him!”
And even as she cried, and even as her bones protested, she dropped painfully to her knees! Anderson and Griffith got on their knees too, but Pastor Amoah simply shut his eyes and began to pray.
Ledi Pedi did nothing of the sort.
As he watched Boat being punished, he bent low and pulled out a pistol strapped to his right ankle inside his boots. He jumped down the steps and raced toward the evil young man dishing out such cruel punishment to Yaw Boat.
“Die, you bastard!” Ledi Pedi shouted in agony and fired rapidly!
Eight bullets left the gun and travelled toward the spawn’s back!
Duke Swallows turned slowly and looked at Ledi.
“Really?” he whispered grimly and held up his hand, and the eight bullets stopped in the air just in front of him, hanging harmlessly in the air. “You will come to a spiritual warfare with physical weapons, you fool? Do you know that if these bullets enter this body, you will only succeed in killing your friend’s son?”
Ledi glared at the entity with sizzling fury.
“You’re just a spawn!” he grated furiously. “An ugly spawn expendable at all costs!”
“I’m sorry you feel that way,” Duke Swallows said as he reached out his right hand, his forefinger crooked against his thumb, and then he released his forefinger and flicked one of the bullets at Ledi.
It smashed into his shoulder and broke the skin as if he had been shot!
Duke Swallows flicked another one and it smashed into Ledi’s stomach, sending him reeling backwards as he groaned with pain! He grabbed his stomach and it came away wet with blood!
“Ledi!” Boat screamed with great agony. “LedPed, no, no, no!”
“Pow, pow, pow!” Duke Swallows said and flicked a third bullet that smashed into Ledi’s chest, lifting him off his feet and slamming him down on the ground, and blood poured freely from his wounds!
With a scream of pain and fury Boat launched himself off the car with his fist homing in toward his attacker’s face. Duke Swallows caught him by the wrist and snapped his hand, breaking the bone like a piece of twig!
Yaw Boat screamed with indescribable agony and fell to the ground clutching his arm. Shattered bone fragments tuck out of the broken skin and blood poured freely.
“Ain’t this grand?” Duke Swallows hissed furiously. “Come fly with me, Yaw Boat! I want to show you something really funky!”
And then he began to ascend slowly towards the sky.
Yaw Boat, prone on the ground, found himself being lifted off the ground and carried into the sky at great speed!
Up and up they went until Boat could barely make out the form of the dying Ledi Pedi on the ground.
“I’m going to drop you, Boat!” Duke Swallows said with a chuckle. “And I’m going to break every bloody bone in you! They’ll use shovels to scoop your body off the ground!”
Boat was still kneeling and clutching his arm, his body so broken that it seemed he was covered with blood everywhere.
“Look up, Boat!” Duke said with a chuckle. “I want to show you something really funky!”
Painfully, unbearably, Yaw Boat lifted his head and looked up, and then he saw a golden ladder descending from heaven, and on it were a great number of angels playing harps and singing with heavenly joy!
“Your procession to heaven is going to be grand, boy!” Duke Swallows said with a loud laugh of happiness. “Indeed, you did a great job and you will be rewarded!”
“You don’t know shit!” Boat whispered painfully. “You don’t know crap!”
“Really?” Duke said with a chuckle. “At least I know enough to know that once your hour is up, and the hosts of angels have been sent to you, you’re on your way to heaven, my friend!”
Face shattered and broken, teeth almost gone, Yaw Boat opened his mouth and smiled nastily and blood drooled down his lips in a macabre spectacle.
“I’m not dead, so I’m not going to heaven!” he said softly.
“Oh, you will be dead, sure, when I drop you down to the ground below!” Duke said.
“You don’t decide when I die!” Boat said softly. “Only my Lord knows when I die, for when I was born, He knew me!”
“And He knew this is the day you will die!” Duke grated grimly.
“You mean to tell me that God told you I’ll die today?” Boat whispered nastily. “Well, fuck you! Who are you to know the day I die? If I’ll die God will tell me, not you!”
“YE WILL DIE!” Duke screamed wildly and fire emitted from his mouth in a fearful blast that almost covered Yaw Boat completely. “It is appointeth unto you once to die, and after that judgement!”
“Fuck that!” Yaw Boat said and spat a thick clot of blood out of his mouth. “It is written that no Unblind will be killed by a demon!”
Duke Swallows became absolutely still as he glared at Yaw Boat.
“That is not written anywhere!” he hissed softly. “Where is that written?”
“In the Bible!” Boat said with a scowl.
“Liar!” Duke screamed. “Blasphemer! The Word says that no one should add or remove from what is in the Bible! You quotation is not in the Bible!”
“No Unblind will be killed by a demon is in the Bible,” Boat said stubbornly.
“Show me where it is in the bible, you blasphemer!”
“It is in the Bible whether you like it or not!” Boat said with a crooked, nasty smile.
“Shut up!” Duke hissed furiously. “You blaspheme! You’re adding more to Biblical accounts! And that is not so! You’re no longer an Unblind! Your powers have been revoked!”
“Oh, you’re now God’s spokesperson, right?” Boat whispered. “I wronged my father, and I disobeyed him! But, I know His anger against me sizzles not! And He will cover me with grace again!”
“YE WILL DIE TODAY, SINNER!” Duke screamed furiously.
“I will not die today, fuck you!” Boat said right back. “I sinned against my God, my father! And I will call upon His name in the depths of my need, and He will hear me, and wash me, and cleanse me!”
“It doesn’t work like that!” Duke Swallows shouted. “You became a fallen Unblind and lost your divine gifts! You will need a period of genuine repentance, extensive hours of prayer and rededication through fasting before your gifts would be given back, Unblind!”
“Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Boat said softly. “Create in me a new heart out of this contrite heart, oh my God, and renew a right spirit within me! For only You, my Lord, can pass the judgement of death on me, because only you can judge me.”
“YE WILT FALL!” Duke Swallows commanded and pressed downward with his hands. “Fall now!”
“I won’t fall, for the Great hand of Jehovah my God holds me, and his grace abound within me for the sake of the blood His son shed for me! Only you, oh Lord, have I sinned against. Forgive me for trying to impose my will! My will leads to destruction, oh Lord, but Your Will leads to life!”
Duke Swallows rushed at Yaw Boat then!
The sky darkened suddenly with ominous clouds! Thunder boomed and lightning flashed as he unleashed his fury on Boat! His fists flew into the boy, pummelling him relentlessly with savage blows! He grabbed Boat and hurled him toward the ground finally!
“I will not fall!” Boat whispered fiercely. “It is written…I will not fall!”
“Blasphemer!” Duke shrieked and kicked Boat in the ribs hard. “You will burn in hell for lying about facts in the Bible!”
“You don’t know crap!” Boat whispered. “What is written is written! It is in the Bible whether you like it or not. I will not fall, says Habbakuk, or something like that.”
“You make your own quotations, and for that you will die!” Duke hissed furiously.
“It is written I am as strong as iron, and no demon hands will break me!” Boat murmured as the rains pelted him hard and lightning flashed in a horribly continuous manner. “They’re all in the Bible, whether you like it or not, Dukie. Because what is written is written!”
“You will fall, and you will crash, and you will die!” Duke screamed and crashed into Yaw Boat. He wrapped his arms around Boat with hands of steel that Yaw Boat could not escape from, and then as the lightning flashed and thunder boomed, and as the rains now came down heavily and a strong wind blew with devilish intensity, Duke Swallows hurtled towards the ground at incredible speed, obviously meaning to smash Yaw Boat’s head physically into the street below them.
“Do you know why I will not die?” Yaw Boat whispered fiercely and his eyes stared defiantly into those of the demon. “I will not die because my God called me for a purpose, and if I die before that purpose is fulfilled, that will make my God a liar. But you and I both know that God does not lie!”
Duke Swallows grimaced and continued to push Boat down.
“And in the belly of the whale do I call on You with a contrite heart!” Boat whispers gently. “For I sinned when I trusted myself, and failed to see the power of your grace on me! I understand now, my Father, my Lord, my God! For the harvest is great, but the workers few. Forgive me, restore me according to Your infinite mercies!”
They continued to go down.
“Hey, Dukie!” Yaw Boat whispered softly. “Look up, I wanna show you something funky!”
And, much against his will, Duke Swallows looked over his shoulders and saw, much to his horror, that the golden ladder and the angels had disappeared!
He groaned with sudden trepidation and his fingers changed to sharp-tipped, knife-like appendages that he instantly tried to sever Boat’s neck with, but suddenly Boat’s neck had become as dense and impenetrable as the toughest of steels.
“Wanna know something else funky, Dukie!” Yaw Boat whispered, but his voice was filled with a fury that could be buttered. “My arm is no longer broken, and there is no wound in my body any longer!”
And then Yaw Boat flexed his arms and grabbed Duke Swallows by the arms!
“Hey, Dukie, let me show you something funky!” Yaw Boat said savagely and threw Duke Swallows off his body!
There were staccato blasts of thunder and frightening slashes of lightning, and the wind took on a savage wailing sound as Yaw Boat turned over in the air and stopped. On his face was wrath in its purest form, and he saw that he was glowing once more!
But this was no ordinary glow, not the usual blinding flash of light that was like a bright entity that could not be watched. This was a myriad fusion of sizzling energy of colours that flashed and hummed and sizzled so amazingly that Duke Swallows threw both his arms across his eyes to shield them, and once again he knew palpable terror!
What had happened?
Who was this boy, this novice who twisted facts to suit his needs and laid waste time-tested weapons of destruction?
“I am what I am, as ordained by the love of my Father who called me, and washed me clean, and forged me, and created a new heart for me to renew a right spirit of growth, of maturity and give me the power and dominion over everything vile and wicked!” Boat hissed furiously. “And that includes you! Death Cloud, to me!”
And Duke dropped his arms and grunted with fear when he found himself staring at the most horrible thing he had ever seen.
Behind Yaw Boat, on each side of him, was a fierce and grim angel! They were huge angels, glowing with the fierceness of heavenly favour, and in their hands were two swords that glowed with fire!
Boat turned his head and when he saw these messengers of death, he did a double take, for even he was initially scared by the sight of these two beings!
“Oh, damnfuck!” Yaw Boat said with sudden horror, and then he chuckled suddenly. “I upgraded, man! Dayuumn, new force-field and I command angels of death. Oh, yeeeeeeeaaah! I’m gonna fuck you up so bad, Dukie!”
And when he turned his evil gaze on Duke Swallows and smiled, the evil entity quavered with terror.
“Get him!” Boat commanded!
The fire on the swords of the two messengers of death flashed into huge balls as they surged at Duke Swallows with fury! The demon screeched, and then he suddenly began to transform rapidly! The man who looked like Yaw Boat became younger and younger in the blink of an eye, and soon he was hanging in the air like a naked one-year old baby boy!
And he was weeping!
Duke Swallows had retreated within the body of the spawn and left a confused, weeping, helpless baby!
A baby that was cold in the rain, shivering with hunger and the torture of being crammed full with this wicked fallen angel! He looked at Yaw Boat with confused, beseeching eyes and held out his pudgy hands to his father, weeping to be held, to be taken up, to be saved, to be loved! And looking at this baby, this innocent flesh of his flesh, his blood, Yaw Boat’s heart soared with sudden compassion and tears came to his eyes immediately. A crushing pain filled his heart because at that instant the baby looked so much like Boat’s cherished and loved father, Joe Boat!
“Oh, God!” Boat whispered with the greatest of emotional pains.
He saw the two angels with raised burning swords about to slash into the weeping baby, and Yaw Boat shouted.
“Stop, please, stop!”
The two angels came to a stop and fixed Yaw Boat with dark, grim eyes as the swords spun in their hands.
The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn.
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